How Did 15-18 Year Old Kids Organize A Nationwide Movement In Less Than A Week?

No...we can protect them.....democrats simply refuse to protect them....they need dead children to push for gun control.
And there's the rub. We live in a democracy and both sides are dug in. In the meantime...........the kids have had enough.

You may end up wishing you had compromised.

We did compromise....over and over, and people like you kept coming back each time saying, "you have to compromise more...." We are still waiting for concealed carry reciprocity and gun mufflers to be accessible to don't wan't compromise, you want baby step confiscation....
People like me? How often have we conversed on the gun debate?

People who use the word "compromise" when they know it means surrendering gun Rights in baby steps....a new one each time with the goal of ending the 2nd Amendment.
Whatever dude. They are going to Washington and they are going to make a lot of noise.

Yes....they will make noise, they will not address the issue with facts, truth or reality, they will be led by democrats to wail, nash their teeth and....make noise.......truth will not be used on that day....
And there's the rub. We live in a democracy and both sides are dug in. In the meantime...........the kids have had enough.

You may end up wishing you had compromised.

We did compromise....over and over, and people like you kept coming back each time saying, "you have to compromise more...." We are still waiting for concealed carry reciprocity and gun mufflers to be accessible to don't wan't compromise, you want baby step confiscation....
People like me? How often have we conversed on the gun debate?

People who use the word "compromise" when they know it means surrendering gun Rights in baby steps....a new one each time with the goal of ending the 2nd Amendment.
Whatever dude. They are going to Washington and they are going to make a lot of noise.

Yes....they will make noise, they will not address the issue with facts, truth or reality, they will be led by democrats to wail, nash their teeth and....make noise.......truth will not be used on that day....
The truth that they are tired of being prey will be told. The truth that the politicians can't figure out how to protect them will also be heard. We will see how the politicians respond. Something tells me you may not like the response this time. But we will see.
These little kids can't even decide which videogame to play next. Yet have managed to set a date for a March on our nation's capitol in less than a week. Is anyone really buying this? Not to mention they magically came up with the same tired old talking points Democrats have failingly foisted for decades...
So... How'd they do it? Or did they at all...?
These spokeskids speak far more intelligently, clearly, and logically than the gun bunnies.

They are serious: get on board or lose any power to affect what is going to happen.
Please feel free to drop their quotes. Replete with the name of the authors...
You do your own work, lazy buttons. Start with news on the internet.

Several of them make 99% of the Alt Right here sound like stumblebums.
And there's the rub. We live in a democracy and both sides are dug in. In the meantime...........the kids have had enough.

You may end up wishing you had compromised.

We did compromise....over and over, and people like you kept coming back each time saying, "you have to compromise more...." We are still waiting for concealed carry reciprocity and gun mufflers to be accessible to don't wan't compromise, you want baby step confiscation....
People like me? How often have we conversed on the gun debate?

People who use the word "compromise" when they know it means surrendering gun Rights in baby steps....a new one each time with the goal of ending the 2nd Amendment.
Whatever dude. They are going to Washington and they are going to make a lot of noise.

Yes....they will make noise, they will not address the issue with facts, truth or reality, they will be led by democrats to wail, nash their teeth and....make noise.......truth will not be used on that day....
Along with the scores of millions of the older friends, relatives, and co believers. America Smith is coming to town.
We did compromise....over and over, and people like you kept coming back each time saying, "you have to compromise more...." We are still waiting for concealed carry reciprocity and gun mufflers to be accessible to don't wan't compromise, you want baby step confiscation....
People like me? How often have we conversed on the gun debate?

People who use the word "compromise" when they know it means surrendering gun Rights in baby steps....a new one each time with the goal of ending the 2nd Amendment.
Whatever dude. They are going to Washington and they are going to make a lot of noise.

Yes....they will make noise, they will not address the issue with facts, truth or reality, they will be led by democrats to wail, nash their teeth and....make noise.......truth will not be used on that day....
The truth that they are tired of being prey will be told. The truth that the politicians can't figure out how to protect them will also be heard. We will see how the politicians respond. Something tells me you may not like the response this time. But we will see.

Yes.....if they vote in a stupid way I won't be happy.....the politicians know how to protect students since they have a private police force protecting them every single day in congress.......and the leadership of the parties know how to protect kids because they all have private security details of armed men...

They know how, the democrats don't want to implement it because they need dead children to push gun control.
These little kids can't even decide which videogame to play next. Yet have managed to set a date for a March on our nation's capitol in less than a week. Is anyone really buying this? Not to mention they magically came up with the same tired old talking points Democrats have failingly foisted for decades...
So... How'd they do it? Or did they at all...?
These spokeskids speak far more intelligently, clearly, and logically than the gun bunnies.

They are serious: get on board or lose any power to affect what is going to happen.
Please feel free to drop their quotes. Replete with the name of the authors...
You do your own work, lazy buttons. Start with news on the internet.

Several of them make 99% of the Alt Right here sound like stumblebums.
Nah... ill-let you support your own claims while the rest of us move on. Gotta love that freedom thing.
People like me? How often have we conversed on the gun debate?

People who use the word "compromise" when they know it means surrendering gun Rights in baby steps....a new one each time with the goal of ending the 2nd Amendment.
Whatever dude. They are going to Washington and they are going to make a lot of noise.

Yes....they will make noise, they will not address the issue with facts, truth or reality, they will be led by democrats to wail, nash their teeth and....make noise.......truth will not be used on that day....
The truth that they are tired of being prey will be told. The truth that the politicians can't figure out how to protect them will also be heard. We will see how the politicians respond. Something tells me you may not like the response this time. But we will see.

Yes.....if they vote in a stupid way I won't be happy.....the politicians know how to protect students since they have a private police force protecting them every single day in congress.......and the leadership of the parties know how to protect kids because they all have private security details of armed men...

They know how, the democrats don't want to implement it because they need dead children to push gun control.
Who is going to pay for armed security? Gun owners would be my guess. You down with that?
These little kids can't even decide which videogame to play next. Yet have managed to set a date for a March on our nation's capitol in less than a week. Is anyone really buying this? Not to mention they magically came up with the same tired old talking points Democrats have failingly foisted for decades...
So... How'd they do it? Or did they at all...?
These spokeskids speak far more intelligently, clearly, and logically than the gun bunnies.

They are serious: get on board or lose any power to affect what is going to happen.
Please feel free to drop their quotes. Replete with the name of the authors...
You do your own work, lazy buttons. Start with news on the internet.

Several of them make 99% of the Alt Right here sound like stumblebums.
Nah... ill-let you support your own claims while the rest of us move on. Gotta love that freedom thing.
You will be crying loads of tears as they walk over your dreams. :)
These little kids can't even decide which videogame to play next. Yet have managed to set a date for a March on our nation's capitol in less than a week. Is anyone really buying this? Not to mention they magically came up with the same tired old talking points Democrats have failingly foisted for decades...
So... How'd they do it? Or did they at all...?
These spokeskids speak far more intelligently, clearly, and logically than the gun bunnies.

They are serious: get on board or lose any power to affect what is going to happen.
Please feel free to drop their quotes. Replete with the name of the authors...
You do your own work, lazy buttons. Start with news on the internet.

Several of them make 99% of the Alt Right here sound like stumblebums.
Nah... ill-let you support your own claims while the rest of us move on. Gotta love that freedom thing.
You will be crying loads of tears as they walk over your dreams. :)
Twitter, Facebook and social groups.

You DO realize that high school kids are pretty tech and internet savvy, right?
Uh-huh...I'm sure thats it. The same people that can't agree on virtually anything else in their lives, amongst each other... Magically came to virtual unanimous agreement on this issue, through "social media", in less than a week. And just by pure coincidence arrived at the same "talking points Democrats are pushing for...?
You interested in buying a bridge?

Social Media is what will make the whole event hilarious.

They are probably going to have to call in extra cops to keep the little ones from walking into lamp posts or tripping over each other ...
While they have their noses glued to their cell phones.

I mean face it ... Look at the stupid kids during the Florida shooting videoing the event ...
Instead of thinking of something a little more proactive to do in order to defend themselves or plan a better response.


Ever stop to consider that the reason they videoed it was because they might have been looking to get his image on their phones so he could be identified?

By the way, the shooter managed to escape the school with the other students and was picked up a while later while he was SHOPPING.

Taking video to get a picture of the shooter sounds appropriate to me, especially if you don't have a gun.
The prevalence of video in surveillance cameras and personal phones does more to stop crime than 300 million guns in private hands

So a guy who plans on going out the hard way gives a shit about Youtube other than to immortalize his actions?

Holy fuck you're stupid....
The prevalence of video in surveillance cameras and personal phones does more to stop crime than 300 million guns in private hands

So a guy who plans on going out the hard way gives a shit about Youtube other than to immortalize his actions?

Holy fuck you're stupid....

Yeah ... Like Seung-Hui Cho (the Virginia Tech shooter) ... Was so afraid of cameras ...
He sent pictures and his manifesto to NBC.

Of course he is responsible for the deadliest school shooting ...
And used two handguns instead of one of the scary looking firearms ... :thup:

:desk::desk::desk::desk: I know I know.....because unlike you dumb stupid white conservative mf's, you old useless lumps of dog shit fucks...young people know how to get off their ass's and do something. Jealous much?:cul2:

So does this mean you don't make many friends with older, conservative white guys?
And you're right......Young people on the LEFT sure do, regardless of why. End result is all that matters.

I abhor Leftist ideals....but DAYUM yall Get it DONE!!
Dude, get a life, a education and then lets talk??????

Pretty sure you were looking for "an education"

I rarely call out a spelling or grammar screw up.....but when I do it's because some mental nitwit called someone out for the same and proceeded to sound like the ebonics poster child.
I am not naive, I have no doubt much of the protests are managed by liberal rabble rousers but stop for just a moment and marvel at what some of these kids are doing and forget your partisanship. That one boy with the tie is showing the adults how to act like adults, or flipped around he is showing us what a bunch of children are in the congress. Our representatives seem to revel in the chaos and lack,of accomplishment that is their trademark, in their inability and incompetence. But after seeing their classmates motionless in pools of blood some,of,these kids have grown up quickly. Their earnestness and naïveté are so compelling, their sadness is so heartfelt, their plea to the ones in authority to get off their duffers and do their jobs is pure honesty. Before we go to our respective corners to scream at each other let’s give these kids their due, clap for them, and be proud that there are kids out there today who are not defined by Facebook, drugs, indifference, or lack of mission. It’s not important whether I agree or disagree with them right now, these kids have utilized the rights afforded by our constitution to make themselves heard and showed themselves to be more real than the jaded people reporting on them. I tip my hat to the youth.
I am not naive, I have no doubt much of the protests are managed by liberal rabble rousers but stop for just a moment and marvel at what some of these kids are doing and forget your partisanship. That one boy with the tie is showing the adults how to act like adults, or flipped around he is showing us what a bunch of children are in the congress. Our representatives seem to revel in the chaos and lack,of accomplishment that is their trademark, in their inability and incompetence. But after seeing their classmates motionless in pools of blood some,of,these kids have grown up quickly. Their earnestness and naïveté are so compelling, their sadness is so heartfelt, their plea to the ones in authority to get off their duffers and do their jobs is pure honesty. Before we go to our respective corners to scream at each other let’s give these kids their due, clap for them, and be proud that there are kids out there today who are not defined by Facebook, drugs, indifference, or lack of mission. It’s not important whether I agree or disagree with them right now, these kids have utilized the rights afforded by our constitution to make themselves heard and showed themselves to be more real than the jaded people reporting on them. I tip my hat to the youth.
Wonderfully said, Thank you Shrimpbox.

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