How did the Trump presidency negatively affect you/your life or quality of life personally?

The economy was growing before the pandemic, and the States with the most draconian lockdowns were governed by which Party?
Trump attempted to Delegate to the States to deflect blame

The trump response to COVID was horrendous and you want to blame Democrats.

Trump was supposed to be a leader, then when crisis hit, he did what trump has always done. Cast blame upon others

“No, I don’t take any responsibility at all” djt
The economy was growing before the pandemic, and the States with the most draconian lockdowns were governed by which Party?
Trump attempted to Delegate to the States to deflect blame

The trump response to COVID was horrendous and you want to blame Democrats.

Trump was supposed to be a leader, then when crisis hit, he did what trump has always done. Cast blame upon others

“No, I don’t take any responsibility at all” djt
This occurred in 2020. Why are you people
so devoid of ability to understand how time works?
But he has been watched since 2017... why are you so hard headed and blind when it comes to the Biden's crimes... but you jump on Trump for a hangnail...
But he has been watched since 2017... why are you so hard headed and blind when it comes to the Biden's crimes... but you jump on Trump for a hangnail...
So Shokin was fired in 2016 for conducting an investigation that started in 2017?

Why are you so incapable of thinking logically?
But he has been watched since 2017... why are you so hard headed and blind when it comes to the Biden's crimes... but you jump on Trump for a hangnail...
None are so blind as those who won’t see. You Trumpanzees crack me up. Trump is clean and Biden, yea Biden, is the dirty one! Give me a break.
None are so blind as those who won’t see. You Trumpanzees crack me up. Trump is clean and Biden, yea Biden, is the dirty one! Give me a break.
If you watched a real news channel you would know how bad the Biden family has always been...
So Shokin was fired in 2016 for conducting an investigation that started in 2017?

Why are you so incapable of thinking logically?
Shokin was not the one who prosecuted the founder of Burisma a different prosecutor did that under the current president and while Trump was president...
If you watched a real news channel you would know how bad the Biden family has always been...
Uh… like newsmax? Sure. Every respectable news source is junk but the one everyone laughs at… that’s the good one. By the way they declared the election valid days ago just to reiterate after a Trump speech he’s lying.
Uh… like newsmax? Sure. Every respectable news source is junk but the one everyone laughs at… that’s the good one. By the way they declared the election valid days ago just to reiterate after a Trump speech he’s lying.
Fox newsmax BBC... you know if you just watch for two weeks and then go back to MSNBC it will blow your mind how blatantly dishonest they are in the MSM...
Just try it for the fun of it...
Shokin was not the one who prosecuted the founder of Burisma a different prosecutor did that under the current president and while Trump was president...
The founder of Burisma wasn't prosecuted, some other tax officials were, and they were prosecuted by Artem Sytnyk, who was put in charge of the anticorruption bureau (NABU) we had helped set up under Obama, and someone whom the State Dept actually trusted to do the right thing.

So your claim of an investigation by Shokin into Burisma is total bullshit.
The founder of Burisma wasn't prosecuted, some other tax officials were, and they were prosecuted by Artem Sytnyk, who was put in charge of the anticorruption bureau (NABU) we had helped set up under Obama, and someone whom the State Dept actually trusted to do the right thing.

So your claim of an investigation by Shokin into Burisma is total bullshit.
1. I'd take $19B of someones elses money to build a useless wall.. not our own money though. Don promised it would be Mexico's dime.
2. It was supposed to be replaced with something BETTER. I am all for that. It didnt happen.
3. Taxes were not simplified at all. They are the same as always. Didnt get worse, just didnt get simple as promised.
4. He left that war going without a plan and then refused to transition to Biden cuz.. bamboo ballots. Cost lives.
5. He promised +3% GDP.
6. It shot up in 2019 precovid. Obama had it going down. Trump reversed that.
7. He never proposed anything on infrastructure.
8. Hunter shit was a lie and the liar is going to jail for it. He was never a government employee. The Trump Family was.
1. Mexico was going to pay for it in other ways, not with a cash check made out to the US
2. ummmmmmmmmmm, we didn't repeal Obamacare, therefore it couldn't be replaced
3. taxes are simplified for those who took the higher standard deduction instead of itemizing.
4. ummmmmmmmm, if you remember, he lost the election, therefore it was Biden who was supposed to come up with the plan
5. We got a 3% gdp until Covid hit
6. Obama did not have the debt going down
7. he certainly did propose something on infrastructure. It was to be paid for without adding money on to the debt. Democrats rejected that.
8. The DOJ is charging Hunter so, apparently, it was not a lie.
Well just so you know how that plays out. Next you'll hate moderate Republicans and undecideds. If they are so stupid as to not agree with you, they're clearly Democrats or RINO's at best right?

You're insane. But now at least I can see how Germany or Russia are/were taken over by authoritiarians.
Your predictions are flaming left wing fantasy.
Fox newsmax BBC... you know if you just watch for two weeks and then go back to MSNBC it will blow your mind how blatantly dishonest they are in the MSM...
Just try it for the fun of it...
These guys?

A Newsmax host read a live disclaimer fact-checking Donald Trump after his rally in South Carolina on Friday 23 February.

“The [former] president mentioned in his speech the 2020 elections. Newsmax as a network believes the results were legal and final,” Carl Higbie said, after Mr Trump had finished speaking in Rock Hill.

Fox News also had to cut coverage of the rally to issue multiple fact-checks to his speech.

Anchor Neil Cavuto prefaced the list of corrections - for topics including the stock market, gas prices, and the 2020 election - by saying: “Even though he’s entitled to his opinion, he’s not entitled to his own set of facts.”
We all know we all vote on our personal interests and everybody I know kicked major ass on Trumps watch so I remain confused.
I’ve heard the typical stuff….
“I hate Trump because he talks mean”… but there has to be more….Under Trump, America was better and better off by literally every single meaningful metric.
Shed some light on this for me…PLEASE!
Here are some key points to consider:

1. Trump's Personal Wealth: According to Forbes, Trump's net worth decreased during his presidency. His net worth dropped from $4.5 billion in 2015 to $3.1 billion in the last two years, resulting in a lower ranking on the Forbes 400 list of wealthiest individuals.

2. Trump's Businesses and Family Wealth: Trump's family, particularly his children, appears to have grown richer since he entered the White House. Trump handed control of his businesses over to his children instead of fully divesting from them. Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, his daughter and son-in-law, have maintained a hand in their businesses and are reported to be tens of millions of dollars richer.

3. Trump's Book Royalties and Hotel Business: There are indications that Trump's book royalties and the launch of his new hotel in Washington, D.C., contributed to his financial gains while in the White House. His book royalties doubled, and the launch of his hotel coincided with his transition into public service. The hotel even served as a venue for his re-election fundraising, raising $10 million for his 2020 campaign.

4. Conflicting Perspectives: there are differing opinions on whether Trump's actions benefited the rich. Some argue that his policies, such as tax cuts, favored the wealthy, while others contend that his economic policies were beneficial for the middle class. These perspectives highlight the complexity of assessing the impact of Trump's presidency on wealth distribution.

Since the past cannot be altered, I do not spend time discussing the impact of Trump's policies on my life. However, if this billionaire is re-elected and returns to the White House, there will certainly be significant changes in the US national security agencies. lol. :)


1. How Trump Is TryingâAnd FailingâTo Get Rich Off His Presidency

2. Trump Family Members Have Gotten Much Richer

3. 5 Ways the Trumps Have Gotten Rich Since the Election

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