How do good Americans and our democracy benefit from diversity again?

Stop being coy, big guy. YOU tell US. Then we can scrutinize your claims.

Bottom-line is that there seems to be little difference between huge immigrant societies, and low immigrant societies in their income per person.

His theory, and a common theory by multiculturalists is that we need more young people working in the economy to propel the economy, and therefor immigration will fill such a gap.

This seems to be a terribly narrow, and simple view, however.

Having more kids, and younger adults in an economy might drive more GDP into the economy, but having more kids might also split the income between more people, thus watering down the wealth, it also would presumably put more pressures on the system to pay for kids schooling, or their prison sentences since young adults get into more trouble than their much older counterparts.

So, absolutely I don't see much of a win by having more kids, and young adults in an economy.
I can see you have absolutely no understanding of basic economics. Which explains your vulnerability to stupid shit like white nationalism.


1.) If having more kids, and young adults makes for a richer society, how come the Third-World has so many kids, and goes no where?

2.) If having mass immigration makes for a richer society, how come the fastest growing economies in the World in the past 20 years, or so tend to have less immigrants? Such as China, Poland, Slovakia, etc.

2.) A lot of economists are socially Liberal Jews, as if they don't have their reasons to be biases?

3.) Nationalist Franco achieved the #1 growth in Europe in the 20th century, and Nationalist Hitler (Despite my objections to him) did achieve the best economic turn around during the Great Depression.
That you even ask these questions just exposes your ignorance of basic economics even more! :lol:

A.) Economics only makes up a portion of society well being.

B.) Multiculturalism tends to be a net drain in well being, causing more gangs, terrorism, murder, crime, ethnic tensions, etc. (In a lot of cases at least)
"Multiculturalism" has been nothing but a tremendous boon for America, despite the wailing and gnashing of teeth by your kind for well over a century. Hell, your kind even whined about your kind being savages!

Ageing Cities: Finnish Cities Lead Population Ageing Across Europe

Public finances (spending on education, health, policing etc) will be stretched in local areas as the growing dependency ratio (the ratio of the population under 15 and population over 65 as a proportion of people aged 15-64) will continue to rise across a broad range of Finnish cities. Healthcare spending will surge as declining state tax receipts (a consequence of a falling working age population) will likely impact state-funded health institutions, fostering a greater demand for private health coverage. Unsurprisingly, healthcare will be the most rapidly rising budget category in all Finish cities analysed by Euromonitor International over 2016-2021, related largely to the growth of the elderly population.

The increasing number of people going into retirement will place a greater strain on a dwindling working-age population. Declining labour force participation will act as a drain on businesses, suppressing investment and future economic growth. Being the country’s economic centre, Helsinkiwill likely maintain a healthy inflow of labour, although this may not be the case for smaller Finnishcities, such as Pori, Lahti and Tampere, among others, which will find it increasingly challenging to replace an ageinglabour pool. The end result will be severe labour productivity drops, especially in the smaller cities of the country.

Finland generally gets ridiculous ratings by European standards, for example they have topped the charts in educational PISA scores, IQ scores, and MENSA membership in recent years, and have done very well in lack of corruption, free press, innovation, invention, technology, you name it.

Some studies even call Finland the best country in the World.

So, how what does that say about your propaganda?
Bottom-line is that there seems to be little difference between huge immigrant societies, and low immigrant societies in their income per person.

His theory, and a common theory by multiculturalists is that we need more young people working in the economy to propel the economy, and therefor immigration will fill such a gap.

This seems to be a terribly narrow, and simple view, however.

Having more kids, and younger adults in an economy might drive more GDP into the economy, but having more kids might also split the income between more people, thus watering down the wealth, it also would presumably put more pressures on the system to pay for kids schooling, or their prison sentences since young adults get into more trouble than their much older counterparts.

So, absolutely I don't see much of a win by having more kids, and young adults in an economy.
I can see you have absolutely no understanding of basic economics. Which explains your vulnerability to stupid shit like white nationalism.


1.) If having more kids, and young adults makes for a richer society, how come the Third-World has so many kids, and goes no where?

2.) If having mass immigration makes for a richer society, how come the fastest growing economies in the World in the past 20 years, or so tend to have less immigrants? Such as China, Poland, Slovakia, etc.

2.) A lot of economists are socially Liberal Jews, as if they don't have their reasons to be biases?

3.) Nationalist Franco achieved the #1 growth in Europe in the 20th century, and Nationalist Hitler (Despite my objections to him) did achieve the best economic turn around during the Great Depression.
That you even ask these questions just exposes your ignorance of basic economics even more! :lol:

A.) Economics only makes up a portion of society well being.

B.) Multiculturalism tends to be a net drain in well being, causing more gangs, terrorism, murder, crime, ethnic tensions, etc. (In a lot of cases at least)
"Multiculturalism" has been nothing but a tremendous boon for America, despite the wailing and gnashing of teeth by your kind for well over a century. Hell, your kind even whined about your kind being savages!



The U.S.A diversity is so great, eh?

Like it was in the Crown Heights Riots, the Draft Riots, the Philadelphia Nativist Riots, the LA Riots, the Orange Riots, the Mamaroneck riots etc.?
English came to America and were later joined by an array of Europeans.
No Africans, except those sold off by their own people, no Central Americans and very few South Americans. After America was growing and flourishing then folks from those nations wanted to get on board
Real History 101
English came to America and were later joined by an array of Europeans.
No Africans, except those sold off by their own people, no Central Americans and very few South Americans. After America was growing and flourishing then folks from those nations wanted to get on board
Real History 101

Real inaccurate.

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