How did the Trump presidency negatively affect you/your life or quality of life personally?

1. He didnt try. It was a stupid idea used to rally the faithful.
2. Obama tried!
3. Unfair? Get over it. Still took away the ability for middle class Americans to claim charitable giving. Now if you want to be a normal American who gives away money, the government doesn’t care. If you’re a rich American doing the same, good news!
4. What stopped him?
5. No, coming from the side that relentless attacked Obama because he had less than 3% growth in the Great Recession, going to the moron who promised 6% growth at one point in time, to now say that it’s good that GDP didn’t really grow is a good thing, is astoundingly stupid.
6. Dems also find ways to pay for spending even when it’s unpopular because they’re not cowards Who claim that tax cuts pay for themselves and that they’ll cut the budget sometime later.
7. Biden signed a bipartisan infrastructure bill less than a year after taking office.
8. Burisma isn’t a foreign government either, moron.

1. Wrong
2. And lied, actually lied, because he knew what the plan would do.
3. Most of that giving was false. everyone knew if you claim a few hundred or thousand no one checks.
4. Not wanting to go out like a bitch like Biden did?
6. Yes, by taxing more and lowering revenue anyway, then borrowing.
7. "bipartisan"
8. It is directly linked to one.
Burisma isn’t a foreign government either, moron
When you threaten the president of Ukraine that you will withhold cash aid promised to them if he doesn't fire the guy prosecuting and investigating Burisma that's a problem... moron...
Other than your TDS, the question was how did any of those effect you personally?

Vladimir Putin looked at Donald Trump and thought, this is a weak man who will do anything for power, and Donald Trump looked at the Republican Party and thought, these are weak men and women who will do anything for power,” said Stuart Stevens, a Republican strategist with decades of experience on presidential campaigns. “And they were both right.”
Vladimir Putin looked at Donald Trump and thought, this is a weak man who will do anything for power, and Donald Trump looked at the Republican Party and thought, these are weak men and women who will do anything for power,” said Stuart Stevens, a Republican strategist with decades of experience on presidential campaigns. “And they were both right.”
Putin knew not to challenge Trump and he never did...
surada Stop trying to rewrite history... we all lived threw it... so you sound like a clown...
We all know we all vote on our personal interests and everybody I know kicked major ass on Trumps watch so I remain confused.
I’ve heard the typical stuff….
“I hate Trump because he talks mean”… but there has to be more….Under Trump, America was better and better off by literally every single meaningful metric.
Shed some light on this for me…PLEASE!
He didn’t and most of the responses you get to your question will be the standard talking points responses.
Vladimir Putin looked at Donald Trump and thought, this is a weak man who will do anything for power, and Donald Trump looked at the Republican Party and thought, these are weak men and women who will do anything for power,” said Stuart Stevens, a Republican strategist with decades of experience on presidential campaigns. “And they were both right.”

Most wanna be dictator types are gasbags.
Are you serious?...

Since then, the region has gone from 93% coverage to 75% in 2021, which means that at least 2.4 million children under one year of age have not received their complete vaccination schedule.
UNICEF › lac › mor...
More than 2.4 million children have not been vaccinated in Latin America and the Caribbean
Vladimir Putin looked at Donald Trump and thought, this is a weak man who will do anything for power, and Donald Trump looked at the Republican Party and thought, these are weak men and women who will do anything for power,” said Stuart Stevens, a Republican strategist with decades of experience on presidential campaigns. “And they were both right.”

Obama/Biden: Putin invades Crimea
Biden Harris: Putin invades Ukraine.

You were saying?
1. Wrong
2. And lied, actually lied, because he knew what the plan would do.
3. Most of that giving was false. everyone knew if you claim a few hundred or thousand no one checks.
4. Not wanting to go out like a bitch like Biden did?
6. Yes, by taxing more and lowering revenue anyway, then borrowing.
7. "bipartisan"
8. It is directly linked to one.
1. Rarely.
2. Wrong. Read the bill.
3. Now you’re accusing millions of middle class Americans of tax fraud. Are you capable of not being an asshole? Also, you avoided the criticism.
4. So he was just incapable. Fail.
5. You’re a hack and nothing you say should be taken seriously because it’s just partisan hackery. It’s meaningless.
6. Taxes lower revenues. That’s the kind of stupidity you get after being a Republican for too long.
7. Truth hurts.
8. It’s not.
When you threaten the president of Ukraine that you will withhold cash aid promised to them if he doesn't fire the guy prosecuting and investigating Burisma that's a problem... moron...
No one was prosecuting Burisma, moron.

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