How did Biden get Covid?

I understand that. So what about the left inspires you so much to want to be just like them?

This you?

you said he lied right here! you are still confused I see. Your guy said, no, if vaccinated you won't, I emphasize the won't here, get wuhan. But you said it was always advertised as reduce the level of infection, so which is it? Xiden lied or you did?


You dumbfuck, I already pointed out Biden lied about that.

And we knew it was a lie when he said it because the vaccine was advertised to reduce the risk of severe illness and/or death from covid.

A pity you're so rightarded.
The vaxxed and boosted are fucked:
I just don't see a scenario in which there's a benefit to democrats for lying about Biden having Covid...
Unless it's just a good excuse to keep him out of the public eye for awhile. What we believe is dementia is obviously getting worse and especially after his "I have cancer" bogus announcement, they don't want him anywhere near a camera.
Is America going to have it's first black female POTUS? No way she will lose in 2024 if that happens. Women vote, gay vote, black vote, jewish vote, pro choice vote. Shit. Even with inflation she will win.
She's not Constitutionally qualified. She's not a natural born Citizen.
Is America going to have it's first black female POTUS? No way she will lose in 2024 if that happens. Women vote, gay vote, black vote, jewish vote, pro choice vote. Shit. Even with inflation she will win.

She will be removed too, NOBODY can stand her at all. She can't speak, she can't keep staff and she simply does not have what it takes to frankly do anything.
I don’t think Biden was joking. He was driving home a point and was painting a contrast… Biden was called out for that comment after he made it and the context was explained. Good comments don’t need to be explained so it was definitely not a good statement. But it also wasn’t the lie that your falsely spreading as he clearly stated in that same talk that vaccines reduce the severity of symptoms. You ignore that and spread lies. Hypocrite
The sonofabitch lied to the American people and this is your pathetic denial?

Is America going to have it's first black female POTUS? No way she will lose in 2024 if that happens. Women vote, gay vote, black vote, jewish vote, pro choice vote. Shit. Even with inflation she will win.
who's that? no such thing as women.
But who was the contact? I heard the press corps are all tested before press conferences.
I am sure all WH employees that come in contact are tested.
In fact someone who had Covid but tested after recovery are they able to pass Covid on?
But more nefariously is it possible that Democrats knowing they are going to lose congress, and haven't anyone to replace
2024 are prepping someone?

He just got back from an overseas trip. Could have been 100s of people.
The president has to be the most heavily vaxed person on the planet and yet he is in isolation supposedly with covid. I seem to recall Biden claiming he had a headache during a speech in S.A. and apparently he was even less coherent than usual when he returned. When you factor in two previous brain embolisms it's possible that he had a stroke. It's also possible that democrats are pressuring him to resign while they have time enough to field a candidate for 2024 and this is a prelude to bowing out for health reasons. Democrats have a history of hiding an incompetent president like they did with Woodrow Wilson and FDR in his last term. The media would be all over this issue if it was a republican but obviously they aren't interested in pursuing this one.
If it's a ploy to test the waters and see how many Trump supporters
will go viral and still attack Biden then one popular Trump personality
or Mike Gallagher is not buying.The numbe 6 most popular Talk RAdio
host in the U.S. according to TAlkers { Rates Radio shows }, is the
Mike Gallagher Radio Show.
Mike Gallagher is sticking to his humane persona.That we should
pray for Biden and wish him a fast recovery.Because no matter what party
Biden is from he's still our President.And we on the Right are not anything
like the loud mouth arrogant bullies on the left.
I think Gallagher has a point.Be tough,but remain humane and
fair.Do Not take this opportunity to be like the left.

Republicans including Ted Cruz, Chuck Grassley and Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway 'send their prayers' to Biden, 79, after he tested positive for COVID​

How President Biden's advanced age, neurological issues, heart condition and past history of cancer all put the 79-year-old in the severe risk category for COVID​

What is Paxlovid? COVID medication prescribed to Biden is specifically for older people with heart disease and was only approved by the FDA for pharmacists two weeks ago​

(note that they only showed this drug to work for unvaccinated people! Fauci took it, and it caused him to get COVID twice in mone month)

For some reason, Kamala Harris is extra happy today...
You're assuming everyone is as racist and gullible as you are. They're not.
It's about as sane as betting on the Farm in the Plains during the
middle of the Dust Bowl decade.
Which were hotter than currently.And Dryer with strong winds
that could easily blow away any topsoil.

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