how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

See you had to lie, truth needs no lies.
You are saying 1 in 44 but that has nothing to do with race and none 0f those (that I know of) had questionable and missing documentation. Ask Hillary or her staff why she (they) chose to single out him? You say it's racist but then Hillary is Racist. Which is true when you abuse the race card for devious means.

So its just random coincidence that the only black man to hold office is the only person Trump has ever challenged the legitimacy of holding that office?

Seems a bit of a stretch, especially given Trump's similar babble about Obama being a Muslim. Any and every batshit accusation he could make to discredit the legitimacy of the one and only black president in our nation's history.

Trump built his political career on that racist lie. Its his now.
Hitlery should never have started that birtherism bullshit....she only did it because she was losing to a black man....
The race card gets played whenever a liberal is caught in a lie or otherwise can't defend their stand.

It's not a "card", it's a observable thing.

When someone says it's raining, are they playing "weather" card?

It has nothing to do with defending a stand. When something walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, we say that's probably a duck.

When something or someone is racist, veiled or overt, and we identify and call it out as such, no one is defending "a stand", people are just stating plainly what they see and hear.
See you had to lie, truth needs no lies.
You are saying 1 in 44 but that has nothing to do with race and none 0f those (that I know of) had questionable and missing documentation. Ask Hillary or her staff why she (they) chose to single out him? You say it's racist but then Hillary is Racist. Which is true when you abuse the race card for devious means.

So its just random coincidence that the only black man to hold office is the only person Trump has ever challenged the legitimacy of holding that office?

Seems a bit of a stretch, especially given Trump's similar babble about Obama being a Muslim. Any and every batshit accusation he could make to discredit the legitimacy of the one and only black president in our nation's history.

Trump built his political career on that racist lie. Its his now.
Hitlery should never have started that birtherism bullshit....she only did it because she was losing to a black man....

Still waiting for that quote of Hillary ever backing the birther conspiracy.

You keep running, I'll keep laughing. Deal?
The race card gets played whenever a liberal is caught in a lie or otherwise can't defend their stand.

It's not a "card", it's a observable thing.

When someone says it's raining, are they playing "weather" card?

It has nothing to do with defending a stand. When something walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, we say that's probably a duck.

When something or someone is racist, veiled or overt, and we identify and call it out as such, no one is defending "a stand", people are just stating plainly what they see and hear.
Or like what hitlery started the birtherism thing when she started losing to a black man......
The race card gets played whenever a liberal is caught in a lie or otherwise can't defend their stand.

It's not a "card", it's a observable thing.

When someone says it's raining, are they playing "weather" card?

It has nothing to do with defending a stand. When something walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, we say that's probably a duck.

When something or someone is racist, veiled or overt, and we identify and call it out as such, no one is defending "a stand", people are just stating plainly what they see and hear.
Or like what hitlery started the birtherism thing when she started losing to a black man......

That's not a quote of Hillary backing the birther conspiracy either.

Try again.
how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

Because it's only ever been a question for our first black president throughout his two terms.
Hitlery is a's quite sad what she did by starting the birtherism thing....
Quote her stating Obama's Hawaiian birth certificate is fake.

I can quote Crazy Donald making such an absurd claim...

Trump is stuck with the stupid, racist birther lie. He polished that turd for years. And now its going to keep damaging his credibility long after he wants to abandon it.
Trump is stuck with the stupid, racist birther lie. He polished that turd for years. And now its going to keep damaging his credibility long after he wants to abandon it.
I am glad he ended what hitlery started.....shows integrity.....something hitlery could have shown too....
The race card gets played whenever a liberal is caught in a lie or otherwise can't defend their stand.

It's not a "card", it's a observable thing.

When someone says it's raining, are they playing "weather" card?

It has nothing to do with defending a stand. When something walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, we say that's probably a duck.

When something or someone is racist, veiled or overt, and we identify and call it out as such, no one is defending "a stand", people are just stating plainly what they see and hear.
Or like what hitlery started the birtherism thing when she started losing to a black man......

No amount of facts, fact-cheking, evidence to the contrary is going to help you see the truth.

Do you know what that means?

You're hopeless. A lost cause.
Trump is stuck with the stupid, racist birther lie. He polished that turd for years. And now its going to keep damaging his credibility long after he wants to abandon it.
I am glad he ended what hitlery started.....shows integrity.....something hitlery could have shown too....

Then it will be remarkably easy for you to quote Hillary backing the birther conspiracy. Like I can quote Trump doing:


Keep running.
Trump is stuck with the stupid, racist birther lie. He polished that turd for years. And now its going to keep damaging his credibility long after he wants to abandon it.
I am glad he ended what hitlery started.....shows integrity.....something hitlery could have shown too....
Why won't you quote her starting it? What are you afraid of?
The race card gets played whenever a liberal is caught in a lie or otherwise can't defend their stand.

It's not a "card", it's a observable thing.

When someone says it's raining, are they playing "weather" card?

It has nothing to do with defending a stand. When something walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, we say that's probably a duck.

When something or someone is racist, veiled or overt, and we identify and call it out as such, no one is defending "a stand", people are just stating plainly what they see and hear.
Or like what hitlery started the birtherism thing when she started losing to a black man......

No amount of facts, fact-cheking, evidence to the contrary is going to help you see the truth.

Do you know what that means?

You're hopeless. A lost cause.
Do you think hitlery hated Obama because he was black and that's why she started this birtherism bullshit?
The race card gets played whenever a liberal is caught in a lie or otherwise can't defend their stand.

It's not a "card", it's a observable thing.

When someone says it's raining, are they playing "weather" card?

It has nothing to do with defending a stand. When something walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, we say that's probably a duck.

When something or someone is racist, veiled or overt, and we identify and call it out as such, no one is defending "a stand", people are just stating plainly what they see and hear.
Or like what hitlery started the birtherism thing when she started losing to a black man......

No amount of facts, fact-cheking, evidence to the contrary is going to help you see the truth.

Do you know what that means?

You're hopeless. A lost cause.
He's a hopelessly lost Internet troll. Fucking with him or ignoring him are the only viable options available.
The race card gets played whenever a liberal is caught in a lie or otherwise can't defend their stand.

It's not a "card", it's a observable thing.

When someone says it's raining, are they playing "weather" card?

It has nothing to do with defending a stand. When something walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, we say that's probably a duck.

When something or someone is racist, veiled or overt, and we identify and call it out as such, no one is defending "a stand", people are just stating plainly what they see and hear.
Or like what hitlery started the birtherism thing when she started losing to a black man......

No amount of facts, fact-cheking, evidence to the contrary is going to help you see the truth.

Do you know what that means?

You're hopeless. A lost cause.
Do you think hitlery hated Obama because he was black and that's why she started this birtherism bullshit?
If she started it, you'd quote her.
The race card gets played whenever a liberal is caught in a lie or otherwise can't defend their stand.

It's not a "card", it's a observable thing.

When someone says it's raining, are they playing "weather" card?

It has nothing to do with defending a stand. When something walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, we say that's probably a duck.

When something or someone is racist, veiled or overt, and we identify and call it out as such, no one is defending "a stand", people are just stating plainly what they see and hear.
Or like what hitlery started the birtherism thing when she started losing to a black man......

No amount of facts, fact-cheking, evidence to the contrary is going to help you see the truth.

Do you know what that means?

You're hopeless. A lost cause.
He's a hopelessly lost Internet troll. Fucking with him or ignoring him are the only viable options available.
Good boy.....

Go back to your hitlerys birtherism.....
Trump is stuck with the stupid, racist birther lie. He polished that turd for years. And now its going to keep damaging his credibility long after he wants to abandon it.
I am glad he ended what hitlery started.....shows integrity.....something hitlery could have shown too....
Why won't you quote her starting it? What are you afraid of?

There is no quote of Hillary ever backing the birther conspiracy. Which Ow knows. Which is why it keeps running.

Meanwhile, Trump's record of birther batshit will stick to him forever:

The left started the whole "obama isn't a real American, doesn't have fundamental thinking of American values " back in 2008 as a way to push hillary as being "more authentic" (born in the middle of America to a middle class family, etc. ) so people would identify with her. Republicans jumped on that and took it the birther route. If Republicans who went the birther route are racist then so are th hillarybots who started it, who planted the seeds. Right?

"The idea of going after Obama’s otherness dates back to the last presidential election—and to Democrats. Long before Trump started in, Hillary Clinton’s chief strategist, Mark Penn, recognized this potential vulnerability in Obama and sought to exploit it. In a March 2007 memo to Clinton (that later found its way to me), Penn wrote: “All of these articles about his boyhood in Indonesia and his life in Hawaii are geared toward showing his background is diverse, multicultural and putting it in a new light,” he wrote. “Save it for 2050. It also exposes a very strong weakness for him—his roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited. I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and his values.

Penn also suggested how the campaign might take advantage of this. “Every speech should contain the line that you were born in the middle of America to the middle class in the middle of the last century,” he advised Clinton. “And talk about the basic bargain as about [sic] the deeply American values you grew up with, learned as a child, and that drive you today.” He went on: “Let’s explicitly own ‘American’ in our programs, the speeches and the values. He doesn’t … Let’s add flag symbols to the backgrounds [of campaign events].”

Penn was not a birther. His memo didn’t raise the issue of Obama’s citizenship. Furthermore, he was acutely aware of the political danger that a Democrat would court by going after Obama in this way, even subliminally: “We are never going to say anything about his background,” he wrote. Still, his memo is the earliest example of a strategy that metastasized. The Republican tactic has been to make explicit what Penn intended to be merely implicit—and then carry it to its furthest extreme. Soon, the belief spread among many voters that Obama had been educated in a radical madrassa, that he was secretly a Muslim, and, finally, that he had not even been born in the U.S."

The Democratic Roots of the Birther Movement

LOL that is a whole lot of dancing around to just blame Democrats for Donald Trump going full Birther.

Why do you want to believe that Donald Trump is just a gullible idiot deceived by Democrats?

No, it shows that Dems planted the seeds. According to leftist logic, racist Dems. Hillary Clinton approved so that makes her a racist.

Trump is a gullible idiot who has favored Dems and Dem policy his entire life. He only 'became' a Republican when he decided to run for potus.
Trump is stuck with the stupid, racist birther lie. He polished that turd for years. And now its going to keep damaging his credibility long after he wants to abandon it.
I am glad he ended what hitlery started.....shows integrity.....something hitlery could have shown too....
Why won't you quote her starting it? What are you afraid of?

There is no quote of Hillary ever backing the birther conspiracy. Which Ow knows. Which is why it keeps running.

Meanwhile, Trump's record of birther batshit will stick to him forever:

I personally believe hitlery started birtherism because she is a racist.....
The race card gets played whenever a liberal is caught in a lie or otherwise can't defend their stand.

It's not a "card", it's a observable thing.

When someone says it's raining, are they playing "weather" card?

It has nothing to do with defending a stand. When something walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, we say that's probably a duck.

When something or someone is racist, veiled or overt, and we identify and call it out as such, no one is defending "a stand", people are just stating plainly what they see and hear.
Or like what hitlery started the birtherism thing when she started losing to a black man......

No amount of facts, fact-cheking, evidence to the contrary is going to help you see the truth.

Do you know what that means?

You're hopeless. A lost cause.
He's a hopelessly lost Internet troll. Fucking with him or ignoring him are the only viable options available.
Good boy.....

Go back to your hitlerys birtherism.....
What birtherism? You still won't offer any proof she ever said Obama wasn't born in Hawaii.
The left started the whole "obama isn't a real American, doesn't have fundamental thinking of American values " back in 2008 as a way to push hillary as being "more authentic" (born in the middle of America to a middle class family, etc. ) so people would identify with her. Republicans jumped on that and took it the birther route. If Republicans who went the birther route are racist then so are th hillarybots who started it, who planted the seeds. Right?

"The idea of going after Obama’s otherness dates back to the last presidential election—and to Democrats. Long before Trump started in, Hillary Clinton’s chief strategist, Mark Penn, recognized this potential vulnerability in Obama and sought to exploit it. In a March 2007 memo to Clinton (that later found its way to me), Penn wrote: “All of these articles about his boyhood in Indonesia and his life in Hawaii are geared toward showing his background is diverse, multicultural and putting it in a new light,” he wrote. “Save it for 2050. It also exposes a very strong weakness for him—his roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited. I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and his values.

Penn also suggested how the campaign might take advantage of this. “Every speech should contain the line that you were born in the middle of America to the middle class in the middle of the last century,” he advised Clinton. “And talk about the basic bargain as about [sic] the deeply American values you grew up with, learned as a child, and that drive you today.” He went on: “Let’s explicitly own ‘American’ in our programs, the speeches and the values. He doesn’t … Let’s add flag symbols to the backgrounds [of campaign events].”

Penn was not a birther. His memo didn’t raise the issue of Obama’s citizenship. Furthermore, he was acutely aware of the political danger that a Democrat would court by going after Obama in this way, even subliminally: “We are never going to say anything about his background,” he wrote. Still, his memo is the earliest example of a strategy that metastasized. The Republican tactic has been to make explicit what Penn intended to be merely implicit—and then carry it to its furthest extreme. Soon, the belief spread among many voters that Obama had been educated in a radical madrassa, that he was secretly a Muslim, and, finally, that he had not even been born in the U.S."

The Democratic Roots of the Birther Movement

LOL that is a whole lot of dancing around to just blame Democrats for Donald Trump going full Birther.

Why do you want to believe that Donald Trump is just a gullible idiot deceived by Democrats?

No, it shows that Dems planted the seeds. According to leftist logic, racist Dems. Hillary Clinton approved so that makes her a racist.

Trump is a gullible idiot who has favored Dems and Dem policy his entire life. He only 'became' a Republican when he decided to run for potus.

Then quote Hillary or her campaign ever backing the birther conspiracy.

If she's the source, this should be remarkably simple. Alas, you have no such quotes, as no one ever did.

Trump is responsible for his own racist birther lies. But alas, he represents the 'party of personal responsibility'. So naturally, its someone else's fault.

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