How did the Inquisition choose "witches"?

RE: How did the Inquisition choose "witches"?
SUBTOPIC: Rebuttal and Opposing View
※→ Freedom Crows Nest, et al,


※→ Freedom Crows Nest: The introductory commentary was not written exclusively for you; but, for all the others (et al) that might read it. To help clarify the source and context; not as an advocate, but as an outside observer.


Oh, I understand quite well; I did not miss the Elephant. There is that which is spoken, there is that which is implied, and -- there is that where the context is ambiguous.


I neither argue against the implication that the Catholic Organization is flawed at the core; nor do I subscribe to that allegation. I merely take a rational view. There is no particular cloak of evil that shrouds the Catholic organization.


I find it hard to separate expanded, sensationalized, and exaggerated as the free-for-all and pile-on → of stories cascade in on the Catholic Organization.

According to the best available data (which is pretty good, coming from a comprehensive report by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in 2004, as well as several other studies), 4 percent of Catholic priests in the U.S. sexually victimized minors during the past half century. No evidence has been published at this time which states this number is higher than clergy from other religious traditions. The 4 percent figure appears lower than school teachers during the same time frame, and certainly less than offenders in the general population of men. Research states that over 20 percent of American women and about 15 percent of American men were sexually violated by an adult when they were children. Sexual victimization is tragically fairly common in the general population, but luckily these numbers have been dropping in recent years.
SOURCE: Psychology Today, Six Myths About Clergy Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church • There's more fiction than facts in Catholic clergy sexual abuse discussions. Posted March 24, 2010 • Article written by: Thomas G. Plante Ph.D., ABPP


There is not one action, phenomenon, or condition that can be attributed to the cause of sexual abuse in the ranks of the Catholic Organization.

You can find an example of this source on page 75 (Conclusions), of the published study: The Causes and Context of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests in the United States, 1950-2010


Yes. There is nothing sinister in this position. Any lawyer will tell their client to "stop talking."


This is a compound and complex set of assumptions. I do not know of any study, report, investigation, or inquiry that proposes any of these assumptions as undeniable evidence. That is not to say that in prosecutorial closing arguments, you might hear this as part of the means of persuasion.


Excerpt from : National Council of Catholic Bishops (NCCB) Action on Sexual Abuse, ibid, Page 77

(Quote) In the years after 1985, the staff counsel for the NCCB worked with diocesan leaders to promote a direct and responsible course of intervention when reports of incidents of sexual abuse were made, with a particular emphasis on psychological treatment for the priest accused of abuse. The NCCB began training programs for vicars, encouraged the development of explicit policies, and distribution strategies for responding to litigation. In addition to being called on to respond individually to cases of their own priests whose sexual behavior involved the abuse of minors, diocesan leaders then had access to information from professionals and academics regarding options in response to this behavior. Overall, prompt psychological treatment for the priest was seen as the best course of action and became the primary intervention. (End Quote)​
I do not think your statement here is actually accurate. But the report is available.


That is supposition for which I do not see any evidence in that pattern of behavior. What data can you share with us that supports this statement?


I tried hard not to make this an ad Hominem response. None of this is a direct attack against you, but the material offered.

I can see you are passionate about this subject matter. But again, don't get caught up in the fabric of extended, exaggerated, and sensationalized material.

Sticking to my original opening statement I believe the majority of this discussion thread is "absolute" non-sense! And I offer my reasoning for it.


Most Respectfully,
I'm sorry Rocco. I like your posting style. But you are obviously a religious zealot posing as a rational person, and I won't fall into your trap. There is no way a rational person can deny the facts like you do, unless you're disguising yourself for an ulterior purpose.

Sorry, i wanted to like you! But that's the truth... which you will also deny... jus sayin.

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