How do bloodthirsty partisans feel about relatives with different political views?

Always have been always will be a percentage of people who go to extremes to promote their view point. The fact that so many people have jumped on the bandwagon of promoting unrealistic hurtful in fact down right lies, makes me wonder what has made us so intolerant & so willing to demand that everything must go in our personal self interest way of thinking. have we become a childish nation?

It's pretty simple really....our founders laid out an amazing blueprint for prosperity.
The Left has busted their asses trying to steer our nation off course and force deviation from our founders intent. If we all stay disciplined and aligned we all stay likeminded and get along...simple shit.
Well, I'd really like to see them simply leave me alone, so I can live in peace and not hurt a soul, but after 5 decades on this planet, I am still waiting to see that; seems like there is always someone who simply can't stop fucking with other people.

Now otoh, I can say from experience that once someone is dead, they will never bother me or anyone else again.

So, there you go.
Once you realize you’re not that important and no one gives a crap whether you like their legal policies you’ll be better off and more at peace.
They sure give a crap when I refuse to abide by any of them or fund them, though.
It’s a democracy. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose by the rules. If you look at policies objectively the left leaning ones provide more access to freedoms and the right leaning ones consolidate freedoms into the chosen. The chosen are too small now to bother us. Abide or not. I don’t care. Just know you’ll need to pay the costs of breaking laws.
There's democracy and then there is mob rule and they ain't as far apart as I'd like.

I just shake my head at the way so many people seem to believe they can vote themselves into authority they were never given, and then use that imaginary authority to justify controlling, harassing, robbing, assaulting, imprisoning, impoverishing, and killing others.

But I'm the bad guy for being willing to resist this shit by force?
Yeah...... no.
I don't think so.
Democracy = when you get your way
Mob rule = when you don’t

Great reasoning. You have a coloring book to explain that? Democracy works by one person one vote and the minority has their rights protected. We were doing fine until Trump nation tried to overthrow the will of the people. Screw you AntiAmerica fuckers.

Why are you Lefties so hostile?
You fought to unwind the Trump presidency every second for four years and now the GOP is taking Hillary’s advice and you’re pissing your pants...Get ahold of yourself whack.

No lefty moved to overturn the election. Trump was sworn in. For two years he had both houses and fucked that up. Don’t blame democrats for your fucked up Trump administration.
You'd have to be blind to not see that tension has gotten so high that people are fantasizing about their political opponents being hurt. How about family and neighbors? Do you want them to die too? Do you actually realize the kind of insanity you're toying with right now?
None of my family and friends advocate for the democrat/liberal/progressive/BLM/Antifa BS that is going on in this country right now. The democrats are responsible for what is going on right now. They have been traitors to this nation for at least four years--more like 12. I took an oath to defend this nation against all enemies, foreign or domestic. Democrats are domestic enemies and deserve what they get. You reap what you sow. We are not playing games.
There has been plenty of this, even on this board. Personal death threats, overt threats of violence and more. And it sure as hell isn't only here.

"The only good Democrat is a dead Democrat." got love reacts from several posters last night. They think we're at war and are ready for people to die.
The cue came from the left during the last year. I didn't see any of your righteous indignation when they were trashing Minneapolis, Chicago, Detroit, Milwaukee, NYC, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Portland and Seattle this summer or as late as NYE in Portland. Violence begets violence and you and your ilk brought the violence and now you think it is a game. Newsflash--we're not playing.
I have no relatives who don't share my own views.

There were a couple but they're all dead.

One fell off a cliff while following his leaders masters in a protest march.

The other? Alas it was Thanksgiving when I proposed a toast to President Donald J. Trump. As I spoke the "J" she choked on her wine. So the only thing I could do was drag the toast out a longer so all those with their eyes closed wouldn't notice too soon.

There was an autopsy.

But the report said is wasn't the wine.

It was her own bile.
Well, I'd really like to see them simply leave me alone, so I can live in peace and not hurt a soul, but after 5 decades on this planet, I am still waiting to see that; seems like there is always someone who simply can't stop fucking with other people.

Now otoh, I can say from experience that once someone is dead, they will never bother me or anyone else again.

So, there you go.
Once you realize you’re not that important and no one gives a crap whether you like their legal policies you’ll be better off and more at peace.
They sure give a crap when I refuse to abide by any of them or fund them, though.
It’s a democracy. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose by the rules. If you look at policies objectively the left leaning ones provide more access to freedoms and the right leaning ones consolidate freedoms into the chosen. The chosen are too small now to bother us. Abide or not. I don’t care. Just know you’ll need to pay the costs of breaking laws.
There's democracy and then there is mob rule and they ain't as far apart as I'd like.

I just shake my head at the way so many people seem to believe they can vote themselves into authority they were never given, and then use that imaginary authority to justify controlling, harassing, robbing, assaulting, imprisoning, impoverishing, and killing others.

But I'm the bad guy for being willing to resist this shit by force?
Yeah...... no.
I don't think so.
Democracy = when you get your way
Mob rule = when you don’t

Great reasoning. You have a coloring book to explain that? Democracy works by one person one vote and the minority has their rights protected. We were doing fine until Trump nation tried to overthrow the will of the people. Screw you AntiAmerica fuckers.

Why are you Lefties so hostile?
You fought to unwind the Trump presidency every second for four years and now the GOP is taking Hillary’s advice and you’re pissing your pants...Get ahold of yourself whack.

No lefty moved to overturn the election. Trump was sworn in. For two years he had both houses and fucked that up. Don’t blame democrats for your fucked up Trump administration.

Well, I'd really like to see them simply leave me alone, so I can live in peace and not hurt a soul, but after 5 decades on this planet, I am still waiting to see that; seems like there is always someone who simply can't stop fucking with other people.

Now otoh, I can say from experience that once someone is dead, they will never bother me or anyone else again.

So, there you go.
Once you realize you’re not that important and no one gives a crap whether you like their legal policies you’ll be better off and more at peace.
They sure give a crap when I refuse to abide by any of them or fund them, though.
It’s a democracy. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose by the rules. If you look at policies objectively the left leaning ones provide more access to freedoms and the right leaning ones consolidate freedoms into the chosen. The chosen are too small now to bother us. Abide or not. I don’t care. Just know you’ll need to pay the costs of breaking laws.
There's democracy and then there is mob rule and they ain't as far apart as I'd like.

I just shake my head at the way so many people seem to believe they can vote themselves into authority they were never given, and then use that imaginary authority to justify controlling, harassing, robbing, assaulting, imprisoning, impoverishing, and killing others.

But I'm the bad guy for being willing to resist this shit by force?
Yeah...... no.
I don't think so.
Democracy = when you get your way
Mob rule = when you don’t

Great reasoning. You have a coloring book to explain that? Democracy works by one person one vote and the minority has their rights protected. We were doing fine until Trump nation tried to overthrow the will of the people. Screw you AntiAmerica fuckers.
Yeah.... no, that ain't what's been happening at all.
Well, I'd really like to see them simply leave me alone, so I can live in peace and not hurt a soul, but after 5 decades on this planet, I am still waiting to see that; seems like there is always someone who simply can't stop fucking with other people.

Now otoh, I can say from experience that once someone is dead, they will never bother me or anyone else again.

So, there you go.
Once you realize you’re not that important and no one gives a crap whether you like their legal policies you’ll be better off and more at peace.
They sure give a crap when I refuse to abide by any of them or fund them, though.
It’s a democracy. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose by the rules. If you look at policies objectively the left leaning ones provide more access to freedoms and the right leaning ones consolidate freedoms into the chosen. The chosen are too small now to bother us. Abide or not. I don’t care. Just know you’ll need to pay the costs of breaking laws.
There's democracy and then there is mob rule and they ain't as far apart as I'd like.

I just shake my head at the way so many people seem to believe they can vote themselves into authority they were never given, and then use that imaginary authority to justify controlling, harassing, robbing, assaulting, imprisoning, impoverishing, and killing others.

But I'm the bad guy for being willing to resist this shit by force?
Yeah...... no.
I don't think so.
Democracy = when you get your way
Mob rule = when you don’t

Great reasoning. You have a coloring book to explain that? Democracy works by one person one vote and the minority has their rights protected. We were doing fine until Trump nation tried to overthrow the will of the people. Screw you AntiAmerica fuckers.
Yeah.... no, that ain't what's been happening at all.
It is NOT a democracy--We live in a republic. Morons.
You'd have to be blind to not see that tension has gotten so high that people are fantasizing about their political opponents being hurt. How about family and neighbors? Do you want them to die too? Do you actually realize the kind of insanity you're toying with right now?

I don’t care what political viewpoints my relatives or friends have. First and foremost they are relatives and friends.

Now, I do have relatives that are Democrats that won’t speak to anyone that does not share their political views, it’s been 5 years since my mother in law has spoke with her daughter. Won’t answer or return calls, won’t answer emails. She had her husband call me to relay a message to my wife but that has been it. I did tell her husband after that call that I would not relay messages, I’m not in school, I don’t play children’s games.
There has been plenty of this, even on this board. Personal death threats, overt threats of violence and more. And it sure as hell isn't only here.
"The only good Democrat is a dead Democrat." got love reacts from several posters last night. They think we're at war and are ready for people to die.
They do. This is what has been drilled into them within their universe. And a part of this is the fact that calling it "war" means that anything goes, no matter what.

"The first casualty of war is truth". That's their excuse for following someone like Trump.
So It's all Trump, and it's all Trump supporters? Nonsense. The vitriol comes from both sides.

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