How do good Americans and our democracy benefit from diversity again?

If you're serious, I think you have a serious problem. Government has to have authority over all area within it's boarders including private property or there would be no point in having government at all.

We're in complete agreement. I believe there is no point in having government at all. Or better said, the only point in having government is to launder immorality (to justify immorality such that it appears moral). After all, governmental authority is additional rights above and beyond those of the individual, and what do we call actions which individuals do not have a right to perform? We call them wrong or immoral.
If there is no government to protect the rights of the individual, to enforce laws based on moral codes, then who does?

Anyone. Everyone. Maybe the same people who do now (police, military). But they don’t get to have an exemption from morality (i.e. rights in excess of what any other individual possesses). Everyone has the right of defense and may organize to that effect. That doesn’t imply authority over others, though.
Carry that thought a little further. Who defines our laws or if you prefer right and wrong. Of course, everyone and anyone. The path you advocate is a path that leads to Chaos, which is from where society has evoked.

A man is murdered by his neighbor because he as an infidel. The man across the street, says we must strike down the killer. His neighbor says, I certain will not risk my life to kill someone who killed a Jew whose people murdered our lord and savior. And the guy at the end of the block says, fuck all of you, I have bigger and better guns than all you and I'm taking over.

And what prevents this from happening now? You have described a neighborhood of murderous animals. Do you think respect for the lofty notion of man’s responsibility to civic law is what stops such people? No. It’s the threat of punishment by violence - a cage or a bullet.

Well, we still have cages and bullets in a free society, so why do you suppose those people would act differently than they do now? In fact, we have more bullets, in the hands of more moral people (since most people are moral, and it’s mostly moral people trying to obey the law who forsake illegal gun ownership now).

What’s more, a murderer knows that with cops, he need only throw his hands up, and he’s likely to be taken to a cage and get three squares a day without having to work. In a free society, this is not so readily guaranteed. So the one effective deterrent is actually stronger in a free society than under governmental law. Considering these undeniable facts, the scenario you presented can be seen in a new light.
What prevents a neighborhood from acting as I describe is laws, law enforcement and a judicial system. Although the process is far from perfect, it is far better than a lawless society that makes up it's own rules and implements them based on individual beliefs and preference.

Of course, what I described is an extreme example but it illustrates my point. In a civilize society, you can't have individuals creating their own law or arriving at their own interpretation of the law. The law has to be the same for everyone. In our society when justice is not blind, it creates real problems. Imagine how much worst it would be if for example, black neighborhoods let crimes against blacks go unpunished or Muslim communities excuse honor killings. The same law that applies to Sam must apply to Joe.
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We're in complete agreement. I believe there is no point in having government at all. Or better said, the only point in having government is to launder immorality (to justify immorality such that it appears moral). After all, governmental authority is additional rights above and beyond those of the individual, and what do we call actions which individuals do not have a right to perform? We call them wrong or immoral.
If there is no government to protect the rights of the individual, to enforce laws based on moral codes, then who does?

Anyone. Everyone. Maybe the same people who do now (police, military). But they don’t get to have an exemption from morality (i.e. rights in excess of what any other individual possesses). Everyone has the right of defense and may organize to that effect. That doesn’t imply authority over others, though.
Carry that thought a little further. Who defines our laws or if you prefer right and wrong. Of course, everyone and anyone. The path you advocate is a path that leads to Chaos, which is from where society has evoked.

A man is murdered by his neighbor because he as an infidel. The man across the street, says we must strike down the killer. His neighbor says, I certain will not risk my life to kill someone who killed a Jew whose people murdered our lord and savior. And the guy at the end of the block says, fuck all of you, I have bigger and better guns than all you and I'm taking over.

And what prevents this from happening now? You have described a neighborhood of murderous animals. Do you think respect for the lofty notion of man’s responsibility to civic law is what stops such people? No. It’s the threat of punishment by violence - a cage or a bullet.

Well, we still have cages and bullets in a free society, so why do you suppose those people would act differently than they do now? In fact, we have more bullets, in the hands of more moral people (since most people are moral, and it’s mostly moral people trying to obey the law who forsake illegal gun ownership now).

What’s more, a murderer knows that with cops, he need only throw his hands up, and he’s likely to be taken to a cage and get three squares a day without having to work. In a free society, this is not so readily guaranteed. So the one effective deterrent is actually stronger in a free society than under governmental law. Considering these undeniable facts, the scenario you presented can be seen in a new light.
What prevents a neighborhood from acting as I describe is laws, law enforcement and a judicial system. Although the process is far from perfect, it is far better than a lawless society that makes up it's own rules and implements them based on individual beliefs and preference.

Of course, what I described is an extreme example but it illustrates my point. In a civilize society, you can't have individuals creating their own law or arriving at their own interpretation of the law. The law has to be the same for everyone. In our society when justice is not blind, it creates real problems. Imagine how much worst it would be if for example, black neighborhoods let crimes against blacks go unpunished or Muslim communities excuse honor killings. The same law that applies to Sam must apply to Joe.

You know nothing about the law or where it came from. Learn something:

Legislation and Law in a Free Society | Stephan Kinsella

Historically, in the common law of England, Roman law, and the Law Merchant, law was formed in large part in thousands of judicial decisions. In these so-called "decentralized law-finding systems," the law evolved as judges, arbitrators, or other jurists discovered legal principles applicable to specific factual situations, building upon legal principles previously discovered, and statutes, or centralized law, played a relatively minor role. Today, however, statutes passed by the legislature are becoming the primary source of law, and law tends to be thought of as being identical to legislation. Yet legislation-based systems cannot be expected to develop law compatible with a free society.

Certainty, which includes clarity of and stability in the law, is necessary so that we are able to plan for the future. Often it is thought that certainty will be increased when the law is written and enunciated by a legislature, for example in the civil codes of modern civil-law systems.

As the late Italian legal theorist Bruno Leoni pointed out, however, there is much more certainty in a decentralized legal system than in a centralized, legislation-based system. When the legislature has the ability to change the law from day to day, we can never be sure what rules will apply tomorrow. By contrast, judicial decisions are much less able to reduce legal certainty than is legislation.

This is because the position of common-law or decentralized judges is fundamentally different from that of legislators in three respects. First, judges can only make decisions when asked to do so by the parties concerned. Second, the judge's decision is less far-reaching than legislation because it primarily affects the parties to the dispute, and only occasionally affects third parties or others with no connection to the parties involved. Third, a judge's discretion is limited by the necessity of referring to similar precedents. Legal certainty is thus more attainable in a relatively decentralized law-finding system like the common law, Roman law, or customary law, than in centralized law-making systems where legislation is the primary source of law.
I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.
IMO, The pursuit of diversity, as an end, is simply NOT beneficial. However, diversity tends to be a byproduct of absorbing talented people if a country is prosperous and attractive. As an example, most top-tier universities each year admit a great number of international students based on merits, and a large portion of them become immigrants to America after getting their degrees. Similarly, many foreign entrepreneurs, developers, engineers, researchers, etc are attracted to the US. Talented people tend to be from different races and origins, so diversity, in this sense, is a good INDICATION of prosperity and success.

However, I do believe that diversity by itself is unnecessary and insufficient for success of a country. Many highly developed countries in the world are populated by a large majority of people from a certain race or ethnic origin. The pursuit of diversity as an end is largely meaningless.
I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.

Democracy? What Democracy?
I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.
I wonder how many of your kind visit doctors with accents?

The migration of physicians from sub-Saharan Africa to the United States of America: measures of the African brain drain
What "facts"... ?

- Punishment is the deterrent to crime (for those not restrained by morality), not respect for law.

- Risk of punishment will be increased in a free society, since more individuals will have guns.

- Risk of more severe punishment will be increased in a free society, since there is less guarantee of peaceful arrest in response to surrender.
We're in complete agreement. I believe there is no point in having government at all. Or better said, the only point in having government is to launder immorality (to justify immorality such that it appears moral). After all, governmental authority is additional rights above and beyond those of the individual, and what do we call actions which individuals do not have a right to perform? We call them wrong or immoral.
If there is no government to protect the rights of the individual, to enforce laws based on moral codes, then who does?

Anyone. Everyone. Maybe the same people who do now (police, military). But they don’t get to have an exemption from morality (i.e. rights in excess of what any other individual possesses). Everyone has the right of defense and may organize to that effect. That doesn’t imply authority over others, though.
Carry that thought a little further. Who defines our laws or if you prefer right and wrong. Of course, everyone and anyone. The path you advocate is a path that leads to Chaos, which is from where society has evoked.

A man is murdered by his neighbor because he as an infidel. The man across the street, says we must strike down the killer. His neighbor says, I certain will not risk my life to kill someone who killed a Jew whose people murdered our lord and savior. And the guy at the end of the block says, fuck all of you, I have bigger and better guns than all you and I'm taking over.

And what prevents this from happening now? You have described a neighborhood of murderous animals. Do you think respect for the lofty notion of man’s responsibility to civic law is what stops such people? No. It’s the threat of punishment by violence - a cage or a bullet.

Well, we still have cages and bullets in a free society, so why do you suppose those people would act differently than they do now? In fact, we have more bullets, in the hands of more moral people (since most people are moral, and it’s mostly moral people trying to obey the law who forsake illegal gun ownership now).

What’s more, a murderer knows that with cops, he need only throw his hands up, and he’s likely to be taken to a cage and get three squares a day without having to work. In a free society, this is not so readily guaranteed. So the one effective deterrent is actually stronger in a free society than under governmental law. Considering these undeniable facts, the scenario you presented can be seen in a new light.
What prevents a neighborhood from acting as I describe is laws, law enforcement and a judicial system. Although the process is far from perfect, it is far better than a lawless society that makes up it's own rules and implements them based on individual beliefs and preference.

Of course, what I described is an extreme example but it illustrates my point. In a civilize society, you can't have individuals creating their own law or arriving at their own interpretation of the law. The law has to be the same for everyone. In our society when justice is not blind, it creates real problems. Imagine how much worst it would be if for example, black neighborhoods let crimes against blacks go unpunished or Muslim communities excuse honor killings. The same law that applies to Sam must apply to Joe.

But the same law does not apply to Sam and to Joe, for a million and one reasons. Maybe Sam is black, or Joe is a police officer, or he's the brother-in-law of a Congressman. And individuals do create their own law, such as gangsters, angry boyfriends, common purse-snatchers... Nothing about law prevents anything, all it can do is punish; and I've addressed how punishment is a more effective deterrent in a free society (though you ignored those arguments).

Immoral people don't respect the law, and moral people do not behave morally because of the law. So how is law effective and necessary again? In a free society, immoral people are faced with a more effective deterrent, and moral people still have their morals. The only thing missing is an immense construct of violence that robs everybody, bosses them around, and racks up body counts that no individual band of miscreants could ever hope to achieve.

And we still have to right and ability to organize protection and investigation in a free society. Bodyguards, protection agencies, private investigators - all these things exist now, and could be even more effective in a free society. They are beholden to their employers, unlike police, and so must truly "protect and serve" in order to get paid. Police can abuse and kill people and get away with it because we still have to pay them under threat of violence from the IRS, and we can't fight back because they're protected under the law, whether legitimately or illegitimately.
I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.
I wonder how many of your kind visit doctors with accents?

The migration of physicians from sub-Saharan Africa to the United States of America: measures of the African brain drain
He makes his proctologist sooooo happy.
It's a sad day for America. Surely the Founders didn't anticipate this.

Hahaha. To me, that’s like seeing a picture of Hulk Hogan shaking hands with the Iron Sheik. I was under no illusions that these men - or their respective parties - were in opposition in the first place. There is only one agenda, and it’s not to your benefit.
I though Steve Schmidt's comment was good. Two imperfect but honorable men. Both with significant gaps in their view of American and it's spot in the world.

The Founders view is dead. We are all beholden to the corporate and welfare states. But the republic is not dead. Yet.
It's a sad day for America. Surely the Founders didn't anticipate this.

Hahaha. To me, that’s like seeing a picture of Hulk Hogan shaking hands with the Iron Sheik. I was under no illusions that these men - or their respective parties - were in opposition in the first place. There is only one agenda, and it’s not to your benefit.
I though Steve Schmidt's comment was good. Two imperfect but honorable men. Both with significant gaps in their view of American and it's spot in the world.

The Founders view is dead. We are all beholden to the corporate and welfare states. But the republic is not dead. Yet.

Wow. Wow... Honorable men? God help us... God help us!

Mass-murdering, lying thieves are honorable men? Well let's just trot out ol' Uncle Joe Stalin and have a parade. Every single person in prison is more honorable. Every rapist, cannibal and crook. None could dare hope to achieve the level of theft, violence, and infringement on individual rights that these two men have accomplished.

For the love of all that's holy, what evil possesses the minds of men?
and the USA continues on for awhile yet drawing off the wisdom and Foundations laid down by those White Protestant Males . Downfall may be coming though , mostly due to importation of third world problem people .

The White firearm homicide rate in the most White Catholic states like Massachusetts, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New York ranges from 0.6 to 0.8.

The White firearm homicide rate in the most White Protestant states like Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, and South Carolina ranges from 3.2 to 4.39.

That means that the White Catholic murder rate in the U.S.A appears to be far lower than the White Protestant murder rate in the U.S.A.

In fact, so much so that it would appear that White Protestants commit murder at rates 4 - 8 X that of White Catholics in the U.S.A, if not much more considering no U.S.A state is extremely Catholic, like some states are extremely Protestant.

Sources below.

Gun deaths study points to state and racial differences - CNN

Mississippi and Alabama Most Protestant States in U.S.
and the USA continues on for awhile yet drawing off the wisdom and Foundations laid down by those White Protestant Males . Downfall may be coming though , mostly due to importation of third world problem people .

The White firearm homicide rate in the most White Catholic states like Massachusetts, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New York ranges from 0.6 to 0.8.

The White firearm homicide rate in the most White Protestant states like Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, and South Carolina ranges from 3.2 to 4.39.

That means that the White Catholic murder rate in the U.S.A appears to be far lower than the White Protestant murder rate in the U.S.A.

In fact, so much so that it would appear that White Protestants commit murder at rates 4 - 8 X that of White Catholics in the U.S.A, if not much more considering no U.S.A state is extremely Catholic, like some states are extremely Protestant.

Sources below.

Gun deaths study points to state and racial differences - CNN

Mississippi and Alabama Most Protestant States in U.S.

More like liberal gun control state vs conservative gun nut state .
and the USA continues on for awhile yet drawing off the wisdom and Foundations laid down by those White Protestant Males . Downfall may be coming though , mostly due to importation of third world problem people .

The White firearm homicide rate in the most White Catholic states like Massachusetts, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New York ranges from 0.6 to 0.8.

The White firearm homicide rate in the most White Protestant states like Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, and South Carolina ranges from 3.2 to 4.39.

That means that the White Catholic murder rate in the U.S.A appears to be far lower than the White Protestant murder rate in the U.S.A.

In fact, so much so that it would appear that White Protestants commit murder at rates 4 - 8 X that of White Catholics in the U.S.A, if not much more considering no U.S.A state is extremely Catholic, like some states are extremely Protestant.

Sources below.

Gun deaths study points to state and racial differences - CNN

Mississippi and Alabama Most Protestant States in U.S.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- murder rates , what silliness you come up with . But checkout murder rates for 'catholic built' mexico were guns are pretty much illegal for 'mexicans' SOB . --- Mexico Saw A Record of 29,000 Homicides in 2017 --- check it out see your 'catholics' at work in any 'south american' country SOB .
And its only going to go higher in catholic built south america , then again , in the USA murder can be easily avoided just by staying away from well known bad areas . And most murdered in the USA are criminals or gang members that need killing SOB .
and murder rates go up in areas of the USA where 'catholic' third worlders land . See the murders done by imported gangs like 'ms13' that come to the USA from catholic built lands SOB .
and murder rates go up in areas where 'catholics' land . See the murders done by imported gangs like 'ms13' that come from catholic built lands SOB .

Funny that Protestant regions, and nations South of the U.S.A border are violent too, like Jamaica, the Bahamas, the U.S Virgin Islands, and Trinidad, and Tobago etc.
and murder rates go up in areas of the USA where 'catholic' third worlders land . See the murders done by imported gangs like 'ms13' that come to the USA from catholic built lands SOB .

Bigoted ignorance

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