How did Biden get Covid?

Even Dems have compassion. I did not want trump to die when he had COVID. I don't want Biden to die.

Those MAGA snakes on this board who have posted they want Biden to die should really think hard. The first female. President Harris would be historic and painful for MAGA.

It'll be more painful for HIllary.

So you think Biden was joking when he told the Big Lie? LOL

See, this is why NOT calling out your president when he tells these kinds of lies will ALWAYS come back to bite you. Too bad you're not smart enough to realize it.
I don’t think Biden was joking. He was driving home a point and was painting a contrast… Biden was called out for that comment after he made it and the context was explained. Good comments don’t need to be explained so it was definitely not a good statement. But it also wasn’t the lie that your falsely spreading as he clearly stated in that same talk that vaccines reduce the severity of symptoms. You ignore that and spread lies. Hypocrite
so why mandate something that doesn't do what was advertised? oh, ruin lives, cause that's the doctrine.

The vaccines were advertised to reduce the level of infection, sickness & death.
I know he said if you get the vaccine, you won't get covid.
And the context? Did you happen
to catch that or the other statements about it reducing severity or symptoms?? No of course you didn’t catch that because you’re either ignorant or dishonest.
The president has to be the most heavily vaxed person on the planet and yet he is in isolation supposedly with covid. I seem to recall Biden claiming he had a headache during a speech in S.A. and apparently he was even less coherent than usual when he returned. When you factor in two previous brain embolisms it's possible that he had a stroke. It's also possible that democrats are pressuring him to resign while they have time enough to field a candidate for 2024 and this is a prelude to bowing out for health reasons. Democrats have a history of hiding an incompetent president like they did with Woodrow Wilson and FDR in his last term. The media would be all over this issue if it was a republican but obviously they aren't interested in pursuing this one.
He was supposed to do some fundraising at a DNC event in Philly today. Maybe the Dems asked him not to come. :)
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BTW, I now know two youngens who have been vaccinated and had seizures. My grandniece, 11, died from the complications she got from the seizures. Now my neighbors 14 year old on Monday was taken away in an ambulance and we found out all of the sudden he was having seizures. Still in the hospital. Old joe now has wuhan after every possible vinegar concoctions was supposedly given to him and around doctors and health officials. And demofks don't understand why we haven't all taken the vaccine, except...............Trump!!!!!!! the most disgusting humans on the planet are demofks.
Question: When is a vaccination not a vaccination?
Answer: When the government forces a jab on you and you still get the damn virus.
Is America going to have it's first black female POTUS? No way she will lose in 2024 if that happens. Women vote, gay vote, black vote, jewish vote, pro choice vote. Shit. Even with inflation she will win.
Is America going to have it's first black female POTUS? No way she will lose in 2024 if that happens. Women vote, gay vote, black vote, jewish vote, pro choice vote. Shit. Even with inflation she will win.
But, she won't have the Independent vote....she loses, big time. :laughing0301:
Sillybooboo, you never let us down.

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