How did Obama arrive into this country?

There are several versions of this story. The one I've been told is that he was born in Hawaii. His father was black Muslim and his mother is a white American citizen. I guess this qualifies him to be president but there are so many versions of this story that they are beginning to take on their own mythical qualities.

I think the one most Obama supporters seem to believe is something similar to what the North Koreans believe about their own leader which is a spaceship frommanother planet genetically engineered Obama and left him here to solve our own problems. A kind of superman that is sent here to help us overcome things. They even Said that he could keep,the waters from rising. Seriously! I generally don't think politicians can do anything at all much less keep the waters from rising.

What are some of the legends you have heard about Obama. Don't exaggerate because the stories are already hard to believe.

Why do you need fairy tales instead of facts?

View attachment 47273
Found to be fraudulent by the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office after a thorough lengthy investigation.

Having lived in AZ and watched that old nazi for almost 30 years, honest to fucking god, this is my favorite of his tall tales. He has told some real whoppers but this has got to be his best.

As to the OP, its a known fact that, knowing he would be running for prez in forty years, Obama transported himself from Kenya to Honolulu, placed two birth announcements in two different newspapers, then transported himself back to Kenya in time to be born.

Whatever you do, don't believe Hawaii state officials or the genuine documentation. Instead, believe brilliant investigators like Joe Arpaio and Duh Donuld.
From my perspective, you can't cite a single person who knew Dunham or Davis who ever said they were in a romantic relationship.

So what you're saying is "NUHN UNH - TAKE IT BACK _ OBAMA IS TOO PERFECT?"


You're the gift that keeps on giving.

What I'm saying a person who knew Dunham or Davis that said they had a romantic relationship.

You can't. You lost.
Or that Obama's mother barely knew Obama's father?

Or that racy pictures of Obama's mother were taken at Davis' home?

Its just you citing you. Which is meaningless. As you don't know what you're talking about. Which might explain why you've abandoned virtually every claim you've made in this thread.

So what else have you got?

Poor little insane sycophant...

Dreams From Frank Marshall Davis The American Spectator

And where does your link say anything you do?

You're just throwing up links at random now. You can't back your claims and you knew that when you started.

So....why bother? I mean, you knew I was just going to run you off of the nonsense you'd alleged.
1. Who cares?

2. Hillary and her team brought the whole 'birther' thing up when he over-took her campaign in 2008. Was immediately rendered mmot then and is still moot today.

3. More important than Obama's citizenship / where he came from has ALWAYS been the fact that he was admittedly sired by an Anti-Colonialist / anti-American father who wanted to see the US eliminated as a world influence and power, tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, studied Socialist Saul Alynski - even quoted him during his inauguration speech, was mentorded for dcades by racist hate-spewing anti-American 'pastor' Jeremiah Wright, was/is friends with a domestic terrorist who bombed his own country and killed cops, and learned his brand of politics and corruption hanging around criminals like Tony Rezco in Chicago before running for President.

Was not immediately rendered moot and still has not. A handful of fake birth certificates does not render anything moot.

What 'fake birth certificates'?

The State of Hawaii has been confirming both the place of birth and the authenticity of the birth certificates since 2008.

Why then does he have a SS number issued in Connecticutt?

Oh and the OP should believe this. ^^^ Ignore all the evidence that its a really dumb ass lie told and retold by mentally deficient blowhards on internet message boards.
Most likely according to who?

Not Soros - or you would be shrieking it incessantly.


One of these things is not like the others...

Hey, just because he bears utterly NO resemblance to the African exchange student his mother barely knew, and just because he is the spitting image of the Communist radical his mother was enamored with, and that he spent his middle years mentored by, means nothing.

Shame really- how racists like yourself really do bend over backwards to slander the President and his mother.
He is the love child of George Soros and Whoopi Goldberg. He has electrodes implanted in his brain that Soros controls. He is a puppet.

As rational as any other Birther 'explanation'. Actually more plausible than some.

He is clearly Soros' puppet. I exaggerated on the electrodes comment.

Did you ever post his college transcripts from Harvard and Columbia or explain where he got the money for those very expensive schools? No? didn't think so.

Like I said- your fiction is as good as any other Birther fiction.

I have never posted any President's college transcripts- and the only transcript available is Bush's Yale record- illegally leaked- but not his Harvard transcripts- which were never leaked.

President Obama paid for his Columbia and Harvard terms with student loans- look it up.
That boy in the White House needs to show his papers.

Another racist calling a 50 year old black man 'boy'
Sure but it wasn't scanned. It was built layer by layer, seven of them in fact, with Adobe, each layer served a purpose....and any computer forensic expert knows how and why. Hell they even had the wrong hospital name on it, fucking dopes LOL

I know that I would trust Joe Arapio's word over any Libtarded lemmings'.

You would believe Joe Arapaio if he was trying to sell you a Dodge Dart and was calling it a Cadillac.
Most likely according to who?

Not Soros - or you would be shrieking it incessantly.

Still with your Soros obsession? That's all you, buddy.


One of these things is not like the others...

Hey, just because he bears utterly NO resemblance to the African exchange student his mother barely knew, and just because he is the spitting image of the Communist radical his mother was enamored with, and that he spent his middle years mentored by, means nothing.

Who says she barely knew Barack Obama Sr? You do, citing yourself. Who says that she was enamored with Franklin Davis? You do, citing yourself.

There's no one who knows either of them who says that Dunham and Davis were ever in a romantic relationship. While she was married to Obama's Sr. So your story is already fails Occam's Razor.

As for the resemblances, Obama has Obama Sr's nose, jawline, chin, his mother's lips, and eyes and cheek bone. He doesn't share anything with Davis beyond skin color.

Your claims fail on both evidence and needless complexity.

The fun part is that we have Birthers who not only claim Obama was born in Kenya- but also claim that Marshall was the real father.

Birthers are such idiots that they can't even keep the continuity of their own lies straight.
So who says Dunham was enamored with Davis again? Who among those that actually knew them says there was any romantic relationship?

That would be no one and no one. You citing yourself on people you don't know doesn't amount to much..

The naked pictures and stag films she did with him. you drooling retard..

You become more absurd by the second.

Birthers are not only idiots- but they are such slimy bastards that they slander the dead mother of an American President.
So who says Dunham was enamored with Davis again? Who among those that actually knew them says there was any romantic relationship?

That would be no one and no one. You citing yourself on people you don't know doesn't amount to much..

Are you crying? You get out of control when anyone questions your little tin god.

{Racy photos of Barack Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, have recently surfaced in vintage fetish and bondage magazines. The photos, taken at Frank Marshall Davis' house in Honolulu, appeared in Bizarre Life, Exotique, Secret Pleasures, and Battling Babes. They help illustrate the intimate relationship between Dunham and Davis.}

Breaking News

LOL- and for a few bucks, the blog you cite will give you more info.

Birthers- how much money have con men made from them?

Must be a fortune.
There are several versions of this story. The one I've been told is that he was born in Hawaii. His father was black Muslim and his mother is a white American citizen. I guess this qualifies him to be president but there are so many versions of this story that they are beginning to take on their own mythical qualities.

I think the one most Obama supporters seem to believe is something similar to what the North Koreans believe about their own leader which is a spaceship frommanother planet genetically engineered Obama and left him here to solve our own problems. A kind of superman that is sent here to help us overcome things. They even Said that he could keep,the waters from rising. Seriously! I generally don't think politicians can do anything at all much less keep the waters from rising.

What are some of the legends you have heard about Obama. Don't exaggerate because the stories are already hard to believe.
There was a grumpy wizard living outside Fresno...he was chronically constipated...and one day he wished he could experience a really big shit....voila!
What I'm saying a person who knew Dunham or Davis that said they had a romantic relationship.

You can't. You lost.

Poor little insane sycophant -it makes you SO ANGRY when people fail to see that Obama is god...

And where does your link say anything you do?

You're just throwing up links at random now. You can't back your claims and you knew that when you started.

So....why bother? I mean, you knew I was just going to run you off of the nonsense you'd alleged.

What I'm saying a person who knew Dunham or Davis that said they had a romantic relationship.

You can't. You lost.

Poor little insane sycophant -it makes you SO ANGRY when people fail to see that Obama is god...

And where does your link say anything you do?

You're just throwing up links at random now. You can't back your claims and you knew that when you started.

So....why bother? I mean, you knew I was just going to run you off of the nonsense you'd alleged.

View attachment 47318

And still, silly personal insults aren't actually evidence for any of the claims you've made.

You blinked. You know you can't cite anyone who knew Dunham or Davis that said they were in a romantic relationship.

Its just you....citing you. Which is meaningless.
LOL- and for a few bucks, the blog you cite will give you more info.

Birthers- how much money have con men made from them?

Must be a fortune.

What's a "birther," stupid?

Obama was born in Hawaii - I agreed with that from the start.

Now Skaylar is deranged in her fanatical zeal - she flew out of orbit decades ago and rationality isn't even a faint glimpse on the horizon to her anymore.

Which makes her all kinds of entertaining.. :thup:
And still, silly personal insults aren't actually evidence for any of the claims you've made.

You blinked. You know you can't cite anyone who knew Dunham or Davis that said they were in a romantic relationship.

Its just you....citing you. Which is meaningless.

Skylar, I only laugh at you because you're an irrational hack without a hint of a connection to reality.

You make me laugh, what can I say. :dunno:
1. Who cares?

2. Hillary and her team brought the whole 'birther' thing up when he over-took her campaign in 2008. Was immediately rendered mmot then and is still moot today.

3. More important than Obama's citizenship / where he came from has ALWAYS been the fact that he was admittedly sired by an Anti-Colonialist / anti-American father who wanted to see the US eliminated as a world influence and power, tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, studied Socialist Saul Alynski - even quoted him during his inauguration speech, was mentorded for dcades by racist hate-spewing anti-American 'pastor' Jeremiah Wright, was/is friends with a domestic terrorist who bombed his own country and killed cops, and learned his brand of politics and corruption hanging around criminals like Tony Rezco in Chicago before running for President.

Was not immediately rendered moot and still has not. A handful of fake birth certificates does not render anything moot.

What 'fake birth certificates'?

The State of Hawaii has been confirming both the place of birth and the authenticity of the birth certificates since 2008.

Why then does he have a SS number issued in Connecticutt?

What proof is there that his SS was issued in CT?

that has been proven many times. Look it up

You said it.

You prove it.

JK - its a silly lie and you know it. Otherwise, you would post a link.
Having lived in AZ and watched that old nazi for almost 30 years, honest to fucking god, this is my favorite of his tall tales. He has told some real whoppers but this has got to be his best.

As to the OP, its a known fact that, knowing he would be running for prez in forty years, Obama transported himself from Kenya to Honolulu, placed two birth announcements in two different newspapers, then transported himself back to Kenya in time to be born.

Whatever you do, don't believe Hawaii state officials or the genuine documentation. Instead, believe brilliant investigators like Joe Arpaio and Duh Donuld.

So, how long did you spend in the pink underwear - if we add all your stays in the tent city together?
LOL- and for a few bucks, the blog you cite will give you more info.

Birthers- how much money have con men made from them?

Must be a fortune.

What's a "birther," stupid?

Obama was born in Hawaii - I agreed with that from the start.

Now Skaylar is deranged in her fanatical zeal - she flew out of orbit decades ago and rationality isn't even a faint glimpse on the horizon to her anymore.

Which makes her all kinds of entertaining.. :thup:

So Birthers- and their fellow travellers- like you are enriching con men.

You must feel proud.
So who says Dunham was enamored with Davis again? Who among those that actually knew them says there was any romantic relationship?

That would be no one and no one. You citing yourself on people you don't know doesn't amount to much..

Are you crying? You get out of control when anyone questions your little tin god.

{Racy photos of Barack Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, have recently surfaced in vintage fetish and bondage magazines. The photos, taken at Frank Marshall Davis' house in Honolulu, appeared in Bizarre Life, Exotique, Secret Pleasures, and Battling Babes. They help illustrate the intimate relationship between Dunham and Davis.}

Breaking News

LOL- and for a few bucks, the blog you cite will give you more info.

Birthers- how much money have con men made from them?

Must be a fortune.

I've been saying it for years - Hawaii could have made a bundle off these fools. All they had to do was charge $10 for every copy of the president's birth certificate.

LOL- and for a few bucks, the blog you cite will give you more info.

Birthers- how much money have con men made from them?

Must be a fortune.

What's a "birther," stupid?

Obama was born in Hawaii - I agreed with that from the start.

Now Skaylar is deranged in her fanatical zeal - she flew out of orbit decades ago and rationality isn't even a faint glimpse on the horizon to her anymore.

Which makes her all kinds of entertaining.. :thup:

What I asked you was who among those that knew Dunham or Davis said they were in a romantic relationship.

And you couldn't name a single person. Keep running.

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