How did the Trump presidency negatively affect you/your life or quality of life personally?

No. The policies do get implemented at the state level, but they flow from the federal level. The coordination begins with the feds.
What I remember is Trump climbing on a plane at Davos in January, 2020 and proclaiming, "It's just one person coming from China. We have it under control".
And then, restricts travel from China, but forgets about the 40K or so American citizens flying home in a panic, with no means for testing, quarantining, or mitigation....basic steps.
Then, he spends the next two months golfing, tweeting, and holding his bullying pep rallies the night before each Democratic primary.

Coordination and guidance, but the actual choices and implementation are left to the States.

I remember Democrats saying the same things.

Also, what everyone else was doing.

Dems encouraged people to congregate at things like Chinese New Year to avoid "Asian Stigma"

Most of what Trump initially did was blessed by Fauci. Are you saying Fauci was wrong?
We all know we all vote on our personal interests and everybody I know kicked major ass on Trumps watch so I remain confused.
I’ve heard the typical stuff….
“I hate Trump because he talks mean”… but there has to be more….Under Trump, America was better and better off by literally every single meaningful metric.
Shed some light on this for me…PLEASE!
I would say Americans were much much more better off under Trump's economy and expensive under Biden's
We all know we all vote on our personal interests and everybody I know kicked major ass on Trumps watch so I remain confused.
Confusion is a constant state of being for most Repubs.

100 Ways, in 100 Days, that Trump Has Hurt Americans

We all know we all vote on our personal interests and everybody I know kicked major ass on Trumps watch so I remain confused.
I’ve heard the typical stuff….
“I hate Trump because he talks mean”… but there has to be more….Under Trump, America was better and better off by literally every single meaningful metric.
Shed some light on this for me…PLEASE!
His incompetence during Covid while more than more than million Americans died...

What I find disgusting is how his supporters try and dismiss that.. Sorry that is shameful...
We all know we all vote on our personal interests and everybody I know kicked major ass on Trumps watch so I remain confused.
I’ve heard the typical stuff….
“I hate Trump because he talks mean”… but there has to be more….Under Trump, America was better and better off by literally every single meaningful metric.
Shed some light on this for me…PLEASE!
The guy sitting in the WH doesn't really affect my life. People that bend over for the orange bag O' shit are entitled shit bags themselves. That is all.
In 2020 I had to drive 23 miles for toilet paper. There has been plenty of toilet paper under Biden.
If you did that and still has tissues and paper towels, you are a fucking idiot.
Retype that in English. Do you read your own bullshit? Nevermind, I wouldn’t want to read your own shit a second time if I were you either.
He caused inflation with his tax breaks, spending and stimulus checks (with his name on them)
I think a more accurate assertion is they caused the national debt to increase by about $7T.
  • Fact
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Retype that in English. Do you read your own bullshit? Nevermind, I wouldn’t want to read your own shit a second time if I were you either.

If you can't figure it out, you are dumber than I thought.

Turnip level dumb.
F your Dem shit stain judge, all Dems rot in hell you scum!

Here's the problem with guys like you. After you've sent us all to hell, you'll turn on the most liberal Republicans and irraticate the planet of moderates and independents. Fucking Nazi's. Or Putin supporters. Russians do to anti Putin Russians what you'd like to do to people who don't think like you huh? The collective.
Tax cuts and pandemic relief measures enacted during the Trump administration added $8.4 trillion to the national debt over the 10-year budget window, according to a study released Wednesday by a top budget watchdog group.

Discretionary spending increases from 2018 and 2019 added $2.1 trillion, Trump’s signature Tax Cuts and Jobs Act added $1.9 trillion and the 2020 bipartisan CARES Act for pandemic relief added another $1.9 trillion, the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB), a Washington think tank, found in a study released earlier this month.

People want to imagine a Trump presidency that did not exist.

Trump took Obama's rockin economy and passed a historic tax break to everyone, which caused inflation. Suddenly Obama's fake unemployment numbers were real because unemployment went down 0001%. Suddenly TRUMP had the greatest economy ever. He MAGA.

If you forgot, Democrats passed minimum wage increases on Obama's watch but didn't kick in until the following year when Trump was president. So Trump took credit for that too. But not the inflation Republicans said that raise cost. Because companies would just pass those increased costs on to consumers, right?

So the blacks who got a bump because of minimum wage increase, did better than ever under Trump and Trump wants to take credit for what Democrats got done before he even showed up.
His tax breaks reduced inflation. Democrats insisted on total quarantine ala Fauci. That was the first time in the history of America that a total quarantine has ever occurred in the U.S.
That proved to be a false move and belongs to Dr? Fauci.
Then according to the biased media GDP grew excitingly well during the Trump administration.
The fact that your manufacturing company has to rely on Chinese equipment to manufacture is indicative of the problem. Why not American manufactured equipment?
Seems China was prepared to sign a Trade Agreement prior to the Covid-19 infestation.
In total sum, you're pissing down our legs and claiming it's raining.
You cannot justify your statements.
Our overall economy grew by Trumps administrative efforts, whereas under Biden our economy floundered along with our supply chain, inflation not to mention our border crisis which TRump fought and was able to bring under control during his 4 years.
Contrasting to Biden's rescinding all Border Executive orders, shutting down fossil fuel production, raiding our petroleum reserves, starting a war in the Ukraine, retreating ignominiously causing the deaths of Americans and thousands of AfghanistanIan's.
Unfortunately. Biden has shown ultimate weakeness in foreign Policies dealing with China, the Ukraine, Israel and even North Korea.
We now teter on the edge of WWIII along with finiancial disaster, and inabilities to produce the means to defend ourselves.
Thank to Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. and his handlers.

How does more money in everyones pockets reduce inflation? Let's just start with your first sentence. I'll read the rest after we address this.

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