How did the Trump presidency negatively affect you/your life or quality of life personally?

Trump eliminated environmental protections causing untold medical problems for millions of people.

Republicans refuse to believe Trump caused the inflation they are suffering

Ron DeSantis and Chris Christie Call Out Trump for Adding to Federal Debt​

"He owes it to you to defend his record where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt that set the stage for the inflation that we have."​

Coordination and guidance, but the actual choices and implementation are left to the States.

I remember Democrats saying the same things.

Also, what everyone else was doing.

Dems encouraged people to congregate at things like Chinese New Year to avoid "Asian Stigma"

Most of what Trump initially did was blessed by Fauci. Are you saying Fauci was wrong?
Again, have you forgotten who was sitting in the White House.
And I remember Trump ignoring Fauci after about four months of bodies dropping. :)
Again, have you forgotten who was sitting in the White House.
And I remember Trump ignoring Fauci after about four months of bodies dropping. :)

Again, you assume he had far more impact on matters than he did. The one area he could influence was vaccine research and approval via the FDA.

So he was wrong to listen to Fauci for 4 months and wrong to stop listening to him?
His incompetence during Covid while more than more than million Americans died...

What I find disgusting is how his supporters try and dismiss that.. Sorry that is shameful...

Again, have you forgotten who was sitting in the White House.
And I remember Trump ignoring Fauci after about four months of bodies dropping. :)
How did Joe Biden kill more people with Covid than did Trump…Trump had no intel on the virus, equipment and facility shortages, no vaccines and deadlier variants….
How did Joe do so much damage with so much on his side?
How does more money in everyones pockets reduce inflation? Let's just start with your first sentence. I'll read the rest after we address this.
Simply by buying more and stimulating the economy on a positive basis.

We all know we all vote on our personal interests and everybody I know kicked major ass on Trumps watch so I remain confused.
I’ve heard the typical stuff….
“I hate Trump because he talks mean”… but there has to be more….Under Trump, America was better and better off by literally every single meaningful metric.
Shed some light on this for me…PLEASE!
Trump couldn't answer any policy questions this morning.

How did Joe Biden kill more people with Covid than did Trump…Trump had no intel on the virus, equipment and facility shortages, no vaccines and deadlier variants….
How did Joe do so much damage with so much on his side?
The policies, the attitudes, the rage, the denial, the resistance...all began on Trump's watch.
ALL of the bodies belong to him. ^Shrug^.
Simply by buying more and stimulating the economy on a positive basis.

Buy more??? OMG, that's why corporations won't lower the prices. Because we keep buying no matter how high they raise the prices.

Right now General Mills is shitting their pants because we stopped buying their overpriced cereal. I believe the CEO is stepping down.

Giving everyone more money is a sure fire way to have prices go up. Same argument for why not to raise the minimum wage.
Again, you assume he had far more impact on matters than he did. The one area he could influence was vaccine research and approval via the FDA.

So he was wrong to listen to Fauci for 4 months and wrong to stop listening to him?
Uh...vaccine research was already underway by the time "Warp Speed" (Pence's idea) hit the waves. :)
Not sure why we keep twisting around the same mulberry tree. His failure in responding to the pandemic is public record.
It's the main reason he lost his re-election bid. The voters saw him as not caring and incompetent.
Uh...vaccine research was already underway by the time "Warp Speed" (Pence's idea) hit the waves. :)
Not sure why we keep twisting around the same mulberry tree. His failure in responding to the pandemic is public record.
It's the main reason he lost his re-election bid. The voters saw him as not caring and incompetent.

Anything to not say even a single thing about Trump in even a mildly positive light. Pathetic.

The "failure" that most impacted us was keeping the lockdowns for too long. That's on the Blue State governments, which were mostly Dems.
Anything to not say even a single thing about Trump in even a mildly positive light. Pathetic.

The "failure" that most impacted us was keeping the lockdowns for too long. That's on the Blue State governments, which were mostly Dems.
There's nothing positive to say about Trump. LOL. He is a cancer. He's taken an entire political party and made them his own personal cucks while almost by himself has brought this country to the brink of destruction.
You want something positive said about Trump? OK. His ONE shining moment in his presidency he gets absolute credit for is signing into law The First Step Act. But that's it.

No, the "failure" is on Donald John Trump. His failure. His incompetence. Red and Blue state governors, mayors, and business leaders were forced to act because the guy sitting at the top...didn't think it was an issue.
Had he responded competently, those shutdowns and economic catastrophe probably would have been lessened...and he probably would have been re-elected.

If only he looked like he cared. :)
There's nothing positive to say about Trump. LOL. He is a cancer. He's taken an entire political party and made them his own personal cucks while almost by himself has brought this country to the brink of destruction.
You want something positive said about Trump? OK. His ONE shining moment in his presidency he gets absolute credit for is signing into law The First Step Act. But that's it.

No, the "failure" is on Donald John Trump. His failure. His incompetence. Red and Blue state governors, mayors, and business leaders were forced to act because the guy sitting at the top...didn't think it was an issue.
Had he responded competently, those shutdowns and economic catastrophe probably would have been lessened...and he probably would have been re-elected.

If only he looked like he cared. :)
Going on the advice of the guy who created and released it
There's nothing positive to say about Trump. LOL. He is a cancer. He's taken an entire political party and made them his own personal cucks while almost by himself has brought this country to the brink of destruction.
You want something positive said about Trump? OK. His ONE shining moment in his presidency he gets absolute credit for is signing into law The First Step Act. But that's it.

No, the "failure" is on Donald John Trump. His failure. His incompetence. Red and Blue state governors, mayors, and business leaders were forced to act because the guy sitting at the top...didn't think it was an issue.
Had he responded competently, those shutdowns and economic catastrophe probably would have been lessened...and he probably would have been re-elected.

If only he looked like he cared. :)

What a quaint wibble TDS screed, mouth breather.

They weren't forced to do anything, all the protocols that had to be implemented were at the State level under State control. Trump controlled interstate travel regs, and even then only through the CDC, FAA and NTSB.

Please tell me how he could have responded "competently". Be specific.
Conversely, I really don't know that he made me personally better off.
He made my country better, way better.

That's important to me.
We all know we all vote on our personal interests and everybody I know kicked major ass on Trumps watch so I remain confused.
I’ve heard the typical stuff….
“I hate Trump because he talks mean”… but there has to be more….Under Trump, America was better and better off by literally every single meaningful metric.
Shed some light on this for me…PLEASE! you seriously think people were better off in 2020?

They were not better off. Our economy was at standstill, people were in lockdowns, couldn't see their relatives, couldn't travel, had to deal with huge disruptions.

You don't have to blame Trump for all of it to know that 100% we are better off in 2024 than we were at the conclusion of Trump' shitty presidency that historians rank as the worst on record.
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Wait their body their choice right!
Good point. If the unwanted child grows up to be a criminal then they will negatively affect society just like the morons who don't get vaccinated. We may have to pass a law though if you want to go to public school you have to have the measles vaccine.

Measles is highly contagious, so anyone who is not protected against measles is at risk of getting the disease. People who are unvaccinated for any reason, including those who delay or refuse vaccination, risk getting infected with measles and spreading it to others.

According to small study, some states have ruled that refusal to vaccinate constitutes child neglect. If doctors, in their sincere medical judgment, believe a child's health would be put at risk by vaccinations, then a medical exemption will be granted.


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