How did democrats and black democrats become the face of Selma? Lol

This tired old lie.

Not sure why Republicans keep trotting it out.

Martin Luther King Sr. was a Republican.

Martin Luther King Jr. was not.

Was Martin Luther King Jr. a Republican or a Democrat? The Answer Is Complicated

In fact, King himself said he voted for Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson for President in 1964.

King’s father, Martin Luther King Sr., did endorse Kennedy. And Kennedy won the election, thanks in part to winning over about 70% of the black vote.

“I don’t think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party,” he said in a 1958 interview. “They both have weaknesses. And I’m not inextricably bound to either party. I’m not concerned about telling you what party to vote for.”

And of course finally- in 1964- when the Republicans nominated for President Barry Goldwater- who had voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act- MLK Jr. specifically advised Americans to vote against him and any Republican who supported him.
This MLK Quote Sums Up The Rise Of White Supremacy Post-Trump | HuffPost
The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism...On the urgent issue of civil rights, Senator Goldwater represents a philosophy that is morally indefensible and socially suicidal. While not himself a racist, Mr. Goldwater articulates a philosophy which gives aid and comfort to the racist. His candidacy and philosophy would serve as an umbrella under which extremists of all stripes would stand. In the light of these facts and because of my love for America, I have no alternative but to urge every Negro and white person of goodwill to vote against Mr. Goldwater and to withdraw support from any Republican candidate that does not publicly disassociate himself from Senator Goldwater and his philosophy.”
Rds lol
Glad to remind everyone of the liar you are each and every time

This tired old lie.

Not sure why Republicans keep trotting it out.

Martin Luther King Sr. was a Republican.

Martin Luther King Jr. was not.

Was Martin Luther King Jr. a Republican or a Democrat? The Answer Is Complicated

In fact, King himself said he voted for Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson for President in 1964.

King’s father, Martin Luther King Sr., did endorse Kennedy. And Kennedy won the election, thanks in part to winning over about 70% of the black vote.

“I don’t think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party,” he said in a 1958 interview. “They both have weaknesses. And I’m not inextricably bound to either party. I’m not concerned about telling you what party to vote for.”

And of course finally- in 1964- when the Republicans nominated for President Barry Goldwater- who had voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act- MLK Jr. specifically advised Americans to vote against him and any Republican who supported him.
This MLK Quote Sums Up The Rise Of White Supremacy Post-Trump | HuffPost
The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism...On the urgent issue of civil rights, Senator Goldwater represents a philosophy that is morally indefensible and socially suicidal. While not himself a racist, Mr. Goldwater articulates a philosophy which gives aid and comfort to the racist. His candidacy and philosophy would serve as an umbrella under which extremists of all stripes would stand. In the light of these facts and because of my love for America, I have no alternative but to urge every Negro and white person of goodwill to vote against Mr. Goldwater and to withdraw support from any Republican candidate that does not publicly disassociate himself from Senator Goldwater and his philosophy.”
Sorry are yoI related to him?

Not sure whether I am related to Martin Luther King Jr.- an American hero- is relevant to my pointing out your lies once again

Glad to remind everyone of the liar you are each and every time

This tired old lie.

Not sure why Republicans keep trotting it out.

Martin Luther King Sr. was a Republican.

Martin Luther King Jr. was not.

Was Martin Luther King Jr. a Republican or a Democrat? The Answer Is Complicated

In fact, King himself said he voted for Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson for President in 1964.

King’s father, Martin Luther King Sr., did endorse Kennedy. And Kennedy won the election, thanks in part to winning over about 70% of the black vote.

“I don’t think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party,” he said in a 1958 interview. “They both have weaknesses. And I’m not inextricably bound to either party. I’m not concerned about telling you what party to vote for.”

And of course finally- in 1964- when the Republicans nominated for President Barry Goldwater- who had voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act- MLK Jr. specifically advised Americans to vote against him and any Republican who supported him.
This MLK Quote Sums Up The Rise Of White Supremacy Post-Trump | HuffPost
The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism...On the urgent issue of civil rights, Senator Goldwater represents a philosophy that is morally indefensible and socially suicidal. While not himself a racist, Mr. Goldwater articulates a philosophy which gives aid and comfort to the racist. His candidacy and philosophy would serve as an umbrella under which extremists of all stripes would stand. In the light of these facts and because of my love for America, I have no alternative but to urge every Negro and white person of goodwill to vote against Mr. Goldwater and to withdraw support from any Republican candidate that does not publicly disassociate himself from Senator Goldwater and his philosophy.”
According to his relatives people have known him he was a registered Republican you got to MoveOn nobody likes Democrats

Another lie. Only his niece Alveda King made that statement, and later retracted it.

Even Alveda Admits Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was Not A Republican
View attachment 309695 View attachment 309696 View attachment 309697 View attachment 309698 I’m watching a line of Liz warren and Other white democrats line up to hug Jessie Jackson lol


MLK WAS REPUBLICAN, civil rights leaders were republicans! The blacks were REPUBLICANS,,

the whites attacking the blacks were DEMOCRATS..

And now it’s democrat celebration lol hahah

can someone explain this to me?
MLK Jr. wasn't Republican....his father was (MLK Sr.)
Well that’s a cool story lol unfortunately his family says he was Republican.. are you his family? Whitey? Lol

Only his niece made that statement and later retracted it. You're a pathological lying troll.

Even Alveda Admits Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was Not A Republican
View attachment 309695 View attachment 309696 View attachment 309697 View attachment 309698 I’m watching a line of Liz warren and Other white democrats line up to hug Jessie Jac


MLK WAS REPUBLICAN, civil rights leaders were republicans! The blacks were REPUBLICANS,,

the whites attacking the blacks were DEMOCRATS..

And now it’s democrat celebration lol hahah

can someone explain this to me?
MLK wasnt a repub no matter what your handlers claim.

"“I don’t think the Republican Party is a party full of the almighty God, nor is the Democratic Party. They both have weaknesses. And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.”"

He was a registered republican.. nice quote thou! Cute haha
Nope...but you keep on's what you do.
His niece came out and said he was a Republican

And she retracted her statement.

Even Alveda Admits Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was Not A Republican
There is no credible source that validates his actual registered party affiliation. It is nothing but a political ploy when some people who have no idea what he really stood for attempt to co opt his words.

His blood his relative has come out and said he was a registered Republican

I know. Alveda King. His niece. And, it is no secret that she happens to be a Trump supporter/worshiper.

That being said, of course she has no political motivation for her insistence that he was a Republican, does she? SMDH.

Unsupported MLK Claim Circulates Again

As a side note, MLK has two children who state that he was not a registered Republican.

"Actually, the Negro has been betrayed by both the Republican and the Democratic Party.” The same year, in a letter citing his uncertainty about for whom he would vote for president, he wrote that, “In the past I have always voted the Democratic ticket.”

MLK 1956
His kids gets paid by democrats,, she doesn’t .. she’s a free thinker.. he was a republican for sure.. as you can see the democrats attacked the blacks

“Actually, the Negro has been betrayed by both the Republican and the Democratic Party.” The same year, in a letter citing his uncertainty about for whom he would vote for president, he wrote that, “In the past I have always voted the Democratic ticket.”

MLK 1956
View attachment 310919 “ I have a dream you negros won’t be confused anymore “

"I have a dream that you will one day no longer be a pathological liar"

The attached file is a signed and dated letter from MLK which clearly stated his political position.
Now, you can STFU and stop lying, and while you're at it, get some help for your psychosis.


  • 383_1-Oct-1956_To Viva O Sloan (1).pdf
    99.1 KB · Views: 24
View attachment 310920
She gets paid by republicans. She is far from a free thinker.
She’s make far more from
Democrats she can’t be sold
But she has obviously been bought. Again MLK said on many occasions he was a socialist. His children said he was in no way a republican. You cant produce his registration showing he was a repub. You loose the debate purely on the preponderance of evidence. :rolleyes:
Cool story
Heres a better one.

"Thanks for your very kind letter of September 17, making inquiry concerning the way the Negro will vote in the coming election. I am of the impression that the Negro voter will go largely for the Democratic Party. I haven’t fully decided which candidate I will vote for. In the past I have always voted the Democratic ticket"

Cool storyb

Right. Because it is factual, troll.
His blood his relative has come out and said he was a registered Republican

I know. Alveda King. His niece. And, it is no secret that she happens to be a Trump supporter/worshiper.

That being said, of course she has no political motivation for her insistence that he was a Republican, does she? SMDH.

Unsupported MLK Claim Circulates Again

As a side note, MLK has two children who state that he was not a registered Republican.

"Actually, the Negro has been betrayed by both the Republican and the Democratic Party.” The same year, in a letter citing his uncertainty about for whom he would vote for president, he wrote that, “In the past I have always voted the Democratic ticket.”

MLK 1956
His kids gets paid by democrats,, she doesn’t .. she’s a free thinker.. he was a republican for sure.. as you can see the democrats attacked the blacks
She gets paid by republicans. She is far from a free thinker.
She’s make far more from
Democrats she can’t be sold
But she has obviously been bought. Again MLK said on many occasions he was a socialist. His children said he was in no way a republican. You cant produce his registration showing he was a repub. You loose the debate purely on the preponderance of evidence. :rolleyes:

With all due respect, Asclepias, it is impossible to "debate" anyone who is sincerely ignorant as well as conscientiously stupid.

This is an intentional troll thread, and he just keeps repeating the same bullshit lie.
“Actually, the Negro has been betrayed by both the Republican and the Democratic Party.” The same year, in a letter citing his uncertainty about for whom he would vote for president, he wrote that, “In the past I have always voted the Democratic ticket.”

MLK 1956
View attachment 310919 “ I have a dream you negros won’t be confused anymore “
Shes been bought by the repubs. There is always a step and fetch it in every group.
If she wanted to be bought she would be a democrat,, no money in the Republican Party to buy votes.. republicans offer solutions not welfare

"Alveda King is one of Trumps biggest African American boosters on Fox News, where she is a
And she’d get more money being a democrat,, the money from universities, cnn, MSNBC, well 99% of the media.. she can’t be bought

She obviously has. She put a half truth out there saying her uncle was a Republican, and fools like you took the bait. She retracted her own statement, and you are too dumb to acknowledge that she was incorrect.
Glad you can admit you got caught lying again. :laugh:
Facts ain’t lies

True. That being said, why are you ignoring the "facts" that you are being spoon fed in this thread?
What facts? Mine? I accept them
Your facts are not in question. Whats in question is reality. MLK himself said he wasnt a repub.
Why does it bother you that he was Republican

Why do you keep repeating the same lie?
True. That being said, why are you ignoring the "facts" that you are being spoon fed in this thread?
What facts? Mine? I accept them
Your facts are not in question. Whats in question is reality. MLK himself said he wasnt a repub.
Why does it bother you that he was Republican
Why does it bother you that he wasnt Republican?
I’m pretty sure he was the opposite of the lynching democrats,, he was a republican

Your facts are not in question. Whats in question is reality. MLK himself said he wasnt a repub.
Why does it bother you that he was Republican
Why does it bother you that he wasnt Republican?
I’m pretty sure he was the opposite of the lynching democrats,, he was a republican

No he was not.
So he was a democrat? Lol the ones beating the shot out of blacks haha?? Lol

He was an independent, you fool.
You mean other than the GOP chairmen admitting to it on two different occasions?
What was it? Richard Nixon’s first used affirmative action to get black people jobs was that the Southern strategy? Do you know what LBJ southern Strategy was ? Heheh do ya??
It was a strategy by southern racists to move to the GOP and confuse future racist idiots into voting republican. You never answered my question. Didnt you know the GOP admitted to this?
Is that when Jimmy Carter launches his 1980 campaign at the kkk head quarters? I’m confused lol
Facing the truth is often confusing for repubs. They are conditioned to run from the truth. When faced with no way out they get confused.
I’m not confuse Jimmy Carter launched his 1980 campaign at the Kkk headquarters lol

Another lie. And Reagan retracted his own statements. Do you look up anything before posting or just make up bullshit for the sake of trolling?
Nothing will change the fact that in Selma it was Democratic Party lawmakers local sheriffs local voters for Democrats they were attacking blacks they did not want them to have equal rights.. my question still remains why are Democrats in Selma today marching? Helloooooo

SOUTHERN Democrats. Not NORTHERN Democrats.

Do you need a map of Americas geography?
Chicago have no blacks allowed Boston had no blacks allowed New York had no blacks allowed what the fuck are you on crack? Lol

Jim Crow policies were in effect in some northern cities, but the south as a region represented a far greater percentage of Jim Crow supporters.

I don't use drugs of any kind. Are you an opioid addict?
Yes and it was implemented by all Democrats.. why are Democrats marching in Selma ?

Probably because a democratic president signed the civil rights act into effect in 1964. What a dumbass question. So yes, you're an opioid user?
View attachment 309695 View attachment 309696 View attachment 309697 View attachment 309698 I’m watching a line of Liz warren and Other white democrats line up to hug Jessie Jackson lol


MLK WAS REPUBLICAN, civil rights leaders were republicans! The blacks were REPUBLICANS,,

the whites attacking the blacks were DEMOCRATS..

And now it’s democrat celebration lol hahah

can someone explain this to me?
MLK wasnt a repub no matter what your handlers claim.

"“I don’t think the Republican Party is a party full of the almighty God, nor is the Democratic Party. They both have weaknesses. And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.”"

He was a registered republican.. nice quote thou! Cute haha

No matter how many times you repeat a lie to yourself, it never becomes the truth.
View attachment 309695 View attachment 309696 View attachment 309697 View attachment 309698 I’m watching a line of Liz warren and Other white democrats line up to hug Jessie Jackson lol


MLK WAS REPUBLICAN, civil rights leaders were republicans! The blacks were REPUBLICANS,,

the whites attacking the blacks were DEMOCRATS..

And now it’s democrat celebration lol hahah

can someone explain this to me?
MLK wasnt a repub no matter what your handlers claim.

"“I don’t think the Republican Party is a party full of the almighty God, nor is the Democratic Party. They both have weaknesses. And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.”"

He was a registered republican.. nice quote thou! Cute haha

He was not. That lie has been debunked numerous times in this BULLSHIT thread

"I don’t think the Republican Party is a party full of the almighty God, nor is the Democratic Party. They both have weaknesses. And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.’

MLK 1964
I said the same thing.. we say things to make some happy hahah he was def a republican,, Democrat’s we’re attacking black
I didn’t ask about you ,, answer the question
I did answer the question. Dems are not the only people attacking the stupidity of repubs. Independents like me do it all the time. :rolleyes:
I didn’t ask you that..

I asked the whites in Selma THAT WERE fighting the blacks from passing.. were they democrats? Yes or no
Its not a yes or no question. If you think it is then it shows me that you are not smart enough to comprehend any answer I can give you. Let me challenge you. Be smart for once in your life. :rolleyes:
The men that ordered it were democrats.. just facts,, but please go troll someone else thanks

It's a troll thread. So you asked for it.
It was democrats
View attachment 309695 View attachment 309696 View attachment 309697 View attachment 309698 I’m watching a line of Liz warren and Other white democrats line up to hug Jessie Jackson lol


MLK WAS REPUBLICAN, civil rights leaders were republicans! The blacks were REPUBLICANS,,

the whites attacking the blacks were DEMOCRATS..

And now it’s democrat celebration lol hahah

can someone explain this to me?
MLK Jr. wasn't Republican....his father was (MLK Sr.)
Well that’s a cool story lol unfortunately his family says he was Republican.. are you his family? Whitey? Lol

Only his niece made that statement and later retracted it. You're a pathological lying troll.

Even Alveda Admits Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was Not A Republican
We all get paid to say things by democrats haha
View attachment 309695 View attachment 309696 View attachment 309697 View attachment 309698 I’m watching a line of Liz warren and Other white democrats line up to hug Jessie Jac


MLK WAS REPUBLICAN, civil rights leaders were republicans! The blacks were REPUBLICANS,,

the whites attacking the blacks were DEMOCRATS..

And now it’s democrat celebration lol hahah

can someone explain this to me?
MLK wasnt a repub no matter what your handlers claim.

"“I don’t think the Republican Party is a party full of the almighty God, nor is the Democratic Party. They both have weaknesses. And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.”"

He was a registered republican.. nice quote thou! Cute haha
Nope...but you keep on's what you do.
His niece came out and said he was a Republican

And she retracted her statement.

Even Alveda Admits Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was Not A Republican
Cool story

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