How did the Inquisition choose "witches"?

This is the zone of the Middle East and Old Europe. It is impossible to say exactly, because there were many migrations. This is evidenced by archeology, for example, Gimbutas investigated this. It was a single region with a single culture and there was a matriarchy. There is more scientific evidence to support this. Google it.
Pretty obscure Lithuanian archeologist. Marija Gimbutas - Wikipedia
I heard that one of the signs was green eyes. Green-eyed women were destroyed. Perhaps this is the reason that for Europe it is now a rare eye color, but in Asia and America it is quite common.
It didn't worry the godbotherers. They burnt the lot if they question God or state. Now they admit there are no witches.
From what I recall most witches were killed by Protestants after the reformation. One of the Georges was German and brought the fear of witches to the English Throne.....FROM Germany!!! Something about a storm while in the North Sea?

It didn't worry the godbotherers. They burnt the lot if they question God or state. Now they admit there are no witches.
WRONG; from what I can gather it was a peasantry fear thingy and not to do with the Church itself.

Pretty obscure Lithuanian archeologist. Marija Gimbutas - Wikipedia
She at least uses real archaeological data and is a professional archaeologist.

Although she does not consider matriarchy to be something bad and does not touch on issues of matriarchal religious cults with dubious content.

In general, I do not think that she is little known in the world, her Kurgan hypothesis is now mainstream in archeology.

But she wasn't the only one to explore this.

Besides and so it is clear that there was a matriarchy. There could not be Semiramis and Queen Tamara in the patriarchy.
She at least uses real archaeological data and is a professional archaeologist.

Although she does not consider matriarchy to be something bad and does not touch on issues of matriarchal religious cults with dubious content.

In general, I do not think that she is little known in the world, her Kurgan hypothesis is now mainstream in archeology.

But she wasn't the only one to explore this.

Besides and so it is clear that there was a matriarchy. There could not be Semiramis and Queen Tamara in the patriarchy.
I don't know enough about it. If it goes back to antiquity, the Muslims probably don't remember it.
I don't know enough about it. If it goes back to antiquity, the Muslims probably don't remember it.

Yes. But Islam is a very young religion, it appeared in the 6th century, and it is a branch of the same teaching that Christians have, based on the Abrahamic writings. And among the Jews, matrilineality still remains in its purest form.
Yes. But Islam is a very young religion, it appeared in the 6th century, and it is a branch of the same teaching that Christians have, based on the Abrahamic writings. And among the Jews, matrilineality still remains in its purest form.
The push to expell or reject foreign wives comes along after the Babylonian exile. I don't see much evidence for matriarchy among the Arabs even before Islam.
The push to expell or reject foreign wives comes along after the Babylonian exile. I don't see much evidence for matriarchy among the Arabs even before Islam.
When did the concept of Arabs arise as separate from other Semites of the ethnos/people?
You had to be accused by a credible source.

The first sign is a disarming look

witches worshiped Saman, the horned god of the Celts

Beautiness was also considered a sign of a witch.

Often someone in the community wanted the witches property.

They were officially usurers, and were the main usurers in Europe, they were de facto a network of banks

Nothing has changed.

And many who someone wanted removed were accused of being witches.

Now they admit there are no witches.

Since the clergy was allowed to sexually harass and abuse the women, women were also chosen to be sexually harassed.

Dibs the real 'witches' were sleeping w/the judges.....


It was the #metoo movement of that era.
People just pointed their finger as someone that they hated or pissed them off, screamed "witch", and that was that.

Just like the #metoo gold diggers randomly pointing as some millionaire and screaming "rape".
ost of the witch trials and hangings were all prompted on the word of a small group of children

European Witch Trials were mainly burnings and they were sanctioned by the state. Some states even went so far was to appoint quasi-official "witchfinders" who were paid for each witch they successfully convicted.
It was the #metoo movement of that era.
People just pointed their finger as someone that they hated or pissed them off, screamed "witch", and that was that.

Just like the #metoo gold diggers randomly pointing as some millionaire and screaming "rape".
These were courts similar to modern courts, with the involvement of "facts" and "witnesses". Just blaming someone wasn't enough, you still had to prove, for example: "she has green eyes", "she worshiped a horned god", "she treated people", "she has a cat", "she too pretty" and so on.
European Witch Trials were mainly burnings and they were sanctioned by the state. Some states even went so far was to appoint quasi-official "witchfinders" who were paid for each witch they successfully convicted.
At that time, the church was the state, it was an analogue of the modern feds
(of course more totalitarian)
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Red Hair, Fair Skin, Green Eyed mean the spawn of Satan and if left handed you were not only the spawn but the bride of Satan…

So in my Teens I had reddish hair, hazel eyes, pale skin and I am left handed but I deny I am Lucifer Bride!
Red Hair, Fair Skin, Green Eyed mean the spawn of Satan and if left handed you were not only the spawn but the bride of Satan…

So in my Teens I had reddish hair, hazel eyes, pale skin and I am left handed but I deny I am Lucifer Bride!
In general, information about red hair and white skin is not very reliable. Mostly known about green eyes or multi-colored eyes. And this is not very common among redheads and fair-skinned people, although it does occur among the Irish.

It is possible that the word Satan comes just from the horned god of the witches Saman, there, in fact, only one letter is different. Moreover, there is an option when this character in different languages is read simultaneously as "M" and "T"
Here is this sign: "m", in Russian writing it is read as "t"
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