How did Biden get Covid?

Quote yourself. What did you say when Trump got Covid?

Then attribute it to me for Biden,

What was your quote?
Heres one of my quotes thanks to Marvin:

"Biden has been watching himself. Being safe, following guidelines. Trump has mocked him and now the most protected guy in the world has got himself and many of his minions infected. Also put Biden and his family at risk during that debate and then failed to give him a heads up. I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. Trump is a damn fool, this situation highlights his complete incompetence."

So is this your quote that you are standing behind now??

Trump has been watching himself. Being safe, following guidelines. Biden has mocked him and now the most protected guy in the world has got himself and many of his minions infected. Also put Trump and his family at risk during that debate and then failed to give him a heads up. I’d be fucking pissed if I were Trump. Biden is a damn fool, this situation highlights his complete incompetence.
Absolutely bullshit. Who's 'WE'?
How do you know it's bullshit? No one else was in the room. The timing seems right. And if Trump and Putin are so close and friendly, what else do you think they talked about? Hey Vlad, what's been going on lately? Get a chance to go to Jeffrey Epstein's house lately? Nyet!

What was the big thing Putin was planning? A wedding? Nope. An insurrection? Nope. Oh yea, he was planning to invade Ukraine. So of course he gave his boy a heads up. And who knows what Trump said. Trump doesn't even know what he said.

Have you ever talked to a foreigner and they misunderstood what you said or meant? Because they took you literally when they were talking figuratively? That's what happened to Trump. Putin told him he was going to Annex Crimea and Trump didn't know what that meant so he just shook his head and said "sure vlad whatever you say".

Green light.
Do you Leftest even know when you are lying?

Potatohead didn't know a damn thing about what he was talking about. The guy has an IQ of a frog. His handlers told him to say the lie to placate you stupid Moon Bats. He did what his handlers told him to do because he is not capable of thinking for himself.

Nobody being honest would have ever told the American people that getting the vaccine would prevent them from getting the virus because vaccinated people were dying all the time It was a lie..

When all this first started, we were told that washing your hands would kill the virus.

Now look how far we’ve come. Ever more new variants, and boosters galore.
The vaxxed one was already ill with congestive heart failure and a mild case of COVID finished her off.
Sorry for your loss. However, a mild case of the flu (which, truth be told, it probably was) might have had the same effect. There are six members in my family, 4 to 71 in age. None vaccinated. All have had the virus at least once. All recovered. One had symptoms that concerned us for a week or so. It is a scam.
Of the people who die of Covid

Black Democrats who don't trust the government. We know blacks have been hit the hardest with covid deaths. So these are our democrats. But they only make up 14% of the population. The vast majority of covid deaths are Republicans who refused to get vaccinated.

The other group of deaths are the old and sickly. Vaccinated or not, they die if they get covid.

That's it.

I believe it's

60% unvaccinated Republicans
20% Black Democrats
20% old sickly people

All the Democrats who died were either sickly or unvaccinated blacks who don't trust government.
If you're too stupid to not understand the context of his talk and willingly ignore when he clearly explained that the shots reduce symptoms then I can't help you. You're either a troll or a liar

Nobody in their right mind ever listens to anything Joe Potatohead says. He has never been right once in life. The sonofabitch has the IQ of a potato.

That statement was designed by his handlers to get you stupid uneducated Moon Bats to get your poke.

Did you get your poke because the lying asshole told you that if you did you would not get the virus?

We just talked to some friends this morning. They got the two original vaccines and the two booster shots. We hadn't heard from them for a couple of weeks. Found out they had Covid last week. Joe Potatohead had lied to them.
Sorry for your loss. However, a mild case of the flu (which, truth be told, it probably was) might have had the same effect. There are six members in my family, 4 to 71 in age. None vaccinated. All have had the virus at least once. All recovered. One had symptoms that concerned us for a week or so. It is a scam.
You're an idiot. You sound like these 5 right wing anti vax radio hosts who all died of covid. Many of them apologized and tried to take it back in the end but it was too late.

All four men died in August of coronavirus. A fifth conservative radio host, Bob Enyart, died on 13 September, weeks after he told his listeners to boycott vaccines that were “immorally developed”.

The death of the men, just weeks apart, illustrated both the depth of anti-vaccine feeling among some conservatives, but also hinted at the problems rightwing talk radio, along with other conservative media, is causing as vaccination rates in the US have slowed.
Of the people who die of Covid

Black Democrats who don't trust the government. We know blacks have been hit the hardest with covid deaths. So these are our democrats. But they only make up 14% of the population. The vast majority of covid deaths are Republicans who refused to get vaccinated.

The other group of deaths are the old and sickly. Vaccinated or not, they die if they get covid.

That's it.

I believe it's

60% unvaccinated Republicans
20% Black Democrats
20% old sickly people

All the Democrats who died were either sickly or unvaccinated blacks who don't trust government.
Source that bullshit and while you do keep in mind we were never told the truth about Covid. The numbers are meaningless.
The president has to be the most heavily vaxed person on the planet and yet he is in isolation supposedly with covid. I seem to recall Biden claiming he had a headache during a speech in S.A. and apparently he was even less coherent than usual when he returned. When you factor in two previous brain embolisms it's possible that he had a stroke. It's also possible that democrats are pressuring him to resign while they have time enough to field a candidate for 2024 and this is a prelude to bowing out for health reasons. Democrats have a history of hiding an incompetent president like they did with Woodrow Wilson and FDR in his last term. The media would be all over this issue if it was a republican but obviously they aren't interested in pursuing this one.
As usual...Joe's a bit confused. When he said he had "cancer" what he meant to say was that he had Covid!
Let's all pray for Joe! Remember that if anything happens to him...we're stuck with the Laughing Hyena! (shudder) Get well soon, Big Guy!

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