How do good Americans and our democracy benefit from diversity again?

Japan did okay here too...

Here are some more facts for the bigots:

Our country's birth rate is below the rate necessary to sustain economic growth and posterity.

As our population ages, there will be a smaller and smaller percentage of younger people to take care of them.

In every prosperous nation, declining birth rates are a growing problem. We are victims of our own success.

There are only two ways to resolve this problem:

1) Increase the birth rate (good luck with that).

2) Increase immigration.

Take your pick.

So, how did Japan do okay without major immigration?
Japan is not doing okay. Their economy has been sluggish for almost three decades, and their debt-to-GDP is the highest in the world.

Their aging population is dragging them under.

How do you not know this? Do your bigoted propagandists keep you in the dark about the most basic realities?


Debt to GDP by country 2017 | Statista

'This is death to the family': Japan's fertility crisis is creating economic and social woes never seen before

Japan, Short on Babies, Reaches a Worrisome Milestone

Japan's per capita income GDP has kept up pretty closely with Germany, and the UK over the more recent years according to this graph.
Japan's debt has outpaced EVERYONE.

Japan's debt to GDP is 240.3%.

Germany's is 68.1%.

UK is 88.3%.

Immigration the solution to Japan’s population problem

The greatest crisis facing Japan is its population problem. Japan’s population has been on the decline since 2010. In 2015, the population appeared to be shrinking at a rate of 270,000 people per year. Recent projections by the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research show that even steeper declines are ahead. The population is expected to fall by 6.2 million in the 2020s, 8.2 million in the 2030s and 9 million in the 2040s — meaning a drop-off larger than the population of Tokyo every two decades.

Japan’s ageing society and diminishing birth rate are also of concern. The elderly accounted for 26 per cent of the country’s population in 2014 and those aged 80 years or older exceeded 10 million in 2015. At the same time, the number of births in 2016 fell below one million for the first time since statistics have been collected.


The shortage of labour led to a sharp rise in the number of foreign residents in 2016. At the end of 2016, there were 2.38 million foreign residents in Japan — 148,959 more than at the end of 2015. In each of Japan’s 47 rural and urban prefectures, the number of resident foreigners rose. It has become increasingly frequent in recent years for foreign nationals to come to Japan on student visas but then find employment as labourers, or to work under the Technical Internship Training Program (TITP) which was ostensibly designed for technology transfer to developing countries.
Catholic Austria has the lowest murder rate.

Simple, they have little poverty and a high level of social and economic security.

So what?
Protestant Finland doesn't have little poverty?
With Finland having the highest European murder rate outside of the much more impoverished Ex-Soviet bloc.. Heck even a good deal of Ex-Soviet bloc nations have lower murder rates than Finland...
Aging Japan Puts a Strain on the Financial System

Japan’s population is shrinking and getting older, posing challenges to the nation’s financial system. How Japan copes could guide other advanced economies in Asia and Europe that are grappling with the same trends but are at an earlier phase of similar demographic developments.

A declining and aging population weighs on growth and interest rates. This puts pressure on profits of banks and insurance companies.
Japan’s ageing population and public deficits

The G8 meeting held in Washington in May 2012 emphasised the importance of economic growth, and underlined once again the serious problem of deficits that the world faces.

The warning is especially timely for Japan, whose fiscal deficits are the worst among the advanced countries at 200 per cent of GDP. The question now is why and how did the country accumulate so much debt.


But the social security system now faces serious financing problems due to rapid ageing. While the major beneficiaries of the system are people aged 65 years and older, it is the working population (20–64 years) who pays the majority of taxes and social security contributions. This is to say that ageing simultaneously brings about a decrease in revenues and an increase in payments. This obviously poses a challenge. The ratio of the aged to the working population is expected to be nearly one to one by 2050.
Aging Japan Puts a Strain on the Financial System

Japan’s population is shrinking and getting older, posing challenges to the nation’s financial system. How Japan copes could guide other advanced economies in Asia and Europe that are grappling with the same trends but are at an earlier phase of similar demographic developments.

A declining and aging population weighs on growth and interest rates. This puts pressure on profits of banks and insurance companies.

Yet, Japan's a lot healthier society on the whole, where there isn't nearly as much murder, ethnic-turmoil, nor terrorism risks etc. etc.

All that, and Japan is hardly behind Western Europe which has much more of the above issues, largely due to immigrants.
So what have we learned today, kids?

We learned the largest Muslim country in the world has a lower homicide rate than the best European country.

We learned Japan's low birth rate and aging population is contributing to the world's worst debt to GDP, which will continue to get worse. As a result, Japan is rapidly increasing its immigrant work force.

We learned immigrants make up a significant proportion of our entrepreneur's right here in the good old USA.

It's looks to me like the OP has been slam dunked onto the ash heap of history.
Aging Japan Puts a Strain on the Financial System

Japan’s population is shrinking and getting older, posing challenges to the nation’s financial system. How Japan copes could guide other advanced economies in Asia and Europe that are grappling with the same trends but are at an earlier phase of similar demographic developments.

A declining and aging population weighs on growth and interest rates. This puts pressure on profits of banks and insurance companies.

Yet, Japan's a lot healthier society on the whole, where there isn't nearly as much murder, ethnic-turmoil, nor terrorism risks etc. etc.

All that, and Japan is hardly behind Western Europe which has much more of the above issues, largely due to immigrants.
You should move to Japan then.

I hear they are hiring more immigrants these days.
Catholic Austria has the lowest murder rate.

Simple, they have little poverty and a high level of social and economic security.

So what?
Protestant Finland doesn't have little poverty?
With Finland having the highest European murder rate outside of the much more impoverished Ex-Soviet bloc.. Heck even a good deal of Ex-Soviet bloc nations have lower murder rates than Finland...

Your reasoning is specious. Pointing out an exception to a trend does not debase the trend. Low poverty and high economic security inversely correlate with murder rates, and that is a fact.

If you wanted to be rational, instead of trying to eke out an overwrought point where none exists, you would be wonderimg why Findland's murder rate is not lower.

Another helpful hint: there are people who actually do these things for a living. If you want answers, may I suggest you check with the experts, instead of on an internet message board?
Here are some more facts for the bigots:

Our country's birth rate is below the rate necessary to sustain economic growth and posterity.

As our population ages, there will be a smaller and smaller percentage of younger people to take care of them.

In every prosperous nation, declining birth rates are a growing problem. We are victims of our own success.

There are only two ways to resolve this problem:

1) Increase the birth rate (good luck with that).

2) Increase immigration.

Take your pick.
--------------------------------------------------- its what i keep seeing and saying , millenials and their kids are going to get what they deserve eh G5000. ----------------- Just a comment 'G' !!
Here are some more facts for the bigots:

Our country's birth rate is below the rate necessary to sustain economic growth and posterity.

As our population ages, there will be a smaller and smaller percentage of younger people to take care of them.

In every prosperous nation, declining birth rates are a growing problem. We are victims of our own success.

There are only two ways to resolve this problem:

1) Increase the birth rate (good luck with that).

2) Increase immigration.

Take your pick.

So, how did Japan do okay without major immigration?
------------------------------------ might be that they like their civilized society rather than a diverse society SOB !!
And like i say , murders happens although at a low rate in the USA . No one cares about someone being murdered every once in awhile . Its just the way things go . Its similar to car accidents , about 30 thousand dead a year due to car accidents , no one cares as its the price paid for having a car and traveling ability . I just point out the mayhem and murder in catholic built societies south of the USA just to mess with YOU SOB .
So what have we learned today, kids?

We learned the largest Muslim country in the world has a lower homicide rate than the best European country.

We learned Japan's low birth rate and aging population is contributing to the world's worst debt to GDP, which will continue to get worse. As a result, Japan is rapidly increasing its immigrant work force.

We learned immigrants make up a significant proportion of our entrepreneur's right here in the good old USA.

It's looks to me like the OP has been slam dunked onto the ash heap of history.

1.) You're only supporting racial theory, by presenting Mongoloid Islamic Indonesia as having a similar murder rate to Mongoloid's of a non-Islamic background.

2.) Muslims are clearly over-represented in Austria's prison system, for example in Vienna 50% of the prison population were Muslim, even though over 11% of Vienna is Muslim.

Prison MOSQUE: Jail has so many Muslim lags it agrees to build place of worship

Of course these Muslims are mostly of the Mediterranean race, like Arabs, Turks, Chechens, and Albanians..
We learned Japan's low birth rate and aging population is contributing to the world's worst debt to GDP, which will continue to get worse. As a result, Japan is rapidly increasing its immigrant work force.

We learned immigrants make up a significant proportion of our entrepreneur's right here in the good old USA.

It's looks to me like the OP has been slam dunked onto the ash heap of history.

South Korea, Finland, and Japan all have low rates of birth, low rates of immigration, and have high median household income per capita (Income split between the people)

Worldwide, Median Household Income About $10,000

Finland's ranked #5 in median household income per capita, S. Korea's ranked #15, and Japan #16.
Catholic Austria has the lowest murder rate.

Simple, they have little poverty and a high level of social and economic security.

So what?
Protestant Finland doesn't have little poverty?
With Finland having the highest European murder rate outside of the much more impoverished Ex-Soviet bloc.. Heck even a good deal of Ex-Soviet bloc nations have lower murder rates than Finland...

Your reasoning is specious. Pointing out an exception to a trend does not debase the trend. Low poverty and high economic security inversely correlate with murder rates, and that is a fact.

If you wanted to be rational, instead of trying to eke out an overwrought point where none exists, you would be wonderimg why Findland's murder rate is not lower.

Another helpful hint: there are people who actually do these things for a living. If you want answers, may I suggest you check with the experts, instead of on an internet message board?

It would appear that poverty plays a smaller role in murder rates.

1.) Most people in poverty don't commit murder.
(That one argument is enough to suspect biology / genes play the biggest role)

2.) Indonesia, China, Poland, Tonga, and Serbia etc. are some countries with quite a bit of poverty, and very low murder rates.

3.) The U.S.A had a big climb in murder in the 1960's following a big drop in poverty due to the rising 1950's middle class + welfare programs stomping out poverty conditions.

4.) Prince George's County, Maryland known as the wealthiest Black majority county in the U.S.A, is very high income by global standards, and even by U.S.A standards PG County, Maryland is wealthy, and has low rates of poverty.

Yet, the murder rate in PG County, Maryland is high by U.S.A standards, and even global standards.
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I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.
IMO, The pursuit of diversity, as an end, is simply NOT beneficial. However, diversity tends to be a byproduct of absorbing talented people if a country is prosperous and attractive. As an example, most top-tier universities each year admit a great number of international students based on merits, and a large portion of them become immigrants to America after getting their degrees. Similarly, many foreign entrepreneurs, developers, engineers, researchers, etc are attracted to the US. Talented people tend to be from different races and origins, so diversity, in this sense, is a good INDICATION of prosperity and success.

However, I do believe that diversity by itself is unnecessary and insufficient for success of a country. Many highly developed countries in the world are populated by a large majority of people from a certain race or ethnic origin. The pursuit of diversity as an end is largely meaningless.
The need for diversity depends on what an organization does. An organization that seeks new approaches to problems; that encourages thinking outside the box can certainly benefit from people from very diverse backgrounds and cultures because they have different approaches to problem solving and bring to the table a diverse knowledge base. However, an organization that discourages creative original though and prefers to stick with the tried and proven method is not likely to benefit from diversity. In fact, it's more likely to create clashes between employees.

Diversity in a nation is far more complex than a business but the principal is much the same as organization. If the culture favors sticking with the tried and proven as oppose to more progressive actions, diversity will cause problems. Cultures that are more progressive are more likely to embrace diversity because diversity tends to bring about change.
1.) Most people in poverty don't commit murder.
That one argument is enough to suspect biology / genes play the biggest role)
What a silly thing to say... "less than 50% of people in poverty commit murder"... Is the average murder rate 50%? 40%? No? then this is a silly red herring.

Furthermore, it certainly would point in the OPPOSITE direction of biology playing a prominent role, as you are literally pointing out differences between two countries that border each other and share very little genetic difference. So you are falling on your face with that argument.
2.) Indonesia, China, Poland, Tonga, and Serbia etc. are some countries with quite a bit of poverty, and very low murder rates.

Another red herring.The trend is the trend, and that trend is, more specifically, inequality. Pointing out only a few outliers should not make a rational person reject the documented trend, but rather ask why the rates are not higher in those countries.
3.) The U.S.A had a big climb in murder in the 1960's following a big drop in poverty due to the rising 1950's middle class + welfare programs stomping out poverty conditions.

No, not really. The drop didn't precede it. Second, there was a special circumstance called a world war that changed the culture of this country for a while. You can find noise and exceptions, but the trend will remain.;
4.) Prince George's County, Maryland known as the wealthiest Black majority county in the U.S.A, is very high income by global standards, and even by U.S.A standards PG County, Maryland is wealthy, and has low rates of poverty.

Yet, the murder rate in PG County, Maryland is high by U.S.A standards, and even global standards.

but that is skewed by a top-heavy wealth distribution. The rich people in Maryland are not killing each other. So you really just accidentally argued MY point, not yours.

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