How do good Americans and our democracy benefit from diversity again?

might be different but are they third worlder or are they civilized and ready to adopt the USA as formed by the USA White Male Protestant Founders Ben ??
might be different but are they third worlder or are they civilized and ready to adopt the USA as formed by the USA White Male Protestant Founders Ben ??
Gee, I hope not.[/QUOTE------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ well then they have no place in the USA Flopper .
The benefits of diversity depends on where foreigners come from. For example, while many Mexicans are nice and hard working, and their food tastes great, take a look where they come from and the lives most of them are used to living, which is poor and uneducated. Same applies to central America.

This is where the abundance of immigrants come from, hence more debt, compromised education, more crime, a reduced standard of living and progressive chaos. Not a word untrue, but most liberals hide from the truth in order to protect their ideology, so they declare racism as a defensive tactic.
buncha 'papists' on this board as well as one Pole trying to take credit with mention of a few outliers eh Gents . Anyway , USA was formed in its beginnings , Foundations laid , Western law and legal theory , Constitution and Bill of Rights written by White Male Protestants . Just open yer eyes to see the mayhem and murder that 'papists' create ., see south of the USA border Gents .

Why would anyone think that White Catholics, and Hispanic Catholics are the same????????
When immigrants are having a great day if they don't starve or get murdered then they do not bring much of a contribution. Need people operating from a higher platform
buncha 'papists' on this board as well as one Pole trying to take credit with mention of a few outliers eh Gents . Anyway , USA was formed in its beginnings , Foundations laid , Western law and legal theory , Constitution and Bill of Rights written by White Male Protestants . Just open yer eyes to see the mayhem and murder that 'papists' create ., see south of the USA border Gents .

Why would anyone think that White Catholics, and Hispanic Catholics are the same????????
--------------------------------- make it simple for you but they both worship the same 'pope' , mary and others SOB .
buncha 'papists' on this board as well as one Pole trying to take credit with mention of a few outliers eh Gents . Anyway , USA was formed in its beginnings , Foundations laid , Western law and legal theory , Constitution and Bill of Rights written by White Male Protestants . Just open yer eyes to see the mayhem and murder that 'papists' create ., see south of the USA border Gents .

Why would anyone think that White Catholics, and Hispanic Catholics are the same????????
--------------------------------- make it simple for you but they both worship the same 'pope' , mary and others SOB .

You mean like how Jamaicans worship in the same way as your Anglos do?
The benefits of diversity depends on where foreigners come from. For example, while many Mexicans are nice and hard working, and their food tastes great, take a look where they come from and the lives most of them are used to living, which is poor and uneducated. Same applies to central America.

This is where the abundance of immigrants come from, hence more debt, compromised education, more crime, a reduced standard of living and progressive chaos. Not a word untrue, but most liberals hide from the truth in order to protect their ideology, so they declare racism as a defensive tactic.
I don't know if you are writing about legal or illegal immigrants or maybe you see them as the same. I don't know.
But no, most legal immigrants don't come from Mexico and Central America. 24% come from Mexico. Next is China with 6%, India with 6%, the Philippines, with 5%, El Salvador with 1.4%. All other countries contribute less than 1.2% by country of legal immigrants.

When it comes to education the average legal immigrant is not very far from native born Americans. 40% of legal immigrants have bachelors or post graduate degrees, and over 73% have a high school education.

When it comes to income, the average legal immigrant earns less than the average American. However the average immigrant is less likely to be below poverty level than the average American. 5 years after immigration, their income level is on par with most Americans.

So what about those that are really poor. Legal immigrants from Turmp's "shithole" countries actually do a lot better than you might think. Africans in the US are about as likely to be below the poverty level as people from the states of Mississippi and New Mexico. Nicaraguans have similar poverty rates as Texas or North Carolina. Legal immigrants from Mexico are less likely to be below the poverty line than the average American and 5 years after immigration, there income level is on par with most American.

Illegal immigrants are a totally different ball games. They are not only poor, have little education but because of their illegal status, job and educational opportunities and their participation in society is very limited.

2nd generation legal and illegal immigrants fare much better than their parents. 3rd generation which means native born parents and grandparents are 56% of the population. They are likely to have some cultural traits of their ancestry, but they are consider fully assimilated in US cultures.

Key findings about U.S. immigrants
Here’s how immigrants from countries Trump slammed really do in the US
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Third graders know we have borders, defined lines that mark U.S. territories and third graders know it’s illegal to cross those lines if unauthorized. The United States Of America is a territory for huh?
Should I have my 11 year old nephew log in and explain it all to you?

Actually, I'd rather have you explain it to me, since you've had more time for the indoctrination to marinate your mind. Please explain how the U.S. government has a valid property claim over the continental U.S. (no less Hawaii and Alaska).

Haha...I have a hard time stooping to the level of ignorant fools but I’ll play along anyhoo.
Look up the meaning of sovereignty; try to wrap your little, tiny peanut brain around what it means when an Army TAKES land and declares sovereignty. The Feds issued deed to 80 million acres under the Homestead Act. Are you claiming they gave away land they didn’t “own”?

Funny you should cite sovereignty... so a government has sovereignty over land stolen from others, but an individual doesn't have sovereignty over himself? You pay property tax on land you "own" - that's called "rent" and it means you don't actually own it. The government lays claim to your land, and even your mind. They can dictate to you which states of consciousness you are permitted to experience via drug laws. So their "sovereignty" trumps yours? By what right? Are they something more than men? The Feds can't "issue" shit, because they don't own it. Their claim is just an unfounded assertion. No one could have a valid claim to a tract of land that large.

Property rights extend from man's labor. If you build a house, you can be said to own that house. It's reasonable that you should claim the area immediately surrounding it, and yes, there is a grey area about where that boundary should be drawn. But there is no such thing as owning an entire continent. Any justification for such nonsense is just made up out of whole cloth, and has no natural law basis.

Are you serious or are you being facetious?
The benefits of diversity depends on where foreigners come from. For example, while many Mexicans are nice and hard working, and their food tastes great, take a look where they come from and the lives most of them are used to living, which is poor and uneducated. Same applies to central America.

This is where the abundance of immigrants come from, hence more debt, compromised education, more crime, a reduced standard of living and progressive chaos. Not a word untrue, but most liberals hide from the truth in order to protect their ideology, so they declare racism as a defensive tactic.
Could we please pass a good SSID card and end this mess of illegal immigration.
Third graders know we have borders, defined lines that mark U.S. territories and third graders know it’s illegal to cross those lines if unauthorized. The United States Of America is a territory for huh?
Should I have my 11 year old nephew log in and explain it all to you?

Actually, I'd rather have you explain it to me, since you've had more time for the indoctrination to marinate your mind. Please explain how the U.S. government has a valid property claim over the continental U.S. (no less Hawaii and Alaska).

Haha...I have a hard time stooping to the level of ignorant fools but I’ll play along anyhoo.
Look up the meaning of sovereignty; try to wrap your little, tiny peanut brain around what it means when an Army TAKES land and declares sovereignty. The Feds issued deed to 80 million acres under the Homestead Act. Are you claiming they gave away land they didn’t “own”?

Funny you should cite sovereignty... so a government has sovereignty over land stolen from others, but an individual doesn't have sovereignty over himself? You pay property tax on land you "own" - that's called "rent" and it means you don't actually own it. The government lays claim to your land, and even your mind. They can dictate to you which states of consciousness you are permitted to experience via drug laws. So their "sovereignty" trumps yours? By what right? Are they something more than men? The Feds can't "issue" shit, because they don't own it. Their claim is just an unfounded assertion. No one could have a valid claim to a tract of land that large.

Property rights extend from man's labor. If you build a house, you can be said to own that house. It's reasonable that you should claim the area immediately surrounding it, and yes, there is a grey area about where that boundary should be drawn. But there is no such thing as owning an entire continent. Any justification for such nonsense is just made up out of whole cloth, and has no natural law basis.

Are you serious or are you being facetious?

I'm serious. If government has authority over the area within its claimed borders, then you don't have authority over your own property. What could be more obvious? Their laws apply on "your" property, just as anywhere else, you pay them property tax (rent), and they claim the right to take the property if they "need" it (eminent domain). They are your landlord. You own nothing, according to them. Not your land, not your body, not your mind - nothing. They have their claws in all of it.
Third graders know we have borders, defined lines that mark U.S. territories and third graders know it’s illegal to cross those lines if unauthorized. The United States Of America is a territory for huh?
Should I have my 11 year old nephew log in and explain it all to you?

Actually, I'd rather have you explain it to me, since you've had more time for the indoctrination to marinate your mind. Please explain how the U.S. government has a valid property claim over the continental U.S. (no less Hawaii and Alaska).

Haha...I have a hard time stooping to the level of ignorant fools but I’ll play along anyhoo.
Look up the meaning of sovereignty; try to wrap your little, tiny peanut brain around what it means when an Army TAKES land and declares sovereignty. The Feds issued deed to 80 million acres under the Homestead Act. Are you claiming they gave away land they didn’t “own”?

Funny you should cite sovereignty... so a government has sovereignty over land stolen from others, but an individual doesn't have sovereignty over himself? You pay property tax on land you "own" - that's called "rent" and it means you don't actually own it. The government lays claim to your land, and even your mind. They can dictate to you which states of consciousness you are permitted to experience via drug laws. So their "sovereignty" trumps yours? By what right? Are they something more than men? The Feds can't "issue" shit, because they don't own it. Their claim is just an unfounded assertion. No one could have a valid claim to a tract of land that large.

Property rights extend from man's labor. If you build a house, you can be said to own that house. It's reasonable that you should claim the area immediately surrounding it, and yes, there is a grey area about where that boundary should be drawn. But there is no such thing as owning an entire continent. Any justification for such nonsense is just made up out of whole cloth, and has no natural law basis.

Are you serious or are you being facetious?

Brian Blackwell watched one too many Michael Moore / Al Gore documentaries.
Third graders know we have borders, defined lines that mark U.S. territories and third graders know it’s illegal to cross those lines if unauthorized. The United States Of America is a territory for huh?
Should I have my 11 year old nephew log in and explain it all to you?

Actually, I'd rather have you explain it to me, since you've had more time for the indoctrination to marinate your mind. Please explain how the U.S. government has a valid property claim over the continental U.S. (no less Hawaii and Alaska).

Haha...I have a hard time stooping to the level of ignorant fools but I’ll play along anyhoo.
Look up the meaning of sovereignty; try to wrap your little, tiny peanut brain around what it means when an Army TAKES land and declares sovereignty. The Feds issued deed to 80 million acres under the Homestead Act. Are you claiming they gave away land they didn’t “own”?

Funny you should cite sovereignty... so a government has sovereignty over land stolen from others, but an individual doesn't have sovereignty over himself? You pay property tax on land you "own" - that's called "rent" and it means you don't actually own it. The government lays claim to your land, and even your mind. They can dictate to you which states of consciousness you are permitted to experience via drug laws. So their "sovereignty" trumps yours? By what right? Are they something more than men? The Feds can't "issue" shit, because they don't own it. Their claim is just an unfounded assertion. No one could have a valid claim to a tract of land that large.

Property rights extend from man's labor. If you build a house, you can be said to own that house. It's reasonable that you should claim the area immediately surrounding it, and yes, there is a grey area about where that boundary should be drawn. But there is no such thing as owning an entire continent. Any justification for such nonsense is just made up out of whole cloth, and has no natural law basis.

Are you serious or are you being facetious?

I'm serious. If government has authority over the area within its claimed borders, then you don't have authority over your own property. What could be more obvious? Their laws apply on "your" property, just as anywhere else, you pay them property tax (rent), and they claim the right to take the property if they "need" it (eminent domain). They are your landlord. You own nothing, according to them. Not your land, not your body, not your mind - nothing. They have their claws in all of it.

I just explained this to a 11 year old, he understood it with total clarity. Let me try one more time with you.
“Once upon a time a big powerful Army TOOK some land and declared sovereignty of said land/territory. A civilized governing body was created/assembled in this land. The governing body issued deeds to parcels of land within its sovereign “territory”. This governing body created a taxation which citizens and land owners would pay. This taxation generates funding for public schools and many other public services available to the citizens/land owners. This taxation is not a “rent”.

Actually, I'd rather have you explain it to me, since you've had more time for the indoctrination to marinate your mind. Please explain how the U.S. government has a valid property claim over the continental U.S. (no less Hawaii and Alaska).

Haha...I have a hard time stooping to the level of ignorant fools but I’ll play along anyhoo.
Look up the meaning of sovereignty; try to wrap your little, tiny peanut brain around what it means when an Army TAKES land and declares sovereignty. The Feds issued deed to 80 million acres under the Homestead Act. Are you claiming they gave away land they didn’t “own”?

Funny you should cite sovereignty... so a government has sovereignty over land stolen from others, but an individual doesn't have sovereignty over himself? You pay property tax on land you "own" - that's called "rent" and it means you don't actually own it. The government lays claim to your land, and even your mind. They can dictate to you which states of consciousness you are permitted to experience via drug laws. So their "sovereignty" trumps yours? By what right? Are they something more than men? The Feds can't "issue" shit, because they don't own it. Their claim is just an unfounded assertion. No one could have a valid claim to a tract of land that large.

Property rights extend from man's labor. If you build a house, you can be said to own that house. It's reasonable that you should claim the area immediately surrounding it, and yes, there is a grey area about where that boundary should be drawn. But there is no such thing as owning an entire continent. Any justification for such nonsense is just made up out of whole cloth, and has no natural law basis.

Are you serious or are you being facetious?

I'm serious. If government has authority over the area within its claimed borders, then you don't have authority over your own property. What could be more obvious? Their laws apply on "your" property, just as anywhere else, you pay them property tax (rent), and they claim the right to take the property if they "need" it (eminent domain). They are your landlord. You own nothing, according to them. Not your land, not your body, not your mind - nothing. They have their claws in all of it.

I just explained this to a 11 year old, he understood it with total clarity. Let me try one more time with you.
“Once upon a time a big powerful Army TOOK some land and declared sovereignty of said land/territory. A civilized governing body was created/assembled in this land. The governing body issued deeds to parcels of land within its sovereign “territory”. This governing body created a taxation which citizens and land owners would pay. This taxation generates funding for public schools and many other public services available to the citizens/land owners. This taxation is not a “rent”.


Describing what happened doesn't address the validity of those events. Are you capable of making that distinction? Is there any expectation that mankind should be rational and moral? Say "No" and we're good. But if you think that we're anything more than brute beasts, it behooves you to employ your reason to evaluate right and wrong, valid and invalid.

It doesn't matter what the money is used for; if they claim the right to charge you money for living on your property, and the right to kick you off of it if you don't pay, that's rent, and they are your landlord. A landlord can use that money to send your kids to school, or anything he wants, but that doesn't change this fact. This "civilized governing body" is your master, and you must do its bidding, or be subject to its punishment. Just because you get to pick whether you want to get whipped with the right hand or the left every 2-4 years doesn't mean you're not a slave.

For God's sake, they revolted against the King for 1/1000th of the taxation and domination we're subject to today. Give me a break. Don't you ever dare let the word "freedom" pass your lips as long you're going to pedal this indoctrinated con-job as valid political philosophy.
Third graders know we have borders, defined lines that mark U.S. territories and third graders know it’s illegal to cross those lines if unauthorized. The United States Of America is a territory for huh?
Should I have my 11 year old nephew log in and explain it all to you?

Actually, I'd rather have you explain it to me, since you've had more time for the indoctrination to marinate your mind. Please explain how the U.S. government has a valid property claim over the continental U.S. (no less Hawaii and Alaska).

Haha...I have a hard time stooping to the level of ignorant fools but I’ll play along anyhoo.
Look up the meaning of sovereignty; try to wrap your little, tiny peanut brain around what it means when an Army TAKES land and declares sovereignty. The Feds issued deed to 80 million acres under the Homestead Act. Are you claiming they gave away land they didn’t “own”?

Funny you should cite sovereignty... so a government has sovereignty over land stolen from others, but an individual doesn't have sovereignty over himself? You pay property tax on land you "own" - that's called "rent" and it means you don't actually own it. The government lays claim to your land, and even your mind. They can dictate to you which states of consciousness you are permitted to experience via drug laws. So their "sovereignty" trumps yours? By what right? Are they something more than men? The Feds can't "issue" shit, because they don't own it. Their claim is just an unfounded assertion. No one could have a valid claim to a tract of land that large.

Property rights extend from man's labor. If you build a house, you can be said to own that house. It's reasonable that you should claim the area immediately surrounding it, and yes, there is a grey area about where that boundary should be drawn. But there is no such thing as owning an entire continent. Any justification for such nonsense is just made up out of whole cloth, and has no natural law basis.

Are you serious or are you being facetious?

I'm serious. If government has authority over the area within its claimed borders, then you don't have authority over your own property. What could be more obvious? Their laws apply on "your" property, just as anywhere else, you pay them property tax (rent), and they claim the right to take the property if they "need" it (eminent domain). They are your landlord. You own nothing, according to them. Not your land, not your body, not your mind - nothing. They have their claws in all of it.
If you're serious, I think you have a serious problem. Government has to have authority over all area within it's boarders including private property or there would be no point in having government at all.
Actually, I'd rather have you explain it to me, since you've had more time for the indoctrination to marinate your mind. Please explain how the U.S. government has a valid property claim over the continental U.S. (no less Hawaii and Alaska).

Haha...I have a hard time stooping to the level of ignorant fools but I’ll play along anyhoo.
Look up the meaning of sovereignty; try to wrap your little, tiny peanut brain around what it means when an Army TAKES land and declares sovereignty. The Feds issued deed to 80 million acres under the Homestead Act. Are you claiming they gave away land they didn’t “own”?

Funny you should cite sovereignty... so a government has sovereignty over land stolen from others, but an individual doesn't have sovereignty over himself? You pay property tax on land you "own" - that's called "rent" and it means you don't actually own it. The government lays claim to your land, and even your mind. They can dictate to you which states of consciousness you are permitted to experience via drug laws. So their "sovereignty" trumps yours? By what right? Are they something more than men? The Feds can't "issue" shit, because they don't own it. Their claim is just an unfounded assertion. No one could have a valid claim to a tract of land that large.

Property rights extend from man's labor. If you build a house, you can be said to own that house. It's reasonable that you should claim the area immediately surrounding it, and yes, there is a grey area about where that boundary should be drawn. But there is no such thing as owning an entire continent. Any justification for such nonsense is just made up out of whole cloth, and has no natural law basis.

Are you serious or are you being facetious?

I'm serious. If government has authority over the area within its claimed borders, then you don't have authority over your own property. What could be more obvious? Their laws apply on "your" property, just as anywhere else, you pay them property tax (rent), and they claim the right to take the property if they "need" it (eminent domain). They are your landlord. You own nothing, according to them. Not your land, not your body, not your mind - nothing. They have their claws in all of it.
If you're serious, I think you have a serious problem. Government has to have authority over all area within it's boarders including private property or there would be no point in having government at all.

We're in complete agreement. I believe there is no point in having government at all. Or better said, the only point in having government is to launder immorality (to justify immorality such that it appears moral). After all, governmental authority is additional rights above and beyond those of the individual, and what do we call actions which individuals do not have a right to perform? We call them wrong or immoral.
Haha...I have a hard time stooping to the level of ignorant fools but I’ll play along anyhoo.
Look up the meaning of sovereignty; try to wrap your little, tiny peanut brain around what it means when an Army TAKES land and declares sovereignty. The Feds issued deed to 80 million acres under the Homestead Act. Are you claiming they gave away land they didn’t “own”?

Funny you should cite sovereignty... so a government has sovereignty over land stolen from others, but an individual doesn't have sovereignty over himself? You pay property tax on land you "own" - that's called "rent" and it means you don't actually own it. The government lays claim to your land, and even your mind. They can dictate to you which states of consciousness you are permitted to experience via drug laws. So their "sovereignty" trumps yours? By what right? Are they something more than men? The Feds can't "issue" shit, because they don't own it. Their claim is just an unfounded assertion. No one could have a valid claim to a tract of land that large.

Property rights extend from man's labor. If you build a house, you can be said to own that house. It's reasonable that you should claim the area immediately surrounding it, and yes, there is a grey area about where that boundary should be drawn. But there is no such thing as owning an entire continent. Any justification for such nonsense is just made up out of whole cloth, and has no natural law basis.

Are you serious or are you being facetious?

I'm serious. If government has authority over the area within its claimed borders, then you don't have authority over your own property. What could be more obvious? Their laws apply on "your" property, just as anywhere else, you pay them property tax (rent), and they claim the right to take the property if they "need" it (eminent domain). They are your landlord. You own nothing, according to them. Not your land, not your body, not your mind - nothing. They have their claws in all of it.

I just explained this to a 11 year old, he understood it with total clarity. Let me try one more time with you.
“Once upon a time a big powerful Army TOOK some land and declared sovereignty of said land/territory. A civilized governing body was created/assembled in this land. The governing body issued deeds to parcels of land within its sovereign “territory”. This governing body created a taxation which citizens and land owners would pay. This taxation generates funding for public schools and many other public services available to the citizens/land owners. This taxation is not a “rent”.


Describing what happened doesn't address the validity of those events. Are you capable of making that distinction? Is there any expectation that mankind should be rational and moral? Say "No" and we're good. But if you think that we're anything more than brute beasts, it behooves you to employ your reason to evaluate right and wrong, valid and invalid.

It doesn't matter what the money is used for; if they claim the right to charge you money for living on your property, and the right to kick you off of it if you don't pay, that's rent, and they are your landlord. A landlord can use that money to send your kids to school, or anything he wants, but that doesn't change this fact. This "civilized governing body" is your master, and you must do its bidding, or be subject to its punishment. Just because you get to pick whether you want to get whipped with the right hand or the left every 2-4 years doesn't mean you're not a slave.

For God's sake, they revolted against the King for 1/1000th of the taxation and domination we're subject to today. Give me a break. Don't you ever dare let the word "freedom" pass your lips as long you're going to pedal this indoctrinated con-job as valid political philosophy.
It turns out that the only thing worse than taxation without representation is taxation with representation.
Actually, I'd rather have you explain it to me, since you've had more time for the indoctrination to marinate your mind. Please explain how the U.S. government has a valid property claim over the continental U.S. (no less Hawaii and Alaska).

Haha...I have a hard time stooping to the level of ignorant fools but I’ll play along anyhoo.
Look up the meaning of sovereignty; try to wrap your little, tiny peanut brain around what it means when an Army TAKES land and declares sovereignty. The Feds issued deed to 80 million acres under the Homestead Act. Are you claiming they gave away land they didn’t “own”?

Funny you should cite sovereignty... so a government has sovereignty over land stolen from others, but an individual doesn't have sovereignty over himself? You pay property tax on land you "own" - that's called "rent" and it means you don't actually own it. The government lays claim to your land, and even your mind. They can dictate to you which states of consciousness you are permitted to experience via drug laws. So their "sovereignty" trumps yours? By what right? Are they something more than men? The Feds can't "issue" shit, because they don't own it. Their claim is just an unfounded assertion. No one could have a valid claim to a tract of land that large.

Property rights extend from man's labor. If you build a house, you can be said to own that house. It's reasonable that you should claim the area immediately surrounding it, and yes, there is a grey area about where that boundary should be drawn. But there is no such thing as owning an entire continent. Any justification for such nonsense is just made up out of whole cloth, and has no natural law basis.

Are you serious or are you being facetious?

I'm serious. If government has authority over the area within its claimed borders, then you don't have authority over your own property. What could be more obvious? Their laws apply on "your" property, just as anywhere else, you pay them property tax (rent), and they claim the right to take the property if they "need" it (eminent domain). They are your landlord. You own nothing, according to them. Not your land, not your body, not your mind - nothing. They have their claws in all of it.
If you're serious, I think you have a serious problem. Government has to have authority over all area within it's boarders including private property or there would be no point in having government at all.

Good point. So why would any rational person want government?
Haha...I have a hard time stooping to the level of ignorant fools but I’ll play along anyhoo.
Look up the meaning of sovereignty; try to wrap your little, tiny peanut brain around what it means when an Army TAKES land and declares sovereignty. The Feds issued deed to 80 million acres under the Homestead Act. Are you claiming they gave away land they didn’t “own”?

Funny you should cite sovereignty... so a government has sovereignty over land stolen from others, but an individual doesn't have sovereignty over himself? You pay property tax on land you "own" - that's called "rent" and it means you don't actually own it. The government lays claim to your land, and even your mind. They can dictate to you which states of consciousness you are permitted to experience via drug laws. So their "sovereignty" trumps yours? By what right? Are they something more than men? The Feds can't "issue" shit, because they don't own it. Their claim is just an unfounded assertion. No one could have a valid claim to a tract of land that large.

Property rights extend from man's labor. If you build a house, you can be said to own that house. It's reasonable that you should claim the area immediately surrounding it, and yes, there is a grey area about where that boundary should be drawn. But there is no such thing as owning an entire continent. Any justification for such nonsense is just made up out of whole cloth, and has no natural law basis.

Are you serious or are you being facetious?

I'm serious. If government has authority over the area within its claimed borders, then you don't have authority over your own property. What could be more obvious? Their laws apply on "your" property, just as anywhere else, you pay them property tax (rent), and they claim the right to take the property if they "need" it (eminent domain). They are your landlord. You own nothing, according to them. Not your land, not your body, not your mind - nothing. They have their claws in all of it.
If you're serious, I think you have a serious problem. Government has to have authority over all area within it's boarders including private property or there would be no point in having government at all.

We're in complete agreement. I believe there is no point in having government at all. Or better said, the only point in having government is to launder immorality (to justify immorality such that it appears moral). After all, governmental authority is additional rights above and beyond those of the individual, and what do we call actions which individuals do not have a right to perform? We call them wrong or immoral.

It's good to have another anarcho-capitalist on the board.

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