How did Biden get Covid?

Shit head, Biden was wrong when he said that, though he is ONE person and can't possbly be "they".

Your media repeated the lie ad nauseum. I'm sure you did, too. You probably killed several hundred people yourself just running around thinking you were immune, because President Shit-for-brains told you so.
Question: When is a vaccination not a vaccination?
Answer: When the government forces a jab on you and you still get the damn virus.
I was vaccinated, and still got COVID. I can honestly say I have had worse head colds. Why do you people keep ignoring the fact there were millions and millions like me?
I think Gallagher has a point.Be tough,but remain humane and
fair.Do Not take this opportunity to be like the left.
It's not going to work. The problem is the founders' ad hoc design of the government is what guides the politicians to the erroneous deliberation of social issues. The partisan chaos trickles down causing social disorderliness. No matter how good and decent a political party may be, it is destined to combat the opposing party with unruly strategies. - imperfect_Constitution.png
Why do you lie?
I heard someone on Mike Gallagher this morning swear by
what he considered a cure for Covid.That he's been overweight his entire
life and his wife not far off.That both never got the jab.Plus he's worked
at a car dealership and been around many people who had Covid.
Plus in and out of cars with many strangers.
His cure was something that was mentioned early on with
The president has to be the most heavily vaxed person on the planet and yet he is in isolation supposedly with covid. I seem to recall Biden claiming he had a headache during a speech in S.A. and apparently he was even less coherent than usual when he returned. When you factor in two previous brain embolisms it's possible that he had a stroke. It's also possible that democrats are pressuring him to resign while they have time enough to field a candidate for 2024 and this is a prelude to bowing out for health reasons. Democrats have a history of hiding an incompetent president like they did with Woodrow Wilson and FDR in his last term. The media would be all over this issue if it was a republican but obviously they aren't interested in pursuing this one.
He's not up to the job and neither is Kamala. Everyone sees it, especially our enemies.
It's not going to work. The problem is the founders' ad hoc design of the government is what guides the politicians to the erroneous deliberation of social issues. The partisan chaos trickles down causing social disorderliness. No matter how good and decent a political party may be, it is destined to combat the opposing party with unruly strategies.
View attachment 672832
Total and provable Crap.Name for us any Trump rally that acted like
Laughing hyenas.Especially with uber use of rank Lies.
Trump rallies do poke fun at Liberals and lefties but seldom
make up crap.The humor at trump rallies are almost always in
context.Plus words like " RAcist " and " White Supremacists " are never
used.Those are the words that Demobrats rely upon.
White House released a photo of Biden hard at work but looking pretty terrible.

I don't recognize the setting. Could it be Walter Reed? :)

Total and provable Crap.Name for us any Trump rally that acted like
Laughing hyenas.Especially with uber use of rank Lies.
Trump rallies do poke fun at Liberals and lefties but seldom
make up crap.The humor at trump rallies are almost always in
context.Plus words like " RAcist " and " White Supremacists " are never
used.Those are the words that Demobrats rely upon.
How does this counter my argument???

I think you got lost somewhere.
Your media repeated the lie ad nauseum. I'm sure you did, too.
Then go ahead and quote me dimwit.

Here is "media" explaining to you the facts:

Do the current boosters work against BA.4 and BA.5?​

The current shots were designed to address the original strain of the coronavirus. But as the virus has mutated, it has become more and more adept at sneaking past the wall of immunity our bodies have built up — through previous infection, vaccination or both.

Right now, omicron subvariants BA.4 and BA.5 account for more than 80% of cases circulating. Experts say the current shots don’t prevent infection from BA.4 and BA.5 as well. Indeed, breakthrough infections and reinfections are reported regularly.
Quote yourself. What did you say when Trump got Covid?

Then attribute it to me for Biden,

What was your quote?
Not sure... It was probably "I hope he is ok"... What is it about me that makes you want to emulate what I say?
This you?

Yes nice find... Don't see anything inaccurate about my statement. Do you??
Then go ahead and quote me dimwit.

Here is "media" explaining to you the facts:

Do the current boosters work against BA.4 and BA.5?​

The current shots were designed to address the original strain of the coronavirus. But as the virus has mutated, it has become more and more adept at sneaking past the wall of immunity our bodies have built up — through previous infection, vaccination or both.

Right now, omicron subvariants BA.4 and BA.5 account for more than 80% of cases circulating. Experts say the current shots don’t prevent infection from BA.4 and BA.5 as well. Indeed, breakthrough infections and reinfections are reported regularly.
Biden is still mandating the vaccines, so your point is completely moot, IMO.

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