How did the Trump presidency negatively affect you/your life or quality of life personally?

The story is right there in the USA today you idiot!

If that testing shows the virus has slipped into the country in places federal officials don't know about, "we've got a problem," Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told USA TODAY's Editorial Board Monday.

Short of that, Fauci says skip the masks unless you are contagious, don't worry about catching anything from Chinese products and certainly don't avoid Chinese people or restaurants.

"Whenever you have the threat of a transmissible infection, there are varying degrees from understandable to outlandish extrapolations of fear," Fauci said.
Well, like everything else in that time period...things change once our understanding becomes greater. That was just about the time the whole Biogen conference started and shit got real. So the recommendations and advice changed.

But I digress, Skippy. Your assertion was that Fauci created and released it. That didn't happen. In either this piece or in your fragile little mind. :)
Ummmmmmmmmmmm, it is Biden who has 70% of Americans saying that the country is going in the wrong direction.
I agree with those 70 percent.

Seditious conspiracy, supporting Russia, alienating our allies, election lies, and all the other things Trump and his supporters push, indeed is moving us in the wrong direction.
  1. No wall paid for by mexico
  2. No repeal and replace
  3. No tax simplification
  4. Ended zero wars
  5. GDP under 3% every year
  6. Exploded the deficit
  7. Infrastructure week was always around the corner
  8. Nepotism hiring his unqualified kids to run important departments
  9. Leadership turnover causing instability
  10. Ridiculous antics
Just off the top of my head.
LOL Serioiously?

1. did you want a wall? No
2. did you want Obamacare repealed? No
3. taxes were simplified for many by raising the standard deduction. We went from about 47% of Americans paying zero federal income taxes to about 50%
4. you guys claimed it was Trump's fault for ending the Afghanistan war
5. actually, high gdp contributes to inflation
6. the deficit exploded due to Covid, with democrats signing off on it
7. I guess you forgot about "resist 45"
8. you mean like Hunter being the head of Burisma thanks to daddy's influence?
9. I'll give you this one but only barely. This did not effect you personally.
10. I'll give you this one too but, again, this did not effect you personally unless you are a snowflake
I agree with those 70 percent.

Seditious conspiracy, supporting Russia, alienating our allies, election lies, and all the other things Trump and his supporters push, indeed is moving us in the wrong direction.
Ummmmmmm, we're talking about since Biden became president. People are saying that today. None of those things happened today.
Ummmmmmm, we're talking about since Biden became president. People are saying that today. None of those things happened today.
Why are we talking about Biden?

Are you trying to highjack this thread?

Certainly their are a plethora of Biden threads you can take your grief to or you can make a new thread.
LOL Serioiously?

1. did you want a wall? No
2. did you want Obamacare repealed? No
3. taxes were simplified for many by raising the standard deduction. We went from about 47% of Americans paying zero federal income taxes to about 50%
4. you guys claimed it was Trump's fault for ending the Afghanistan war
5. actually, high gdp contributes to inflation
6. the deficit exploded due to Covid, with democrats signing off on it
7. I guess you forgot about "resist 45"
8. you mean like Hunter being the head of Burisma thanks to daddy's influence?
9. I'll give you this one but only barely. This did not effect you personally.
10. I'll give you this one too but, again, this did not effect you personally unless you are a snowflake
1. He built a wall with our taxpayer dollars anyway.
2. He stripped some helpful provisions
3. No, they weren’t simplified. Messing with itemization just means that very few Americans get any tax deduction for charitable giving which I think is wrong
4. Should have happened years ago
5. That’s not true, but look at you now pretending like it’s a good thing that we had low GDP growth. I’m getting whiplash trying to keep your talking points straight.
6. Trump’s deficit actually expanded before COVID too due to tax cuts and slow growth
7. He was totally unwilling to compromise and his late arriving infrastructure plan was garbage
8. Burisma isn’t a government department.

The worst thing that Trump did was permission for a large chunk of the country to live in an alternate reality.
We all know we all vote on our personal interests and everybody I know kicked major ass on Trumps watch so I remain confused.
I’ve heard the typical stuff….
“I hate Trump because he talks mean”… but there has to be more….Under Trump, America was better and better off by literally every single meaningful metric.
Shed some light on this for me…PLEASE!
He got me an extra $27 with his tax cuts.
1. He built a wall with our taxpayer dollars anyway.
2. He stripped some helpful provisions
3. No, they weren’t simplified. Messing with itemization just means that very few Americans get any tax deduction for charitable giving which I think is wrong
4. Should have happened years ago
5. That’s not true, but look at you now pretending like it’s a good thing that we had low GDP growth. I’m getting whiplash trying to keep your talking points straight.
6. Trump’s deficit actually expanded before COVID too due to tax cuts and slow growth
7. He was totally unwilling to compromise and his late arriving infrastructure plan was garbage
8. Burisma isn’t a government department.

The worst thing that Trump did was permission for a large chunk of the country to live in an alternate reality.

1. I pay for plenty via my taxes I don't like. suck it up.
2. "Helpful"
3. Mostly the wealthy benefit from those deductions, it was made up for most by the increase in the standard.
4. Dodge.
5. Meh
6. Meaningless
7. Like Dems "compromise"
8. Dodge.
1. He caused inflation with his tax breaks, spending and stimulus checks (with his name on them)
2. He started a trade war with China. I'm in manufacturing and one of our machines comes from China. It's why he only had 2.2% gdp in 2019. And he didn't win the trade war. Just disrupted the economy.
3. He has me on these boards every day with the stupid shit he says and does.
4. He has given power to the Nazi's of America. Proud Boys.
5. He tried to steal the electon. I voted for Biden.
/---/ Got anything besides hyperbole?
1. I pay for plenty via my taxes I don't like. suck it up.
2. "Helpful"
3. Mostly the wealthy benefit from those deductions, it was made up for most by the increase in the standard.
4. Dodge.
5. Meh
6. Meaningless
7. Like Dems "compromise"
8. Dodge.
1. He lied and said Mexico would pay for it.
2. Risk corridors
3. 30% of people itemized before the bill change, included a lot of middle class Americans. They lost their ability to deduct charitable giving.
4. He said he would do it, he didn’t.
5. Republican double standards be like that.
6. Deficits are meaningless when it’s Republicans. Spoken like a true party hack.
7. They do.
8. Burisma isn’t a government position.
1. He lied and said Mexico would pay for it.
2. Risk corridors
3. 30% of people itemized before the bill change, included a lot of middle class Americans. They lost their ability to deduct charitable giving.
4. He said he would do it, he didn’t.
5. Republican double standards be like that.
6. Deficits are meaningless when it’s Republicans. Spoken like a true party hack.
7. They do.
8. Burisma isn’t a government position.

1.He tried to get it to happen and it didn't happen. That's not lying, that's not following through.
2. I liked my plan, I couldn't keep my plan.
3. Most of that was due to SALT limitations, which removed unfairness of blue state residents getting federal breaks because their local taxes are crazy.
4. He tried.
5. This coming from the "your speech is violence, our violence is speech" side is fucking comical.
6. Dems just keep spending.
7. Bullshit.
8. It's access to a foreign government and foreign influence.
1.He tried to get it to happen and it didn't happen. That's not lying, that's not following through.
2. I liked my plan, I couldn't keep my plan.
3. Most of that was due to SALT limitations, which removed unfairness of blue state residents getting federal breaks because their local taxes are crazy.
4. He tried.
5. This coming from the "your speech is violence, our violence is speech" side is fucking comical.
6. Dems just keep spending.
7. Bullshit.
8. It's access to a foreign government and foreign influence.
1. He didnt try. It was a stupid idea used to rally the faithful.
2. Obama tried!
3. Unfair? Get over it. Still took away the ability for middle class Americans to claim charitable giving. Now if you want to be a normal American who gives away money, the government doesn’t care. If you’re a rich American doing the same, good news!
4. What stopped him?
5. No, coming from the side that relentless attacked Obama because he had less than 3% growth in the Great Recession, going to the moron who promised 6% growth at one point in time, to now say that it’s good that GDP didn’t really grow is a good thing, is astoundingly stupid.
6. Dems also find ways to pay for spending even when it’s unpopular because they’re not cowards Who claim that tax cuts pay for themselves and that they’ll cut the budget sometime later.
7. Biden signed a bipartisan infrastructure bill less than a year after taking office.
8. Burisma isn’t a foreign government either, moron.
for the first time in my life, i was embarrassed to be an american.
Well, like everything else in that time period...things change once our understanding becomes greater. That was just about the time the whole Biogen conference started and shit got real. So the recommendations and advice changed.

But I digress, Skippy. Your assertion was that Fauci created and released it. That didn't happen. In either this piece or in your fragile little mind. :)

He did finance - that is not in dispute.
Was it intentionally released - there is some dispute on that.

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