How did the left become the "party of science"?

I've always said follow the money.
The 'science' said we would be dead by now. The 'science said that the north and south pole would no
longer exist as they are today. The 'science' said that the oceans would be several feet above where they are now.

You follow your......'science', and I'll follow mine.
Nope. Nope. and Nope. You're making shit up.

This type of lazy-minded stuff is fascinating. Reminds me of people who claims facts are Social Security is going to be bankrupt in ________(fill in the year). What the facts are is that this would/will happen if nothing is done, which no one is proposing.
Horses and buggies were inferior to ICE vehicles, which is why ICE vehicles replaced them. ICE vehicles didn't need horses and buggies banned to replace them, it happened via the market.
Does your coal that use you surely use to heat your home still come on a horse drawn wagon?
When the flu shot was new lots of Americans believed it was a government plot. Nothing changes. We still have stupid.
Surada, the science did say something different. If People were skeptical, it was not because it was ineffective, but
because it was new. COVID 'vaccines' have been proven not to be effective...PROVEN.
So, I think you're just arguing because for no other're Surada
If it's "science" it can be clearly explained, even by a blockhead like you.

Where is the math?

Where are the forecasts and predictions that came true?

C'mon, oh powerful oracle of science, dazzle us.

What a moronic post. Most popular scientists today (Brian Greene and others), are popular because they are adept at putting scientific shit into understandable language. Most science shit is far too complicated for most everyone to grasp. Then there are people like you, the failures at grasping what has been explained. It's all been explained, but because of -- gulp, ahhh, uhm politics you...
He didn't get ringworms.

He tested positive for COVID.

Lasix is used in both horses and humans, is a person taking Lasix taking horse medicine?

Lefties support the use of puberty blockers off-spec, why is ivermectin different?
EV's are niche vehicles, inferior to ICE vehicles.
What do you feed the horse that pulls your buggy?

The “horse” that pulls my “buggy”, sometimes transporting me and my few hundred pounds of tools to construction sites that may be as far as eighty miles away, “eats” gasoline. You idiots on the left wrong want me to give that up, and replace it with an electrical vehicle that is not nearly as capable as a real car is, of making such a commute on a daily basis.
What a moronic post. Most popular scientists today (Brian Greene and others), are popular because they are adept at putting scientific shit into understandable language. Most science shit is far too complicated for most everyone to grasp. Then there are people like you, the failures at grasping what has been explained. It's all been explained, but because of -- gulp, ahhh, uhm politics you...
Follow the money, Dante. :eusa_whistle:
Does your coal that use you surely use to heat your home still come on a horse drawn wagon?

No, my building uses natural gas, something NYC wants to eliminate as well.

you are playing out of your league here, mouth breather.
Nope. Nope. and Nope. You're making shit up.

This type of lazy-minded stuff is fascinating. Reminds me of people who claims facts are Social Security is going to be bankrupt in ________(fill in the year). What the facts are is that this would/will happen if nothing is done, which no one is proposing.
Oooo...The appeal to authority failed, so let's go for the non sequitur!

The “horse” that pulls my “buggy”, sometimes transporting me and my few hundred pounds of tools to construction sites that may be as far as eighty miles away, “eats” gasoline. You idiots on the left wrong want me to give that up, and replace it with an electrical vehicle that is not nearly as capable as a real car is, of making such a commute on a daily basis.
Hilarious bob.

You still using the steam engine train.
The flu shot is only a guess as to which strain * might * be going around that year.

That's not science, that's gambling.

It's statistics actually.

And for things in common use like the flu shot, where all the science research was done decades ago, it's really production and engineering, not "science"
Horses and buggies were inferior to ICE vehicles, which is why ICE vehicles replaced them. ICE vehicles didn't need horses and buggies banned to replace them, it happened via the market.

And when/if the point is reached where EVs are as practical as real cars, there will be no need for government to force real cars off the market, in order to get people to switch to EVs. Leave the market alone, and people will choose to buy what best fits their needs. At this point it is true, and I expect to to be so for at least several decades yet to come, that real cars are more practical for most people than EVs are.
No, my building uses natural gas, something NYC wants to eliminate as well.

you are playing out of your league here, mouth breather.
They want gas stove manufacturers to use the latest tech to burn the gas more efficiently. You know about asthma rates right.

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