How do bloodthirsty partisans feel about relatives with different political views?

You'd have to be blind to not see that tension has gotten so high that people are fantasizing about their political opponents being hurt. How about family and neighbors? Do you want them to die too? Do you actually realize the kind of insanity you're toying with right now?
yes, I agree---BLM wants to KILL white people
You'd have to be blind to not see that tension has gotten so high that people are fantasizing about their political opponents being hurt. How about family and neighbors? Do you want them to die too? Do you actually realize the kind of insanity you're toying with right now?
yes, I agree---BLM wants to KILL white people
She was a paid plant. Saw it in the news.
Bible prophesy of these times...??

Matthew 10:21
21 “Brothers will hand over brothers to be killed. Fathers will hand over their children. Children will rise up against their parents and have them put to death

American Standard
21 “Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and cause them to be put to death
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You'd have to be blind to not see that tension has gotten so high that people are fantasizing about their political opponents being hurt. How about family and neighbors? Do you want them to die too? Do you actually realize the kind of insanity you're toying with right now?
yes, I agree---BLM wants to KILL white people
She was a paid plant. Saw it in the news.
stop the stupid shit
blacks hate America and whites --plain and simple
Well I do support poetic justice. Like for example, the people who voted in left-wing Democrat politicians, only to have them cut the police and allow riots and looters destroying their homes and businesses.

Good people don't relish in the suffering of others, poetic or not.

Of course not. I would rather, they wise up, and vote for people who don't "Defund the Police!" and chant "We want dead cops!".

But.... I do believe in justice. And support justice. And when you vote for evil, evil should happen to you.

What does the Bible say?

Ezekiel 33:11
"Say to them, 'As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways! Why will you die, people of Israel?'

People say the G-d of the old testament, was the opposite of Jesus. No, G-d was the same as Jesus. He didn't want anyone to die. But if you refuse to turn away from evil, evil comes to you.

It's no surprise to me at all, that New York was the most wrecked by 2020, after celebrating the murder of babies in January 2019.

Screenshot_2021-01-02 Rubbing their noses in it Gov Cuomo's lighting of the World Trade Center...png

Cuomo lights up the world trade center pink in celebration of infanticide.

Screenshot_2021-01-02 New York closed - Google Search.png

Riots, looting, and crime close down half the city.

Screenshot_2021-01-02 New York closed - Google Search(1).png

Cuomo lock down measure, puts the city that never sleeps, into a cuoma. (did ya see what I did there?)

That my friend is divine poetic justice at work. People getting what their actions and choices demand.

Is that what I want? No! of course not. I'd rather you support what is right, and oppose what is evil, and not be wrecked by poetic justice.

But you make choices, and those choices have consequences.... and may justice reign supreme.
Bible prophesy of these times...??

Matthew 10:21
21 “Brothers will hand over brothers to be killed. Fathers will hand over their children. Children will rise up against their parents and have them put to death

American Standard
21 “Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and cause them to be put to death

Sure. What is your point again?
They do. This is what has been drilled into them within their universe. And a part of this is the fact that calling it "war" means that anything goes, no matter what.
Democrats are a far bigger threat to civility than republicans

just look at the riots in American cities during the past 8 months
Well, I'd really like to see them simply leave me alone, so I can live in peace and not hurt a soul, but after 5 decades on this planet, I am still waiting to see that; seems like there is always someone who simply can't stop fucking with other people.

Now otoh, I can say from experience that once someone is dead, they will never bother me or anyone else again.

So, there you go.
Once you realize you’re not that important and no one gives a crap whether you like their legal policies you’ll be better off and more at peace.
They sure give a crap when I refuse to abide by any of them or fund them, though.
It’s a democracy. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose by the rules. If you look at policies objectively the left leaning ones provide more access to freedoms and the right leaning ones consolidate freedoms into the chosen. The chosen are too small now to bother us. Abide or not. I don’t care. Just know you’ll need to pay the costs of breaking laws.

How does the left leaning ones provide more access to freedoms?

Where is, me getting the wealth confiscated from others.... a "Freedom"?

What freedom, does the left claim to give you, that you don't have now?
Well, I'd really like to see them simply leave me alone, so I can live in peace and not hurt a soul, but after 5 decades on this planet, I am still waiting to see that; seems like there is always someone who simply can't stop fucking with other people.

Now otoh, I can say from experience that once someone is dead, they will never bother me or anyone else again.

So, there you go.
Once you realize you’re not that important and no one gives a crap whether you like their legal policies you’ll be better off and more at peace.
They sure give a crap when I refuse to abide by any of them or fund them, though.
It’s a democracy. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose by the rules. If you look at policies objectively the left leaning ones provide more access to freedoms and the right leaning ones consolidate freedoms into the chosen. The chosen are too small now to bother us. Abide or not. I don’t care. Just know you’ll need to pay the costs of breaking laws.
There's democracy and then there is mob rule and they ain't as far apart as I'd like.

I just shake my head at the way so many people seem to believe they can vote themselves into authority they were never given, and then use that imaginary authority to justify controlling, harassing, robbing, assaulting, imprisoning, impoverishing, and killing others.

But I'm the bad guy for being willing to resist this shit by force?
Yeah...... no.
I don't think so.
Most of the violent rhetoric is just cowards blowing off steam. I live surrounded by conservative trump fans and I don't have a problem with hardly any of them. But I know how they talk behind my back. It's all so spineless and petty.

But I know how they talk behind my back. It's all so spineless and petty.

Paranoia | definition of paranoia by Medical dictionary (
I have lived in a Gulf coast town with only about 1200 residents for decades. We know each other pretty well by now. Word gets around. You always find out who's been trashing you. Still when the shit hits the fan like it did with hurricane Michael we all took care of each other. Conservatives are mostly decent people, they are just easily misled. I fear they are being led to place where they will fearfully accept being led by monsters.
Most of the violent rhetoric is just cowards blowing off steam. I live surrounded by conservative trump fans and I don't have a problem with hardly any of them. But I know how they talk behind my back. It's all so spineless and petty.

But I know how they talk behind my back. It's all so spineless and petty.

Paranoia | definition of paranoia by Medical dictionary (
I have lived in a Gulf coast town with only about 1200 residents for decades. We know each other pretty well by now. Word gets around. You always find out who's been trashing you. Still when the shit hits the fan like it did with hurricane Michael we all took care of each other. Conservatives are mostly decent people, they are just easily misled. I fear they are being led to place where they will fearfully accept being led by monsters.

Conservatives are mostly decent people, they are just easily misled. I fear they are being led to place where they will fearfully accept being led by monsters.

More paranoia
You'd have to be blind to not see that tension has gotten so high that people are fantasizing about their political opponents being hurt. How about family and neighbors? Do you want them to die too? Do you actually realize the kind of insanity you're toying with right now?

“How do bloodthirsty partisans feel about relatives with different political views?”
I’m pretty hardcore. I completely disown distant family and rehabilitate immediate family.
I don’t play that multicultural bullshit either...I’ll cut my kids off and disown them if they were to try and fuck up the bloodline.
Does hearing that make you piss your pants a little?
Who is that? You should put a link or two in the OP explaining WTF your issue is.

You must live in an alternate universe if you're not aware of what I'm talking about.
I am not aware of any "bloodthirsty partisans wanting to kill their relatives" as the title states?!

There is potential violence between the "urban plantations" and "flyover country" folks, but if the Left, like antifa, thinks they can intimidate the right, they are sadly mistaken.
Spoken like a Proud Boy.
I wonder if Joe will mandate a national lockdown leading to arrests of those who ignore it. He just might. We know there a lots of Americans who would snitch on other Americans, to get them arrested for ignoring the State.
You are too young and self centered to realize the effects of deadly viral spread like the polio epidemics I lived through. Learn that history before getting bent out of shape over public health concerns
You'd have to be blind to not see that tension has gotten so high that people are fantasizing about their political opponents being hurt. How about family and neighbors? Do you want them to die too? Do you actually realize the kind of insanity you're toying with right now?

BLM, antifa, riots, rape, pillaging, murder, destruction of property, arson, vandalism, theft, violence. Yes, why do these horrid anti american groups want to kill people?
Who is that? You should put a link or two in the OP explaining WTF your issue is.

You must live in an alternate universe if you're not aware of what I'm talking about.
I am not aware of any "bloodthirsty partisans wanting to kill their relatives" as the title states?!

There is potential violence between the "urban plantations" and "flyover country" folks, but if the Left, like antifa, thinks they can intimidate the right, they are sadly mistaken.
Spoken like a Proud Boy.
I wonder if Joe will mandate a national lockdown leading to arrests of those who ignore it. He just might. We know there a lots of Americans who would snitch on other Americans, to get them arrested for ignoring the State.
You are too young and self centered to realize the effects of deadly viral spread like the polio epidemics I lived through. Learn that history before getting bent out of shape over public health concerns
This ain't polio.

99%+ survival rate.
You'd have to be blind to not see that tension has gotten so high that people are fantasizing about their political opponents being hurt. How about family and neighbors? Do you want them to die too? Do you actually realize the kind of insanity you're toying with right now?

“How do bloodthirsty partisans feel about relatives with different political views?”
I’m pretty hardcore. I completely disown distant family and rehabilitate immediate family.
I don’t play that multicultural bullshit either...I’ll cut my kids off and disown them if they were to try and fuck up the bloodline.
Does hearing that make you piss your pants a little?
I have a couple of relatives like you that don't know how to turn it off. I don't miss them at all.
They do. This is what has been drilled into them within their universe. And a part of this is the fact that calling it "war" means that anything goes, no matter what.

"The first casualty of war is truth". That's their excuse for following someone like Trump.

The way they dehumanize people is kind of sick. I see posts every day now that look like something thought up by a psychopath.
Do yourself a favor. Also take note of the violent rhetoric perpetrated by the left, here and in your ordinary life.

When you have been reading and subject to the violence of the left for a couple of decades, you may or may not have a legitimate perspective.

While you at it, you may want to brush up on some history. Specifically, the US Civil war in which father, brother, and sisters all disowned, attacked, and even killed each other over the issue of slavery.

The dangers of ignoring, rewriting, or trying to hide the past become self-evident with people like you.
They do. This is what has been drilled into them within their universe. And a part of this is the fact that calling it "war" means that anything goes, no matter what.

"The first casualty of war is truth". That's their excuse for following someone like Trump.

The way they dehumanize people is kind of sick. I see posts every day now that look like something thought up by a psychopath.
Do yourself a favor. Also take note of the violent rhetoric perpetrated by the left, here and in your ordinary life.

When you have been reading and subject to the violence of the left for a couple of decades, you may or may not have a legitimate perspective.

While you at it, you may want to brush up on some history. Specifically, the US Civil war in which father, brother, and sisters all disowned, attacked, and even killed each other over the issue of slavery.

The dangers of ignoring, rewriting, or trying to hide the past become self-evident with people like you.
Evidently this is supposed to justify what we're seeing.
Who is that? You should put a link or two in the OP explaining WTF your issue is.

You must live in an alternate universe if you're not aware of what I'm talking about.
I am not aware of any "bloodthirsty partisans wanting to kill their relatives" as the title states?!

There is potential violence between the "urban plantations" and "flyover country" folks, but if the Left, like antifa, thinks they can intimidate the right, they are sadly mistaken.
Spoken like a Proud Boy.
I wonder if Joe will mandate a national lockdown leading to arrests of those who ignore it. He just might. We know there a lots of Americans who would snitch on other Americans, to get them arrested for ignoring the State.
You are too young and self centered to realize the effects of deadly viral spread like the polio epidemics I lived through. Learn that history before getting bent out of shape over public health concerns
This ain't polio.

99%+ survival rate.
A rationalization to make dismissing 350,000 deaths acceptable. Denial equals ignorance.
I’m pretty hardcore. I completely disown distant family and rehabilitate immediate family.
I don’t play that multicultural bullshit either...I’ll cut my kids off and disown them if they were to try and fuck up the bloodline.
Does hearing that make you piss your pants a little?

It just confirms what I already believed. I don't fear people like you.

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