How Did 15-18 Year Old Kids Organize A Nationwide Movement In Less Than A Week?

So you have no problem with people with an agenda using these kids for their own purposes. The absolute sign of selfishness. “Never let a good crisis go to waste”. Rahm Emanuel
Yep, and there is a reason it is private-
Updated 1 day ago


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"What difference, at this point, does it make?"

There is going to be a march for our lives
Man, this thread is priceless. It really is a PERFECT example of right wing stupidity on parade.

"Gee, I think I will spend all week being a good little footsoldier for the huge, rich, powerful NRA, regurgitating their talking points... then I will try to denigrate this childrens' movement by sayng that someone is putting resources into it"

Goddamn you people are an embarrassment.
It's disgusting.
I have a problem with the fact that we as a society can't protect them.

You don't know these kids. You don't know how they feel or what they believe. You can't say they are being used. They are apparently pissed, and rightfully so.
this childrens' movement ... that someone is putting resources into it"

That's precisely what it is. A opportunist movement of the usual Left organizations presenting the usual ideas using a facade of well-coached angry children in the hopes of playing to the emotions of the observer instead of forcing the observer to deal with certain obvious realities.
These little kids can't even decide which videogame to play next. Yet have managed to set a date for a March on our nation's capitol in less than a week. Is anyone really buying this? Not to mention they magically came up with the same tired old talking points Democrats have failingly foisted for decades...
So... How'd they do it? Or did they at all...?

There will be lots of police there with lots of guns.....more guns and police than they have in their school buildings during their normal school life.....and they won't see the silliness of that during their march....

How about they order the police to stay away...and march without guns protecting them....?
this childrens' movement ... that someone is putting resources into it"

That's precisely what it is. A opportunist movement of the usual Left organizations presenting the usual ideas using a facade of well-coached angry children in the hopes of playing to the emotions of the observer instead of forcing the observer to deal with certain obvious realities.
From what I hear they may have a sympathetic ear in Washington.
I live down here. I know what is going on.
So you have no problem with people with an agenda using these kids for their own purposes. The absolute sign of selfishness. “Never let a good crisis go to waste”. Rahm Emanuel
Yep, and there is a reason it is private-
Updated 1 day ago


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"What difference, at this point, does it make?"

There is going to be a march for our lives
Man, this thread is priceless. It really is a PERFECT example of right wing stupidity on parade.

"Gee, I think I will spend all week being a good little footsoldier for the huge, rich, powerful NRA, regurgitating their talking points... then I will try to denigrate this childrens' movement by sayng that someone is putting resources into it"

Goddamn you people are an embarrassment.
It's disgusting.
I have a problem with the fact that we as a society can't protect them.

You don't know these kids. You don't know how they feel or what they believe. You can't say they are being used. They are apparently pissed, and rightfully so.
I live down here. I know what is going on.
So you have no problem with people with an agenda using these kids for their own purposes. The absolute sign of selfishness. “Never let a good crisis go to waste”. Rahm Emanuel
Yep, and there is a reason it is private-
Updated 1 day ago


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Man, this thread is priceless. It really is a PERFECT example of right wing stupidity on parade.

"Gee, I think I will spend all week being a good little footsoldier for the huge, rich, powerful NRA, regurgitating their talking points... then I will try to denigrate this childrens' movement by sayng that someone is putting resources into it"

Goddamn you people are an embarrassment.
It's disgusting.
I have a problem with the fact that we as a society can't protect them.

You don't know these kids. You don't know how they feel or what they believe. You can't say they are being used. They are apparently pissed, and rightfully so.
As do I.
So you have no problem with people with an agenda using these kids for their own purposes. The absolute sign of selfishness. “Never let a good crisis go to waste”. Rahm Emanuel
Yep, and there is a reason it is private-
Updated 1 day ago


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"What difference, at this point, does it make?"

There is going to be a march for our lives
Man, this thread is priceless. It really is a PERFECT example of right wing stupidity on parade.

"Gee, I think I will spend all week being a good little footsoldier for the huge, rich, powerful NRA, regurgitating their talking points... then I will try to denigrate this childrens' movement by sayng that someone is putting resources into it"

Goddamn you people are an embarrassment.
It's disgusting.
I have a problem with the fact that we as a society can't protect them.

You don't know these kids. You don't know how they feel or what they believe. You can't say they are being used. They are apparently pissed, and rightfully so.

No...we can protect them.....democrats simply refuse to protect them....they need dead children to push for gun control.
So you have no problem with people with an agenda using these kids for their own purposes. The absolute sign of selfishness. “Never let a good crisis go to waste”. Rahm Emanuel
Yep, and there is a reason it is private-
Updated 1 day ago


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Domains By Proxy, LLC
Man, this thread is priceless. It really is a PERFECT example of right wing stupidity on parade.

"Gee, I think I will spend all week being a good little footsoldier for the huge, rich, powerful NRA, regurgitating their talking points... then I will try to denigrate this childrens' movement by sayng that someone is putting resources into it"

Goddamn you people are an embarrassment.
It's disgusting.
I have a problem with the fact that we as a society can't protect them.

You don't know these kids. You don't know how they feel or what they believe. You can't say they are being used. They are apparently pissed, and rightfully so.

No...we can protect them.....democrats simply refuse to protect them....they need dead children to push for gun control.
And there's the rub. We live in a democracy and both sides are dug in. In the meantime...........the kids have had enough.

You may end up wishing you had compromised.
So you have no problem with people with an agenda using these kids for their own purposes. The absolute sign of selfishness. “Never let a good crisis go to waste”. Rahm Emanuel
Man, this thread is priceless. It really is a PERFECT example of right wing stupidity on parade.

"Gee, I think I will spend all week being a good little footsoldier for the huge, rich, powerful NRA, regurgitating their talking points... then I will try to denigrate this childrens' movement by sayng that someone is putting resources into it"

Goddamn you people are an embarrassment.
It's disgusting.
I have a problem with the fact that we as a society can't protect them.

You don't know these kids. You don't know how they feel or what they believe. You can't say they are being used. They are apparently pissed, and rightfully so.

No...we can protect them.....democrats simply refuse to protect them....they need dead children to push for gun control.
And there's the rub. We live in a democracy and both sides are dug in. In the meantime...........the kids have had enough.

You may end up wishing you had compromised.

We did compromise....over and over, and people like you kept coming back each time saying, "you have to compromise more...." We are still waiting for concealed carry reciprocity and gun mufflers to be accessible to don't wan't compromise, you want baby step confiscation....
It's a plot! By evil anti gunners that want to stop mass shootings, My gaud! we can't have THAT now, can we? Why is this bad?
So you have no problem with people with an agenda using these kids for their own purposes. The absolute sign of selfishness. “Never let a good crisis go to waste”. Rahm Emanuel
It's disgusting.
I have a problem with the fact that we as a society can't protect them.

You don't know these kids. You don't know how they feel or what they believe. You can't say they are being used. They are apparently pissed, and rightfully so.

No...we can protect them.....democrats simply refuse to protect them....they need dead children to push for gun control.
And there's the rub. We live in a democracy and both sides are dug in. In the meantime...........the kids have had enough.

You may end up wishing you had compromised.

We did compromise....over and over, and people like you kept coming back each time saying, "you have to compromise more...." We are still waiting for concealed carry reciprocity and gun mufflers to be accessible to don't wan't compromise, you want baby step confiscation....
People like me? How often have we conversed on the gun debate?
It's a plot! By evil anti gunners that want to stop mass shootings, My gaud! we can't have THAT now, can we? Why is this bad?
Anti gunners would recoil at the thought of stopping mass shooters. Mass shooters are the only thing fueling their drive to disarm the public, in the front of their totalitarian schemes.
It's a plot! By evil anti gunners that want to stop mass shootings, My gaud! we can't have THAT now, can we? Why is this bad?
Anti gunners would recoil at the thought of stopping mass shooters. Mass shooters are the only thing fueling their drive to disarm the public, in the front of their totalitarian schemes.

Yes......dead children are solid gold for the anti gun movement....that is likely the reason they fight arming teachers so much...if mass shooters stopped targeting schools because they were no longer gun free zones....their primary tool would be lost....
So you have no problem with people with an agenda using these kids for their own purposes. The absolute sign of selfishness. “Never let a good crisis go to waste”. Rahm Emanuel
I have a problem with the fact that we as a society can't protect them.

You don't know these kids. You don't know how they feel or what they believe. You can't say they are being used. They are apparently pissed, and rightfully so.

No...we can protect them.....democrats simply refuse to protect them....they need dead children to push for gun control.
And there's the rub. We live in a democracy and both sides are dug in. In the meantime...........the kids have had enough.

You may end up wishing you had compromised.

We did compromise....over and over, and people like you kept coming back each time saying, "you have to compromise more...." We are still waiting for concealed carry reciprocity and gun mufflers to be accessible to don't wan't compromise, you want baby step confiscation....
People like me? How often have we conversed on the gun debate?

People who use the word "compromise" when they know it means surrendering gun Rights in baby steps....a new one each time with the goal of ending the 2nd Amendment.
These little kids can't even decide which videogame to play next. Yet have managed to set a date for a March on our nation's capitol in less than a week. Is anyone really buying this? Not to mention they magically came up with the same tired old talking points Democrats have failingly foisted for decades...
So... How'd they do it? Or did they at all...?
These spokeskids speak far more intelligently, clearly, and logically than the gun bunnies.

They are serious: get on board or lose any power to affect what is going to happen.
I have a problem with the fact that we as a society can't protect them.

You don't know these kids. You don't know how they feel or what they believe. You can't say they are being used. They are apparently pissed, and rightfully so.

No...we can protect them.....democrats simply refuse to protect them....they need dead children to push for gun control.
And there's the rub. We live in a democracy and both sides are dug in. In the meantime...........the kids have had enough.

You may end up wishing you had compromised.

We did compromise....over and over, and people like you kept coming back each time saying, "you have to compromise more...." We are still waiting for concealed carry reciprocity and gun mufflers to be accessible to don't wan't compromise, you want baby step confiscation....
People like me? How often have we conversed on the gun debate?

People who use the word "compromise" when they know it means surrendering gun Rights in baby steps....a new one each time with the goal of ending the 2nd Amendment.
Whatever dude. They are going to Washington and they are going to make a lot of noise.
It's a plot! By evil anti gunners that want to stop mass shootings, My gaud! we can't have THAT now, can we? Why is this bad?

We can change the Constitution ... There is a process for doing that.
Otherwise ... Constitutionally protected rights are simply not up for negotiations.

These little kids can't even decide which videogame to play next. Yet have managed to set a date for a March on our nation's capitol in less than a week. Is anyone really buying this? Not to mention they magically came up with the same tired old talking points Democrats have failingly foisted for decades...
So... How'd they do it? Or did they at all...?
These spokeskids speak far more intelligently, clearly, and logically than the gun bunnies.

They are serious: get on board or lose any power to affect what is going to happen.
Please feel free to drop their quotes. Replete with the name of the authors...
These little kids can't even decide which videogame to play next. Yet have managed to set a date for a March on our nation's capitol in less than a week. Is anyone really buying this? Not to mention they magically came up with the same tired old talking points Democrats have failingly foisted for decades...
So... How'd they do it? Or did they at all...?
These spokeskids speak far more intelligently, clearly, and logically than the gun bunnies.

They are serious: get on board or lose any power to affect what is going to happen.

Yes...bow down to uninformed, democrat party hitler thanks......

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