How do good Americans and our democracy benefit from diversity again?

I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.

Whether "we" benefit or not, no one has the right to stop someone from crossing an arbitrary line. Neither you, nor the U.S. government, have a rightful property claim to everything from Canada to Mexico, and "sea to shining sea".

Haha...well, UnAmerican piece of shits would sure love that to be true.
Third graders know we have borders, defined lines that mark U.S. territories and third graders know it’s illegal to cross those lines if unauthorized. The United States Of America is a territory for huh?
Should I have my 11 year old nephew log in and explain it all to you?
Third graders know we have borders, defined lines that mark U.S. territories and third graders know it’s illegal to cross those lines if unauthorized. The United States Of America is a territory for huh?
Should I have my 11 year old nephew log in and explain it all to you?

Actually, I'd rather have you explain it to me, since you've had more time for the indoctrination to marinate your mind. Please explain how the U.S. government has a valid property claim over the continental U.S. (no less Hawaii and Alaska).
Third graders know we have borders, defined lines that mark U.S. territories and third graders know it’s illegal to cross those lines if unauthorized. The United States Of America is a territory for huh?
Should I have my 11 year old nephew log in and explain it all to you?

Actually, I'd rather have you explain it to me, since you've had more time for the indoctrination to marinate your mind. Please explain how the U.S. government has a valid property claim over the continental U.S. (no less Hawaii and Alaska).

Haha...I have a hard time stooping to the level of ignorant fools but I’ll play along anyhoo.
Look up the meaning of sovereignty; try to wrap your little, tiny peanut brain around what it means when an Army TAKES land and declares sovereignty. The Feds issued deed to 80 million acres under the Homestead Act. Are you claiming they gave away land they didn’t “own”?
Third graders know we have borders, defined lines that mark U.S. territories and third graders know it’s illegal to cross those lines if unauthorized. The United States Of America is a territory for huh?
Should I have my 11 year old nephew log in and explain it all to you?

Actually, I'd rather have you explain it to me, since you've had more time for the indoctrination to marinate your mind. Please explain how the U.S. government has a valid property claim over the continental U.S. (no less Hawaii and Alaska).

Haha...I have a hard time stooping to the level of ignorant fools but I’ll play along anyhoo.
Look up the meaning of sovereignty; try to wrap your little, tiny peanut brain around what it means when an Army TAKES land and declares sovereignty. The Feds issued deed to 80 million acres under the Homestead Act. Are you claiming they gave away land they didn’t “own”?

Funny you should cite sovereignty... so a government has sovereignty over land stolen from others, but an individual doesn't have sovereignty over himself? You pay property tax on land you "own" - that's called "rent" and it means you don't actually own it. The government lays claim to your land, and even your mind. They can dictate to you which states of consciousness you are permitted to experience via drug laws. So their "sovereignty" trumps yours? By what right? Are they something more than men? The Feds can't "issue" shit, because they don't own it. Their claim is just an unfounded assertion. No one could have a valid claim to a tract of land that large.

Property rights extend from man's labor. If you build a house, you can be said to own that house. It's reasonable that you should claim the area immediately surrounding it, and yes, there is a grey area about where that boundary should be drawn. But there is no such thing as owning an entire continent. Any justification for such nonsense is just made up out of whole cloth, and has no natural law basis.
Third graders know we have borders, defined lines that mark U.S. territories and third graders know it’s illegal to cross those lines if unauthorized. The United States Of America is a territory for huh?
Should I have my 11 year old nephew log in and explain it all to you?

Actually, I'd rather have you explain it to me, since you've had more time for the indoctrination to marinate your mind. Please explain how the U.S. government has a valid property claim over the continental U.S. (no less Hawaii and Alaska).

Haha...I have a hard time stooping to the level of ignorant fools but I’ll play along anyhoo.
Look up the meaning of sovereignty; try to wrap your little, tiny peanut brain around what it means when an Army TAKES land and declares sovereignty. The Feds issued deed to 80 million acres under the Homestead Act. Are you claiming they gave away land they didn’t “own”?

Funny you should cite sovereignty... so a government has sovereignty over land stolen from others, but an individual doesn't have sovereignty over himself? You pay property tax on land you "own" - that's called "rent" and it means you don't actually own it. The government lays claim to your land, and even your mind. They can dictate to you which states of consciousness you are permitted to experience via drug laws. So their "sovereignty" trumps yours? By what right? Are they something more than men? The Feds can't "issue" shit, because they don't own it. Their claim is just an unfounded assertion. No one could have a valid claim to a tract of land that large.

Property rights extend from man's labor. If you build a house, you can be said to own that house. It's reasonable that you should claim the area immediately surrounding it, and yes, there is a grey area about where that boundary should be drawn. But there is no such thing as owning an entire continent. Any justification for such nonsense is just made up out of whole cloth, and has no natural law basis.

This is flat out fascinating...haha...I love these retarded LefTard driven narratives....
LefTard: “We want to act like government owns us so we can demand free shit...BUT, BUT, BUT...government doesn’t “own” federal land or have a “right” to defend its borders.”
I can’t make this shit up...haha
Look bud...I’ll make this simple for your game playing elementary mind...the U.S. and or the citizens of the U.S. own all U.S. territories because once upon a time a big powerful Army took it and said they other Army is stronger or more powerful nor is another Army willing to contest the claim....therefore, well, you can figure the rest out...right?
Third graders know we have borders, defined lines that mark U.S. territories and third graders know it’s illegal to cross those lines if unauthorized. The United States Of America is a territory for huh?
Should I have my 11 year old nephew log in and explain it all to you?

Actually, I'd rather have you explain it to me, since you've had more time for the indoctrination to marinate your mind. Please explain how the U.S. government has a valid property claim over the continental U.S. (no less Hawaii and Alaska).

Haha...I have a hard time stooping to the level of ignorant fools but I’ll play along anyhoo.
Look up the meaning of sovereignty; try to wrap your little, tiny peanut brain around what it means when an Army TAKES land and declares sovereignty. The Feds issued deed to 80 million acres under the Homestead Act. Are you claiming they gave away land they didn’t “own”?

Funny you should cite sovereignty... so a government has sovereignty over land stolen from others, but an individual doesn't have sovereignty over himself? You pay property tax on land you "own" - that's called "rent" and it means you don't actually own it. The government lays claim to your land, and even your mind. They can dictate to you which states of consciousness you are permitted to experience via drug laws. So their "sovereignty" trumps yours? By what right? Are they something more than men? The Feds can't "issue" shit, because they don't own it. Their claim is just an unfounded assertion. No one could have a valid claim to a tract of land that large.

Property rights extend from man's labor. If you build a house, you can be said to own that house. It's reasonable that you should claim the area immediately surrounding it, and yes, there is a grey area about where that boundary should be drawn. But there is no such thing as owning an entire continent. Any justification for such nonsense is just made up out of whole cloth, and has no natural law basis.

This is flat out fascinating...haha...I love these retarded LefTard driven narratives....
LefTard: “We want to act like government owns us so we can demand free shit...BUT, BUT, BUT...government doesn’t “own” federal land or have a “right” to defend its borders.”
I can’t make this shit up...haha
Look bud...I’ll make this simple for your game playing elementary mind...the U.S. and or the citizens of the U.S. own all U.S. territories because once upon a time a big powerful Army took it and said they other Army is stronger or more powerful nor is another Army willing to contest the claim....therefore, well, you can figure the rest out...right?

I’m not a leftist. And “might makes right” is the philosophy of barbarians. You don’t even understand the natural law the founders expounded, but I’m sure you’re eager to fire up the barbeque and wave your flag on Independence Day. Just please don’t call other people stupid; the irony is unbearable.
Third graders know we have borders, defined lines that mark U.S. territories and third graders know it’s illegal to cross those lines if unauthorized. The United States Of America is a territory for huh?
Should I have my 11 year old nephew log in and explain it all to you?

Actually, I'd rather have you explain it to me, since you've had more time for the indoctrination to marinate your mind. Please explain how the U.S. government has a valid property claim over the continental U.S. (no less Hawaii and Alaska).

Haha...I have a hard time stooping to the level of ignorant fools but I’ll play along anyhoo.
Look up the meaning of sovereignty; try to wrap your little, tiny peanut brain around what it means when an Army TAKES land and declares sovereignty. The Feds issued deed to 80 million acres under the Homestead Act. Are you claiming they gave away land they didn’t “own”?

Funny you should cite sovereignty... so a government has sovereignty over land stolen from others, but an individual doesn't have sovereignty over himself? You pay property tax on land you "own" - that's called "rent" and it means you don't actually own it. The government lays claim to your land, and even your mind. They can dictate to you which states of consciousness you are permitted to experience via drug laws. So their "sovereignty" trumps yours? By what right? Are they something more than men? The Feds can't "issue" shit, because they don't own it. Their claim is just an unfounded assertion. No one could have a valid claim to a tract of land that large.

Property rights extend from man's labor. If you build a house, you can be said to own that house. It's reasonable that you should claim the area immediately surrounding it, and yes, there is a grey area about where that boundary should be drawn. But there is no such thing as owning an entire continent. Any justification for such nonsense is just made up out of whole cloth, and has no natural law basis.

This is flat out fascinating...haha...I love these retarded LefTard driven narratives....
LefTard: “We want to act like government owns us so we can demand free shit...BUT, BUT, BUT...government doesn’t “own” federal land or have a “right” to defend its borders.”
I can’t make this shit up...haha
Look bud...I’ll make this simple for your game playing elementary mind...the U.S. and or the citizens of the U.S. own all U.S. territories because once upon a time a big powerful Army took it and said they other Army is stronger or more powerful nor is another Army willing to contest the claim....therefore, well, you can figure the rest out...right?

I’m not a leftist. And “might makes right” is the philosophy of barbarians. You don’t even understand the natural law the founders expounded, but I’m sure you’re eager to fire up the barbeque and wave your flag on Independence Day. Just please don’t call other people stupid; the irony is unbearable.

“I’m not a Leftist...I just look, speak and act like one...I swear I’m not a Leftist.” Haha
Look Loon, you’re the one claiming you nor your government have rights to your/our you hear how fucking communist and stupid that sounds?
“I’m not a Leftist...I just look, speak and act like one...I swear I’m not a Leftist.” Haha
Look Loon, you’re the one claiming you nor your government have rights to your/our you hear how fucking communist and stupid that sounds?

How the hell have you not killed yourself by accident yet? The left and the right want the same thing: for government to steal your money (more and less respectively) to fund what they believe is worthwhile; feeding the poor, building a big military, whatever. This makes them all immoral thieves by proxy, and completely ignorant of inherent natural law rights. They have no clue what freedom is, and do not believe in equality, because they condone some people (Congress) having rights that other people don't have (the power to tax, make law, etc.).

Do I still sound leftist to you?

I believe you own your property. Government does not. That's why they charge you rent (property tax) on property you already paid for. For you to claim that government has a rightful claim to the area within its artificial borders means that you don't think you own your property either. If you did own it, you could invite anyone onto it, including someone who doesn't have "permission" from the government (illegal aliens). If you owned it, you could build a house however high you wanted, with whatever electrical system you wanted, and grow opium in the yard, etc., etc., etc.

But you believe that government has jurisdiction over your property, so they have the authority to tell you what you can and cannot do upon it. You believe they are your rightful master because there's an old piece of parchment somewhere, and a bunch of people went to a school and pulled a lever. Then you want to pretend you're pro-freedom and cry out "communism" at leftists.

Words have meanings - freedom is free, it does not have degrees; only slavery does.
“I’m not a Leftist...I just look, speak and act like one...I swear I’m not a Leftist.” Haha
Look Loon, you’re the one claiming you nor your government have rights to your/our you hear how fucking communist and stupid that sounds?

How the hell have you not killed yourself by accident yet? The left and the right want the same thing: for government to steal your money (more and less respectively) to fund what they believe is worthwhile; feeding the poor, building a big military, whatever. This makes them all immoral thieves by proxy, and completely ignorant of inherent natural law rights. They have no clue what freedom is, and do not believe in equality, because they condone some people (Congress) having rights that other people don't have (the power to tax, make law, etc.).

Do I still sound leftist to you?

I believe you own your property. Government does not. That's why they charge you rent (property tax) on property you already paid for. For you to claim that government has a rightful claim to the area within its artificial borders means that you don't think you own your property either. If you did own it, you could invite anyone onto it, including someone who doesn't have "permission" from the government (illegal aliens). If you owned it, you could build a house however high you wanted, with whatever electrical system you wanted, and grow opium in the yard, etc., etc., etc.

But you believe that government has jurisdiction over your property, so they have the authority to tell you what you can and cannot do upon it. You believe they are your rightful master because there's an old piece of parchment somewhere, and a bunch of people went to a school and pulled a lever. Then you want to pretend you're pro-freedom and cry out "communism" at leftists.

Words have meanings - freedom is free, it does not have degrees; only slavery does.
“The dollar is my master,” [King] says, “but I ain’t no slave.” LOL. Walter Mosley, Down The River Unto The Sea
“The dollar is my master,” [King] says, “but I ain’t no slave.” LOL. Walter Mosley, Down The River Unto The Sea

That's a whole 'nother story. People don't want to talk about the mind control that fosters consumerism and debt servitude. Many people think the Federal Reserve is a government institution. Just hand your babies over to the state and get out there, Mom and Dad! Make that American Dream come alive!
“The dollar is my master,” [King] says, “but I ain’t no slave.” LOL. Walter Mosley, Down The River Unto The Sea

That's a whole 'nother story. People don't want to talk about the mind control that fosters consumerism and debt servitude. Many people think the Federal Reserve is a government institution. Just hand your babies over to the state and get out there, Mom and Dad! Make that American Dream come alive!
I don't agree with the libertarian philosophy, but I certainly see you're neither liberal nor conservative. I probably fit as an Eisenhower republican, although tax rates were too high. A HW Bush republican.
without the laws and foundation of law , reasoning , Constitution , Bill of Rights there would be no America or USA as that was the staring point done by White , Male Protestants all coming from a very small area of the 'english isles' Flopper .
And no all founders didn't come from from a small area of the English Isles. In fact, they were all born in America except for Alexandra Hamilton, born in the Leeward islands of French and English descent. Thomas Jefferson's ancestry was English and Welsh, and John Jay was of Dutch descent. The framers of Constitution included Patrick Henry whose father came from Scotland, Charles Carroll, a Catholic and a brother of a Jesuit Priest of French descent, Thomas Fitzsimons, born in Ireland, Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer, a Swedish immigrant, James McHenry, born in Ireland, Luther Martin of Irish and Scottish descent.
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without the laws and foundation of law , reasoning , Constitution , Bill of Rights there would be no America or USA as that was the staring point done by White , Male Protestants all coming from a very small area of the 'english isles' Flopper .
And no they all didn't come from from a small area of the English Isles. In fact, they they were all born in America except for Alexandra Hamilton, born in the Leeward islands of French and English descent. Thomas Jefferson's ancestry was English and Welsh, and John Jay was of Dutch descent. The framers of Constitution included Patrick Henry whose father came from Scotland, Charles Carroll, a Catholic and a brother of a Jesuit Priest of French descent, Thomas Fitzsimons, born in Ireland, Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer, a Swedish immigrant, James McHenry, born in Ireland, Luther Martin of Irish and Scottish descent.
The Baptists, quakers and Puritans were all thrown OUT of England, and aside from that had the one common denominator of hating each other. LOL The Southern colonies were possibly more homogenous, but the Germans and Scots followed the English and were a disagreeable lot. At any rate, the divisions between north and south were present before the revolution, and eventually led to civil war.

The entire thread is literally a loser's thread, and started to push some Alt-R revisionist agenda of American history. Our protestant "natl religion" began sometime after civil war reconstruction, when persecuting negroes jews and papists, and immigrants, became popular
I don't agree with the libertarian philosophy, but I certainly see you're neither liberal nor conservative. I probably fit as an Eisenhower republican, although tax rates were too high. A HW Bush republican.

I'm compelled by logical necessity to an anti-political position. Once I realized that people cannot morally justify delegating rights to Congress that they don't have themselves (the right to tax and write law which men must obey or be punished), I was cast off the political spectrum entirely. After all, what do we call actions that we do not have an individual right to perform? We call them immoral; a violation of others' rights. So any such right fallaciously "granted" to Congress must be immoral, by definition; and any right granted to Congress which individuals do have a right to perform is redundant, as they already had that right.

Odd that the founders should cite natural law so vehemently, then establish a government, which is in direct opposition to it. I wonder if it was just force of habit that made them forsake true freedom in favor of government... Or maybe they feared people weren't ready for the self-responsiblity of freedom. I balk at the idea that it was merely a power-grab, but I suppose we can't dismiss that notion out-of-hand. They tried to mix oil and water by putting in all sorts of limitations on government, but we see how well that worked out. You just cannot get to freedom by way of slavery; nor to peace by way of violence. Perhaps we can add that to the lessons we've learned from these great men.
buncha 'papists' on this board as well as one Pole trying to take credit with mention of a few outliers eh Gents . Anyway , USA was formed in its beginnings , Foundations laid , Western law and legal theory , Constitution and Bill of Rights written by White Male Protestants . Just open yer eyes to see the mayhem and murder that 'papists' create ., see south of the USA border Gents .
without the laws and foundation of law , reasoning , Constitution , Bill of Rights there would be no America or USA as that was the staring point done by White , Male Protestants all coming from a very small area of the 'english isles' Flopper .
And no they all didn't come from from a small area of the English Isles. In fact, they they were all born in America except for Alexandra Hamilton, born in the Leeward islands of French and English descent. Thomas Jefferson's ancestry was English and Welsh, and John Jay was of Dutch descent. The framers of Constitution included Patrick Henry whose father came from Scotland, Charles Carroll, a Catholic and a brother of a Jesuit Priest of French descent, Thomas Fitzsimons, born in Ireland, Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer, a Swedish immigrant, James McHenry, born in Ireland, Luther Martin of Irish and Scottish descent.
The Baptists, quakers and Puritans were all thrown OUT of England, and aside from that had the one common denominator of hating each other. LOL The Southern colonies were possibly more homogenous, but the Germans and Scots followed the English and were a disagreeable lot. At any rate, the divisions between north and south were present before the revolution, and eventually led to civil war.

The entire thread is literally a loser's thread, and started to push some Alt-R revisionist agenda of American history. Our protestant "natl religion" began sometime after civil war reconstruction, when persecuting negroes jews and papists, and immigrants, became popular
------------------------------------------- all thrown out of 'england' , so what and thank god as they were throw out to go on and build the greatest nation the world has ever seen Ben .
I don't agree with the libertarian philosophy, but I certainly see you're neither liberal nor conservative. I probably fit as an Eisenhower republican, although tax rates were too high. A HW Bush republican.

I'm compelled by logical necessity to an anti-political position. Once I realized that people cannot morally justify delegating rights to Congress that they don't have themselves (the right to tax and write law which men must obey or be punished), I was cast off the political spectrum entirely. After all, what do we call actions that we do not have an individual right to perform? We call them immoral; a violation of others' rights. So any such right fallaciously "granted" to Congress must be immoral, by definition; and any right granted to Congress which individuals do have a right to perform is redundant, as they already had that right.

Odd that the founders should cite natural law so vehemently, then establish a government, which is in direct opposition to it. I wonder if it was just force of habit that made them forsake true freedom in favor of government... Or maybe they feared people weren't ready for the self-responsiblity of freedom. I balk at the idea that it was merely a power-grab, but I suppose we can't dismiss that notion out-of-hand. They tried to mix oil and water by putting in all sorts of limitations on government, but we see how well that worked out. You just cannot get to freedom by way of slavery; nor to peace by way of violence. Perhaps we can add that to the lessons we've learned from these great men.
First of all, thank you for hijacking the "loser" thread based on an Alt-R rewriting of colonial history. I think the Founders had a libertarian bent that could not possibly have foreseen today's society. Roberts and Alito (and Scalia) correctly think that Jefferson and Madison never could have foreseen things like food stamps, unemployment insurance or social security and medicare. The level of federal, and even state, involvement has to be beyond anything they contemplated.

However, they approved of levying taxes to pay for a war ... and roads and bridges. So, they believed in a degree of State coercion. It seems to me their focus on natural rights was more about consent to be governed. I think they'd have been fine with the King, had he done what they wanted. LOL The question they struggled with was what to do with the losers of political debate ...or the minority. I think their answer was that there was much less economic coercion then as now.
without the laws and foundation of law , reasoning , Constitution , Bill of Rights there would be no America or USA as that was the staring point done by White , Male Protestants all coming from a very small area of the 'english isles' Flopper .
And no they all didn't come from from a small area of the English Isles. In fact, they they were all born in America except for Alexandra Hamilton, born in the Leeward islands of French and English descent. Thomas Jefferson's ancestry was English and Welsh, and John Jay was of Dutch descent. The framers of Constitution included Patrick Henry whose father came from Scotland, Charles Carroll, a Catholic and a brother of a Jesuit Priest of French descent, Thomas Fitzsimons, born in Ireland, Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer, a Swedish immigrant, James McHenry, born in Ireland, Luther Martin of Irish and Scottish descent.
The Baptists, quakers and Puritans were all thrown OUT of England, and aside from that had the one common denominator of hating each other. LOL The Southern colonies were possibly more homogenous, but the Germans and Scots followed the English and were a disagreeable lot. At any rate, the divisions between north and south were present before the revolution, and eventually led to civil war.

The entire thread is literally a loser's thread, and started to push some Alt-R revisionist agenda of American history. Our protestant "natl religion" began sometime after civil war reconstruction, when persecuting negroes jews and papists, and immigrants, became popular
It's interesting that protestants who fled Europe seeking religious freedom would inflict on other religions the same persecution in America that they had faced in Europe.

Most people think the founders gave us the 1st amendment to prevent religious persecution. However, the founders interest was to prevent a state sponsored religion and to keep the government from interfering in religion. From the earliest arrivals of the protestants on America’s shores, religion has often been a weapon, used to discriminate, suppress, and even kill heretics and unbelievers. The 1st amendment served as a barrier to any federal goverment intervention in religious persecution, discrimination, and occasionally bloody battles between sects. Real religious freedom in America didn't come till the 20th century.

Battles between various Protestant sects and, more explosively, between Protestants and Catholics, presented a real contradiction to the widely held notion that America is a “Christian nation.”
and the USA continues on for awhile yet drawing off the wisdom and Foundations laid down by those White Protestant Males . Downfall may be coming though , mostly due to importation of third world problem people .
and the USA continues on for awhile yet drawing off the wisdom and Foundations laid down by those White Protestant Males . Downfall may be coming though , mostly due to importation of third world problem people .
Yeah the medical student across the street who appears to be of Asian descent, as most likely are her college professor parents, are ...... different.

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