how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

I never said the left started the birther issue. I said they planted the seeds of doubt that obama wasn't as "real an American" as Clinton. It was a campaign strategy. The Rs did take that and run with it re: birther issue, as I stated in my earlier post.

All I'm saying is that if the birther issue was because "racism" then the Clinton campaign's "obama is less American" was because "racism". After all, they were claiming that the first black candidate's "roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited." Must be because he's black, right? :rolleyes:

ftr, neither were racism, both had to do with obama's past ... his associates, his mentors, his upbringing, where he was raised, etc.

It was never a campaign strategy. It was never considered or employed. If you can show otherwise, please do.

Attempts by the Clinton campaign were subtle digs that point to the strategy outlined by Penn, that obama is "less American" than Clinton.

"Throughout the 2008 election season, racist and bigoted smears about Barack Obama circulated online, and bubbled up into mainstream conversation about the campaign in the traditional news media. Two of the most prominent lies about Obama, which persist to this day, were that he is secretly a Muslim (playing on fear-mongering and bigotry about Islam), and that he was not really born in America. Both of these ideas paint Obama as “other” and outside the mainstream, drawing their potency from fears about Black people gaining power. People generally associate these memes with the right wing. But the truth is that for the entire Democratic primary, not only did Hillary Clinton’s campaign do nothing to push back against the racist fear-mongering about Obama, it actually fed this atmosphere and helped it grow. It was a part of their strategy from early in the campaign."

How Can Black People Trust Hillary Clinton After the 2008 Campaign? | Huffington Post

"The Obama campaign has repeatedly claimed it has been the target of dirty tricks by the Clinton team. A senior member of her staff, Bill Shaheen, had to resign last year after raising Obama's admitted use of marijuana and cocaine as a youth.

"A junior staffer resigned in December after forwarding an email suggesting Obama is a Muslim. In the South Carolina primary last month, Bill Clinton made race an issue."

"Plouffe described circulation of the picture as part of "a disturbing pattern".

Clinton aides claim Obama photo wasn't intended as a smear

"Plouffe said in a statement: “On the very day that Senator Clinton is giving a speech about restoring respect for America in the world, her campaign has engaged in the most shameful, offensive fear-mongering we’ve seen from either party in this election. This is part of a disturbing pattern that led her county chairs to resign in Iowa, her campaign chairman to resign in New Hampshire, and it’s exactly the kind of divisive politics that turns away Americans of all parties and diminishes respect for America in the world," said Plouffe."

Obama slams smear photo

You can close your eyes all you want and keep believing that she's all that and a bag of chips, I don't give a shit. Her campaign set out to subtly smear obama, to raise questions of his "Americanism", Rs jumped on the bandwagon and took it to the nth degree with the birther thing, including Trump. It backfired and the black guy won and in the process made those who supported the shit look loony and tuney. Poor mrs bill. Poor Donnie.

From your HuffPo link.

"Throughout the 2008 election season, racist and bigoted smears about Barack Obama circulated online, and bubbled up into mainstream conversation about the campaign in the traditional news media. Two of the most prominent lies about Obama, which persist to this day, were that he is secretly a Muslim (playing on fear-mongering and bigotry about Islam), and that he was not really born in America. Both of these ideas paint Obama as “other” and outside the mainstream, drawing their potency from fears about Black people gaining power. People generally associate these memes with the right wing. But the truth is that for the entire Democratic primary, not only did Hillary Clinton’s campaign do nothing to push back against the racist fear-mongering about Obama, it actually fed this atmosphere and helped it grow. It was a part of their strategy from early in the campaign."

So it wasn't started by the campaign, it came from the internet. The criticism is that they didn't denounce it.

That's a far cry from saying they started it and employed it as a strategy.

Nice ignoring of the "clinton's campaign actually fed this atmosphere and helped it to grow". lol
In reality, they actually fired a volunteer who forwarded such an email; and admitted to it and apologized profusely to Obama.

So, no, it was not a "campaign strategy."

And again, it's an entirely different issue from birtherism, who's earliest roots have been traced to rightwing blogs and forum.

The internet sources his link spoke about.
Attempts by the Clinton campaign were subtle digs that point to the strategy outlined by Penn, that obama is "less American" than Clinton.

"Throughout the 2008 election season, racist and bigoted smears about Barack Obama circulated online, and bubbled up into mainstream conversation about the campaign in the traditional news media. Two of the most prominent lies about Obama, which persist to this day, were that he is secretly a Muslim (playing on fear-mongering and bigotry about Islam), and that he was not really born in America. Both of these ideas paint Obama as “other” and outside the mainstream, drawing their potency from fears about Black people gaining power. People generally associate these memes with the right wing. But the truth is that for the entire Democratic primary, not only did Hillary Clinton’s campaign do nothing to push back against the racist fear-mongering about Obama, it actually fed this atmosphere and helped it grow. It was a part of their strategy from early in the campaign."

How Can Black People Trust Hillary Clinton After the 2008 Campaign? | Huffington Post

"The Obama campaign has repeatedly claimed it has been the target of dirty tricks by the Clinton team. A senior member of her staff, Bill Shaheen, had to resign last year after raising Obama's admitted use of marijuana and cocaine as a youth.

"A junior staffer resigned in December after forwarding an email suggesting Obama is a Muslim. In the South Carolina primary last month, Bill Clinton made race an issue."

"Plouffe described circulation of the picture as part of "a disturbing pattern".

Clinton aides claim Obama photo wasn't intended as a smear

"Plouffe said in a statement: “On the very day that Senator Clinton is giving a speech about restoring respect for America in the world, her campaign has engaged in the most shameful, offensive fear-mongering we’ve seen from either party in this election. This is part of a disturbing pattern that led her county chairs to resign in Iowa, her campaign chairman to resign in New Hampshire, and it’s exactly the kind of divisive politics that turns away Americans of all parties and diminishes respect for America in the world," said Plouffe."

Obama slams smear photo

You can close your eyes all you want and keep believing that she's all that and a bag of chips, I don't give a shit. Her campaign set out to subtly smear obama, to raise questions of his "Americanism", Rs jumped on the bandwagon and took it to the nth degree with the birther thing, including Trump. It backfired and the black guy won and in the process made those who supported the shit look loony and tuney. Poor mrs bill. Poor Donnie.

From your HuffPo link.

"Throughout the 2008 election season, racist and bigoted smears about Barack Obama circulated online, and bubbled up into mainstream conversation about the campaign in the traditional news media. Two of the most prominent lies about Obama, which persist to this day, were that he is secretly a Muslim (playing on fear-mongering and bigotry about Islam), and that he was not really born in America. Both of these ideas paint Obama as “other” and outside the mainstream, drawing their potency from fears about Black people gaining power. People generally associate these memes with the right wing. But the truth is that for the entire Democratic primary, not only did Hillary Clinton’s campaign do nothing to push back against the racist fear-mongering about Obama, it actually fed this atmosphere and helped it grow. It was a part of their strategy from early in the campaign."

So it wasn't started by the campaign, it came from the internet. The criticism is that they didn't denounce it.

That's a far cry from saying they started it and employed it as a strategy.

Nice ignoring of the "clinton's campaign actually fed this atmosphere and helped it to grow". lol
In reality, they actually fired a volunteer who forwarded such an email; and admitted to it and apologized profusely to Obama.

So, no, it was not a "campaign strategy."

And again, it's an entirely different issue from birtherism, who's earliest roots have been traced to rightwing blogs and forum.

In reality, you're ignoring the info showing that her campaign did seek out to make obama "less American". They planted the seeds of doubt; the Rs watered, fertilized, and grew them into the birther thing.

They did not "seek out" any such thing. They fired people who attempted to do so. Your own links don't support what you're saying.

They planted the seeds. Bob Kerrey, by bringing up obama's muslim roots, obama's muslim name, all the while saying "that's great!" ... he's planting seeds of "hmm, this guy is less "american" than clinton". Look it up. Penn was clinton's chief campaign strategist until mid April, 2008 and outlined how to plant the seeds. Subtle talking points here and there, pics of obama in muslim garb, and the cumulative effect is .... doubt, questioning of obama. wondering if his values were as "American" as hers. That they fired people who spread emails is moot, as the (mis)information was already out -- which was the plan. When it became apparent that her campaign was losing, Clinton's supporters circulated an email questioning his citizenship. Look it up.

That you believe she, of all people, wouldn't stoop to smear tactics tells me all I need to know. Baaaaaa.
Because he's the only candidate in recent history who was pressured to show his. Even though he has his short form birth certificate proving his birth, the state of Hawaii backing it up, it apparently wasn't enough.

Not to mention the references to Kenya and the claim that he is Muslim.

When was the last time a candidate had to prove he was American?

Any time someone disagrees with or holds Obama accountable, then that person is a racistt.

What was Trump disagreeing with President Obama on when Trump accused President Obama of having a fake Birth Certificate?

Whether or not he was a legitimate Constitutional candidate for POTUS.
Because he's the only candidate in recent history who was pressured to show his. Even though he has his short form birth certificate proving his birth, the state of Hawaii backing it up, it apparently wasn't enough.

Not to mention the references to Kenya and the claim that he is Muslim.

When was the last time a candidate had to prove he was American?

Ted Cruz..who was questioned by Trump and don't throw stones in glass houses
how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

If you're white, you're a racist. Hillary has said as much.

No, she didn't.

The left doesn't believe that anyone can form an opinion based on anything but race. While they are revealing their own racism, they assume that everyone else thinks the same way they do.

Obviously not true, the country is divided down the middle with many not identifying as liberal or conservative.

If you expect a minority to produce a birth certificate for any reason, like obtaining an ID, you are expecting too much from them. The left doesn't think minorities are responsible or smart enough to have their shit together that way. If you ask Obama for a birth certificate to silence the rumors started by the Hillary campaign, you are called racist for not believing any minorities.

Not just any minority, we're talking about a natural born citizen of the United States and you guys demanded a higher standard from him and guess what, your worst fears came true, he's an American (though you probably still don't believe it). And no, Clinton had nothing to do with Trump being the man baby birther king for 5 fucking years only to give it up when it was politically expedient to do so. Because he's a very obvious politician.

The race card gets played whenever a liberal is caught in a lie or otherwise can't defend their stand.

Or when we already knew the President was an American but you fucking retards had to carry it on for 8 years.

She started it and the story he said in the debate is what if he thought obama was full of shit so do many democrats.
Because he's the only candidate in recent history who was pressured to show his. Even though he has his short form birth certificate proving his birth, the state of Hawaii backing it up, it apparently wasn't enough.

Not to mention the references to Kenya and the claim that he is Muslim.

When was the last time a candidate had to prove he was American?

Ted Cruz..who was questioned by Trump and don't throw stones in glass houses

And according to leftist logic, they MUST have questioned his authenticity because he was white!
how did birth certificate qualification turn into racism?

It's always been racism; conservative racists hostile to an African American president contrived the lie that the president wasn't born in the U.S. in a failed attempt to render him "unqualified."
how did birth certificate qualification turn into racism?

It's always been racism; conservative racists hostile to an African American president contrived the lie that the president wasn't born in the U.S. in a failed attempt to render him "unqualified."

Even if true, and it isn't, how does that in any way imply that someone thinks blacks are inferior beings or not worthy of the same consideration as whites?
Trump never said Hillary said anything, the staffers did and we'll never see her ordering her staff to research it, because she tampered with evidence and destroyed all her many problematic email conversations including those regarding audits and other damaging abuse of power.
how did birth certificate qualification turn into racism?

It's always been racism; conservative racists hostile to an African American president contrived the lie that the president wasn't born in the U.S. in a failed attempt to render him "unqualified."

You misspelled DemocraticHillarySupporters. All those Hillary supporters, racist pigs! :rolleyes:

“The answer lies in Democratic, not Republican politics, and in the bitter, exhausting spring of 2008,” an article by Ben Smith and Byron Tau reads. “At the time, the Democratic presidential primary was slipping away from Hillary Clinton and some of her most passionate supporters grasped for something, anything that would deal a final reversal to Barack Obama.”

Smith and Tau also found that the Clinton supporters began circulating an anonymous email questioning Obama’s citizenship in the Spring of 2008.

“Barack Obama’s mother was living in Kenya with his Arab-African father late in her pregnancy. She was not allowed to travel by plane then, so Barack Obama was born there and his mother then took him to Hawaii to register his birth,” asserted one chain email that surfaced on the urban legend site in April 2008.

Birtherism: Where it all began

It never caught fire until the Republicans grabbed hold of it though.
how did birth certificate qualification turn into racism?

It's always been racism; conservative racists hostile to an African American president contrived the lie that the president wasn't born in the U.S. in a failed attempt to render him "unqualified."
Yep we hate obama becaus hes black, just like kerry, gore, clinton, mondale, dukakis, Carter, ect.......
how did birth certificate qualification turn into racism?

It's always been racism; conservative racists hostile to an African American president contrived the lie that the president wasn't born in the U.S. in a failed attempt to render him "unqualified."
Yep we hate obama becaus hes black, just like kerry, gore, clinton, mondale, dukakis, Carter, ect.......

I dislike Obama's white half just as much as his black half...but actually I don't care about his race, I care he's a clusterfuck of epic proportions who's in waaaay over his head
Because he's the only candidate in recent history who was pressured to show his. Even though he has his short form birth certificate proving his birth, the state of Hawaii backing it up, it apparently wasn't enough.

Not to mention the references to Kenya and the claim that he is Muslim.

When was the last time a candidate had to prove he was American?

Ted Cruz..who was questioned by Trump and don't throw stones in glass houses
I saw far more folks on the right on this site alone questioning Cruz's eligibility than I did from folks on the left.
Because he's the only candidate in recent history who was pressured to show his. Even though he has his short form birth certificate proving his birth, the state of Hawaii backing it up, it apparently wasn't enough.

Not to mention the references to Kenya and the claim that he is Muslim.

When was the last time a candidate had to prove he was American?

Any time someone disagrees with or holds Obama accountable, then that person is a racistt.

What was Trump disagreeing with President Obama on when Trump accused President Obama of having a fake Birth Certificate?

Whether or not he was a legitimate Constitutional candidate for POTUS.

For 5 years after Barack Obama was elected? For 5 years after Trump saw his birth certificate and the State of Hawaii confirmed he was born in Hawaii?

LOL- and now he has suffered a miraculous conversion- and now is certain that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.

how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

If you're white, you're a racist. Hillary has said as much.

No, she didn't.

The left doesn't believe that anyone can form an opinion based on anything but race. While they are revealing their own racism, they assume that everyone else thinks the same way they do.

Obviously not true, the country is divided down the middle with many not identifying as liberal or conservative.

If you expect a minority to produce a birth certificate for any reason, like obtaining an ID, you are expecting too much from them. The left doesn't think minorities are responsible or smart enough to have their shit together that way. If you ask Obama for a birth certificate to silence the rumors started by the Hillary campaign, you are called racist for not believing any minorities.

Not just any minority, we're talking about a natural born citizen of the United States and you guys demanded a higher standard from him and guess what, your worst fears came true, he's an American (though you probably still don't believe it). And no, Clinton had nothing to do with Trump being the man baby birther king for 5 fucking years only to give it up when it was politically expedient to do so. Because he's a very obvious politician.

The race card gets played whenever a liberal is caught in a lie or otherwise can't defend their stand.

Or when we already knew the President was an American but you fucking retards had to carry it on for 8 years.

She started it and the story he said in the debate is what if he thought obama was full of shit so do many democrats.
So how did he come to his senses? What changed that after 5 years of birthering, he finally realized Obama was born in the U.S.?
Because he's the only candidate in recent history who was pressured to show his. Even though he has his short form birth certificate proving his birth, the state of Hawaii backing it up, it apparently wasn't enough.

Not to mention the references to Kenya and the claim that he is Muslim.

When was the last time a candidate had to prove he was American?

Ted Cruz..who was questioned by Trump and don't throw stones in glass houses
I saw far more folks on the right on this site alone questioning Cruz's eligibility than I did from folks on the left.

Yeah- it wasn't Democrats questioning was Trump.
LOL that is a whole lot of dancing around to just blame Democrats for Donald Trump going full Birther.

Why do you want to believe that Donald Trump is just a gullible idiot deceived by Democrats?

No, it shows that Dems planted the seeds. According to leftist logic, racist Dems. Hillary Clinton approved so that makes her a racist.

Trump is a gullible idiot who has favored Dems and Dem policy his entire life. He only 'became' a Republican when he decided to run for potus.

No, it shows that Dems planted the seeds.

Even if that were true. It's your candidate who went after that bait, fell in the trap and made it home for five years. It's Trump's baby . Deal with it.

It is true.

Did I say otherwise?

If the left is going to say racism is the reason for the birthers going full birther, then that logic also says that the Dems - including Hillary Clinton - were also racist in trying to paint obama as "less American".
Not really since very few Democrats went down that road.

Doesn't matter if very few Dems went down that road ... Clinton's campaign did. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Clinton never did.

Donald Trump did for 5 years.

Full Birther from 2011- 2016.

I do love how Trump wants to blame his birther idiocy on Clinton.
how did birth certificate qualification turn into racism?

It's always been racism; conservative racists hostile to an African American president contrived the lie that the president wasn't born in the U.S. in a failed attempt to render him "unqualified."

You misspelled DemocraticHillarySupporters. All those Hillary supporters, racist pigs! :rolleyes:

“The answer lies in Democratic, not Republican politics, and in the bitter, exhausting spring of 2008,” an article by Ben Smith and Byron Tau reads. “At the time, the Democratic presidential primary was slipping away from Hillary Clinton and some of her most passionate supporters grasped for something, anything that would deal a final reversal to Barack Obama.”

Smith and Tau also found that the Clinton supporters began circulating an anonymous email questioning Obama’s citizenship in the Spring of 2008.

“Barack Obama’s mother was living in Kenya with his Arab-African father late in her pregnancy. She was not allowed to travel by plane then, so Barack Obama was born there and his mother then took him to Hawaii to register his birth,” asserted one chain email that surfaced on the urban legend site in April 2008.

Birtherism: Where it all began

It never caught fire until the Republicans grabbed hold of it though.
Which month came first in 2008, March or April?

Because in March of 2008, it appeared on a conservative forum....

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