How do good Americans and our democracy benefit from diversity again?

you are anti American in your thinking , probably raised as a Pole or a 'eurotype' as i refer to your post number 639 SOB .
you are anti American in your thinking , probably raised as a Pole or a 'eurotype' as i refer to your post number 639 SOB .

True Nationalists don't like America, because it's a diverse, and culture-less country which promotes the melting pot mentality, or loss of real heritage.
-------------------------------------------------------- won't argue as it looks like simply having Protestant White Males provides enough Diversity as Protestant White Males that formed this Greatest Nation ever known have differing opinions or Diversity of Thought and they work from that Diversity Ben .

So, if you're White Protestants of America were so great without diversity? Why did they import so many Blacks, Hispanics, and others?
--------------------------------------------- mornin SOB , ALL i ever said was that White Male PROTESTANTS from a very small area of the world built the USA from the very beginning and that is historical fact . And the USA is the Best and only superpower and most powerful nation in the world that the world relies on to save them [see the airlift in Germany after we and Allies destroyed Germany in ww2 plus our rebuilding of Japan] Also mistakes have been made in the USA as Protestants are not perfect . I also pointed out falling down Societies built by Catholics that i am familiar with in S. America . And who can argue that 'south america' isn't a falling down group of third world countries or nations built by Catholics and built right on Americas door step . ----------- in closing , it is true that Columbus , a Catholic i suppose got the ball rolling in the New World with his Discovery of the New World in 1492 SOB !!
White Male Protestants founded this country. Building it took a lot hands of many ethnicities, races, and both sexes.
-------------------------------------------- there wouldn't be a USA without the White Male Protestants all from a very small area of the British Isles and their particular brand and style of thinking . Without the White Male Protestants the world would just have a Poland , Canada or Nations like those [shlthole countries] South of the USA Border Flopper .

Canada's about as rich as the U.S.A South (Both British Protestant dominant) but White Catholic dominant states like Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Jersey are richer than Canada, or the U.S.A South.
------------------------------------- canada is a puzzy country , has no military to speak of , promotes destructive diversity and last but not least has 'miss justine trudeau' as its leader . Lots of 'tories' , british loyalists headed to 'canada' to avoid Americas Revolution . And then to top off their inferior blood line 'canada' accepted lots of Americas draft dodgers SOB .
I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.
We don’t. Liberals want to destroy our nation. Antifa and the college professoriate primary among the “hate America “ crowd.
So, if you're White Protestants of America were so great without diversity? Why did they import so many Blacks, Hispanics, and others?
--------------------------------------------- mornin SOB , ALL i ever said was that White Male PROTESTANTS from a very small area of the world built the USA from the very beginning and that is historical fact . And the USA is the Best and only superpower and most powerful nation in the world that the world relies on to save them [see the airlift in Germany after we and Allies destroyed Germany in ww2 plus our rebuilding of Japan] Also mistakes have been made in the USA as Protestants are not perfect . I also pointed out falling down Societies built by Catholics that i am familiar with in S. America . And who can argue that 'south america' isn't a falling down group of third world countries or nations built by Catholics and built right on Americas door step . ----------- in closing , it is true that Columbus , a Catholic i suppose got the ball rolling in the New World with his Discovery of the New World in 1492 SOB !!
White Male Protestants founded this country. Building it took a lot hands of many ethnicities, races, and both sexes.
-------------------------------------------- there wouldn't be a USA without the White Male Protestants all from a very small area of the British Isles and their particular brand and style of thinking . Without the White Male Protestants the world would just have a Poland , Canada or Nations like those [shlthole countries] South of the USA Border Flopper .

Canada's about as rich as the U.S.A South (Both British Protestant dominant) but White Catholic dominant states like Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Jersey are richer than Canada, or the U.S.A South.
------------------------------------- canada is a puzzy country , has no military to speak of , promotes destructive diversity and last but not least has 'miss justine trudeau' as its leader . Lots of 'tories' , british loyalists headed to 'canada' to avoid Americas Revolution . And then to top off their inferior blood line 'canada' accepted lots of Americas draft dodgers SOB .

So, if you're White Protestants of America were so great without diversity? Why did they import so many Blacks, Hispanics, and others?
--------------------------------------------- mornin SOB , ALL i ever said was that White Male PROTESTANTS from a very small area of the world built the USA from the very beginning and that is historical fact . And the USA is the Best and only superpower and most powerful nation in the world that the world relies on to save them [see the airlift in Germany after we and Allies destroyed Germany in ww2 plus our rebuilding of Japan] Also mistakes have been made in the USA as Protestants are not perfect . I also pointed out falling down Societies built by Catholics that i am familiar with in S. America . And who can argue that 'south america' isn't a falling down group of third world countries or nations built by Catholics and built right on Americas door step . ----------- in closing , it is true that Columbus , a Catholic i suppose got the ball rolling in the New World with his Discovery of the New World in 1492 SOB !!
White Male Protestants founded this country. Building it took a lot hands of many ethnicities, races, and both sexes.
Nope. White male protestants built this country. The rest just cashed in.
Without the help of Native Americans, the pilgrims wouldn't have survived the first winter. And Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, Madison, and many other founders may have been born protestant but their religious belief were based on Deism.

To ignore the contributions to the building of America by women like Susan B. Anthony, Clara Barton, Sacagawea, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Jane Adams, etc is just plain stupid.

And where would the South have been without slaves? The South couldn't have been competitive in production of cotton without slave labor. In fact, the South produced almost 75 percent of all U.S. exports in 1860 and the major product was Cotton picked by slaves. Slaves were worth more than all the manufacturing companies and railroads in the nation.

Almost all the transcontinental railroad in the West was build by Chinese labors. In the East Irish immigrants provided most of the labor.

Today 40% of the Standard and Poor 500 Companies were founded by immigrants. Over half of the founders of the New York Stock exchange were second generation Americans, mostly from Eastern Europe.

America is a Nuclear Power today due primarily to work of Albert Einstein, a German Jew, Neils Bohr, a Danish atheist, Enrico Fermi, an Italian Catholic, and Robert Oppehnier, a Hindu and son of a Jewish German.

However, without the Italian Catholic, Christopher Columbus's discovery of America, the USA may well never have been created. Thinking the USA is all the product of protestants men is ridiculous.
-------------------------------------------------------------- not talking about before or after the Founding of America. My statement in this thread has always been that the USA / America and its Foundations , thinking , Western Laws were all laid by White Male Protestants . --------------------- who cares about labor that was imported to do the bidding of their employers Flopper .
You said, "White Male PROTESTANTS from a very small area of the world built the USA from the very beginning and that is historical fact".

Now you're saying that the USA / America and its Foundations , thinking , Western Laws were all laid by White Male Protestants: That's a lot different than saying they build the USA.

I agree they did lay the foundation but what was built on that foundation was far different than what the founders envisioned. The constitution was written without the bill rights. In fact, it was added two years after constitution was written. The Bill of Right which we think of today as a cornerstone of the constitution was certainly not the beliefs of most of the founders. In fact, it was bitterly contested by a number of colonies and only after two years of fighting and compromises was it agreed to. It was the people of our nation over next 200+ years that would expanded on principals laid down by the founding fathers to create a USA that was far different than anything they could image.

The right to privacy, the right to an education, the right to vote, and right not to be bought and sold as an animal which are fundamental beliefs in America today were certainly not the work of just a few white protestant males. The America of today was built by millions of Americans of all races, religions, and ethnicities.
without the laws and foundation of law , reasoning , Constitution , Bill of Rights there would be no America or USA as that was the staring point done by White , Male Protestants all coming from a very small area of the 'english isles' Flopper .
yes , ditch digging , forest felling , septic systems , railroads farming and scrambling for free homesteading that were starving in other parts of the world Flopper .
shlthole country , which is where the USA is headed Flopper !!

Which was true...until President Donald Trump was elected president.

LOL, When I travel to Brewster, NY, or Danbury, CT there's still a ton of Latinos...

I don't see any difference...
---------------------------------------------- its as i always say , the coming generation of hip hoppers , heavily tattooed and pierced , dopers and their kids will get what they deserve SOB !!
I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.

Whether "we" benefit or not, no one has the right to stop someone from crossing an arbitrary line. Neither you, nor the U.S. government, have a rightful property claim to everything from Canada to Mexico, and "sea to shining sea".
maybe they and their kids will get what they wish for SOB !!

So, why do about 4.5 X more Americans per capita say that diversity is a good thing than White Catholic countries like Poland, Hungary, and Italy?
---------------------------------- who cares , as i said , i am an old guys . Millenials attended public school , are dopers , aren't smart , are brainwashed , are stupid . As i say , i am an old guy so who cares , my kids are grown . I advise young people and their stupid thinking but hey , as i have said , i am an old guy SOB .
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maybe they and their kids will get what they wish for SOB !!

So, why do about 4.5 X more Americans per capita say that diversity is a good thing than White Catholic countries like Poland, Hungary, and Italy?
---------------------------------- who cares , as i said , i am an old guys . Millenials attended public school , are dopers , aren't smart , are brainwashed , are stupid . As i say , i am an old guy so who cares , my kids are grown , i advise on young people and their stupid thinking but hey , as i have said , i am an old guy SOB .

Millennials in Catholic Poland are actually more prejudiced, and anti-diversity than their parents... In this aspect, like most aspects I'd consider myself more Polish... I too am more prejudiced than my parents as a Millennial.

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