How do bloodthirsty partisans feel about relatives with different political views?

I truly cannot understand how one can become so enthralled, so hyper partisan about politics. It's stupid, abnormal, and it has nothing to do with patriotism.
You'd have to be blind to not see that tension has gotten so high that people are fantasizing about their political opponents being hurt. How about family and neighbors? Do you want them to die too? Do you actually realize the kind of insanity you're toying with right now?

“How do bloodthirsty partisans feel about relatives with different political views?”
I’m pretty hardcore. I completely disown distant family and rehabilitate immediate family.
I don’t play that multicultural bullshit either...I’ll cut my kids off and disown them if they were to try and fuck up the bloodline.
Does hearing that make you piss your pants a little?
I have a couple of relatives like you that don't know how to turn it off. I don't miss them at all.

Liberalism is a mental disorder, a disease, a mind virus...I have no time or patience for deficient family members.
You are so getting stuck in a nursing home with no one visiting you.

That’s true for you betas as your families are bonded by feels and faux emotion...My family unit is held together by a core value and belief system that can’t be broken. You’d know this if you led your families using traditional American methods.
Like getting used to beating them to show who is boss..

Traditional American methodologies have worked extremely well for nearly 250’d know this if you were a solid core American.
I am more American than you could ever be..
You'd have to be blind to not see that tension has gotten so high that people are fantasizing about their political opponents being hurt. How about family and neighbors? Do you want them to die too? Do you actually realize the kind of insanity you're toying with right now?

“How do bloodthirsty partisans feel about relatives with different political views?”
I’m pretty hardcore. I completely disown distant family and rehabilitate immediate family.
I don’t play that multicultural bullshit either...I’ll cut my kids off and disown them if they were to try and fuck up the bloodline.
Does hearing that make you piss your pants a little?
I have a couple of relatives like you that don't know how to turn it off. I don't miss them at all.

Liberalism is a mental disorder, a disease, a mind virus...I have no time or patience for deficient family members.
You are so getting stuck in a nursing home with no one visiting you.

That’s true for you betas as your families are bonded by feels and faux emotion...My family unit is held together by a core value and belief system that can’t be broken. You’d know this if you led your families using traditional American methods.
Your family is as dysfunctional as every other family. If you think otherwise you are not paying attention.

Gee, that’s not fascist of you at all...tell me more about myself and my family would you please?
Quit making outlandish claims about your family and disparaging comments about mine and I will never say another word about it.

Haha...that you would consider my family being firmly bonded by traditional American values as “outlandish” is awfully telling of your own. That’s plain weird
You'd have to be blind to not see that tension has gotten so high that people are fantasizing about their political opponents being hurt. How about family and neighbors? Do you want them to die too? Do you actually realize the kind of insanity you're toying with right now?

“How do bloodthirsty partisans feel about relatives with different political views?”
I’m pretty hardcore. I completely disown distant family and rehabilitate immediate family.
I don’t play that multicultural bullshit either...I’ll cut my kids off and disown them if they were to try and fuck up the bloodline.
Does hearing that make you piss your pants a little?
I have a couple of relatives like you that don't know how to turn it off. I don't miss them at all.

Liberalism is a mental disorder, a disease, a mind virus...I have no time or patience for deficient family members.
You are so getting stuck in a nursing home with no one visiting you.

That’s true for you betas as your families are bonded by feels and faux emotion...My family unit is held together by a core value and belief system that can’t be broken. You’d know this if you led your families using traditional American methods.
Like getting used to beating them to show who is boss..

Traditional American methodologies have worked extremely well for nearly 250’d know this if you were a solid core American.
I am more American than you could ever be..

Well then, we share the same core value system...don’t we?
Remember, one is not ‘American’ simply because they are standing on American soil.
“American” is a very identifiable behavioral trait.
How do bloodthirsty partisans feel about relatives with different political views?

Having no party, I am not partisan. I reject current Democratic Party policies as inherently evil and dangerous to the survival of this Republic. I have no relatives with significantly different political views. Same for friends, whom I carefully choose.

If you play with dirt, you will get dirty. Learned in childhood.
Who is that? You should put a link or two in the OP explaining WTF your issue is.

You must live in an alternate universe if you're not aware of what I'm talking about.
I am not aware of any "bloodthirsty partisans wanting to kill their relatives" as the title states?!

There is potential violence between the "urban plantations" and "flyover country" folks, but if the Left, like antifa, thinks they can intimidate the right, they are sadly mistaken.
Spoken like a Proud Boy.
I wonder if Joe will mandate a national lockdown leading to arrests of those who ignore it. He just might. We know there a lots of Americans who would snitch on other Americans, to get them arrested for ignoring the State.
You are too young and self centered to realize the effects of deadly viral spread like the polio epidemics I lived through. Learn that history before getting bent out of shape over public health concerns
Thank you for calling me young, but I’m not. I’m just a lot smarter than you.
Odd that your maturity isn't reflected by your attitude.
I truly cannot understand how one can become so enthralled, so hyper partisan about politics. It's stupid, abnormal, and it has nothing to do with patriotism.

That’s a fair statement when made three decades ago...when only little things separated the parties. Today, you couldn’t be more wrong.
We now have a Democrat Party led by Leftists that has launched an all out assault on all things America.
Our constitution, our history, our right to sovereignty, our core value and belief systems...Democrats are America’s greatest threat, our worse enemy.
You'd have to be blind to not see that tension has gotten so high that people are fantasizing about their political opponents being hurt. How about family and neighbors? Do you want them to die too? Do you actually realize the kind of insanity you're toying with right now?

“How do bloodthirsty partisans feel about relatives with different political views?”
I’m pretty hardcore. I completely disown distant family and rehabilitate immediate family.
I don’t play that multicultural bullshit either...I’ll cut my kids off and disown them if they were to try and fuck up the bloodline.
Does hearing that make you piss your pants a little?
I have a couple of relatives like you that don't know how to turn it off. I don't miss them at all.

Liberalism is a mental disorder, a disease, a mind virus...I have no time or patience for deficient family members.
You are so getting stuck in a nursing home with no one visiting you.

That’s true for you betas as your families are bonded by feels and faux emotion...My family unit is held together by a core value and belief system that can’t be broken. You’d know this if you led your families using traditional American methods.
Your family is as dysfunctional as every other family. If you think otherwise you are not paying attention.

Gee, that’s not fascist of you at all...tell me more about myself and my family would you please?
Quit making outlandish claims about your family and disparaging comments about mine and I will never say another word about it.

Haha...that you would consider my family being firmly bonded by traditional American values as “outlandish” is awfully telling of your own. That’s plain weird
I live surrounded by conservative types who, if you check their facebook, project a picture of wholesome virtue, flags, guns and starched clothes but I know the real story of what's going on. The rumor mill in a small town is ruthless in it's efficiency. If you think liberal families are screwed up it's only because they are less secretive and not overly concerned with keeping up appearances.
You'd have to be blind to not see that tension has gotten so high that people are fantasizing about their political opponents being hurt. How about family and neighbors? Do you want them to die too? Do you actually realize the kind of insanity you're toying with right now?

“How do bloodthirsty partisans feel about relatives with different political views?”
I’m pretty hardcore. I completely disown distant family and rehabilitate immediate family.
I don’t play that multicultural bullshit either...I’ll cut my kids off and disown them if they were to try and fuck up the bloodline.
Does hearing that make you piss your pants a little?
I have a couple of relatives like you that don't know how to turn it off. I don't miss them at all.

Liberalism is a mental disorder, a disease, a mind virus...I have no time or patience for deficient family members.
You are so getting stuck in a nursing home with no one visiting you.

That’s true for you betas as your families are bonded by feels and faux emotion...My family unit is held together by a core value and belief system that can’t be broken. You’d know this if you led your families using traditional American methods.
Your family is as dysfunctional as every other family. If you think otherwise you are not paying attention.

Gee, that’s not fascist of you at all...tell me more about myself and my family would you please?
Quit making outlandish claims about your family and disparaging comments about mine and I will never say another word about it.

Haha...that you would consider my family being firmly bonded by traditional American values as “outlandish” is awfully telling of your own. That’s plain weird
I live surrounded by conservative types who, if you check their facebook, project a picture of wholesome virtue, flags, guns and starched clothes but I know the real story of what's going on. The rumor mill in a small town is ruthless in it's efficiency. If you think liberal families are screwed up it's only because they are less secretive and not overly concerned with keeping up appearances.
Haha..that’s funny shit.
A common denominator among folks living toxic dysfunctional lives; somehow, someway they ALL tend to believe that others are living the same sort of’s how/why you justify staying toxic and dysfunctional.
You'd have to be blind to not see that tension has gotten so high that people are fantasizing about their political opponents being hurt. How about family and neighbors? Do you want them to die too? Do you actually realize the kind of insanity you're toying with right now?

“How do bloodthirsty partisans feel about relatives with different political views?”
I’m pretty hardcore. I completely disown distant family and rehabilitate immediate family.
I don’t play that multicultural bullshit either...I’ll cut my kids off and disown them if they were to try and fuck up the bloodline.
Does hearing that make you piss your pants a little?
I have a couple of relatives like you that don't know how to turn it off. I don't miss them at all.

Liberalism is a mental disorder, a disease, a mind virus...I have no time or patience for deficient family members.
You are so getting stuck in a nursing home with no one visiting you.

That’s true for you betas as your families are bonded by feels and faux emotion...My family unit is held together by a core value and belief system that can’t be broken. You’d know this if you led your families using traditional American methods.
Like getting used to beating them to show who is boss..

Traditional American methodologies have worked extremely well for nearly 250’d know this if you were a solid core American.
I am more American than you could ever be..

Well then, we share the same core value system...don’t we?
Remember, one is not ‘American’ simply because they are standing on American soil.
“American” is a very identifiable behavioral trait.
And all I see is anti-American bullshit from yous..
You'd have to be blind to not see that tension has gotten so high that people are fantasizing about their political opponents being hurt. How about family and neighbors? Do you want them to die too? Do you actually realize the kind of insanity you're toying with right now?

“How do bloodthirsty partisans feel about relatives with different political views?”
I’m pretty hardcore. I completely disown distant family and rehabilitate immediate family.
I don’t play that multicultural bullshit either...I’ll cut my kids off and disown them if they were to try and fuck up the bloodline.
Does hearing that make you piss your pants a little?
I have a couple of relatives like you that don't know how to turn it off. I don't miss them at all.

Liberalism is a mental disorder, a disease, a mind virus...I have no time or patience for deficient family members.
You are so getting stuck in a nursing home with no one visiting you.

That’s true for you betas as your families are bonded by feels and faux emotion...My family unit is held together by a core value and belief system that can’t be broken. You’d know this if you led your families using traditional American methods.
Like getting used to beating them to show who is boss..

Traditional American methodologies have worked extremely well for nearly 250’d know this if you were a solid core American.
I am more American than you could ever be..

Well then, we share the same core value system...don’t we?
Remember, one is not ‘American’ simply because they are standing on American soil.
“American” is a very identifiable behavioral trait.
And all I see is anti-American bullshit from yous..

Haha...that’s bullshit and you know it. You twisted whacks can’t redefine what “American” is regardless of how many statues you desecrate and how much history you attempt to omit.
Everything I’m about aligns with core American values and beliefs. You hate that, I get it.
You'd have to be blind to not see that tension has gotten so high that people are fantasizing about their political opponents being hurt. How about family and neighbors? Do you want them to die too? Do you actually realize the kind of insanity you're toying with right now?

“How do bloodthirsty partisans feel about relatives with different political views?”
I’m pretty hardcore. I completely disown distant family and rehabilitate immediate family.
I don’t play that multicultural bullshit either...I’ll cut my kids off and disown them if they were to try and fuck up the bloodline.
Does hearing that make you piss your pants a little?
I have a couple of relatives like you that don't know how to turn it off. I don't miss them at all.

Liberalism is a mental disorder, a disease, a mind virus...I have no time or patience for deficient family members.
You are so getting stuck in a nursing home with no one visiting you.

That’s true for you betas as your families are bonded by feels and faux emotion...My family unit is held together by a core value and belief system that can’t be broken. You’d know this if you led your families using traditional American methods.
Your family is as dysfunctional as every other family. If you think otherwise you are not paying attention.

Gee, that’s not fascist of you at all...tell me more about myself and my family would you please?
Quit making outlandish claims about your family and disparaging comments about mine and I will never say another word about it.

Haha...that you would consider my family being firmly bonded by traditional American values as “outlandish” is awfully telling of your own. That’s plain weird
I live surrounded by conservative types who, if you check their facebook, project a picture of wholesome virtue, flags, guns and starched clothes but I know the real story of what's going on. The rumor mill in a small town is ruthless in it's efficiency. If you think liberal families are screwed up it's only because they are less secretive and not overly concerned with keeping up appearances.
Haha..that’s funny shit.
A common denominator among folks living toxic dysfunctional lives; somehow, someway they ALL tend to believe that others are living the same sort of’s how/why you justify staying toxic and dysfunctional.
My family is a bunch of Trump fans. We have a lot of secrets. Sometimes I long for the kind of family that talks about their problems rather than stuffing them down and never talking about it. Probably why we tend to die young.
You'd have to be blind to not see that tension has gotten so high that people are fantasizing about their political opponents being hurt. How about family and neighbors? Do you want them to die too? Do you actually realize the kind of insanity you're toying with right now?

“How do bloodthirsty partisans feel about relatives with different political views?”
I’m pretty hardcore. I completely disown distant family and rehabilitate immediate family.
I don’t play that multicultural bullshit either...I’ll cut my kids off and disown them if they were to try and fuck up the bloodline.
Does hearing that make you piss your pants a little?
I have a couple of relatives like you that don't know how to turn it off. I don't miss them at all.

Liberalism is a mental disorder, a disease, a mind virus...I have no time or patience for deficient family members.
You are so getting stuck in a nursing home with no one visiting you.

That’s true for you betas as your families are bonded by feels and faux emotion...My family unit is held together by a core value and belief system that can’t be broken. You’d know this if you led your families using traditional American methods.
Your family is as dysfunctional as every other family. If you think otherwise you are not paying attention.

Gee, that’s not fascist of you at all...tell me more about myself and my family would you please?
Quit making outlandish claims about your family and disparaging comments about mine and I will never say another word about it.

Haha...that you would consider my family being firmly bonded by traditional American values as “outlandish” is awfully telling of your own. That’s plain weird
I live surrounded by conservative types who, if you check their facebook, project a picture of wholesome virtue, flags, guns and starched clothes but I know the real story of what's going on. The rumor mill in a small town is ruthless in it's efficiency. If you think liberal families are screwed up it's only because they are less secretive and not overly concerned with keeping up appearances.
Haha..that’s funny shit.
A common denominator among folks living toxic dysfunctional lives; somehow, someway they ALL tend to believe that others are living the same sort of’s how/why you justify staying toxic and dysfunctional.
My family is a bunch of Trump fans. We have a lot of secrets. Sometimes I long for the kind of family that talks about their problems rather than stuffing them down and never talking about it. Probably why we tend to die young.

Come clean, be honest...what social issue has you pulled Left?
Most Lefties I know have a gay or tranny son or daughter, a child in an interracial relationship or they themselves are gay / trans, in an interracial relationship or own a mail order bride of sorts...There’s always a weird ‘social’ tie to the’s almost NEVER about politics.
What has you, a self proclaimed capitalist / entrepreneur aligning with the Left?

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