How Did 15-18 Year Old Kids Organize A Nationwide Movement In Less Than A Week?

So... Does anyone want to post a link to the "students group", that spearheaded this initiative? Perhaps give the very due credit to the movers of this "happening"? Don't worry... I'll wait....
Gun Control is mostly a .......

These little kids can't even decide which videogame to play next. Yet have managed to set a date for a March on our nation's capitol in less than a week. Is anyone really buying this? Not to mention they magically came up with the same tired old talking points Democrats have failingly foisted for decades...
So... How'd they do it? Or did they at all...?
:desk::desk::desk::desk: I know I know.....because unlike you dumb stupid white conservative mf's, you old useless lumps of dog shit fucks...young people know how to get off their ass's and do something. Jealous much?:cul2:
Twitter, Facebook and social groups.

You DO realize that high school kids are pretty tech and internet savvy, right?
Uh-huh...I'm sure thats it. The same people that can't agree on virtually anything else in their lives, amongst each other... Magically came to virtual unanimous agreement on this issue, through "social media", in less than a week. And just by pure coincidence arrived at the same "talking points Democrats are pushing for...?
You interested in buying a bridge?
Hello, dumb mf.....not everybody is slow, stupid and old like you trash can white fucks.....Gezzus, do you ever get out much? Shortly after Trump was elected, a million women organized a march....its the 21st century you moronic simp, get with the times fool
What "preparations" should those students have done? They were already in lockdown and trying to hide behind stuff.

Videoing people panicking will do nothing to prepare you to defend yourself.

Run Hide Fight ...

If you cannot find a route of escape and plan your escape ... Hide.
While you hide you prepare to fight and defend yourself.
If you are face to face with an armed assailant ... Fight.

If you want more detailed explanations ... Review the best practices identified in Active Shooter Response Training (such as the Faster program).

You seem profoundly butthurt that somebody dared to shoot video.

Why would that be exactly?
These little kids can't even decide which videogame to play next. Yet have managed to set a date for a March on our nation's capitol in less than a week. Is anyone really buying this? Not to mention they magically came up with the same tired old talking points Democrats have failingly foisted for decades...
So... How'd they do it? Or did they at all...?
:desk::desk::desk::desk: I know I know.....because unlike you dumb stupid white conservative mf's, you old useless lumps of dog shit fucks...young people know how to get off their ass's and do something. Jealous much?:cul2:
17 of them sure didn't.
:desk::desk::desk::desk: I know I know.....because unlike you dumb stupid white conservative mf's, you old useless lumps of dog shit fucks...young people know how to get off their ass's and do something. Jealous much?:cul2:

So does this mean you don't make many friends with older, conservative white guys?
And you're right......Young people on the LEFT sure do, regardless of why. End result is all that matters.

I abhor Leftist ideals....but DAYUM yall Get it DONE!!
Social media can be very powerful; however, I suspect these kids are being aided by established anti-gunners.
Or Or Or maybe just maybe this generation actually learned something in school, like how to pay the fuck attention and not sound and act like some southern white dick hick from fuckin Who'sville USA...hello out there, not everybody is slow and stupid like white Trump trash heeps.
Twitter, Facebook and social groups.

You DO realize that high school kids are pretty tech and internet savvy, right?
Nice non answer troll. These kids are being used by the media and regressive liberal traitors as pawns, simple as that.
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:desk::desk::desk::desk: I know I know.....because unlike you dumb stupid white conservative mf's, you old useless lumps of dog shit fucks...young people know how to get off their ass's and do something. Jealous much?:cul2:

So does this mean you don't make many friends with older, conservative white guys?
And you're right......Young people on the LEFT sure do, regardless of why. End result is all that matters.

I abhor Leftist ideals....but DAYUM yall Get it DONE!!
Dude, get a life, a education and then lets talk??????
Social media can be very powerful; however, I suspect these kids are being aided by established anti-gunners.
Or Or Or maybe just maybe this generation actually learned something in school, like how to pay the fuck attention and not sound and act like some southern white dick hick from fuckin Who'sville USA...hello out there, not everybody is slow and stupid like white Trump trash heeps.

Ok, don't be shy....tell em how you REALLY feel

Social media can be very powerful; however, I suspect these kids are being aided by established anti-gunners.
Or Or Or maybe just maybe this generation actually learned something in school, like how to pay the fuck attention and not sound and act like some southern white dick hick from fuckin Who'sville USA...hello out there, not everybody is slow and stupid like white Trump trash heeps.

Ok, don't be shy....tell em how you REALLY feel

Me, shy? Clearly you don't know me too well.....but you will:1peleas:
Twitter, Facebook and social groups.

You DO realize that high school kids are pretty tech and internet savvy, right?
Nice non answer troll. These kids are being used by the media and regressive liberal traitors as pawn, simple as that.
Thank God, they're learning from the best....Your guy, the Trump, because nobody uses our soldiers, our law enforcement officials, more than this bitch, nobody!!
So... Does anyone want to post a link to the "students group", that spearheaded this initiative? Perhaps give the very due credit to the movers of this "happening"? Don't worry... I'll wait....
No, and who gives a shit? Flail and complain all you like.

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