How do bloodthirsty partisans feel about relatives with different political views?

You'd have to be blind to not see that tension has gotten so high that people are fantasizing about their political opponents being hurt. How about family and neighbors? Do you want them to die too? Do you actually realize the kind of insanity you're toying with right now?

ā€œHow do bloodthirsty partisans feel about relatives with different political views?ā€
Iā€™m pretty hardcore. I completely disown distant family and rehabilitate immediate family.
I donā€™t play that multicultural bullshit either...Iā€™ll cut my kids off and disown them if they were to try and fuck up the bloodline.
Does hearing that make you piss your pants a little?
I have a couple of relatives like you that don't know how to turn it off. I don't miss them at all.

Liberalism is a mental disorder, a disease, a mind virus...I have no time or patience for deficient family members.
You are so getting stuck in a nursing home with no one visiting you.

Thatā€™s true for you betas as your families are bonded by feels and faux emotion...My family unit is held together by a core value and belief system that canā€™t be broken. Youā€™d know this if you led your families using traditional American methods.
Your family is as dysfunctional as every other family. If you think otherwise you are not paying attention.

Gee, thatā€™s not fascist of you at all...tell me more about myself and my family would you please?
Quit making outlandish claims about your family and disparaging comments about mine and I will never say another word about it.

Haha...that you would consider my family being firmly bonded by traditional American values as ā€œoutlandishā€ is awfully telling of your own. Thatā€™s plain weird
I live surrounded by conservative types who, if you check their facebook, project a picture of wholesome virtue, flags, guns and starched clothes but I know the real story of what's going on. The rumor mill in a small town is ruthless in it's efficiency. If you think liberal families are screwed up it's only because they are less secretive and not overly concerned with keeping up appearances.
Haha..thatā€™s funny shit.
A common denominator among folks living toxic dysfunctional lives; somehow, someway they ALL tend to believe that others are living the same sort of lives...itā€™s how/why you justify staying toxic and dysfunctional.
My family is a bunch of Trump fans. We have a lot of secrets. Sometimes I long for the kind of family that talks about their problems rather than stuffing them down and never talking about it. Probably why we tend to die young.

Come clean, be honest...what social issue has you pulled Left?
Most Lefties I know have a gay or tranny son or daughter, a child in an interracial relationship or they themselves are gay / trans, in an interracial relationship or own a mail order bride of sorts...Thereā€™s always a weird ā€˜socialā€™ tie to the Left...itā€™s almost NEVER about politics.
What has you, a self proclaimed capitalist / entrepreneur aligning with the Left?
Listening to people like you talk hate. Even if conservative policies made sense for working people I could not align myself with a bunch of hateful, callous pricks. The mean streak that fuels the right wing social agenda is far more harmful than anything they are fighting against.
You'd have to be blind to not see that tension has gotten so high that people are fantasizing about their political opponents being hurt. How about family and neighbors? Do you want them to die too? Do you actually realize the kind of insanity you're toying with right now?

I don't want anyone to be hurt. Not my friends, not my family, not anyone here, not anyone.
Most of us do not want to see polical violence

Unfortunately political violence is ongoing

When people deliberately spread disease, regardless of their reasoning, they are unquestionably doing a violent terroristic act.

Being vigilant against this terrorism is defensive, not offensive.
Well, I'd really like to see them simply leave me alone, so I can live in peace and not hurt a soul, but after 5 decades on this planet, I am still waiting to see that; seems like there is always someone who simply can't stop fucking with other people.

Now otoh, I can say from experience that once someone is dead, they will never bother me or anyone else again.

So, there you go.
Once you realize youā€™re not that important and no one gives a crap whether you like their legal policies youā€™ll be better off and more at peace.
They sure give a crap when I refuse to abide by any of them or fund them, though.
Itā€™s a democracy. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose by the rules. If you look at policies objectively the left leaning ones provide more access to freedoms and the right leaning ones consolidate freedoms into the chosen. The chosen are too small now to bother us. Abide or not. I donā€™t care. Just know youā€™ll need to pay the costs of breaking laws.

How does the left leaning ones provide more access to freedoms?

Where is, me getting the wealth confiscated from others.... a "Freedom"?

What freedom, does the left claim to give you, that you don't have now?
Define confiscating wealth bonehead. Thats a talking point for morons who donā€™t have money so they worry about someone taking the pot they piss in. You donā€™t make $400k you pauper. Those who do have no issue coughing up a reasonable tax rate. Youā€™re so dumb you canā€™t argue the actual merits. You can only parrot generalizations of your puppet masters. I can. Bidens tax plan wonā€™t hurt your poor ass and will barely affect me who would get a tax increase.
You'd have to be blind to not see that tension has gotten so high that people are fantasizing about their political opponents being hurt. How about family and neighbors? Do you want them to die too? Do you actually realize the kind of insanity you're toying with right now?

ā€œHow do bloodthirsty partisans feel about relatives with different political views?ā€
Iā€™m pretty hardcore. I completely disown distant family and rehabilitate immediate family.
I donā€™t play that multicultural bullshit either...Iā€™ll cut my kids off and disown them if they were to try and fuck up the bloodline.
Does hearing that make you piss your pants a little?
I have a couple of relatives like you that don't know how to turn it off. I don't miss them at all.

Liberalism is a mental disorder, a disease, a mind virus...I have no time or patience for deficient family members.
You are so getting stuck in a nursing home with no one visiting you.

Thatā€™s true for you betas as your families are bonded by feels and faux emotion...My family unit is held together by a core value and belief system that canā€™t be broken. Youā€™d know this if you led your families using traditional American methods.
Your family is as dysfunctional as every other family. If you think otherwise you are not paying attention.

Gee, thatā€™s not fascist of you at all...tell me more about myself and my family would you please?
Quit making outlandish claims about your family and disparaging comments about mine and I will never say another word about it.

Haha...that you would consider my family being firmly bonded by traditional American values as ā€œoutlandishā€ is awfully telling of your own. Thatā€™s plain weird
I live surrounded by conservative types who, if you check their facebook, project a picture of wholesome virtue, flags, guns and starched clothes but I know the real story of what's going on. The rumor mill in a small town is ruthless in it's efficiency. If you think liberal families are screwed up it's only because they are less secretive and not overly concerned with keeping up appearances.
Haha..thatā€™s funny shit.
A common denominator among folks living toxic dysfunctional lives; somehow, someway they ALL tend to believe that others are living the same sort of lives...itā€™s how/why you justify staying toxic and dysfunctional.
My family is a bunch of Trump fans. We have a lot of secrets. Sometimes I long for the kind of family that talks about their problems rather than stuffing them down and never talking about it. Probably why we tend to die young.

Come clean, be honest...what social issue has you pulled Left?
Most Lefties I know have a gay or tranny son or daughter, a child in an interracial relationship or they themselves are gay / trans, in an interracial relationship or own a mail order bride of sorts...Thereā€™s always a weird ā€˜socialā€™ tie to the Left...itā€™s almost NEVER about politics.
What has you, a self proclaimed capitalist / entrepreneur aligning with the Left?
Listening to people like you talk hate. Even if conservative policies made sense for working people I could not align myself with a bunch of hateful, callous pricks. The mean streak that fuels the right wing social agenda is far more harmful than anything they are fighting against.

Come on now, I think youā€™re being a bit dishonest.
Iā€™m super hardcore, definitely the exception and not the rule. Everybody knows that by and large Republicans are nothing more than harmless, big talking, nutless bitches...Conversely, everyone knows the Left is comprised of pushy, demanding, ruthless, angry barbarians...have you not been paying attention?
So come on, come clean, what has your drawn Left?
I have three children who are Bernie supporters.
They know about me. I know about them. It's simply not an issue.
I will note my son, the youngest child, said he wouldn't vote for Biden so I assume
a third party candidate.
Well, I'd really like to see them simply leave me alone, so I can live in peace and not hurt a soul, but after 5 decades on this planet, I am still waiting to see that; seems like there is always someone who simply can't stop fucking with other people.

Now otoh, I can say from experience that once someone is dead, they will never bother me or anyone else again.

So, there you go.
Once you realize youā€™re not that important and no one gives a crap whether you like their legal policies youā€™ll be better off and more at peace.
They sure give a crap when I refuse to abide by any of them or fund them, though.
Itā€™s a democracy. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose by the rules. If you look at policies objectively the left leaning ones provide more access to freedoms and the right leaning ones consolidate freedoms into the chosen. The chosen are too small now to bother us. Abide or not. I donā€™t care. Just know youā€™ll need to pay the costs of breaking laws.
There's democracy and then there is mob rule and they ain't as far apart as I'd like.

I just shake my head at the way so many people seem to believe they can vote themselves into authority they were never given, and then use that imaginary authority to justify controlling, harassing, robbing, assaulting, imprisoning, impoverishing, and killing others.

But I'm the bad guy for being willing to resist this shit by force?
Yeah...... no.
I don't think so.
Democracy = when you get your way
Mob rule = when you donā€™t

Great reasoning. You have a coloring book to explain that? Democracy works by one person one vote and the minority has their rights protected. We were doing fine until Trump nation tried to overthrow the will of the people. Screw you AntiAmerica fuckers.
Well, I'd really like to see them simply leave me alone, so I can live in peace and not hurt a soul, but after 5 decades on this planet, I am still waiting to see that; seems like there is always someone who simply can't stop fucking with other people.

Now otoh, I can say from experience that once someone is dead, they will never bother me or anyone else again.

So, there you go.
Once you realize youā€™re not that important and no one gives a crap whether you like their legal policies youā€™ll be better off and more at peace.
They sure give a crap when I refuse to abide by any of them or fund them, though.
Itā€™s a democracy. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose by the rules. If you look at policies objectively the left leaning ones provide more access to freedoms and the right leaning ones consolidate freedoms into the chosen. The chosen are too small now to bother us. Abide or not. I donā€™t care. Just know youā€™ll need to pay the costs of breaking laws.
There's democracy and then there is mob rule and they ain't as far apart as I'd like.

I just shake my head at the way so many people seem to believe they can vote themselves into authority they were never given, and then use that imaginary authority to justify controlling, harassing, robbing, assaulting, imprisoning, impoverishing, and killing others.

But I'm the bad guy for being willing to resist this shit by force?
Yeah...... no.
I don't think so.
Democracy = when you get your way
Mob rule = when you donā€™t

Great reasoning. You have a coloring book to explain that? Democracy works by one person one vote and the minority has their rights protected. We were doing fine until Trump nation tried to overthrow the will of the people. Screw you AntiAmerica fuckers.

Why are you Lefties so hostile?
You fought to unwind the Trump presidency every second for four years and now the GOP is taking Hillaryā€™s advice and youā€™re pissing your pants...Get ahold of yourself whack.
Well, I'd really like to see them simply leave me alone, so I can live in peace and not hurt a soul, but after 5 decades on this planet, I am still waiting to see that; seems like there is always someone who simply can't stop fucking with other people.

Now otoh, I can say from experience that once someone is dead, they will never bother me or anyone else again.

So, there you go.
Once you realize youā€™re not that important and no one gives a crap whether you like their legal policies youā€™ll be better off and more at peace.
They sure give a crap when I refuse to abide by any of them or fund them, though.
Itā€™s a democracy. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose by the rules. If you look at policies objectively the left leaning ones provide more access to freedoms and the right leaning ones consolidate freedoms into the chosen. The chosen are too small now to bother us. Abide or not. I donā€™t care. Just know youā€™ll need to pay the costs of breaking laws.

How does the left leaning ones provide more access to freedoms?

Where is, me getting the wealth confiscated from others.... a "Freedom"?

What freedom, does the left claim to give you, that you don't have now?
Define confiscating wealth bonehead. Thats a talking point for morons who donā€™t have money so they worry about someone taking the pot they piss in. You donā€™t make $400k you pauper. Those who do have no issue coughing up a reasonable tax rate. Youā€™re so dumb you canā€™t argue the actual merits. You can only parrot generalizations of your puppet masters. I can. Bidens tax plan wonā€™t hurt your poor ass and will barely affect me who would get a tax increase.
Got news for you Bud, if you make over $400k a year than you have a good tax attorney and you end up paying less than those who make under $400K a year... Get with the program
Do you really sit around thinking this stuff? If so you probably need to see a professional.

I'm not one of the ones that wants to see my political opponents dead.

Please show me any "right winger" who held up a bloody representation of Obama's head.

Secret Service Visits Man Who Hung Obama Effigy From Tree As 'Spooky' Halloween Decoration

So some unknown dude hangs a halloween decoration from a tree almost 10 years ago?

How about a left wing celebrity doing that with Trump? Comments? Concerns?

Do you really sit around thinking this stuff? If so you probably need to see a professional.

I'm not one of the ones that wants to see my political opponents dead.

Please show me any "right winger" who held up a bloody representation of Obama's head.

Secret Service Visits Man Who Hung Obama Effigy From Tree As 'Spooky' Halloween Decoration

So some unknown dude hangs a halloween decoration from a tree almost 10 years ago?

How about a left wing celebrity doing that with Trump? Comments? Concerns?


She made herself looks extremely foolish and accomplished nothing.
You'd have to be blind to not see that tension has gotten so high that people are fantasizing about their political opponents being hurt. How about family and neighbors? Do you want them to die too? Do you actually realize the kind of insanity you're toying with right now?

ā€œHow do bloodthirsty partisans feel about relatives with different political views?ā€
Iā€™m pretty hardcore. I completely disown distant family and rehabilitate immediate family.
I donā€™t play that multicultural bullshit either...Iā€™ll cut my kids off and disown them if they were to try and fuck up the bloodline.
Does hearing that make you piss your pants a little?
I have a couple of relatives like you that don't know how to turn it off. I don't miss them at all.

Liberalism is a mental disorder, a disease, a mind virus...I have no time or patience for deficient family members.
You are so getting stuck in a nursing home with no one visiting you.

Thatā€™s true for you betas as your families are bonded by feels and faux emotion...My family unit is held together by a core value and belief system that canā€™t be broken. Youā€™d know this if you led your families using traditional American methods.
Your family is as dysfunctional as every other family. If you think otherwise you are not paying attention.

Gee, thatā€™s not fascist of you at all...tell me more about myself and my family would you please?
Quit making outlandish claims about your family and disparaging comments about mine and I will never say another word about it.

Haha...that you would consider my family being firmly bonded by traditional American values as ā€œoutlandishā€ is awfully telling of your own. Thatā€™s plain weird
I live surrounded by conservative types who, if you check their facebook, project a picture of wholesome virtue, flags, guns and starched clothes but I know the real story of what's going on. The rumor mill in a small town is ruthless in it's efficiency. If you think liberal families are screwed up it's only because they are less secretive and not overly concerned with keeping up appearances.
Haha..thatā€™s funny shit.
A common denominator among folks living toxic dysfunctional lives; somehow, someway they ALL tend to believe that others are living the same sort of lives...itā€™s how/why you justify staying toxic and dysfunctional.
My family is a bunch of Trump fans. We have a lot of secrets. Sometimes I long for the kind of family that talks about their problems rather than stuffing them down and never talking about it. Probably why we tend to die young.

Come clean, be honest...what social issue has you pulled Left?
Most Lefties I know have a gay or tranny son or daughter, a child in an interracial relationship or they themselves are gay / trans, in an interracial relationship or own a mail order bride of sorts...Thereā€™s always a weird ā€˜socialā€™ tie to the Left...itā€™s almost NEVER about politics.
What has you, a self proclaimed capitalist / entrepreneur aligning with the Left?
Listening to people like you talk hate. Even if conservative policies made sense for working people I could not align myself with a bunch of hateful, callous pricks. The mean streak that fuels the right wing social agenda is far more harmful than anything they are fighting against.

Come on now, I think youā€™re being a bit dishonest.
Iā€™m super hardcore, definitely the exception and not the rule. Everybody knows that by and large Republicans are nothing more than harmless, big talking, nutless bitches...Conversely, everyone knows the Left is comprised of pushy, demanding, ruthless, angry barbarians...have you not been paying attention?
So come on, come clean, what has your drawn Left?
I'll always tell you the truth because I don't care if you think I'm being mean, I have no desire to spare your feelings and I don't feel like I have anything to prove to you. Why lie? You're nothing more to me than words on a screen.
You'd have to be blind to not see that tension has gotten so high that people are fantasizing about their political opponents being hurt. How about family and neighbors? Do you want them to die too? Do you actually realize the kind of insanity you're toying with right now?

ā€œHow do bloodthirsty partisans feel about relatives with different political views?ā€
Iā€™m pretty hardcore. I completely disown distant family and rehabilitate immediate family.
I donā€™t play that multicultural bullshit either...Iā€™ll cut my kids off and disown them if they were to try and fuck up the bloodline.
Does hearing that make you piss your pants a little?
I have a couple of relatives like you that don't know how to turn it off. I don't miss them at all.

Liberalism is a mental disorder, a disease, a mind virus...I have no time or patience for deficient family members.
You are so getting stuck in a nursing home with no one visiting you.

Thatā€™s true for you betas as your families are bonded by feels and faux emotion...My family unit is held together by a core value and belief system that canā€™t be broken. Youā€™d know this if you led your families using traditional American methods.
Your family is as dysfunctional as every other family. If you think otherwise you are not paying attention.

Gee, thatā€™s not fascist of you at all...tell me more about myself and my family would you please?
Quit making outlandish claims about your family and disparaging comments about mine and I will never say another word about it.

Haha...that you would consider my family being firmly bonded by traditional American values as ā€œoutlandishā€ is awfully telling of your own. Thatā€™s plain weird
I live surrounded by conservative types who, if you check their facebook, project a picture of wholesome virtue, flags, guns and starched clothes but I know the real story of what's going on. The rumor mill in a small town is ruthless in it's efficiency. If you think liberal families are screwed up it's only because they are less secretive and not overly concerned with keeping up appearances.
Haha..thatā€™s funny shit.
A common denominator among folks living toxic dysfunctional lives; somehow, someway they ALL tend to believe that others are living the same sort of lives...itā€™s how/why you justify staying toxic and dysfunctional.
My family is a bunch of Trump fans. We have a lot of secrets. Sometimes I long for the kind of family that talks about their problems rather than stuffing them down and never talking about it. Probably why we tend to die young.

Come clean, be honest...what social issue has you pulled Left?
Most Lefties I know have a gay or tranny son or daughter, a child in an interracial relationship or they themselves are gay / trans, in an interracial relationship or own a mail order bride of sorts...Thereā€™s always a weird ā€˜socialā€™ tie to the Left...itā€™s almost NEVER about politics.
What has you, a self proclaimed capitalist / entrepreneur aligning with the Left?
Listening to people like you talk hate. Even if conservative policies made sense for working people I could not align myself with a bunch of hateful, callous pricks. The mean streak that fuels the right wing social agenda is far more harmful than anything they are fighting against.

Come on now, I think youā€™re being a bit dishonest.
Iā€™m super hardcore, definitely the exception and not the rule. Everybody knows that by and large Republicans are nothing more than harmless, big talking, nutless bitches...Conversely, everyone knows the Left is comprised of pushy, demanding, ruthless, angry barbarians...have you not been paying attention?
So come on, come clean, what has your drawn Left?
I'll always tell you the truth because I don't care if you think I'm being mean, I have no desire to spare your feelings and I don't feel like I have anything to prove to you. Why lie? You're nothing more to me than words on a screen.

Cool, just know that things donā€™t add up with you.
NOBODY entrepreneurial, successful, capitalist and truly legit defends liberalism and votes Democrat....NOBODY
You'd have to be blind to not see that tension has gotten so high that people are fantasizing about their political opponents being hurt. How about family and neighbors? Do you want them to die too? Do you actually realize the kind of insanity you're toying with right now?

ā€œHow do bloodthirsty partisans feel about relatives with different political views?ā€
Iā€™m pretty hardcore. I completely disown distant family and rehabilitate immediate family.
I donā€™t play that multicultural bullshit either...Iā€™ll cut my kids off and disown them if they were to try and fuck up the bloodline.
Does hearing that make you piss your pants a little?
I have a couple of relatives like you that don't know how to turn it off. I don't miss them at all.

Liberalism is a mental disorder, a disease, a mind virus...I have no time or patience for deficient family members.
You are so getting stuck in a nursing home with no one visiting you.

Thatā€™s true for you betas as your families are bonded by feels and faux emotion...My family unit is held together by a core value and belief system that canā€™t be broken. Youā€™d know this if you led your families using traditional American methods.
Your family is as dysfunctional as every other family. If you think otherwise you are not paying attention.

Gee, thatā€™s not fascist of you at all...tell me more about myself and my family would you please?
Quit making outlandish claims about your family and disparaging comments about mine and I will never say another word about it.

Haha...that you would consider my family being firmly bonded by traditional American values as ā€œoutlandishā€ is awfully telling of your own. Thatā€™s plain weird
I live surrounded by conservative types who, if you check their facebook, project a picture of wholesome virtue, flags, guns and starched clothes but I know the real story of what's going on. The rumor mill in a small town is ruthless in it's efficiency. If you think liberal families are screwed up it's only because they are less secretive and not overly concerned with keeping up appearances.
Haha..thatā€™s funny shit.
A common denominator among folks living toxic dysfunctional lives; somehow, someway they ALL tend to believe that others are living the same sort of lives...itā€™s how/why you justify staying toxic and dysfunctional.
My family is a bunch of Trump fans. We have a lot of secrets. Sometimes I long for the kind of family that talks about their problems rather than stuffing them down and never talking about it. Probably why we tend to die young.

Come clean, be honest...what social issue has you pulled Left?
Most Lefties I know have a gay or tranny son or daughter, a child in an interracial relationship or they themselves are gay / trans, in an interracial relationship or own a mail order bride of sorts...Thereā€™s always a weird ā€˜socialā€™ tie to the Left...itā€™s almost NEVER about politics.
What has you, a self proclaimed capitalist / entrepreneur aligning with the Left?
Listening to people like you talk hate. Even if conservative policies made sense for working people I could not align myself with a bunch of hateful, callous pricks. The mean streak that fuels the right wing social agenda is far more harmful than anything they are fighting against.

Come on now, I think youā€™re being a bit dishonest.
Iā€™m super hardcore, definitely the exception and not the rule. Everybody knows that by and large Republicans are nothing more than harmless, big talking, nutless bitches...Conversely, everyone knows the Left is comprised of pushy, demanding, ruthless, angry barbarians...have you not been paying attention?
So come on, come clean, what has your drawn Left?
I'll always tell you the truth because I don't care if you think I'm being mean, I have no desire to spare your feelings and I don't feel like I have anything to prove to you. Why lie? You're nothing more to me than words on a screen.

Cool, just know that things donā€™t add up with you.
NOBODY entrepreneurial, successful, capitalist and truly legit defends liberalism and votes Democrat....NOBODY
You still think conservatives are good for business when they are really only good for business as usual. Just let the shit hit the fan and they are clueless. But that's still not it. I told you. I'm not going to join a club that wants mean people as members. I do well no matter who is president but I despise the people who feel like there is not enough meanness in the world. Things are bad enough sometimes but you assholes always want to make it worse for the people who suffer the most.
Always have been always will be a percentage of people who go to extremes to promote their view point. The fact that so many people have jumped on the bandwagon of promoting unrealistic hurtful in fact down right lies, makes me wonder what has made us so intolerant & so willing to demand that everything must go in our personal self interest way of thinking. have we become a childish nation?
Among my cousins, aunts, children and nieces and nephews, the died in the wool republicans outnumber the died in the wool democrats. My sister and I are more independent, while one of my children is extremely liberal and the other is independent and the same for hers. Most of my female cousins are very religions and their children tend to be the same. My male cousins are not at all religious and vary widely.

So far, no blood has been spilled.
I was nearly assaulted several times over the years, which is why I don't bring up anything about politics anymore haven't for years.

They are all bleeding heat leftists, while I am the only non partisan member of the family who NEVER make physical or verbal threats to any of them.

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