how did you first become interested in politics?!

Angus you hit it right on the head. America now stands for the dollar above all else. Unfortunately those with a lot of it somehow run the whole thing.
Mine was the 2000 recount. It was absolutely amazing to me that it became a win at all costs legal battle by both sides and statesmanship seemed to be dead.

It finally opened my eyes that it’s about money and power and not representing the people.

I think Gore won 2000, but Jeb! Threw it to his bro. Really it was a choice between giant douche and turd sandwich.

Bushes are a corrupt turd traitor family. Responsible for more than 100K human deaths. Glad I'm not them.
i never had an interest in politics at a young age. when i got to college, i started listening to the teachers who were supposed to be our role models and the main thing i couldnt help but think was: are these people nuts? they were saying the most off-the-wall zaniest things you could think of. and they were all agreeing with each other, an echo chamber!

Until my early 30's I never cared much for politics. Like many younger people, I was a pretty liberal teen. I smoked pot, hated the police, against all war, long hair bellbottom jeans wearing guy who played lead guitar in bands.

When I was in my early 20's I went door to door for the brother of my brother-in-law who was running for State Rep as a Democrat, but I still didn't know anything about politics; I was just trying to help somebody out. So in order to cast a vote for him, I registered as a Democrat.

We were at my sisters house for a holiday, and my father and I began arguing as usual about current events. My brother-in-law was helping my sister bring dinner to the table and he came in the dining room laughing. He said "you must listen to Rush Limbaugh religiously!" I didn't think much about it. I mean.....I heard the name once or twice, but only turned on the radio to listen to rock music. I had no idea WTF this guy was.

About a year later, the Democrats increased cigarette taxes, and I about flipped. Being totally ignorant of politics, I decided to try to learn. Then I thought back to what my brother-in-law said, and searched the radio to find this Limbaugh guy.

It was like listening to myself think only over the radio. I was amazed. I thought the entire country was turning Communist until I heard Limbaugh and later read of his quickly growing popularity. I realized that it was the media who had me believing 1984 was coming to fruition. It wasn't. There were many other people like me. I believed (and still do) that the Democrat party is nothing but a bunch of Communists only hidden behind a very American sounding party name.

i never had an interest in politics at a young age. when i got to college, i started listening to the teachers who were supposed to be our role models and the main thing i couldnt help but think was: are these people nuts? they were saying the most off-the-wall zaniest things you could think of. and they were all agreeing with each other, an echo chamber!

When I saw how bad the Bushes and then Obama were hurting American citizens.

Mine was the 2000 recount. It was absolutely amazing to me that it became a win at all costs legal battle by both sides and statesmanship seemed to be dead.

It finally opened my eyes that it’s about money and power and not representing the people.

LOL, for me it was easy!

Used to just vote Democrat because I was poor and young.

During the Carter recession, went to work for North Township Trustees in NW Indiana that was run by Democrats...… the job because I was a registered DEMOCRAT.

I got paid 3 bucks an hr, and was FORCED to give 2% back to their slush fund in cash, AFTER I cashed my check, or lose my job. This was 1975/76, had a young wife and a baby, but that made no difference to the Indiana Democratic party; it was 2% in cash, or out the door with you and starve; we were starving anyway!

During the 1976 election, my baby son was sick, we had no insurance, and I and my young wife were at the clinic on election day. When I got home, my mother had taken a message from NW Township Trustees that I had not yet voted, and if I did not, it would cost me my job! I was scared to death, voted straight Democrat, and have since that time, have NEVER/WILL NEVER, vote for another Democrat again!

They were jack-booted thugs then, and have gotten WORSE since then!
i never had an interest in politics at a young age. when i got to college, i started listening to the teachers who were supposed to be our role models and the main thing i couldnt help but think was: are these people nuts? they were saying the most off-the-wall zaniest things you could think of. and they were all agreeing with each other, an echo chamber!

Until my early 30's I never cared much for politics. Like many younger people, I was a pretty liberal teen. I smoked pot, hated the police, against all war, long hair bellbottom jeans wearing guy who played lead guitar in bands.

When I was in my early 20's I went door to door for the brother of my brother-in-law who was running for State Rep as a Democrat, but I still didn't know anything about politics; I was just trying to help somebody out. So in order to cast a vote for him, I registered as a Democrat.

We were at my sisters house for a holiday, and my father and I began arguing as usual about current events. My brother-in-law was helping my sister bring dinner to the table and he came in the dining room laughing. He said "you must listen to Rush Limbaugh religiously!" I didn't think much about it. I mean.....I heard the name once or twice, but only turned on the radio to listen to rock music. I had no idea WTF this guy was.

About a year later, the Democrats increased cigarette taxes, and I about flipped. Being totally ignorant of politics, I decided to try to learn. Then I thought back to what my brother-in-law said, and searched the radio to find this Limbaugh guy.

It was like listening to myself think only over the radio. I was amazed. I thought the entire country was turning Communist until I heard Limbaugh and later read of his quickly growing popularity. I realized that it was the media who had me believing 1984 was coming to fruition. It wasn't. There were many other people like me. I believed (and still do) that the Democrat party is nothing but a bunch of Communists only hidden behind a very American sounding party name.

i never had an interest in politics at a young age. when i got to college, i started listening to the teachers who were supposed to be our role models and the main thing i couldnt help but think was: are these people nuts? they were saying the most off-the-wall zaniest things you could think of. and they were all agreeing with each other, an echo chamber!

When I saw how bad the Bushes and then Obama were hurting American citizens.

Mine was the 2000 recount. It was absolutely amazing to me that it became a win at all costs legal battle by both sides and statesmanship seemed to be dead.

It finally opened my eyes that it’s about money and power and not representing the people.

LOL, for me it was easy!

Used to just vote Democrat because I was poor and young.

During the Carter recession, went to work for North Township Trustees in NW Indiana that was run by Democrats...… the job because I was a registered DEMOCRAT.

I got paid 3 bucks an hr, and was FORCED to give 2% back to their slush fund in cash, AFTER I cashed my check, or lose my job. This was 1975/76, had a young wife and a baby, but that made no difference to the Indiana Democratic party; it was 2% in cash, or out the door with you and starve; we were starving anyway!

During the 1976 election, my baby son was sick, we had no insurance, and I and my young wife were at the clinic on election day. When I got home, my mother had taken a message from NW Township Trustees that I had not yet voted, and if I did not, it would cost me my job! I was scared to death, voted straight Democrat, and have since that time, have NEVER/WILL NEVER, vote for another Democrat again!

They were jack-booted thugs then, and have gotten WORSE since then!

Come on, must be lying,

The Dems fight for the underclass.

They dont exploit the underclass!
Mine was the 2000 recount. It was absolutely amazing to me that it became a win at all costs legal battle by both sides and statesmanship seemed to be dead.

It finally opened my eyes that it’s about money and power and not representing the people.

I think Gore won 2000, but Jeb! Threw it to his bro. Really it was a choice between giant douche and turd sandwich.

Bushes are a corrupt turd traitor family. Responsible for more than 100K human deaths. Glad I'm not them.

Bush won fair and square. HIs brother didn't have anything to do with it. Even CNN did a private recount and found the results to be in Bush's favor.
i never had an interest in politics at a young age. when i got to college, i started listening to the teachers who were supposed to be our role models and the main thing i couldnt help but think was: are these people nuts? they were saying the most off-the-wall zaniest things you could think of. and they were all agreeing with each other, an echo chamber!

I think I was 7 when I realized I had more sense than the entire Federal government.

Now it's like driving past a train wreck. It's revolting but I can't stop staring.
oh good god, go to youtube. ever hear of it? & i am not talking about edited doctored ones either. they are there, you can easily find them.

So you are asking me to prove your claim? That's not how it works in blogs. You make a claim and get called out on it, you provide the proof of your claim.

fine, lazy ass.

You do understand that was slowed down for comedic effect, correct?

No, I don't think she does. These people are so brainwashed they'll believe anything their leaders tell them. I would be willing to bet that if somebody manipulated that video to say that aliens from another planet made a clone of Bush and kidnapped the original, she would believe it.

Then they get upset when we refer to them as the Uninformed Voters.

I became umm..interested in politics when I saw a lot of people around me losing their houses..being fired from their jobs after many years..being cut back to part-time with no benefits after many years of full-time with benefits..

It was very bad. Clinton and Bush set that up. Obama did bad, too. Obama took all the affordable cars off the road to sell steel to China. I hope they don't hurl it back at us.

I don't believe in government interaction with business. Mind you, I've seen that repeatedly in my line of work. But government can't guarantee you a job no matter how long you work for the company. The last place I seen that happen was a government/ private company that gave work to the mentally retarded. One of their outlets had a woman working there since she was a kid. She had a full pension coming until they got rid of her. She spent all those years in that outfit and God only knows where she's at today.

While I don't believe in government interference, I do think the local media should run those kinds of stories and give those companies a bad name. It would surly have an impact on their business. The problem today though is news organizations run dog stories instead of unfairness to humans by other humans. Today, you can get more time in jail for beating your dog than beating your wife.
There is? Then why have I not seen that video? Perhaps you have it to share with us.

oh good god, go to youtube. ever hear of it? & i am not talking about edited doctored ones either. they are there, you can easily find them.

So you are asking me to prove your claim? That's not how it works in blogs. You make a claim and get called out on it, you provide the proof of your claim.

fine, lazy ass.

You do understand that was slowed down for comedic effect, correct?

No, I don't think she does. These people are so brainwashed they'll believe anything their leaders tell them. I would be willing to bet that if somebody manipulated that video to say that aliens from another planet made a clone of Bush and kidnapped the original, she would believe it.

Then they get upset when we refer to them as the Uninformed Voters.

lol.................. flynn, cohen, pecker, weiselberg, gates, nader..................

oh good god, go to youtube. ever hear of it? & i am not talking about edited doctored ones either. they are there, you can easily find them.

So you are asking me to prove your claim? That's not how it works in blogs. You make a claim and get called out on it, you provide the proof of your claim.

fine, lazy ass.

You do understand that was slowed down for comedic effect, correct?

No, I don't think she does. These people are so brainwashed they'll believe anything their leaders tell them. I would be willing to bet that if somebody manipulated that video to say that aliens from another planet made a clone of Bush and kidnapped the original, she would believe it.

Then they get upset when we refer to them as the Uninformed Voters.

lol.................. flynn, cohen, pecker, weiselberg, gates, nader..................


An abject lesson in why to not call people that disagree with you stupid. (Unless they're really really stupid)

1 really is not enough to warrant it. ;)
So you are asking me to prove your claim? That's not how it works in blogs. You make a claim and get called out on it, you provide the proof of your claim.

fine, lazy ass.

You do understand that was slowed down for comedic effect, correct?

No, I don't think she does. These people are so brainwashed they'll believe anything their leaders tell them. I would be willing to bet that if somebody manipulated that video to say that aliens from another planet made a clone of Bush and kidnapped the original, she would believe it.

Then they get upset when we refer to them as the Uninformed Voters.

lol.................. flynn, cohen, pecker, weiselberg, gates, nader..................


An abject lesson in why to not call people that disagree with you stupid. (Unless they're really really stupid)

1 really is not enough to warrant it. ;)

did i call anyone 'stupid'?
Oh! A bit off-topic.

IMO, Democrats are about making America go back to Feudal System those that founded the country tried to avoid.

Democrats want most of the rank and file to be serfs.
fine, lazy ass.

You do understand that was slowed down for comedic effect, correct?

No, I don't think she does. These people are so brainwashed they'll believe anything their leaders tell them. I would be willing to bet that if somebody manipulated that video to say that aliens from another planet made a clone of Bush and kidnapped the original, she would believe it.

Then they get upset when we refer to them as the Uninformed Voters.

lol.................. flynn, cohen, pecker, weiselberg, gates, nader..................


An abject lesson in why to not call people that disagree with you stupid. (Unless they're really really stupid)

1 really is not enough to warrant it. ;)

did i call anyone 'stupid'?

No. The other called you stupid and you got defensive as a reflex. It's a natural thing to do.

I wouldn't call you stupid.
i never had an interest in politics at a young age. when i got to college, i started listening to the teachers who were supposed to be our role models and the main thing i couldnt help but think was: are these people nuts? they were saying the most off-the-wall zaniest things you could think of. and they were all agreeing with each other, an echo chamber!
Most of my family are elected officials so I pretty much grew up with it from day one. It could be worse they could have been ran against several times They were pretty much unbeatable so they were only ran against twice since I have been alive. I am not as into it as I use to be. I am ready to retire so it just does not effect me like it use to. Politics does not come into fishing and golfing which is how I spend my free time today. I fought my fight now it's time to relax.
Oh! A bit off-topic.

IMO, Democrats are about making America go back to Feudal System those that founded the country tried to avoid.

Democrats want most of the rank and file to be serfs.

is that why the (R)s passed the biggest permanent for big corp in history, but a relative & meager temp cut tax cut for the tax payers?
i never had an interest in politics at a young age. when i got to college, i started listening to the teachers who were supposed to be our role models and the main thing i couldnt help but think was: are these people nuts? they were saying the most off-the-wall zaniest things you could think of. and they were all agreeing with each other, an echo chamber!
Most of my family are elected officials so I pretty much grew up with it from day one. It could be worse they could have been ran against several times They were pretty much unbeatable so they were only ran against twice since I have been alive. I am not as into it as I use to be. I am ready to retire so it just does not effect me like it use to. Politics does not come into fishing and golfing which is how I spend my free time today. I fought my fight now it's time to relax.

Oookay. :rolleyes:

In my family..I got like 1 cousin and one cousin's husband that got into politics, and quickly got out. Cousin's husband is too nice for politics..He really is.

The other cousin got into it to right some wrongs being done to the citizens. He accomplished his goal and went home and went fishin'. God bless him!
You do understand that was slowed down for comedic effect, correct?

No, I don't think she does. These people are so brainwashed they'll believe anything their leaders tell them. I would be willing to bet that if somebody manipulated that video to say that aliens from another planet made a clone of Bush and kidnapped the original, she would believe it.

Then they get upset when we refer to them as the Uninformed Voters.

lol.................. flynn, cohen, pecker, weiselberg, gates, nader..................


An abject lesson in why to not call people that disagree with you stupid. (Unless they're really really stupid)

1 really is not enough to warrant it. ;)

did i call anyone 'stupid'?

No. The other called you stupid and you got defensive as a reflex. It's a natural thing to do.

I wouldn't call you stupid.

oh, believe me, had i even noticed the slight, being called 'stupid' is as mild an insult as one can get on this board... & it would have rolled off my shoulder. but i appreciate the compliment just the same...
No, I don't think she does. These people are so brainwashed they'll believe anything their leaders tell them. I would be willing to bet that if somebody manipulated that video to say that aliens from another planet made a clone of Bush and kidnapped the original, she would believe it.

Then they get upset when we refer to them as the Uninformed Voters.

lol.................. flynn, cohen, pecker, weiselberg, gates, nader..................


An abject lesson in why to not call people that disagree with you stupid. (Unless they're really really stupid)

1 really is not enough to warrant it. ;)

did i call anyone 'stupid'?

No. The other called you stupid and you got defensive as a reflex. It's a natural thing to do.

I wouldn't call you stupid.

oh, believe me, had i even noticed the slight, being called 'stupid' is as mild an insult as one can get on this board... & it would have rolled off my shoulder. but i appreciate the compliment just the same...

While "uninformed" is really more like ignorant, I'm calling it "Stupid" for this exchange.
The definition of stupid is knowing better, and then doing it anyway.

Ex: Sometimes I'm Stupid.
Probably toward the end of Nixon's office, I was still too young to vote, but my mom always talked about it, so I started watching the mon tv. Aside from just voting a few years later, I didn't become active in the political process itself until 2007.

We launched the blimp in December of 2007. That actually was just an idea that someone threw out there, we were kind of mixed oin it. We almost didn't do it. But it went airborn.

That started a historic series of political efforts that spanned five years straight, pretty much non-stop. And shenanigans. Oh, boy. Shenanigans. lol.

Do you know that it cost $25,000 to run a full page ad in the NYT? Yep.
i never had an interest in politics at a young age. when i got to college, i started listening to the teachers who were supposed to be our role models and the main thing i couldnt help but think was: are these people nuts? they were saying the most off-the-wall zaniest things you could think of. and they were all agreeing with each other, an echo chamber!
Most of my family are elected officials so I pretty much grew up with it from day one. It could be worse they could have been ran against several times They were pretty much unbeatable so they were only ran against twice since I have been alive. I am not as into it as I use to be. I am ready to retire so it just does not effect me like it use to. Politics does not come into fishing and golfing which is how I spend my free time today. I fought my fight now it's time to relax.

Oookay. :rolleyes:

In my family..I got like 1 cousin and one cousin's husband that got into politics, and quickly got out. Cousin's husband is too nice for politics..He really is.

The other cousin got into it to right some wrongs being done to the citizens. He accomplished his goal and went home and went fishin'. God bless him!
That is where I am at. I no longer show up to all the planning commisions and political dinners. I would rather just fish. All that shit was work,time consuming and expensive. In the end no one appreciated all that work so I do not feel guilty fishing. Leave it to the young.

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