How Did 15-18 Year Old Kids Organize A Nationwide Movement In Less Than A Week?

Social media can be very powerful; however, I suspect these kids are being aided by established anti-gunners.
Start with their parents....

Start with the Constitution ... Change it or abandon the idea there is even an argument to make.

There should be no more piece-milling of Constitutionally protected rights.
They are not up for negotiation in a manner that slowly erodes our liberties.

If Progressives want to stake their existence on a Constitutional "Hit Job" against the 2nd Amendment ...
Instead of some silly nefarious legislative end-run ... I damn sure wouldn't mind them investing in that.

Social media can be very powerful; however, I suspect these kids are being aided by established anti-gunners.
Start with their parents....

Their parents should be to busy making a living supporting their families to engage in such antics.
Huh? sheesh.....

It's probably a little too deep for you to conceive.
The prevalence of video in surveillance cameras and personal phones does more to stop crime than 300 million guns in private hands

Yeah ... Their abundance worked wonders in Florida ... :thup:
But you do offer a pretty clear cut case that your cell phone may be more useful than the FBI or local law enforcement.

These guys get caught and convicted because they turn up on video and get arrested

300 million guns don't do that
No...we can protect them.....democrats simply refuse to protect them....they need dead children to push for gun control.
And there's the rub. We live in a democracy and both sides are dug in. In the meantime...........the kids have had enough.

You may end up wishing you had compromised.

We did compromise....over and over, and people like you kept coming back each time saying, "you have to compromise more...." We are still waiting for concealed carry reciprocity and gun mufflers to be accessible to don't wan't compromise, you want baby step confiscation....
People like me? How often have we conversed on the gun debate?

People who use the word "compromise" when they know it means surrendering gun Rights in baby steps....a new one each time with the goal of ending the 2nd Amendment.
Whatever dude. They are going to Washington and they are going to make a lot of noise.

The noise will fizzle like a bad fart.....once the weekend comes the morons will forget all about it
You mean that stuff about well regulated militias being necessary for a free state?

Militias are controlled by the states and not the federal government ... States are allowed to have their own regulations.
As far as the federal government is concerned ... the People's right to bear arms shall not be infringed.

Social media can be very powerful; however, I suspect these kids are being aided by established anti-gunners.
Start with their parents....

Their parents should be to busy making a living supporting their families to engage in such antics.
Huh? sheesh.....

It's probably a little too deep for you to conceive.

You forgetting he was an anti government spokesman?
These guys get caught and convicted because they turn up on video and get arrested

300 million guns don't do that

Most of the time (not always) they shoot themselves when someone shows up with a firearm and aren't "caught" at all ... :thup:
The prevalence of video in surveillance cameras and personal phones does more to stop crime than 300 million guns in private hands

So a guy who plans on going out the hard way gives a shit about Youtube other than to immortalize his actions?

Holy fuck you're stupid....

Yeah ... Like Seung-Hui Cho (the Virginia Tech shooter) ... Was so afraid of cameras ...
He sent pictures and his manifesto to NBC.

Of course he is responsible for the deadliest school shooting ...
And used two handguns instead of one of the scary looking firearms ... :thup:.
Thanks, Black Sand, that is exactly right: we need to identify the crazies and make sure they can't get firearms.
Social media can be very powerful; however, I suspect these kids are being aided by established anti-gunners.
Start with their parents....

Their parents should be to busy making a living supporting their families to engage in such antics.
Huh? sheesh.....

It's probably a little too deep for you to conceive.
So you think the parents should shut up and dribble, eh?

Or they should just be too busy working/ slaving... to be involved in their children's lives in order to make a buck to put food in their mouths....

You are the one too stupid to know what you just said, I suppose....or simply an Ahole??? You get to choose! ;)
These little kids can't even decide which videogame to play next. Yet have managed to set a date for a March on our nation's capitol in less than a week. Is anyone really buying this? Not to mention they magically came up with the same tired old talking points Democrats have failingly foisted for decades...
So... How'd they do it? Or did they at all...?
It must be Obaaaaaaama!!!
Let's see how many Righties condemn the kids. The argument the Right proffers is; sit down and shut up, man up and arm yourselves and your teachers, buy a bullet-proof backpack, you're just kids and don't understand that your deaths in schools is just the cost of doing business, our personal arsenals are much cooler than you, the problem is one of mental health (that's why last year true Americans in congress and on the NRA payroll passed a bill allowing the mentally frazzled to have easy access to guns because their 2nd amendment rights are more valuable than your petty little lives).

The kids will march. They will protest. They will demand a ban on the unnecessary assault weapons. And then they will be disparaged, mocked, ridiculed and dismiss by the Right.
And then the kids with the rest of sane America will jump on the Irresponsible Right and Alt Right.
The kids will march. They will protest. They will demand a ban on the unnecessary assault weapons. And then they will be disparaged, mocked, ridiculed and dismiss by the Right.

But you'll be there to tell them they are awesome, give them a hug and make promises you cannot keep ...
That should balance things out ... :thup:

These little kids can't even decide which videogame to play next. Yet have managed to set a date for a March on our nation's capitol in less than a week. Is anyone really buying this? Not to mention they magically came up with the same tired old talking points Democrats have failingly foisted for decades...
So... How'd they do it? Or did they at all...?

you clearly don't have kids. high school kids aren't "little kids"

and when you watch 17 of your classmates and teachers murdered because of NRA imbeciles, you get active quickly.

you seem pretty desperate.
The one kid who said it so clearly and offhandedly has it right: Something to effect that "The politicians who don't join us won't matter because they won't have a job if they are running for office this November. They can go spend meaningful time with their families."
The kids will march. They will protest. They will demand a ban on the unnecessary assault weapons. And then they will be disparaged, mocked, ridiculed and dismiss by the Right.

But you'll be there to tell them they are awesome, give them a hug and make promises you cannot keep ...
That should balance things out ... :thup:


what promises can't be kept? that sane people will make it harder for guns to get into the hands of people who shouldn't have them?

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