How did Obama arrive into this country?

But your 'evidence' to back your assertions is just you making shit up. For example, you said that Dunham was enamored with Davis.

Says who?

And with those two little words, you abandoned your claims and switched to silly insults. Your argument couldn't hold up to even a 2 word question.

I gave you links.

And none of those links cited a single person who knew Dunham or Davis who said they were romantically involved.

So who are you citing? Not your links. Not Dunham. Not Davis. Not anyone they knew.

You're citing yourself. And you're nobody.

Those racy photos of Obama's mom on the internet? Taken in Davis's home....hmmmm. :rolleyes:

Taken in Davis' home....according to who?

See, just because you repeat an unfounded accusation backed by nothing doesn't mean that it magically becomes true.
Those racy photos of Obama's mom on the internet? Taken in Davis's home....hmmmm. :rolleyes:

Honestly I think Skylar is trying to get us to post those photos - against the TOS to get someone banned. :)

I should pick on Skylar less, but she's so fucking batshit crazy that I can't resist trolling her a little. You know she's ready to blow a gasket at the idea that blasphemers would question anything about Obama..

She would have been a good fit for Jonestown....

I just asked you who said they were taken in Davis' home. And you had a predictable meltdown, spewing insults in reply.

You citing you doesn't tell us anything about Dunham, Davis, those pictures, or anything else about this issue. You simply don't know what you're talking about.
And none of those links cited a single person who knew Dunham or Davis who said they were romantically involved.

So who are you citing? Not your links. Not Dunham. Not Davis. Not anyone they knew.

You're citing yourself. And you're nobody.


Skylar is protecting her little tin god....

I'm asking you who among those that knew Davis or Dunham said they were romantically involved.

Its not my fault you can't back any of your nonsense up.
OP- You DO realize you're typing on the greatest research resource ever, right? And I DON"T mean the hundreds of RW BS sites, financed by greedy idiot billionaires, you often have to wade through to get to the facts and truth, 80% chance racist hater dupe.
That's pretty close to the scam Arpaio has had going for a long time now. If you want to hear the most unbelievable pile of BS ever, just listen to what he said about what his "posse" (known criminals and even child molesters) said about Obama's birth certificate.

He's kkk. So is his attorney. He lies and breaks the law and is always under investigation. He's a racist prick and the world will be a better place when he finally dies.



You wouldn't lie much, would you Pillowbite?

You have no clue.

Along with Russell Pierce and that fat "marine" who killed his girlfriend AND his attorney, he has been photographed at kkk rallies. There's a You Tube where he admits it but in later years he denied it but then said it was "an honor". Then, he denied he said that, even though its on video. He's a liar and you're a gullible fool.

Its not for nothing that his attorney, Kris Kobach is called "KKK".

YOU have NO clue. Even when facts are hand fed to you, you're just too dumb to read and learn.
OP- You DO realize you're typing on the greatest research resource ever, right? And I DON"T mean the hundreds of RW BS sites, financed by greedy idiot billionaires, you often have to wade through to get to the facts and truth, 80% chance racist hater dupe.

For these idiots, if its not on Brietbart, it doesn't exist.
I just asked you who said they were taken in Davis' home. And you had a predictable meltdown, spewing insults in reply.

You citing you doesn't tell us anything about Dunham, Davis, those pictures, or anything else about this issue. You simply don't know what you're talking about.

The pictures are all over the internet.

Duck, deny, dispute - the leftist way.
OP- You DO realize you're typing on the greatest research resource ever, right? And I DON"T mean the hundreds of RW BS sites, financed by greedy idiot billionaires, you often have to wade through to get to the facts and truth, 80% chance racist hater dupe.

Everything you post comes from a greedy idiot billionaire, Franco hater dupe.

George Soros does 100% of your thinking for you - via his massive network of hate sites.
You have no clue.

I have no clue about how much you lie?

I've got a pretty good idea.

You are a demagogue - slander and libel are what you do.

Along with Russell Pierce and that fat "marine" who killed his girlfriend AND his attorney, he has been photographed at kkk rallies. There's a You Tube where he admits it but in later years he denied it but then said it was "an honor". Then, he denied he said that, even though its on video. He's a liar and you're a gullible fool.

Its not for nothing that his attorney, Kris Kobach is called "KKK".

YOU have NO clue. Even when facts are hand fed to you, you're just too dumb to read and learn.

No he hasn't - you're lying through your fucking teeth, because you are a little goebbels of the left who smears enemies of your filthy party.

In true Pol Pot fashion, you filthy fucks doctored a photo to insert Arpio - but that was debunked in 2007 - and YOU have been nailed on this lie before, you scumbag pile of shit.

Arizona Sheriff Outraged Over Doctored Photo Showing Him in Ku Klux Klan Robe Fox News

Puddly Pillowbite - tell us again how Jews are using the blood of gentiles to make Matzo - you filthy lying fuck?
For these idiots, if its not on Brietbart, it doesn't exist.

Thanks Herr Goebbels - from you that means a lot.

What's amusing is that even the Soros hate site DailyKOS points out you're a liar on the Arpio thing.

But Arpio said that it's an honor to be smeared by you scumbags - when you go to the length of fabricating KKK ties, he knows you are on the ropes.
It's an admission of defeat. The birthers have finally realized their crack pipe dream that Obama was born in Kenya is thoroughly debunked.

Do they admit they were gullible idiots and vow to stop drinking the piss being poured for them?


They line up for refills.

"Okay, Obama was born in the US, but his dad was Frank Davis!"



This piss is just as tasty as the old brand!
It's an admission of defeat. The birthers have finally realized their crack pipe dream that Obama was born in Kenya is thoroughly debunked.

Do they admit they were gullible idiots and vow to stop drinking the piss being poured for them?


They line up for refills.

"Okay, Obama was born in the US, but his dad was Frank Davis!"



This piss is just as tasty as the old brand!


Poor Jake.
So who says Dunham was enamored with Davis again? Who among those that actually knew them says there was any romantic relationship?

That would be no one and no one. You citing yourself on people you don't know doesn't amount to much..

Are you crying? You get out of control when anyone questions your little tin god.

Asking you to back your claims with evidence 'out of control'? It doesn't take much to overwhelm you, does it?

You clearly can't cite a single person who knew them both who ever said they were in a romantic relationship.

You unable to back your claims... Whodathunk?

{Racy photos of Barack Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, have recently surfaced in vintage fetish and bondage magazines. The photos, taken at Frank Marshall Davis' house in Honolulu, appeared in Bizarre Life, Exotique, Secret Pleasures, and Battling Babes. They help illustrate the intimate relationship between Dunham and Davis.}

Breaking News

And how do they illustrate a relationship between Davis and Dunhan. Davis isn't in any picture.

Just to be clear, you hold that Obama was born of a virgin and placed in a manger, right?

You don't remember that bright star in the east and the wise men who came and offered tribute to the One. Or the story of when he was 12 and he walked into the State House and told them all what hypocrites they were?

Oh wait, it's unhinged I'm talking too.......nevermind.:spinner::spinner:
You don't remember that bright star in the east and the wise men who came and offered tribute to the One. Or the story of when he was 12 and he walked into the State House and told them all what hypocrites they were?

Oh wait, it's unhinged I'm talking too.......nevermind.:spinner::spinner:

{this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth. This was the moment - this was the time - when we came together to remake this great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves, and our highest ideals. Thank you, God Bless you, and may God Bless the United States of America.}

Obama Akbar indeed, Blindfool.

SO - With Hillary out - who will you hitch your wagon to? Sanders? He's far to the right of you, but probably as close as you'll get..
It's an admission of defeat. The birthers have finally realized their crack pipe dream that Obama was born in Kenya is thoroughly debunked.

Do they admit they were gullible idiots and vow to stop drinking the piss being poured for them?

And their new batshit is just like the old batshit: backed by nothing. Who says that Dunham and Davis were in a romantic relatinoship?

Birthers do. Quoting themselves.

Who says that pictures of Dunham were taken in Davis' apartment?

Birthers do. Quoting themselves.

Who says that Dunham barely knew her husband?

Birther do. Quoting themselves.

Its the same pattern, same process, same bullshit. And these hapless idiots just gobble it down.
You don't remember that bright star in the east and the wise men who came and offered tribute to the One. Or the story of when he was 12 and he walked into the State House and told them all what hypocrites they were?

Oh wait, it's unhinged I'm talking too.......nevermind.:spinner::spinner:

{this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth. This was the moment - this was the time - when we came together to remake this great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves, and our highest ideals. Thank you, God Bless you, and may God Bless the United States of America.}

Obama Akbar indeed, Blindfool.

SO - With Hillary out - who will you hitch your wagon to? Sanders? He's far to the right of you, but probably as close as you'll get..

And who among those that knew Dunham or Davis said they were in a romantic relationship?


Sounds just about right for our resident wingers.
And who among those that knew Dunham or Davis said they were in a romantic relationship?


Sounds just about right for our resident wingers.



Look at it run from the simplest of questions.Let me demonstrate:

"Who said that Dunham was enamored with Davis? Name your source."'s got nothing. Watch it run.

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