How do good Americans and our democracy benefit from diversity again?

I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.

Why didn’t our founding fathers think of this? They should have closed the borders right then and never let in a single foreigner after 1776

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We had a very large country that needed people. We no longer have a need for more people.

and i have no problem with Poles or Poland even though they are Catholic , I just said that the USA / America was founded and formed , its foundations laid , its laws made by ' White Protestant Males ' all coming from a very small area of the World SOB .

All Protestant nations except Finland, are very pro-diversity, even the U.S.A. (Don't let this forum fool you, this forum isn't really representing the U.S.A)
----------------------------------------------- WHO cares , its a message board and as i have always said . I am an older healthy guy but even with good health i will not live forever . I see problems coming but i see these problems coming for the youngers and their kids in the next generations unless they wake up and change their ways and stupid thinking SOB .

Well, I really don't like Catholic Puerto Ricans, and Dominicans, especially, as for Mexicans, Guatemalans, Peruvians, and Ecuadorian Catholics I don't care for them, but like them slightly more than PR's, and Dominicans.

In fact, I don't even like a lot of Catholic Italians, either.

But, a lot of Polish, Irish, Czech, Hungarian, and Slovak Catholics are fine people.

As for Protestants, can't say I'm too fond of English, or German Protestant brutality, but enough I've met have been decent people.

I do like Swedish, and Norwegian Protestants, are usually fine people too.

I don't like almost any Black Protestants... Black people in general have the worst attitude problems in the U.S.A..

To me it's all about race, not about religion....
------------------------------------------------------------ i don't get into RACE too much . I avoid people that i don't trust , like or want to be friendly with . My eyes help me do that . As far as Catholics go my eyes show me what they built in 'south america' and its pretty nasty when compared to what effective Protestant METHODS of building built in the USA SOB .

Okay, so apparently over 50% of prisoners in the U.S.A were Protestant, and over 14% were Catholic.

Religious affiliation of inmates in U.S. prisons, 2011 | Statistic

Meanwhile over 46% of the U.S.A were Protestant, and over 20% of the U.S.A were Catholic,

Religion in the United States - Wikipedia

The U.S.A prisoners were 40% were Blacks, 39% were Whites, and 19% were Hispanics.

Incarceration in the United States - Wikipedia

Now, nearly 2/3rd's of Hispanics were Catholic.... So, presumably 12% of all U.S.A prisoners were Hispanic Catholics, while only 2% of U.S.A prisoners were White Catholics.

White Catholics make up just over 1/2 of all Catholics, so actually White Catholics make up about 10% of the U.S.A, but about 2% of the prisoners according to the data.

White Catholics maybe perhaps the least, or at least one of the least represented groups in crime...
When you look at the economic disasters that Red States are.
When you look at the ignorance of whites in poor and destitute areas like Appalachia.

Then you look at the diversity in such powerhouse states such as California and New York, then we know where diversity works and where racism is a disaster.
No it’s not. You say you support free speech, but then you don’t. If you can’t see the hypocrisy in that, you’re even dumber than I thought.

There is no obligation on the part of the sponsor to actually pull their ads. That’s their choice. They may pull ads because they don’t want to be associated with the hate speech.

It is a vile, but common tactic of radical Progressives. They pathetically even attack their perceived enemies way by which they earn a living. That's just wrong. That is the sheer desperation of the far left.

So those calls to boycott the NFL because players were taking a knee during the playing of the National anthem came from left wingers? Gee, I thought they came from President Trump.

And the boycott of the Dixie Chicks when W was President was also left wingers?

And that boycott of Starbucks after they announced they were hiring 10,000 refugees was started by left wingers.

Who knew?

I've never supported the boycott of the NFL. I believe it was giving the jerk that started it way too much publicity and NO one around him was smart, or brave enough, to tell him to knock it off after the first time.

I don't recall a boycott of the Dixie Chicks although what they did instantly resulted in an incredible backlash for them. I had ordered one of their CD's when they pulled their little faux pax. I sent it back to Amazon without opening the package. I wasn't part of a "boycott", I didn't call their sponsors or try to get them fired, you were more than welcome to buy two of each of their songs if you so desire.

As for Starbucks, we have a number of them in our city and I have never been inside one. I didn't like their flamboyant, better than you attitude from the day they opened. Myself, I make my own Cuban coffee in a stovetop Cuban coffee maker. I also don't buy Ben and Jerry's ice cream although I love ice cream. I don't boycott the businesses on which they advertise, I just don't buy their product. I also don't boycott the shows that advertise Progressive Insurance. I like Flo, I just don't buy their product.

Doesn't that make more sense?
White Male Protestants were responsible for the building of the the USA in the beginning of the USA . Compare the only super power in the world , the USA to 'catholic' built 'south america' with its falling down nations that will fall down even more if The TRUMP stops giving the beggars Americans Taxpayer money as foreign aid . Plus see Starving 'catholic mob' killing cow so they can have a steak dinner in 'catholic' venezuela . ------------- --- Venezuela food crisis: hungry mob ‘slaughters cattle in field’ --- SOB .
White Male Protestants were responsible for the building of the the USA in the beginning of the USA . Compare the only super power in the world , the USA to 'catholic' built 'south america' with its falling down nations that will fall down even more if The TRUMP stops giving the beggars Americans Taxpayer money as foreign aid . Plus see Starving 'catholic mob' killing cow so they can have a steak dinner in 'catholic' venezuela . ------------- --- Venezuela food crisis: hungry mob ‘slaughters cattle in field’ --- SOB .

Catholic Venezuela's still in a lot better financial shape than Protestant Liberia....
Personally I wouldn't say the U.S.A is so great anymore.....

A lot of folks agree with that statement. That's is exactly why businessman, Donald Trump was elected President who is doing a terrific job.
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I'm not a Mexican, nor do I support Mexicans, either, so WTF?
----------------------------------------------- you are a 'catholic' Pole though , still escaping communist rule though huh . Not much difference between you and the 'catholic' venzie' communists is there . How you getting along with the 'catholic , aztec , inca' hybrid catholic 'ms13' thats running around your neck of the woods - city SOB . :afro:
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I'm not a Mexican, nor do I support Mexicans, either, so WTF?
----------------------------------------------- you are a 'catholic' Pole though , still escaping communist rule though huh . Not much difference between you and the 'catholic' venzie' communists is there . How you getting along with the 'catholic , aztec , inca' hybrid catholic 'ms13' thats running around your neck of the woods - city SOB . :afro:

Not really, Poland had a unpopular puppet government put up by Georgian Soviet Atheist Stalin, and Anglo Protestant Freemasons Churchill, FDR, and Truman in Tehran, Yalta, and Potsdam Conference.

Not really, we have a lot of Guatemalans in Brewster, New York, and Brewster's crime rate according to city-data is 1/8th the rate of the U.S.A average crime rate in 2016.
Our Catholic church in Pawling is like 95% White / 5% Hispanic (Lower than the Hispanic population here)
, on the other hand there's several Pentecostal (Protestant) Hispanic (In Spanish) churches here in Pawling.
[QUOTE="pismoe, post: 19771709, member: 49074"/] USA was built by White Male Protestants.... .[/QUOTE]

My country was built by just about every kind of people there are.
I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.

Diversity stops the advance of the crackerass assault to ears by country music.
I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.

Diversity stops the advance of the crackerass assault to ears by country music.

Some country music is good..

I do like Johnny Cash, and Kenny Chesney..
That was the Dutch. But once we accepted tolerance of all religions, turning our backs on the original views of the Blessed Puritans ... our Christian Nation was doomed to become the shining beacon of liberty
-------------------------------- so mistakes may have been made after Americas Founding Ben . My only point is that it was White , male Protestants that built the Foundations , Laws , Constitution , Bill of RIGHTS and other building blocks for the USA Ben .
I understand that, and it's true. But imo you are presuming some lack of diversity among white male protestants, when in fact they were a diverse lot themselves. For example, Roger Williams was perhaps the first "American" abolitionist. He'd have been tarred and feathered in the southern colonies if he proposed emancipating slaves. The Puritans fled England because - essentially - they wanted a state religion in that they opposed Elizabethan tolerance of papists. Penn and the Quakers had a similar background in intolerance, even though the Puritans in America persecuted early Quakers, only coming around to "accommodation" later.
-------------------------------------------------------- won't argue as it looks like simply having Protestant White Males provides enough Diversity as Protestant White Males that formed this Greatest Nation ever known have differing opinions or Diversity of Thought and they work from that Diversity Ben .

So, if you're White Protestants of America were so great without diversity? Why did they import so many Blacks, Hispanics, and others?
--------------------------------------------- mornin SOB , ALL i ever said was that White Male PROTESTANTS from a very small area of the world built the USA from the very beginning and that is historical fact . And the USA is the Best and only superpower and most powerful nation in the world that the world relies on to save them [see the airlift in Germany after we and Allies destroyed Germany in ww2 plus our rebuilding of Japan] Also mistakes have been made in the USA as Protestants are not perfect . I also pointed out falling down Societies built by Catholics that i am familiar with in S. America . And who can argue that 'south america' isn't a falling down group of third world countries or nations built by Catholics and built right on Americas door step . ----------- in closing , it is true that Columbus , a Catholic i suppose got the ball rolling in the New World with his Discovery of the New World in 1492 SOB !!
White Male Protestants founded this country. Building it took a lot hands of many ethnicities, races, and both sexes.
-------------------------------- so mistakes may have been made after Americas Founding Ben . My only point is that it was White , male Protestants that built the Foundations , Laws , Constitution , Bill of RIGHTS and other building blocks for the USA Ben .
I understand that, and it's true. But imo you are presuming some lack of diversity among white male protestants, when in fact they were a diverse lot themselves. For example, Roger Williams was perhaps the first "American" abolitionist. He'd have been tarred and feathered in the southern colonies if he proposed emancipating slaves. The Puritans fled England because - essentially - they wanted a state religion in that they opposed Elizabethan tolerance of papists. Penn and the Quakers had a similar background in intolerance, even though the Puritans in America persecuted early Quakers, only coming around to "accommodation" later.
-------------------------------------------------------- won't argue as it looks like simply having Protestant White Males provides enough Diversity as Protestant White Males that formed this Greatest Nation ever known have differing opinions or Diversity of Thought and they work from that Diversity Ben .

So, if you're White Protestants of America were so great without diversity? Why did they import so many Blacks, Hispanics, and others?
--------------------------------------------- mornin SOB , ALL i ever said was that White Male PROTESTANTS from a very small area of the world built the USA from the very beginning and that is historical fact . And the USA is the Best and only superpower and most powerful nation in the world that the world relies on to save them [see the airlift in Germany after we and Allies destroyed Germany in ww2 plus our rebuilding of Japan] Also mistakes have been made in the USA as Protestants are not perfect . I also pointed out falling down Societies built by Catholics that i am familiar with in S. America . And who can argue that 'south america' isn't a falling down group of third world countries or nations built by Catholics and built right on Americas door step . ----------- in closing , it is true that Columbus , a Catholic i suppose got the ball rolling in the New World with his Discovery of the New World in 1492 SOB !!
White Male Protestants founded this country. Building it took a lot hands of many ethnicities, races, and both sexes.
Nope. White male protestants built this country. The rest just cashed in.
I understand that, and it's true. But imo you are presuming some lack of diversity among white male protestants, when in fact they were a diverse lot themselves. For example, Roger Williams was perhaps the first "American" abolitionist. He'd have been tarred and feathered in the southern colonies if he proposed emancipating slaves. The Puritans fled England because - essentially - they wanted a state religion in that they opposed Elizabethan tolerance of papists. Penn and the Quakers had a similar background in intolerance, even though the Puritans in America persecuted early Quakers, only coming around to "accommodation" later.
-------------------------------------------------------- won't argue as it looks like simply having Protestant White Males provides enough Diversity as Protestant White Males that formed this Greatest Nation ever known have differing opinions or Diversity of Thought and they work from that Diversity Ben .

So, if you're White Protestants of America were so great without diversity? Why did they import so many Blacks, Hispanics, and others?
--------------------------------------------- mornin SOB , ALL i ever said was that White Male PROTESTANTS from a very small area of the world built the USA from the very beginning and that is historical fact . And the USA is the Best and only superpower and most powerful nation in the world that the world relies on to save them [see the airlift in Germany after we and Allies destroyed Germany in ww2 plus our rebuilding of Japan] Also mistakes have been made in the USA as Protestants are not perfect . I also pointed out falling down Societies built by Catholics that i am familiar with in S. America . And who can argue that 'south america' isn't a falling down group of third world countries or nations built by Catholics and built right on Americas door step . ----------- in closing , it is true that Columbus , a Catholic i suppose got the ball rolling in the New World with his Discovery of the New World in 1492 SOB !!
White Male Protestants founded this country. Building it took a lot hands of many ethnicities, races, and both sexes.
Nope. White male protestants built this country. The rest just cashed in.


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