How do bloodthirsty partisans feel about relatives with different political views?

You'd have to be blind to not see that tension has gotten so high that people are fantasizing about their political opponents being hurt. How about family and neighbors? Do you want them to die too? Do you actually realize the kind of insanity you're toying with right now?

“How do bloodthirsty partisans feel about relatives with different political views?”
I’m pretty hardcore. I completely disown distant family and rehabilitate immediate family.
I don’t play that multicultural bullshit either...I’ll cut my kids off and disown them if they were to try and fuck up the bloodline.
Does hearing that make you piss your pants a little?
I have a couple of relatives like you that don't know how to turn it off. I don't miss them at all.
I have relatives that I am almost complete political opposites with but we have a lot of fun drinking and raucously arguing politics and social issues (all of us armed the whole time, too) and I never worry that one of them will do me wrong.
I do worry that one of the ones who is sitting back quietly stewing over me not buying into her woke bullshit and pissed off that her positions have been shredded by my pointing out reality might though.
Who is that? You should put a link or two in the OP explaining WTF your issue is.

You must live in an alternate universe if you're not aware of what I'm talking about.
I am not aware of any "bloodthirsty partisans wanting to kill their relatives" as the title states?!

There is potential violence between the "urban plantations" and "flyover country" folks, but if the Left, like antifa, thinks they can intimidate the right, they are sadly mistaken.
Spoken like a Proud Boy.
I wonder if Joe will mandate a national lockdown leading to arrests of those who ignore it. He just might. We know there a lots of Americans who would snitch on other Americans, to get them arrested for ignoring the State.
You are too young and self centered to realize the effects of deadly viral spread like the polio epidemics I lived through. Learn that history before getting bent out of shape over public health concerns
This ain't polio.

99%+ survival rate.
A rationalization to make dismissing 350,000 deaths acceptable. Denial equals ignorance.
How am I ignorant when I work 5 nights a week in a big city ER?

This flu is bad, but it just ain't as big a deal as they're trying to make it out to be, and the damage done by the autocrats reactions to it, and they way they are using it to grab as much power as they can, is going to surpass actual Covid deaths by an order of magnitude.
Congrats fucktards.
You'd have to be blind to not see that tension has gotten so high that people are fantasizing about their political opponents being hurt. How about family and neighbors? Do you want them to die too? Do you actually realize the kind of insanity you're toying with right now?

“How do bloodthirsty partisans feel about relatives with different political views?”
I’m pretty hardcore. I completely disown distant family and rehabilitate immediate family.
I don’t play that multicultural bullshit either...I’ll cut my kids off and disown them if they were to try and fuck up the bloodline.
Does hearing that make you piss your pants a little?
I have a couple of relatives like you that don't know how to turn it off. I don't miss them at all.

Liberalism is a mental disorder, a disease, a mind virus...I have no time or patience for deficient family members.
Liberalism is a mental disorder, a disease, a mind virus...I have no time or patience for deficient family members.

I think there's no way that your anger and hostility don't run a lot deeper than politics. Politics is just your catalyst.
You'd have to be blind to not see that tension has gotten so high that people are fantasizing about their political opponents being hurt. How about family and neighbors? Do you want them to die too? Do you actually realize the kind of insanity you're toying with right now?

“How do bloodthirsty partisans feel about relatives with different political views?”
I’m pretty hardcore. I completely disown distant family and rehabilitate immediate family.
I don’t play that multicultural bullshit either...I’ll cut my kids off and disown them if they were to try and fuck up the bloodline.
Does hearing that make you piss your pants a little?
I have a couple of relatives like you that don't know how to turn it off. I don't miss them at all.
I have relatives that I am almost complete political opposites with but we have a lot of fun drinking and raucously arguing politics and social issues (all of us armed the whole time, too) and I never worry that one of them will do me wrong.
I do worry that one of the ones who is sitting back quietly stewing over me not buying into her woke bullshit and pissed off that her positions have been shredded by my pointing out reality might though.

I don't argue politics in real life. I tell people that I am interested in talking about politics but I'm not interested in hearing anyone gripe about politics.
They do. This is what has been drilled into them within their universe. And a part of this is the fact that calling it "war" means that anything goes, no matter what.

"The first casualty of war is truth". That's their excuse for following someone like Trump.

The way they dehumanize people is kind of sick. I see posts every day now that look like something thought up by a psychopath.
Do yourself a favor. Also take note of the violent rhetoric perpetrated by the left, here and in your ordinary life.

When you have been reading and subject to the violence of the left for a couple of decades, you may or may not have a legitimate perspective.

While you at it, you may want to brush up on some history. Specifically, the US Civil war in which father, brother, and sisters all disowned, attacked, and even killed each other over the issue of slavery.

The dangers of ignoring, rewriting, or trying to hide the past become self-evident with people like you.
Evidently this is supposed to justify what we're seeing.
I've been listening to the justification of violence by the left for more than 15 years. I am simply commenting on the blindspot of this particular poster.
You'd have to be blind to not see that tension has gotten so high that people are fantasizing about their political opponents being hurt. How about family and neighbors? Do you want them to die too? Do you actually realize the kind of insanity you're toying with right now?

“How do bloodthirsty partisans feel about relatives with different political views?”
I’m pretty hardcore. I completely disown distant family and rehabilitate immediate family.
I don’t play that multicultural bullshit either...I’ll cut my kids off and disown them if they were to try and fuck up the bloodline.
Does hearing that make you piss your pants a little?
I have a couple of relatives like you that don't know how to turn it off. I don't miss them at all.

Liberalism is a mental disorder, a disease, a mind virus...I have no time or patience for deficient family members.
You are so getting stuck in a nursing home with no one visiting you.
You are so getting stuck in a nursing home with no one visiting you.

That's a mean thing to say, but you're probably right. People like that tend to push people away until they're all alone.
Liberalism is a mental disorder, a disease, a mind virus...I have no time or patience for deficient family members.

I think there's no way that your anger and hostility don't run a lot deeper than politics. Politics is just your catalyst.
Actually, I’m a very happy person, I lead a great life....but NOBODY hates Leftists more than I do...NOBODY.
When I tell you Leftists belong in concentration camps I’m not kidding one bit. There is no bigger threat to this nation...China and Russia ain’t shit when compared to the devastation caused by Leftists.
You'd have to be blind to not see that tension has gotten so high that people are fantasizing about their political opponents being hurt. How about family and neighbors? Do you want them to die too? Do you actually realize the kind of insanity you're toying with right now?

“How do bloodthirsty partisans feel about relatives with different political views?”
I’m pretty hardcore. I completely disown distant family and rehabilitate immediate family.
I don’t play that multicultural bullshit either...I’ll cut my kids off and disown them if they were to try and fuck up the bloodline.
Does hearing that make you piss your pants a little?
I have a couple of relatives like you that don't know how to turn it off. I don't miss them at all.
I have relatives that I am almost complete political opposites with but we have a lot of fun drinking and raucously arguing politics and social issues (all of us armed the whole time, too) and I never worry that one of them will do me wrong.
I do worry that one of the ones who is sitting back quietly stewing over me not buying into her woke bullshit and pissed off that her positions have been shredded by my pointing out reality might though.

I don't argue politics in real life. I tell people that I am interested in talking about politics but I'm not interested in hearing anyone gripe about politics.

Gee, that’s not a confrontational statement at all.
No political discussion stays controlled and cordial...NONE.
You'd have to be blind to not see that tension has gotten so high that people are fantasizing about their political opponents being hurt. How about family and neighbors? Do you want them to die too? Do you actually realize the kind of insanity you're toying with right now?
Just the leadership.
You'd have to be blind to not see that tension has gotten so high that people are fantasizing about their political opponents being hurt. How about family and neighbors? Do you want them to die too? Do you actually realize the kind of insanity you're toying with right now?

“How do bloodthirsty partisans feel about relatives with different political views?”
I’m pretty hardcore. I completely disown distant family and rehabilitate immediate family.
I don’t play that multicultural bullshit either...I’ll cut my kids off and disown them if they were to try and fuck up the bloodline.
Does hearing that make you piss your pants a little?
I have a couple of relatives like you that don't know how to turn it off. I don't miss them at all.
I have relatives that I am almost complete political opposites with but we have a lot of fun drinking and raucously arguing politics and social issues (all of us armed the whole time, too) and I never worry that one of them will do me wrong.
I do worry that one of the ones who is sitting back quietly stewing over me not buying into her woke bullshit and pissed off that her positions have been shredded by my pointing out reality might though.

I don't argue politics in real life. I tell people that I am interested in talking about politics but I'm not interested in hearing anyone gripe about politics.

Gee, that’s not a confrontational statement at all.
No political discussion stays controlled and cordial...NONE.
Not when a hard-ass like you is involved. You can't turn it off can you?
You'd have to be blind to not see that tension has gotten so high that people are fantasizing about their political opponents being hurt. How about family and neighbors? Do you want them to die too? Do you actually realize the kind of insanity you're toying with right now?

“How do bloodthirsty partisans feel about relatives with different political views?”
I’m pretty hardcore. I completely disown distant family and rehabilitate immediate family.
I don’t play that multicultural bullshit either...I’ll cut my kids off and disown them if they were to try and fuck up the bloodline.
Does hearing that make you piss your pants a little?
I have a couple of relatives like you that don't know how to turn it off. I don't miss them at all.

Liberalism is a mental disorder, a disease, a mind virus...I have no time or patience for deficient family members.
You are so getting stuck in a nursing home with no one visiting you.

That’s true for you betas as your families are bonded by feels and faux emotion...My family unit is held together by a core value and belief system that can’t be broken. You’d know this if you led your families using traditional American methods.

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