how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

Because it's only ever been a question for our first black president throughout his two terms.
Hitlery is a's quite sad what she did by starting the birtherism thing....

Even if true, it was most certainly Trump who ran with that ball and made it his foundational political issue. He owns it.

You're not thinking this through from their perspective. These are republicans. Their actions are *always* someone else's fault. They're never responsible for themselves.

That's why they're called the 'party of personal responsibility'. Politics is not without a certain sense of irony.
Trump can put the whole birther thing behind him by pulling an obama.

No he can't. Trump championed the birther batshit, hired investigators, collected evidence, propogated insane conspiracies, alluded to the murder of officials, built his entire political career on birther idiocy.

It doesn't magically disappear because he holds a 30 second news conference. The racist birther lie is his and he's stuck with it.

He certainly can make it lose steam and disappear. Announce he's evolved, ignore any further questions about it with that answer. Period.

His big mouth and unfiltered brain will prevent him from doing the obvious.
how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

Because it's only ever been a question for our first black president throughout his two terms.
Hitlery is a's quite sad what she did by starting the birtherism thing....

Even if true, it was most certainly Trump who ran with that ball and made it his foundational political issue. He owns it.
Trump did end it.....we can only hope hitlery apologizes for starting it.....
How did he end it when it was only last week that he finally admitted Obama was born in the U.S.?
Trump can put the whole birther thing behind him by pulling an obama.

No he can't. Trump championed the birther batshit, hired investigators, collected evidence, propogated insane conspiracies, alluded to the murder of officials, built his entire political career on birther idiocy.

It doesn't magically disappear because he holds a 30 second news conference. The racist birther lie is his and he's stuck with it.

He certainly can make it lose steam and disappear.

Not in 43 days.

Announce he's evolved, ignore any further questions about it with that answer. Period.

He doesn't need to answer questions. Any quote anyone would ever need to batter him on the issue is still on twitter and youtube. By the dozens.

His support of Birtherism wasn't an acedotal event. It was the cornerstone of his entire rise politically within the GOP. And now its the boulder around his neck as he tries to convince voters outside the GOP that he should be president.

Its going to weigh him down until election day and beyond. And there's not a damn thing he can do about it.
The left started the whole "obama isn't a real American, doesn't have fundamental thinking of American values " back in 2008 as a way to push hillary as being "more authentic" (born in the middle of America to a middle class family, etc. ) so people would identify with her. Republicans jumped on that and took it the birther route. If Republicans who went the birther route are racist then so are th hillarybots who started it, who planted the seeds. Right?

"The idea of going after Obama’s otherness dates back to the last presidential election—and to Democrats. Long before Trump started in, Hillary Clinton’s chief strategist, Mark Penn, recognized this potential vulnerability in Obama and sought to exploit it. In a March 2007 memo to Clinton (that later found its way to me), Penn wrote: “All of these articles about his boyhood in Indonesia and his life in Hawaii are geared toward showing his background is diverse, multicultural and putting it in a new light,” he wrote. “Save it for 2050. It also exposes a very strong weakness for him—his roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited. I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and his values.

Penn also suggested how the campaign might take advantage of this. “Every speech should contain the line that you were born in the middle of America to the middle class in the middle of the last century,” he advised Clinton. “And talk about the basic bargain as about [sic] the deeply American values you grew up with, learned as a child, and that drive you today.” He went on: “Let’s explicitly own ‘American’ in our programs, the speeches and the values. He doesn’t … Let’s add flag symbols to the backgrounds [of campaign events].”

Penn was not a birther. His memo didn’t raise the issue of Obama’s citizenship. Furthermore, he was acutely aware of the political danger that a Democrat would court by going after Obama in this way, even subliminally: “We are never going to say anything about his background,” he wrote. Still, his memo is the earliest example of a strategy that metastasized. The Republican tactic has been to make explicit what Penn intended to be merely implicit—and then carry it to its furthest extreme. Soon, the belief spread among many voters that Obama had been educated in a radical madrassa, that he was secretly a Muslim, and, finally, that he had not even been born in the U.S."

The Democratic Roots of the Birther Movement

LOL that is a whole lot of dancing around to just blame Democrats for Donald Trump going full Birther.

Why do you want to believe that Donald Trump is just a gullible idiot deceived by Democrats?

No, it shows that Dems planted the seeds. According to leftist logic, racist Dems. Hillary Clinton approved so that makes her a racist.

Trump is a gullible idiot who has favored Dems and Dem policy his entire life. He only 'became' a Republican when he decided to run for potus.

No, it shows that Dems planted the seeds.

Even if that were true. It's your candidate who went after that bait, fell in the trap and made it home for five years. It's Trump's baby . Deal with it.
Trump can put the whole birther thing behind him by pulling an obama.

No he can't. Trump championed the birther batshit, hired investigators, collected evidence, propogated insane conspiracies, alluded to the murder of officials, built his entire political career on birther idiocy.

It doesn't magically disappear because he holds a 30 second news conference. The racist birther lie is his and he's stuck with it.

He certainly can make it lose steam and disappear.

Not in 43 days.

Announce he's evolved, ignore any further questions about it with that answer. Period.

He doesn't need to answer questions. Any quote anyone would ever need to batter him on the issue is still on twitter and youtube. By the dozens.

His support of Birtherism wasn't an acedotal event. It was the cornerstone of his entire rise politically within the GOP. And now its the boulder around his neck as he tries to convince voters outside the GOP that he should be president.

Its going to weigh him down until election day and beyond. And there's not a damn thing he can do about it.

He rose because he struck a nerve with millions who are sick and tired of the establishment pols, most especially establishment GOPe. He's the "outsider" candidate. That's the reason he's the nom. Have you not been paying attention? And he can move past the birther crap by stating he's evolved, that's he's already answered, and then simply ignore any further questions on it. Literally, change the subject. He won't do that though. His "very good brain" won't let him.
The left started the whole "obama isn't a real American, doesn't have fundamental thinking of American values " back in 2008 as a way to push hillary as being "more authentic" (born in the middle of America to a middle class family, etc. ) so people would identify with her. Republicans jumped on that and took it the birther route. If Republicans who went the birther route are racist then so are th hillarybots who started it, who planted the seeds. Right?

"The idea of going after Obama’s otherness dates back to the last presidential election—and to Democrats. Long before Trump started in, Hillary Clinton’s chief strategist, Mark Penn, recognized this potential vulnerability in Obama and sought to exploit it. In a March 2007 memo to Clinton (that later found its way to me), Penn wrote: “All of these articles about his boyhood in Indonesia and his life in Hawaii are geared toward showing his background is diverse, multicultural and putting it in a new light,” he wrote. “Save it for 2050. It also exposes a very strong weakness for him—his roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited. I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and his values.

Penn also suggested how the campaign might take advantage of this. “Every speech should contain the line that you were born in the middle of America to the middle class in the middle of the last century,” he advised Clinton. “And talk about the basic bargain as about [sic] the deeply American values you grew up with, learned as a child, and that drive you today.” He went on: “Let’s explicitly own ‘American’ in our programs, the speeches and the values. He doesn’t … Let’s add flag symbols to the backgrounds [of campaign events].”

Penn was not a birther. His memo didn’t raise the issue of Obama’s citizenship. Furthermore, he was acutely aware of the political danger that a Democrat would court by going after Obama in this way, even subliminally: “We are never going to say anything about his background,” he wrote. Still, his memo is the earliest example of a strategy that metastasized. The Republican tactic has been to make explicit what Penn intended to be merely implicit—and then carry it to its furthest extreme. Soon, the belief spread among many voters that Obama had been educated in a radical madrassa, that he was secretly a Muslim, and, finally, that he had not even been born in the U.S."

The Democratic Roots of the Birther Movement

LOL that is a whole lot of dancing around to just blame Democrats for Donald Trump going full Birther.

Why do you want to believe that Donald Trump is just a gullible idiot deceived by Democrats?

No, it shows that Dems planted the seeds. According to leftist logic, racist Dems. Hillary Clinton approved so that makes her a racist.

Trump is a gullible idiot who has favored Dems and Dem policy his entire life. He only 'became' a Republican when he decided to run for potus.

No, it shows that Dems planted the seeds.

Even if that were true. It's your candidate who went after that bait, fell in the trap and made it home for five years. It's Trump's baby . Deal with it.

It is true.

Did I say otherwise?

If the left is going to say racism is the reason for the birthers going full birther, then that logic also says that the Dems - including Hillary Clinton - were also racist in trying to paint obama as "less American".
how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

Because it's only ever been a question for our first black president throughout his two terms.
Hitlery is a's quite sad what she did by starting the birtherism thing....

Even if true, it was most certainly Trump who ran with that ball and made it his foundational political issue. He owns it.
Trump did end it.....we can only hope hitlery apologizes for starting it.....

Yes, that's it.
Trump is the firefighter who starts fires so dopes like you will laud him for putting it out.
how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

Because it's only ever been a question for our first black president throughout his two terms.
Hitlery is a's quite sad what she did by starting the birtherism thing....

Even if true, it was most certainly Trump who ran with that ball and made it his foundational political issue. He owns it.
Trump did end it.....we can only hope hitlery apologizes for starting it.....

Yes, that's it.
Trump is the firefighter who starts fires so dopes like you will laud him for putting it out.
What fire did he start?
Trump can put the whole birther thing behind him by pulling an obama.

No he can't. Trump championed the birther batshit, hired investigators, collected evidence, propogated insane conspiracies, alluded to the murder of officials, built his entire political career on birther idiocy.

It doesn't magically disappear because he holds a 30 second news conference. The racist birther lie is his and he's stuck with it.

He certainly can make it lose steam and disappear.

Not in 43 days.

Announce he's evolved, ignore any further questions about it with that answer. Period.

He doesn't need to answer questions. Any quote anyone would ever need to batter him on the issue is still on twitter and youtube. By the dozens.

His support of Birtherism wasn't an acedotal event. It was the cornerstone of his entire rise politically within the GOP. And now its the boulder around his neck as he tries to convince voters outside the GOP that he should be president.

Its going to weigh him down until election day and beyond. And there's not a damn thing he can do about it.

He rose because he struck a nerve with millions who are sick and tired of the establishment pols, most especially establishment GOPe.

He rose because he collected around him a solid basis of birthers. The GOP had made the gross tactical error of indoctrinating their electorate to distrust it science, the federal government, or the president. And then assumed that they were themselves immune.

Alas, Trump out batshitted them. He doubled down on the conspiracies the GOP only alluded to. And provided an empty Rorschach test of inane pseudo-babble for people to project their fears upon.

Listen to Trump's rhetoric. It conveys almost no information. Its almost always open ended gibberish that means nothing. But alludes to indistinct issues that the listener can fill in themselves.

One of Trump's favorites is 'there's something going on'.

It means nothing. But if the listener has a fear, a personal prejudice, anger, a conspiracy, or otherwise.....they can paint it upon the canvas like wall of white noise that passes for political discourse at a Trump rally.

And it is these fears and prejudices that Trump played to gain political power. Just because they're no longer useful doesn't mean they're going to magically disappear now.

Trump's racist birther lie isn't going anywhere in the next 43 days.
The left started the whole "obama isn't a real American, doesn't have fundamental thinking of American values " back in 2008 as a way to push hillary as being "more authentic" (born in the middle of America to a middle class family, etc. ) so people would identify with her. Republicans jumped on that and took it the birther route. If Republicans who went the birther route are racist then so are th hillarybots who started it, who planted the seeds. Right?

"The idea of going after Obama’s otherness dates back to the last presidential election—and to Democrats. Long before Trump started in, Hillary Clinton’s chief strategist, Mark Penn, recognized this potential vulnerability in Obama and sought to exploit it. In a March 2007 memo to Clinton (that later found its way to me), Penn wrote: “All of these articles about his boyhood in Indonesia and his life in Hawaii are geared toward showing his background is diverse, multicultural and putting it in a new light,” he wrote. “Save it for 2050. It also exposes a very strong weakness for him—his roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited. I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and his values.

Penn also suggested how the campaign might take advantage of this. “Every speech should contain the line that you were born in the middle of America to the middle class in the middle of the last century,” he advised Clinton. “And talk about the basic bargain as about [sic] the deeply American values you grew up with, learned as a child, and that drive you today.” He went on: “Let’s explicitly own ‘American’ in our programs, the speeches and the values. He doesn’t … Let’s add flag symbols to the backgrounds [of campaign events].”

Penn was not a birther. His memo didn’t raise the issue of Obama’s citizenship. Furthermore, he was acutely aware of the political danger that a Democrat would court by going after Obama in this way, even subliminally: “We are never going to say anything about his background,” he wrote. Still, his memo is the earliest example of a strategy that metastasized. The Republican tactic has been to make explicit what Penn intended to be merely implicit—and then carry it to its furthest extreme. Soon, the belief spread among many voters that Obama had been educated in a radical madrassa, that he was secretly a Muslim, and, finally, that he had not even been born in the U.S."

The Democratic Roots of the Birther Movement

LOL that is a whole lot of dancing around to just blame Democrats for Donald Trump going full Birther.

Why do you want to believe that Donald Trump is just a gullible idiot deceived by Democrats?

No, it shows that Dems planted the seeds. According to leftist logic, racist Dems. Hillary Clinton approved so that makes her a racist.

Trump is a gullible idiot who has favored Dems and Dem policy his entire life. He only 'became' a Republican when he decided to run for potus.

No, it shows that Dems planted the seeds.

Even if that were true. It's your candidate who went after that bait, fell in the trap and made it home for five years. It's Trump's baby . Deal with it.

It is true.

Did I say otherwise?

If the left is going to say racism is the reason for the birthers going full birther, then that logic also says that the Dems - including Hillary Clinton - were also racist in trying to paint obama as "less American".
Not really since very few Democrats went down that road.
Trump can put the whole birther thing behind him by pulling an obama.

No he can't. Trump championed the birther batshit, hired investigators, collected evidence, propogated insane conspiracies, alluded to the murder of officials, built his entire political career on birther idiocy.

It doesn't magically disappear because he holds a 30 second news conference. The racist birther lie is his and he's stuck with it.

He certainly can make it lose steam and disappear.

Not in 43 days.

Announce he's evolved, ignore any further questions about it with that answer. Period.

He doesn't need to answer questions. Any quote anyone would ever need to batter him on the issue is still on twitter and youtube. By the dozens.

His support of Birtherism wasn't an acedotal event. It was the cornerstone of his entire rise politically within the GOP. And now its the boulder around his neck as he tries to convince voters outside the GOP that he should be president.

Its going to weigh him down until election day and beyond. And there's not a damn thing he can do about it.

He rose because he struck a nerve with millions who are sick and tired of the establishment pols, most especially establishment GOPe.

He rose because he collected around him a solid basis of birthers. The GOP had made the gross tactical error of indoctrinating their electorate to distrust it science, the federal government, or the president. And then assumed that they were themselves immune.

Alas, Trump out batshitted them. He doubled down on the conspiracies the GOP only alluded to. And provided an empty Rorschach test of inane pseudo-babble for people to project their fears upon.

Listen to Trump's rhetoric. It conveys almost no information. Its almost always open ended gibberish that means nothing. But alludes to indistinct issues that the listener can fill in themselves.

One of Trump's favorites is 'there's something going on'.

It means nothing. But if the listener has a fear, a personal prejudice, anger, a conspiracy, or otherwise.....they can paint it upon the canvas like wall of white noise that passes for political discourse at a Trump rally.

And it is these fears and prejudices that Trump played to gain political power. Just because they're no longer useful doesn't mean they're going to magically disappear now.

Trump's racist birther lie isn't going anywhere in the next 43 days.

I don't disagree with any of that. I don't support Trump and wince when he speaks. To me it sounds like he's read the headlines of 30 newspapers and just repeats it. :dunno:

I disagree with the birther issue. If obama's past didn't matter (communist mentors, Rev Wright, BillAyers, etc) and he simply ignored all the blather, then Trump's birther rhetoric doesn't matter. He just needs to pull an obama and ignore it, change the subject.
Listen to Trump's rhetoric. It conveys almost no information. Its almost always open ended gibberish that means nothing..
That's true of virtually everything he says on virtually every topic.
The left started the whole "obama isn't a real American, doesn't have fundamental thinking of American values " back in 2008 as a way to push hillary as being "more authentic" (born in the middle of America to a middle class family, etc. ) so people would identify with her. Republicans jumped on that and took it the birther route. If Republicans who went the birther route are racist then so are th hillarybots who started it, who planted the seeds. Right?

"The idea of going after Obama’s otherness dates back to the last presidential election—and to Democrats. Long before Trump started in, Hillary Clinton’s chief strategist, Mark Penn, recognized this potential vulnerability in Obama and sought to exploit it. In a March 2007 memo to Clinton (that later found its way to me), Penn wrote: “All of these articles about his boyhood in Indonesia and his life in Hawaii are geared toward showing his background is diverse, multicultural and putting it in a new light,” he wrote. “Save it for 2050. It also exposes a very strong weakness for him—his roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited. I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and his values.

Penn also suggested how the campaign might take advantage of this. “Every speech should contain the line that you were born in the middle of America to the middle class in the middle of the last century,” he advised Clinton. “And talk about the basic bargain as about [sic] the deeply American values you grew up with, learned as a child, and that drive you today.” He went on: “Let’s explicitly own ‘American’ in our programs, the speeches and the values. He doesn’t … Let’s add flag symbols to the backgrounds [of campaign events].”

Penn was not a birther. His memo didn’t raise the issue of Obama’s citizenship. Furthermore, he was acutely aware of the political danger that a Democrat would court by going after Obama in this way, even subliminally: “We are never going to say anything about his background,” he wrote. Still, his memo is the earliest example of a strategy that metastasized. The Republican tactic has been to make explicit what Penn intended to be merely implicit—and then carry it to its furthest extreme. Soon, the belief spread among many voters that Obama had been educated in a radical madrassa, that he was secretly a Muslim, and, finally, that he had not even been born in the U.S."

The Democratic Roots of the Birther Movement

LOL that is a whole lot of dancing around to just blame Democrats for Donald Trump going full Birther.

Why do you want to believe that Donald Trump is just a gullible idiot deceived by Democrats?

No, it shows that Dems planted the seeds. According to leftist logic, racist Dems. Hillary Clinton approved so that makes her a racist.

Trump is a gullible idiot who has favored Dems and Dem policy his entire life. He only 'became' a Republican when he decided to run for potus.

No, it shows that Dems planted the seeds.

Even if that were true. It's your candidate who went after that bait, fell in the trap and made it home for five years. It's Trump's baby . Deal with it.

It is true.

Did I say otherwise?

If the left is going to say racism is the reason for the birthers going full birther, then that logic also says that the Dems - including Hillary Clinton - were also racist in trying to paint obama as "less American".
Not really since very few Democrats went down that road.

Doesn't matter if very few Dems went down that road ... Clinton's campaign did. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
The left started the whole "obama isn't a real American, doesn't have fundamental thinking of American values " back in 2008 as a way to push hillary as being "more authentic" (born in the middle of America to a middle class family, etc. ) so people would identify with her. Republicans jumped on that and took it the birther route. If Republicans who went the birther route are racist then so are th hillarybots who started it, who planted the seeds. Right?

"The idea of going after Obama’s otherness dates back to the last presidential election—and to Democrats. Long before Trump started in, Hillary Clinton’s chief strategist, Mark Penn, recognized this potential vulnerability in Obama and sought to exploit it. In a March 2007 memo to Clinton (that later found its way to me), Penn wrote: “All of these articles about his boyhood in Indonesia and his life in Hawaii are geared toward showing his background is diverse, multicultural and putting it in a new light,” he wrote. “Save it for 2050. It also exposes a very strong weakness for him—his roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited. I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and his values.

Penn also suggested how the campaign might take advantage of this. “Every speech should contain the line that you were born in the middle of America to the middle class in the middle of the last century,” he advised Clinton. “And talk about the basic bargain as about [sic] the deeply American values you grew up with, learned as a child, and that drive you today.” He went on: “Let’s explicitly own ‘American’ in our programs, the speeches and the values. He doesn’t … Let’s add flag symbols to the backgrounds [of campaign events].”

Penn was not a birther. His memo didn’t raise the issue of Obama’s citizenship. Furthermore, he was acutely aware of the political danger that a Democrat would court by going after Obama in this way, even subliminally: “We are never going to say anything about his background,” he wrote. Still, his memo is the earliest example of a strategy that metastasized. The Republican tactic has been to make explicit what Penn intended to be merely implicit—and then carry it to its furthest extreme. Soon, the belief spread among many voters that Obama had been educated in a radical madrassa, that he was secretly a Muslim, and, finally, that he had not even been born in the U.S."

The Democratic Roots of the Birther Movement

LOL that is a whole lot of dancing around to just blame Democrats for Donald Trump going full Birther.

Why do you want to believe that Donald Trump is just a gullible idiot deceived by Democrats?

No, it shows that Dems planted the seeds. According to leftist logic, racist Dems. Hillary Clinton approved so that makes her a racist.

Trump is a gullible idiot who has favored Dems and Dem policy his entire life. He only 'became' a Republican when he decided to run for potus.

No, it shows that Dems planted the seeds.

Even if that were true. It's your candidate who went after that bait, fell in the trap and made it home for five years. It's Trump's baby . Deal with it.

It is true.

Did I say otherwise?

If the left is going to say racism is the reason for the birthers going full birther, then that logic also says that the Dems - including Hillary Clinton - were also racist in trying to paint obama as "less American".

Please show where anyone on the left asserted this issue repeatedly and publicly like the RW media world, pundits, candidates and elected officials have.

It doesn't exist.

Simply saying "the left started it", does nothing to absolve the right from their actions.
Like I said in a previous post, it's not so much the allegation it's self as it is the motivation to continue to suspend disbelief in favor of a disproved narrative. There obviously were some political points to be scored by Trump and others by continuing this narrative.
LOL that is a whole lot of dancing around to just blame Democrats for Donald Trump going full Birther.

Why do you want to believe that Donald Trump is just a gullible idiot deceived by Democrats?

No, it shows that Dems planted the seeds. According to leftist logic, racist Dems. Hillary Clinton approved so that makes her a racist.

Trump is a gullible idiot who has favored Dems and Dem policy his entire life. He only 'became' a Republican when he decided to run for potus.

No, it shows that Dems planted the seeds.

Even if that were true. It's your candidate who went after that bait, fell in the trap and made it home for five years. It's Trump's baby . Deal with it.

It is true.

Did I say otherwise?

If the left is going to say racism is the reason for the birthers going full birther, then that logic also says that the Dems - including Hillary Clinton - were also racist in trying to paint obama as "less American".
Not really since very few Democrats went down that road.

Doesn't matter if very few Dems went down that road ... Clinton's campaign did. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Except the Hillary campaign didn't.
how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

Because it's only ever been a question for our first black president throughout his two terms.
Hitlery is a's quite sad what she did by starting the birtherism thing....

Even if true, it was most certainly Trump who ran with that ball and made it his foundational political issue. He owns it.

You're not thinking this through from their perspective. These are republicans. Their actions are *always* someone else's fault. They're never responsible for themselves.

That's why they're called the 'party of personal responsibility'. Politics is not without a certain sense of irony.

It's pure trolling and shameless hackery.
It's really their only viable tactic in this case. Admitting that Trump led them down this path and then threw them under the bus is not an option.
Because it's only ever been a question for our first black president throughout his two terms.
Hitlery is a's quite sad what she did by starting the birtherism thing....

Even if true, it was most certainly Trump who ran with that ball and made it his foundational political issue. He owns it.
Trump did end it.....we can only hope hitlery apologizes for starting it.....

Yes, that's it.
Trump is the firefighter who starts fires so dopes like you will laud him for putting it out.
What fire did he start?

He built the tremendously yuuge birther movement. Bleeve me.
LOL that is a whole lot of dancing around to just blame Democrats for Donald Trump going full Birther.

Why do you want to believe that Donald Trump is just a gullible idiot deceived by Democrats?

No, it shows that Dems planted the seeds. According to leftist logic, racist Dems. Hillary Clinton approved so that makes her a racist.

Trump is a gullible idiot who has favored Dems and Dem policy his entire life. He only 'became' a Republican when he decided to run for potus.

No, it shows that Dems planted the seeds.

Even if that were true. It's your candidate who went after that bait, fell in the trap and made it home for five years. It's Trump's baby . Deal with it.

It is true.

Did I say otherwise?

If the left is going to say racism is the reason for the birthers going full birther, then that logic also says that the Dems - including Hillary Clinton - were also racist in trying to paint obama as "less American".
Not really since very few Democrats went down that road.

Doesn't matter if very few Dems went down that road ... Clinton's campaign did. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
The campaign never did.
The left started the whole "obama isn't a real American, doesn't have fundamental thinking of American values " back in 2008 as a way to push hillary as being "more authentic" (born in the middle of America to a middle class family, etc. ) so people would identify with her. Republicans jumped on that and took it the birther route. If Republicans who went the birther route are racist then so are th hillarybots who started it, who planted the seeds. Right?

"The idea of going after Obama’s otherness dates back to the last presidential election—and to Democrats. Long before Trump started in, Hillary Clinton’s chief strategist, Mark Penn, recognized this potential vulnerability in Obama and sought to exploit it. In a March 2007 memo to Clinton (that later found its way to me), Penn wrote: “All of these articles about his boyhood in Indonesia and his life in Hawaii are geared toward showing his background is diverse, multicultural and putting it in a new light,” he wrote. “Save it for 2050. It also exposes a very strong weakness for him—his roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited. I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and his values.

Penn also suggested how the campaign might take advantage of this. “Every speech should contain the line that you were born in the middle of America to the middle class in the middle of the last century,” he advised Clinton. “And talk about the basic bargain as about [sic] the deeply American values you grew up with, learned as a child, and that drive you today.” He went on: “Let’s explicitly own ‘American’ in our programs, the speeches and the values. He doesn’t … Let’s add flag symbols to the backgrounds [of campaign events].”

Penn was not a birther. His memo didn’t raise the issue of Obama’s citizenship. Furthermore, he was acutely aware of the political danger that a Democrat would court by going after Obama in this way, even subliminally: “We are never going to say anything about his background,” he wrote. Still, his memo is the earliest example of a strategy that metastasized. The Republican tactic has been to make explicit what Penn intended to be merely implicit—and then carry it to its furthest extreme. Soon, the belief spread among many voters that Obama had been educated in a radical madrassa, that he was secretly a Muslim, and, finally, that he had not even been born in the U.S."

The Democratic Roots of the Birther Movement

LOL that is a whole lot of dancing around to just blame Democrats for Donald Trump going full Birther.

Why do you want to believe that Donald Trump is just a gullible idiot deceived by Democrats?

No, it shows that Dems planted the seeds. According to leftist logic, racist Dems. Hillary Clinton approved so that makes her a racist.

Trump is a gullible idiot who has favored Dems and Dem policy his entire life. He only 'became' a Republican when he decided to run for potus.

No, it shows that Dems planted the seeds.

Even if that were true. It's your candidate who went after that bait, fell in the trap and made it home for five years. It's Trump's baby . Deal with it.

It is true.

Did I say otherwise?

If the left is going to say racism is the reason for the birthers going full birther, then that logic also says that the Dems - including Hillary Clinton - were also racist in trying to paint obama as "less American".

Please show where anyone on the left asserted this issue repeatedly and publicly like the RW media world, pundits, candidates and elected officials have.

It doesn't exist.

Simply saying "the left started it", does nothing to absolve the right from their actions.
Like I said in a previous post, it's not so much the allegation it's self as it is the motivation to continue to suspend disbelief in favor of a disproved narrative. There obviously were some political points to be scored by Trump and others by continuing this narrative.

I never said the left started the birther issue. I said they planted the seeds of doubt that obama wasn't as "real an American" as Clinton. It was a campaign strategy. The Rs did take that and run with it re: birther issue, as I stated in my earlier post.

All I'm saying is that if the birther issue was because "racism" then the Clinton campaign's "obama is less American" was because "racism". After all, they were claiming that the first black candidate's "roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited." Must be because he's black, right? :rolleyes:

ftr, neither were racism, both had to do with obama's past ... his associates, his mentors, his upbringing, where he was raised, etc.

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