how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

Because he's the only candidate in recent history who was pressured to show his. Even though he has his short form birth certificate proving his birth, the state of Hawaii backing it up, it apparently wasn't enough.

Not to mention the references to Kenya and the claim that he is Muslim.

When was the last time a candidate had to prove he was American?

Any time someone disagrees with or holds Obama accountable, then that person is a racistt.

What was Trump disagreeing with President Obama on when Trump accused President Obama of having a fake Birth Certificate?
The left started the whole "obama isn't a real American, doesn't have fundamental thinking of American values " back in 2008 as a way to push hillary as being "more authentic" (born in the middle of America to a middle class family, etc. ) so people would identify with her. Republicans jumped on that and took it the birther route. If Republicans who went the birther route are racist then so are th hillarybots who started it, who planted the seeds. Right?

"The idea of going after Obama’s otherness dates back to the last presidential election—and to Democrats. Long before Trump started in, Hillary Clinton’s chief strategist, Mark Penn, recognized this potential vulnerability in Obama and sought to exploit it. In a March 2007 memo to Clinton (that later found its way to me), Penn wrote: “All of these articles about his boyhood in Indonesia and his life in Hawaii are geared toward showing his background is diverse, multicultural and putting it in a new light,” he wrote. “Save it for 2050. It also exposes a very strong weakness for him—his roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited. I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and his values.

Penn also suggested how the campaign might take advantage of this. “Every speech should contain the line that you were born in the middle of America to the middle class in the middle of the last century,” he advised Clinton. “And talk about the basic bargain as about [sic] the deeply American values you grew up with, learned as a child, and that drive you today.” He went on: “Let’s explicitly own ‘American’ in our programs, the speeches and the values. He doesn’t … Let’s add flag symbols to the backgrounds [of campaign events].”

Penn was not a birther. His memo didn’t raise the issue of Obama’s citizenship. Furthermore, he was acutely aware of the political danger that a Democrat would court by going after Obama in this way, even subliminally: “We are never going to say anything about his background,” he wrote. Still, his memo is the earliest example of a strategy that metastasized. The Republican tactic has been to make explicit what Penn intended to be merely implicit—and then carry it to its furthest extreme. Soon, the belief spread among many voters that Obama had been educated in a radical madrassa, that he was secretly a Muslim, and, finally, that he had not even been born in the U.S."

The Democratic Roots of the Birther Movement

LOL that is a whole lot of dancing around to just blame Democrats for Donald Trump going full Birther.

Why do you want to believe that Donald Trump is just a gullible idiot deceived by Democrats?
Accusing the President of being a Kenyan and being a Muslim is not disagreeing with his policies.

Accusing the only African American President (and only that President) of being not being born in America and being a Muslim sure does sound racist
His grandmother witnessed his birth in Kenya. So if we don't call her a liar, we're RAYSIS!

Except of course she didn't.

Barack Obama's step grandmother has repeatedly said she was in Kenya when Barack was born in Hawaii.

We can call 'Bishop" McRae and Birthers liars.

Not all of you Birthers are racist.

I am certain that not everyone of you is.
how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

If anyone disagree's with obummers policies they are by definition, according to progressives, "racist". They simply won't accept that you can dislike a persons policies while not caring what color he is.

Accusing the President of being a Kenyan and being a Muslim is not disagreeing with his policies.

Accusing the only African American President (and only that President) of being not being born in America and being a Muslim sure does sound racist.
You assume the two go together. The people who accuse him of not being born in America aren't necessarily the same ones who accuse him of being a Muslim. .

Donald Trump both accused Barack Obama of not being born in America and also suggested that he might be a Muslim.

And that had nothing to do with President Obama's policies.

It had all to do with Donald Trump deciding to be Birther in Chief.

What about you Brip- have you accused Obama of being a Muslim- and also questioned whether he was born in the United States?
Was that because of your partisan hatred of Obama or because of his race?
Because he's the only candidate in recent history who was pressured to show his.

Yea because Ted Cruz doesn't exist.

Barack Obama was the first candidate to ever show his birth certificate- and of course Birthers immediately claimed it was false.

Ted Cruz was the second candidate to show his birth certificate. Oddly no Birthers ever claimed his Canadian birth certificate was false.
Because he's the only candidate in recent history who was pressured to show his.

Yea because Ted Cruz doesn't exist.

Barack Obama was the first candidate to ever show his birth certificate- and of course Birthers immediately claimed it was false.

Ted Cruz was the second candidate to show his birth certificate. Oddly no Birthers ever claimed his Canadian birth certificate was false.

Yea, he showed "his birth certificate." But your point was that it was racist because he was the only one to have his citizenship questioned. It wasn't. And frankly, if there is reasonable doubt about citizenship, it is the Americans right to know. That's not racism; that's being a responsible citizen.
how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

If anyone disagree's with obummers policies they are by definition, according to progressives, "racist". They simply won't accept that you can dislike a persons policies while not caring what color he is.

that's pathetic.... birthers don't disagree on policy. the effort was to delegitimize the first black president.

but nice try.
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Because he's the only candidate in recent history who was pressured to show his.

Yea because Ted Cruz doesn't exist.

Barack Obama was the first candidate to ever show his birth certificate- and of course Birthers immediately claimed it was false.

Ted Cruz was the second candidate to show his birth certificate. Oddly no Birthers ever claimed his Canadian birth certificate was false.

Yea, he showed "his birth certificate." But your point was that it was racist because he was the only one to have his citizenship questioned. It wasn't. And frankly, if there is reasonable doubt about citizenship, it is the Americans right to know. That's not racism; that's being a responsible citizen.

Any 'reasonable doubt' ended in 2011 when Barack Obama showed Americans his certified copy of his original birth certificate- and the State of Hawaii- again- confirmed that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.

Donald Trump kept questioning his citizenship for 5 more years.

That's not being a responsible citizen- and it is not necessarily racism- but it sure could be racism.
Because he's the only candidate in recent history who was pressured to show his.

Yea because Ted Cruz doesn't exist.

Barack Obama was the first candidate to ever show his birth certificate- and of course Birthers immediately claimed it was false.

Ted Cruz was the second candidate to show his birth certificate. Oddly no Birthers ever claimed his Canadian birth certificate was false.

Yea, he showed "his birth certificate." But your point was that it was racist because he was the only one to have his citizenship questioned. It wasn't. And frankly, if there is reasonable doubt about citizenship, it is the Americans right to know. That's not racism; that's being a responsible citizen.

Any 'reasonable doubt' ended in 2011 when Barack Obama showed Americans his certified copy of his original birth certificate- and the State of Hawaii- again- confirmed that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.

Donald Trump kept questioning his citizenship for 5 more years.

That's not being a responsible citizen- and it is not necessarily racism- but it sure could be racism.

Not really; there are many questions about whether that was faked. His college records likely show he was a foreign student. His own book publication touted he was born in Kenya. This is just some of the doubts. I'd be shocked if he was an American citizen, tbh. Frankly, it's lame that we have this amount of corruption. And then we have twats like you calling people racist for shining the light on it.
But Hillary claims Trump is a person of color,
as she claims he's orange.
Why is she requesting Tax returns from the only candidate caught in an Audit (which Dems have been caught abusing power over). And because he happens to be a person of color that Clinton openly despises?=Racist Hillary according to her own standard.
What does she have against Orange people?
(People to busy working hard indoors to get any sun, so they use tanning lotion products or spray tans) Why does she hate hard workers or pigment challenged people who spray tan and people who eat to many carrots=the Orange crowd?
What does she have against The Cheetos mascot or people who love Cheetos, Doreetos,
or Burger King's Cheese powdered Chicken fries?
So Hillary is a racist who hates hard workers and people who like cheese powdered snacks.
She hates victims of abuse of power rape, she hates the 54% deplorables, 8% more of which she is still undecided about.
Oh and she hates me, by the way her and Al Gore refused to share my emails with the Public.
I am truly the leper, because no politician could dare be associated with the likes
of me nor speak of me.
The CRYPTIC science symposium Bill held was good, but not good enough, nor what was best or needed at that time.
There was so much lost for sake of appearances and holding power, that you could not fathom.
Last edited:
how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

If anyone disagree's with obummers policies they are by definition, according to progressives, "racist". They simply won't accept that you can dislike a persons policies while not caring what color he is.

that's pathetic.... birders don't disagree on policy. the effort was to delegitimize the first black president.

but nice try.

How can you possibly delegitimize someone who is already in office? The birther movement was hilary's supporters trying to do that. After that it was merely discussion fodder for thinking types and outrage material for the non thinkers.
how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

Because the birther conspiracy wouldn't have existed if our president were Barry O'Bama whose dad was born in Dublin.

I'm still waiting for Trump to share what his investigators found. They're probably in the same room with Trump's plan to fight ISIS.
But Hillary claims Trump is a person of color,
as she claims he's orange.
Why is she requesting Tax returns from the only candidate caught in an Audit (which Dems have been caught abusing power over). And because he happens to be a person of color that Clinton openly despises?=Racist Hillary according to her own standard.
What does she have against Orange people?
(People to busy working hard indoors to get any sun, so they use tanning lotion products or spray tans) Why does she hate hard workers or pigment challenged people who spray tan=the Orange crowd?
What does she have against The Cheetos mascot or people who love Cheetos, Doreetos,
or Burger King's Cheese powdered Chicken fries?
So Hillary is a racist who hates hard workers and people who like cheese powdered snacks.
She hates victims of abuse of power rape, she hates the 54% deplorables, 8% more of which she is still undecided about.
Oh and she hates me, by the way her and Al Gore refused to share my emails with the Public.
I am truly the leper, because no politician could dare be associated with the likes
of me nor speak of me.
The CRYPTIC science symposium Bill held was good, but not good enough, nor what was best or needed at that time.
There was so much lost for sake of appearances and holding power, that you could not fathom.

What does an audit have to do with releasing his tax returns?

Who would get to see the returns that isn't supposed to if he released them? Its not like the IRS doesn't have a copy.

Its a bullshit argument. Trump committed to releasing his returns. He insisted that a candidate should release their returns by April of the election year. And he's violated both of his standards.

Not releasing his tax returns is costing him politically. Whatever is in those returns will cost him more. Which is why he won't release them.
But Hillary claims Trump is a person of color,
as she claims he's orange.
Why is she requesting Tax returns from the only candidate caught in an Audit (which Dems have been caught abusing power over). And because he happens to be a person of color that Clinton openly despises?=Racist Hillary according to her own standard.
What does she have against Orange people?
(People to busy working hard indoors to get any sun, so they use tanning lotion products or spray tans) Why does she hate hard workers or pigment challenged people who spray tan=the Orange crowd?
What does she have against The Cheetos mascot or people who love Cheetos, Doreetos,
or Burger King's Cheese powdered Chicken fries?
So Hillary is a racist who hates hard workers and people who like cheese powdered snacks.
She hates victims of abuse of power rape, she hates the 54% deplorables, 8% more of which she is still undecided about.
Oh and she hates me, by the way her and Al Gore refused to share my emails with the Public.
I am truly the leper, because no politician could dare be associated with the likes
of me nor speak of me.
The CRYPTIC science symposium Bill held was good, but not good enough, nor what was best or needed at that time.
There was so much lost for sake of appearances and holding power, that you could not fathom.

What does an audit have to do with releasing his tax returns?

Who would get to see the returns that isn't supposed to if he released them? Its not like the IRS doesn't have a copy.

Its a bullshit argument. Trump committed to releasing his returns. He insisted that a candidate should release their returns by April of the election year. And he's violated both of his standards.

Not releasing his tax returns is costing him politically. Whatever is in those returns will cost him more. Which is why he won't release them.
I can't believe you'd ask what an audit has to do with it. Wow.
What part of tax lawyers recommendations do you not understand?
NOW- If Obama or his loyalists weren't abusing his(their) power through his(their) inkling for revenge then would this audit still exist? IF that was you being abused would you give the abusers the satisfaction or would you spotlight the abuse(audit) everytime they snidely requested the tax return?
It's not like his tax info isn't already open to the media, this labeling "tax return" is semantics and a game is being played by both sides with Donald winning, because now the abuse of power audits are on Joe Publics minds as well as Hillary requesting him to do something which she isn't willing to do herself in producing documents lawyers recommend not doing.
Double barrel backfire on Hillary,
Wile E. Coyote style.

But Hillary claims Trump is a person of color,
as she claims he's orange.
Why is she requesting Tax returns from the only candidate caught in an Audit (which Dems have been caught abusing power over). And because he happens to be a person of color that Clinton openly despises?=Racist Hillary according to her own standard.
What does she have against Orange people?
(People to busy working hard indoors to get any sun, so they use tanning lotion products or spray tans) Why does she hate hard workers or pigment challenged people who spray tan=the Orange crowd?
What does she have against The Cheetos mascot or people who love Cheetos, Doreetos,
or Burger King's Cheese powdered Chicken fries?
So Hillary is a racist who hates hard workers and people who like cheese powdered snacks.
She hates victims of abuse of power rape, she hates the 54% deplorables, 8% more of which she is still undecided about.
Oh and she hates me, by the way her and Al Gore refused to share my emails with the Public.
I am truly the leper, because no politician could dare be associated with the likes
of me nor speak of me.
The CRYPTIC science symposium Bill held was good, but not good enough, nor what was best or needed at that time.
There was so much lost for sake of appearances and holding power, that you could not fathom.

What does an audit have to do with releasing his tax returns?

Who would get to see the returns that isn't supposed to if he released them? Its not like the IRS doesn't have a copy.

Its a bullshit argument. Trump committed to releasing his returns. He insisted that a candidate should release their returns by April of the election year. And he's violated both of his standards.

Not releasing his tax returns is costing him politically. Whatever is in those returns will cost him more. Which is why he won't release them.
I can't believe you'd ask what an audit has to do with it. Wow.
What part of tax lawyers recommendations do you not understand?

The part where NOTHING is revealed that the IRS doesn't already know.

Again, the IRS already has a copy of his tax return. So releasing it to the rest of us won't give the IRS any information it doesn't already have.

Its a bullshit excuse. Trump knows that whatever is in his tax return will do more damage to him politically than refusing to release his returns is causing him now. And the damage is considerable.

NOW- If Obama or his loyalists weren't abusing his(their) power through his(their) inkling for revenge then would this audit still exist?

Who says that 'Obama and his loyalists' are abusing their power? Warren Buffet openly supports Clinton. He's being audited too.

So......why would 'Obama and his loyalists' be auditing a Hillary supporter if politics were their motivation? Easy: Politics isn't the motivation for an audit.

You're simply elaborating on a conspiracy theory. There's absolutely nothing preventing Trump from releasing his tax returns. He just doesn't want us knowing what's in them.

IF that was you being abused would you give the abusers the satisfaction or would you spotlight the abuse(audit) everytime they snidely requested the tax return?
It's not like his tax info isn't already open to the media, this labeling "tax return" is semantics and a game is being played by both sides with Donald winning, because now the abuse of power audits are on Joe Publics minds as well as Hillary requesting him to do something which she isn't willing to do herself in producing documents lawyers recommend not doing.
Double barrel backfire on Hillary,

'Semantics'? Every candidate for the last several decades has released their tax returns. Trump refuses.

You can try to polish that turd as furiously as you want. It doesn't change what Trump committed to release. And his failure to do so.
how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

If anyone disagree's with obummers policies they are by definition, according to progressives, "racist". They simply won't accept that you can dislike a persons policies while not caring what color he is.

that's pathetic.... birders don't disagree on policy. the effort was to delegitimize the first black president.

but nice try.
Yep.....hitlery, like her husband BJ, thought Obama should be bringing them their coffee....
I suppose racism was just an easy answer to the question why folks were hounding Obama to prove he was American without having an ounce of evidence to the contrary.
HIs refusal to prove he was born in America is the evidence, douche bag.
The left started the whole "obama isn't a real American, doesn't have fundamental thinking of American values " back in 2008 as a way to push hillary as being "more authentic" (born in the middle of America to a middle class family, etc. ) so people would identify with her. Republicans jumped on that and took it the birther route. If Republicans who went the birther route are racist then so are th hillarybots who started it, who planted the seeds. Right?

"The idea of going after Obama’s otherness dates back to the last presidential election—and to Democrats. Long before Trump started in, Hillary Clinton’s chief strategist, Mark Penn, recognized this potential vulnerability in Obama and sought to exploit it. In a March 2007 memo to Clinton (that later found its way to me), Penn wrote: “All of these articles about his boyhood in Indonesia and his life in Hawaii are geared toward showing his background is diverse, multicultural and putting it in a new light,” he wrote. “Save it for 2050. It also exposes a very strong weakness for him—his roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited. I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and his values.

Penn also suggested how the campaign might take advantage of this. “Every speech should contain the line that you were born in the middle of America to the middle class in the middle of the last century,” he advised Clinton. “And talk about the basic bargain as about [sic] the deeply American values you grew up with, learned as a child, and that drive you today.” He went on: “Let’s explicitly own ‘American’ in our programs, the speeches and the values. He doesn’t … Let’s add flag symbols to the backgrounds [of campaign events].”

Penn was not a birther. His memo didn’t raise the issue of Obama’s citizenship. Furthermore, he was acutely aware of the political danger that a Democrat would court by going after Obama in this way, even subliminally: “We are never going to say anything about his background,” he wrote. Still, his memo is the earliest example of a strategy that metastasized. The Republican tactic has been to make explicit what Penn intended to be merely implicit—and then carry it to its furthest extreme. Soon, the belief spread among many voters that Obama had been educated in a radical madrassa, that he was secretly a Muslim, and, finally, that he had not even been born in the U.S."

The Democratic Roots of the Birther Movement

LOL that is a whole lot of dancing around to just blame Democrats for Donald Trump going full Birther.

Why do you want to believe that Donald Trump is just a gullible idiot deceived by Democrats?
The birther issue is a side show and irrelevant. If Hillary had a record she could run on, we wouldn't be hearing about this trivia. The bottom line is that Hillary is a disaster, and the public knows it.
how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

Because the birther conspiracy wouldn't have existed if our president were Barry O'Bama whose dad was born in Dublin.

I'm still waiting for Trump to share what his investigators found. They're probably in the same room with Trump's plan to fight ISIS.
What you mean is that It wouldn't have existed if Obama wasn't a flaming communist bent on destroying the country

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