How did Biden get Covid?

Could be.
That would be the extreme plan, cause quite frankly I don't think they could possibly want heels up and apart on a campaign. Especially if Trump is the nominee. Any nominee not named Romney for that matter.

Think about that. This disease at the least will make his numbers go up out of sympathy, and then he will credit his vaccines for saving him.

Either way, these people are political hacks and all liars.
Biden is still mandating the vaccines, so your point is completely moot, IMO.
No it's not moot, while they don't prevent spread, vaccines still reduce the risk of hospitalization and death, as well as shorten infectious stage of illness.
Putin is smarter than biden and knows about bidens grifting in ukraine. Biden is a joke(r).
Actually, Putin was way smarter than Trump. And Trump thought he was so smart.

We believe Trump unknowingly gave Putin the green light to invade Ukraine when they met in private. But how will we ever know? They didn't allow anyone else in the room. This is why you always have someone else in the room. An interpreter. Someone taking notes.

You are an idiot. So of course you liked Trump, the idiot.
Wrong... good people on both sides
Do you Leftest even know when you are lying?

Potatohead didn't know a damn thing about what he was talking about. The guy has an IQ of a frog. His handlers told him to say the lie to placate you stupid Moon Bats. He did what his handlers told him to do because he is not capable of thinking for himself.

Nobody being honest would have ever told the American people that getting the vaccine would prevent them from getting the virus because vaccinated people were dying all the time It was a lie..
No it's not moot, while they don't prevent spread, vaccines still reduce the risk of hospitalization and death, as well as shorten infectious stage of illness.
Oh really? Backup your point with data more recent than May when they stopped publishing it.

Even if they vaccines did what you say, then they are nothing more than a treatment, and mandating them is absurd and tyrannical.
Actually, Putin was way smarter than Trump. And Trump thought he was so smart.

We believe Trump unknowingly gave Putin the green light to invade Ukraine when they met in private. But how will we ever know? They didn't allow anyone else in the room. This is why you always have someone else in the room. An interpreter. Someone taking notes.

You are an idiot. So of course you liked Trump, the idiot.
Who is we?
Actually, Putin was way smarter than Trump. And Trump thought he was so smart.

We believe Trump unknowingly gave Putin the green light to invade Ukraine when they met in private. But how will we ever know? They didn't allow anyone else in the room. This is why you always have someone else in the room. An interpreter. Someone taking notes.

You are an idiot. So of course you liked Trump, the idiot.

No, biden is a grifter and just not very smart. Don't get so emotional and feely and start crying, slinging derogatory terms. That's usually the first indicator that you've been exposed and thoroughly thumped in the head.
99% recover. Vaxxed or not.
And the 1% who die are largely the unvaxxed as are those who have long lasting or permanent damage from the virus. We have lost four family members to COVID and three were unvaxxed. The vaxxed one was already ill with congestive heart failure and a mild case of COVID finished her off. We have a large family and dozens have had COVID but only the unvaxxed ones report long lasting effects, i.e. scarring of the lungs or 'not feeling right' more than a year later.

So as I wish no harm to Uncle Joe, other than politically because I think he deserves that, I am pretty sure he is unlikely to have any permanent effect from COVID if he in fact does have it.
If Biden can no longer serve, I want Harris‘ face on MONEY.

From 81 million votes, to no one wanting him to run in 2024.


Biden is the worst President ever…and its only been 18 months,

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

You dumb fuck cultists bought a lemon…and you were told it was a lemon….but you are fucking retarded.
Do you Leftest even know when you are lying?

Potatohead didn't know a damn thing about what he was talking about. The guy has an IQ of a frog. His handlers told him to say the lie to placate you stupid Moon Bats. He did what his handlers told him to do because he is not capable of thinking for himself.

Nobody being honest would have ever told the American people that getting the vaccine would prevent them from getting the virus because vaccinated people were dying all the time It was a lie..
If you're too stupid to not understand the context of his talk and willingly ignore when he clearly explained that the shots reduce symptoms then I can't help you. You're either a troll or a liar

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