Which Party benefits from the unAmericanization of our nation and why/how do they?

Hahaha…I’ll play along. Let’s start here…..Lets say an American is one born on American soil to legal parents, lets say an American loves and respects our history, our heritage, our traditions, our moral and value systems, lets say they love our Constitution, our rights and liberties, our Declaration Of Independence, our right to sovereignty…lets say that an American can easily understand and articulate the English language.
Is that a good enough start for you to add something of value to the thread? Maybe you can address the premise of the thread huh?

Moonie is a troll. You expect a lot from it.
You don't have a border that's open to the third world.

There's no point in trying to move on from that. That was the easiest to disprove.
If you can’t answer the question then you have no credibility and no right to post in this thread….BEAT IT!
”How do you suppose a nation with a closed and defended border ends up with 20-40 million unvetted trespassers living within it’s borders?”
The answer to your question is probably greed and hatred for God.

I think America is dead. Put a fork in it. They WIN.
I also think everyone now is just struggling to hold on to as much as they can as long as they can.....thinking maybe they will have just long enough to die of natural causes before the REALLY BAD SHIT hits the fan. Kinda pretending everything is still status quo and looking the other way.
I don't see any meaningful "fight" for the culture or nation or even Constitutional Rights on the horizon.

People won't really give two shits until the lights go out and the food supply stops.
Then I think there will be chaos and a lot of blood.
The Corporate Cartel will try to use the military and willing LEO etc to try to enforce control but I'm not sure how well that will work out.
But by that time they will have informed you they know what guns you have and will cut off your SSI payments etc if you didn't comply with turning in your firearms. Probably dangle food cards to allow you to get some food and travel passes as enforcement.

I don't think there is any real difference between the two mainstream parties. Both are controlled by the Corporate Cartel Establishment Elites like Bloomberg, wealthy Europeans and the powerful CEO's and China etc.

Kinda sad what happened to America isn't it?
I long for the day when the slaying begins….For now I think we are destined to segregate, I think it’s the nations only hope. I think REAL core Americans will gather in some part of real America and essentially recreate what we once had. I can’t wait to watch Unkotare and the other piles of filthy globalist dogshit go up in flames with the blue supershitholes they created.
Dems have been losing the support of American citizens so they are importing millions of dirt poor DEPENDENT illegals to replenish their ranks. DEPENDENT as in Dems will purchase their votes with government handouts paid for by American citizens.
Yeah, it's pretty damn dumb.
”Hahaha…I’ll play along. Let’s start here…..Lets say an American is one born on American soil to legal parents, lets say an American loves and respects our history, our heritage, our traditions, our moral and value systems, lets say they love our Constitution, our rights and liberties, our Declaration Of Independence, our right to sovereignty…lets say that an American can easily understand and articulate the English language.”
That's a poor gamble.
Are you kidding, you are more fucked in the head than I thought…..it’s the perfect model, it’s been working for decades.
The party of foreign filth wouldn’t / couldn’t be relevant today without Mexifornia, AZ, NV, NM and much of Texas….No wetbacks = not winning any of the aforementioned.
Are you open to hearing any comments from a foreigner?

From a Canadian's POV, there's nothing true in what you said.

To begin with, you don't have a border that's open to the third world.

Now you can decide if you want to hear more?

You don't have a border that's open to the third world.

There's no point in trying to move on from that. That was the easiest to disprove.
Sane Core American- “We have a border open to the third-world.”
Canadian SuperLib- “You don’t have a border open to the third-world.”
Sane Core American- “How does a nation with a closed/secure border end up with 20-40 million illegals residing within it’s borders?”
Canadian SuperLib- “You aren’t saying what my ears want to hear so I’m out.”

Hahahaha…..pay attention people. This is what we’re up against….people whom have created their own realities….scary shit huh Mac1958 ?
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