How did the Trump presidency negatively affect you/your life or quality of life personally?

Because we letting millions in from 3rd world countries, you mean.

You demean yourself, clown.
Them and stupid Republicans not getting vaccinated. At least the immigrant will get vaccinated.

This reminds me of when Republicans were dropping like flies during Covid. They said so were Democrats. Yea, blacks who like Republicans don't trust the government! Unvaccinated blacks were dropping like flies too!
Good point. If the unwanted child grows up to be a criminal then they will negatively affect society just like the morons who don't get vaccinated. We may have to pass a law though if you want to go to public school you have to have the measles vaccine.

Measles is highly contagious, so anyone who is not protected against measles is at risk of getting the disease. People who are unvaccinated for any reason, including those who delay or refuse vaccination, risk getting infected with measles and spreading it to others.

According to small study, some states have ruled that refusal to vaccinate constitutes child neglect. If doctors, in their sincere medical judgment, believe a child's health would be put at risk by vaccinations, then a medical exemption will be granted.

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Wait how can I give you the measles if you are vaccinated? So it spreads in their little group, mind your business right!?
Them and stupid Republicans not getting vaccinated. At least the immigrant will get vaccinated.

This reminds me of when Republicans were dropping like flies during Covid. They said so were Democrats. Yea, blacks who like Republicans don't trust the government! Unvaccinated blacks were dropping like flies too!

Your opinions are nuts.
Wait how can I give you the measles if you are vaccinated? So it spreads in their little group, mind your business right!?
Apparently if we don't achieve 90% for herd immunity, you non vaxed mother fuckers keep the desease going and spreading.

About 3 out of 100 people who get two doses of MMR vaccine will get measles if exposed to the virus. However, they are more likely to have a milder illness, and are also less likely to spread the disease to other people. you seriously think people were better off in 2020?

They were not better off. Our economy was at standstill, people were in lockdowns, couldn't see their relatives, couldn't travel, had to deal with huge disruptions.

You don't have to blame Trump for all of it to know that 100% we are better off in 2024 than we were at the conclusion of Trump' shitty presidency that historians rank as the worst on record.
True…under Trump Democrat governors, mayors and the like forbid people from exercising their constitutional rights.
Nobody sane and without a hardcore case of TDS holds Trump responsible for ANYTHING during the Democrat / China Virus era nor do sane people judge his presidency on the Democrat Virus era.
Them and stupid Republicans not getting vaccinated. At least the immigrant will get vaccinated.

This reminds me of when Republicans were dropping like flies during Covid. They said so were Democrats. Yea, blacks who like Republicans don't trust the government! Unvaccinated blacks were dropping like flies too!

Statistically "no one" died from covid.

You are years behind.
Hey bullshit peddler, Trump supported shutdowns.

Do you seriously think people can't fact-check you in all of two seconds?
Hold on…he “favored” your nazi shit but he mishandled it? HTF does that make sense?
We all know we all vote on our personal interests and everybody I know kicked major ass on Trumps watch so I remain confused.
I’ve heard the typical stuff….
“I hate Trump because he talks mean”… but there has to be more….Under Trump, America was better and better off by literally every single meaningful metric.
Shed some light on this for me…PLEASE!
Ever since Trump, people are just a lot meaner to each other than we used to be.

LIke, people seem to enjoy acting like an assholes now and only give a shit about themselves.
Hold on…he “favored” your nazi shit but he mishandled it? HTF does that make sense?
Dummy read my original post, it's all in there.

You don't have to blame Trump for all of Covid-19 disruptions to know damn well that Americans were not better off in 2020 and that we are much better off today.

Trump's presidency obviously failed the primitive "Are you better off?" test, but you Trumptards have some sort of mental block and keep bringing it up as if it's a winner.
Apparently if we don't achieve 90% for herd immunity, you non vaxed mother fuckers keep the desease going and spreading.

About 3 out of 100 people who get two doses of MMR vaccine will get measles if exposed to the virus. However, they are more likely to have a milder illness, and are also less likely to spread the disease to other people.
Cool mind your business. I have not had, and will never get the clot shot, my wife did and has had clots three separate times because of the experimental vax, that she got not thinking they were using her as a guinea pig!
Except like a lot of things the alt-right wrapped themselves in conspiracy theories in 2020....THIS DIDN'T HAPPEN! :)
The story is right there in the USA today you idiot!

If that testing shows the virus has slipped into the country in places federal officials don't know about, "we've got a problem," Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told USA TODAY's Editorial Board Monday.

Short of that, Fauci says skip the masks unless you are contagious, don't worry about catching anything from Chinese products and certainly don't avoid Chinese people or restaurants.

"Whenever you have the threat of a transmissible infection, there are varying degrees from understandable to outlandish extrapolations of fear," Fauci said.
Cool mind your business. I have not had, and will never get the clot shot, my wife did and has had clots three separate times because of the experimental vax, that she got not thinking they were using her as a guinea pig!
a person who is often or always worried about his or her own health : a person affected by hypochondria ......
Here's the problem with guys like you. After you've sent us all to hell, you'll turn on the most liberal Republicans and irraticate the planet of moderates and independents. Fucking Nazi's. Or Putin supporters. Russians do to anti Putin Russians what you'd like to do to people who don't think like you huh? The collective.
Democrats forced us to hate them, nothing but lying sacks of backstabbing assholes. Do you all drive BMW's?
To be honest I can't really think of anything any president has done in the last 3 decades that has effected my personal interests to a measurable degree outside of military actions.

I can't speak for all independents but my issues with Trump are with what he has done to America, not me.

Maybe that is part of the issue? To many people are worried about themselves instead of America itself?
Ummmmmmmmmmmm, it is Biden who has 70% of Americans saying that the country is going in the wrong direction.
And blew the response to the pandemic which shut our country down and destroyed our economy. A growing economy that he had been gifted by Barrack Obama....and all he had to do was not screw it up.
Ummmmmmmmmm, Trump is the one who fast tracked the vaccine. You know, the vaccine you said saved us all, the very same vaccine that you told Americans not to go out and get the Trump rushed vaccine.

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