How do good Americans and our democracy benefit from diversity again?

-------------------------------- so mistakes may have been made after Americas Founding Ben . My only point is that it was White , male Protestants that built the Foundations , Laws , Constitution , Bill of RIGHTS and other building blocks for the USA Ben .
I understand that, and it's true. But imo you are presuming some lack of diversity among white male protestants, when in fact they were a diverse lot themselves. For example, Roger Williams was perhaps the first "American" abolitionist. He'd have been tarred and feathered in the southern colonies if he proposed emancipating slaves. The Puritans fled England because - essentially - they wanted a state religion in that they opposed Elizabethan tolerance of papists. Penn and the Quakers had a similar background in intolerance, even though the Puritans in America persecuted early Quakers, only coming around to "accommodation" later.
-------------------------------------------------------- won't argue as it looks like simply having Protestant White Males provides enough Diversity as Protestant White Males that formed this Greatest Nation ever known have differing opinions or Diversity of Thought and they work from that Diversity Ben .

So, if you're White Protestants of America were so great without diversity? Why did they import so many Blacks, Hispanics, and others?
--------------------------------------------- mornin SOB , ALL i ever said was that White Male PROTESTANTS from a very small area of the world built the USA from the very beginning and that is historical fact . And the USA is the Best and only superpower and most powerful nation in the world that the world relies on to save them [see the airlift in Germany after we and Allies destroyed Germany in ww2 plus our rebuilding of Japan] Also mistakes have been made in the USA as Protestants are not perfect . I also pointed out falling down Societies built by Catholics that i am familiar with in S. America . And who can argue that 'south america' isn't a falling down group of third world countries or nations built by Catholics and built right on Americas door step . ----------- in closing , it is true that Columbus , a Catholic i suppose got the ball rolling in the New World with his Discovery of the New World in 1492 SOB !!
White Male Protestants founded this country. Building it took a lot hands of many ethnicities, races, and both sexes.
-------------------------------------------- there wouldn't be a USA without the White Male Protestants all from a very small area of the British Isles and their particular brand and style of thinking . Without the White Male Protestants the world would just have a Poland , Canada or Nations like those [shlthole countries] South of the USA Border Flopper .
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WASPS made America work and are now making it great
Diversity is an unproven theory of appeasement
I understand that, and it's true. But imo you are presuming some lack of diversity among white male protestants, when in fact they were a diverse lot themselves. For example, Roger Williams was perhaps the first "American" abolitionist. He'd have been tarred and feathered in the southern colonies if he proposed emancipating slaves. The Puritans fled England because - essentially - they wanted a state religion in that they opposed Elizabethan tolerance of papists. Penn and the Quakers had a similar background in intolerance, even though the Puritans in America persecuted early Quakers, only coming around to "accommodation" later.
-------------------------------------------------------- won't argue as it looks like simply having Protestant White Males provides enough Diversity as Protestant White Males that formed this Greatest Nation ever known have differing opinions or Diversity of Thought and they work from that Diversity Ben .

So, if you're White Protestants of America were so great without diversity? Why did they import so many Blacks, Hispanics, and others?
--------------------------------------------- mornin SOB , ALL i ever said was that White Male PROTESTANTS from a very small area of the world built the USA from the very beginning and that is historical fact . And the USA is the Best and only superpower and most powerful nation in the world that the world relies on to save them [see the airlift in Germany after we and Allies destroyed Germany in ww2 plus our rebuilding of Japan] Also mistakes have been made in the USA as Protestants are not perfect . I also pointed out falling down Societies built by Catholics that i am familiar with in S. America . And who can argue that 'south america' isn't a falling down group of third world countries or nations built by Catholics and built right on Americas door step . ----------- in closing , it is true that Columbus , a Catholic i suppose got the ball rolling in the New World with his Discovery of the New World in 1492 SOB !!
White Male Protestants founded this country. Building it took a lot hands of many ethnicities, races, and both sexes.
-------------------------------------------- there wouldn't be a USA without the White Male Protestants all from a very small area of the British Isles and their particular brand and style of thinking . Without the White Male Protestants the world would just have a Poland , Canada or Nations like those [shlthole countries] South of the USA Border Flopper .

The bigot barks again. America would not be the country it is without the participation and efforts of all the many peoples who have built and continue to build her.
-------------------------------------------------------- won't argue as it looks like simply having Protestant White Males provides enough Diversity as Protestant White Males that formed this Greatest Nation ever known have differing opinions or Diversity of Thought and they work from that Diversity Ben .

So, if you're White Protestants of America were so great without diversity? Why did they import so many Blacks, Hispanics, and others?
--------------------------------------------- mornin SOB , ALL i ever said was that White Male PROTESTANTS from a very small area of the world built the USA from the very beginning and that is historical fact . And the USA is the Best and only superpower and most powerful nation in the world that the world relies on to save them [see the airlift in Germany after we and Allies destroyed Germany in ww2 plus our rebuilding of Japan] Also mistakes have been made in the USA as Protestants are not perfect . I also pointed out falling down Societies built by Catholics that i am familiar with in S. America . And who can argue that 'south america' isn't a falling down group of third world countries or nations built by Catholics and built right on Americas door step . ----------- in closing , it is true that Columbus , a Catholic i suppose got the ball rolling in the New World with his Discovery of the New World in 1492 SOB !!
White Male Protestants founded this country. Building it took a lot hands of many ethnicities, races, and both sexes.
-------------------------------------------- there wouldn't be a USA without the White Male Protestants all from a very small area of the British Isles and their particular brand and style of thinking . Without the White Male Protestants the world would just have a Poland , Canada or Nations like those [shlthole countries] South of the USA Border Flopper .

The bigot barks again. America would not be the country it is without the participation and efforts of all the many peoples who have built and continue to build her.
Yeah, we wouldn't half as many people on welfare. We wouldn't have half as many people in prison. We wouldn't have slums. We wouldn't have have ghettos. We would have half the crime, 1/4 of the illigitimate children, 1/4 the number of highschool dropouts.

That's what "diversity" has built.
Diversity is another emotive rather than fact based consideration
Yes, people from other nations have chipped in with singular and unique contributions but on the whole-no
In fact, as a whole , some races have been far more of a drag than contributory
-------------------------------- so mistakes may have been made after Americas Founding Ben . My only point is that it was White , male Protestants that built the Foundations , Laws , Constitution , Bill of RIGHTS and other building blocks for the USA Ben .
I understand that, and it's true. But imo you are presuming some lack of diversity among white male protestants, when in fact they were a diverse lot themselves. For example, Roger Williams was perhaps the first "American" abolitionist. He'd have been tarred and feathered in the southern colonies if he proposed emancipating slaves. The Puritans fled England because - essentially - they wanted a state religion in that they opposed Elizabethan tolerance of papists. Penn and the Quakers had a similar background in intolerance, even though the Puritans in America persecuted early Quakers, only coming around to "accommodation" later.
-------------------------------------------------------- won't argue as it looks like simply having Protestant White Males provides enough Diversity as Protestant White Males that formed this Greatest Nation ever known have differing opinions or Diversity of Thought and they work from that Diversity Ben .

So, if you're White Protestants of America were so great without diversity? Why did they import so many Blacks, Hispanics, and others?
--------------------------------------------- mornin SOB , ALL i ever said was that White Male PROTESTANTS from a very small area of the world built the USA from the very beginning and that is historical fact . And the USA is the Best and only superpower and most powerful nation in the world that the world relies on to save them [see the airlift in Germany after we and Allies destroyed Germany in ww2 plus our rebuilding of Japan] Also mistakes have been made in the USA as Protestants are not perfect . I also pointed out falling down Societies built by Catholics that i am familiar with in S. America . And who can argue that 'south america' isn't a falling down group of third world countries or nations built by Catholics and built right on Americas door step . ----------- in closing , it is true that Columbus , a Catholic i suppose got the ball rolling in the New World with his Discovery of the New World in 1492 SOB !!
White Male Protestants founded this country. Building it took a lot hands of many ethnicities, races, and both sexes.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- yep . without White Male PROTESTANTS there would be no America .
Bigots and other logic-impaired individuals are welcome to leave my country at once.
I understand that, and it's true. But imo you are presuming some lack of diversity among white male protestants, when in fact they were a diverse lot themselves. For example, Roger Williams was perhaps the first "American" abolitionist. He'd have been tarred and feathered in the southern colonies if he proposed emancipating slaves. The Puritans fled England because - essentially - they wanted a state religion in that they opposed Elizabethan tolerance of papists. Penn and the Quakers had a similar background in intolerance, even though the Puritans in America persecuted early Quakers, only coming around to "accommodation" later.
-------------------------------------------------------- won't argue as it looks like simply having Protestant White Males provides enough Diversity as Protestant White Males that formed this Greatest Nation ever known have differing opinions or Diversity of Thought and they work from that Diversity Ben .

So, if you're White Protestants of America were so great without diversity? Why did they import so many Blacks, Hispanics, and others?
--------------------------------------------- mornin SOB , ALL i ever said was that White Male PROTESTANTS from a very small area of the world built the USA from the very beginning and that is historical fact . And the USA is the Best and only superpower and most powerful nation in the world that the world relies on to save them [see the airlift in Germany after we and Allies destroyed Germany in ww2 plus our rebuilding of Japan] Also mistakes have been made in the USA as Protestants are not perfect . I also pointed out falling down Societies built by Catholics that i am familiar with in S. America . And who can argue that 'south america' isn't a falling down group of third world countries or nations built by Catholics and built right on Americas door step . ----------- in closing , it is true that Columbus , a Catholic i suppose got the ball rolling in the New World with his Discovery of the New World in 1492 SOB !!
White Male Protestants founded this country. Building it took a lot hands of many ethnicities, races, and both sexes.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- yep . without White Male PROTESTANTS there would be no America .

And a lot of other peoples.
Bigots and other logic-challenged individuals are welcome to leave my country at once.
It's really not your country because you advocate things that are so destructive to it
Let's list the notable Japanese contributions . I'll begin with Pearl Harbor and playing a great role in starting WWII.
Your turn
I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.
Democracy and Diversity, they came together. Illegal aliens, Homosexuals...well OK, but that leads anything, and anything goes mentality. Excuse, but to me diversity has NOTHING to do with having standards and morals and a moral compass, nothing. Next, it's Gladiators and death sports, cannibalism, head hunting and slavery, crucifying ...and we come back full circle AGAIN . Diversity...great for a delicatessen or a smorgasbord, not a culture.
I understand that, and it's true. But imo you are presuming some lack of diversity among white male protestants, when in fact they were a diverse lot themselves. For example, Roger Williams was perhaps the first "American" abolitionist. He'd have been tarred and feathered in the southern colonies if he proposed emancipating slaves. The Puritans fled England because - essentially - they wanted a state religion in that they opposed Elizabethan tolerance of papists. Penn and the Quakers had a similar background in intolerance, even though the Puritans in America persecuted early Quakers, only coming around to "accommodation" later.
-------------------------------------------------------- won't argue as it looks like simply having Protestant White Males provides enough Diversity as Protestant White Males that formed this Greatest Nation ever known have differing opinions or Diversity of Thought and they work from that Diversity Ben .

So, if you're White Protestants of America were so great without diversity? Why did they import so many Blacks, Hispanics, and others?
--------------------------------------------- mornin SOB , ALL i ever said was that White Male PROTESTANTS from a very small area of the world built the USA from the very beginning and that is historical fact . And the USA is the Best and only superpower and most powerful nation in the world that the world relies on to save them [see the airlift in Germany after we and Allies destroyed Germany in ww2 plus our rebuilding of Japan] Also mistakes have been made in the USA as Protestants are not perfect . I also pointed out falling down Societies built by Catholics that i am familiar with in S. America . And who can argue that 'south america' isn't a falling down group of third world countries or nations built by Catholics and built right on Americas door step . ----------- in closing , it is true that Columbus , a Catholic i suppose got the ball rolling in the New World with his Discovery of the New World in 1492 SOB !!
White Male Protestants founded this country. Building it took a lot hands of many ethnicities, races, and both sexes.
Nope. White male protestants built this country. The rest just cashed in.

Mostly Irish Catholics built the Erie Canal, and Mostly Catholics like Irish, Polish, Italian or otherwise Chinese built the railways
-------------------------------------------------------- won't argue as it looks like simply having Protestant White Males provides enough Diversity as Protestant White Males that formed this Greatest Nation ever known have differing opinions or Diversity of Thought and they work from that Diversity Ben .

So, if you're White Protestants of America were so great without diversity? Why did they import so many Blacks, Hispanics, and others?
--------------------------------------------- mornin SOB , ALL i ever said was that White Male PROTESTANTS from a very small area of the world built the USA from the very beginning and that is historical fact . And the USA is the Best and only superpower and most powerful nation in the world that the world relies on to save them [see the airlift in Germany after we and Allies destroyed Germany in ww2 plus our rebuilding of Japan] Also mistakes have been made in the USA as Protestants are not perfect . I also pointed out falling down Societies built by Catholics that i am familiar with in S. America . And who can argue that 'south america' isn't a falling down group of third world countries or nations built by Catholics and built right on Americas door step . ----------- in closing , it is true that Columbus , a Catholic i suppose got the ball rolling in the New World with his Discovery of the New World in 1492 SOB !!
White Male Protestants founded this country. Building it took a lot hands of many ethnicities, races, and both sexes.
Nope. White male protestants built this country. The rest just cashed in.

Mostly Irish Catholics built the Erie Canal, and Mostly Catholics like Irish, Polish, Italian or otherwise Chinese built the railways
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- yeah big deal , they provided LABOR and got to eat on a regular basis i suppose SOB !! [aw haw , 'chuckle' ]
I understand that, and it's true. But imo you are presuming some lack of diversity among white male protestants, when in fact they were a diverse lot themselves. For example, Roger Williams was perhaps the first "American" abolitionist. He'd have been tarred and feathered in the southern colonies if he proposed emancipating slaves. The Puritans fled England because - essentially - they wanted a state religion in that they opposed Elizabethan tolerance of papists. Penn and the Quakers had a similar background in intolerance, even though the Puritans in America persecuted early Quakers, only coming around to "accommodation" later.
-------------------------------------------------------- won't argue as it looks like simply having Protestant White Males provides enough Diversity as Protestant White Males that formed this Greatest Nation ever known have differing opinions or Diversity of Thought and they work from that Diversity Ben .

So, if you're White Protestants of America were so great without diversity? Why did they import so many Blacks, Hispanics, and others?
--------------------------------------------- mornin SOB , ALL i ever said was that White Male PROTESTANTS from a very small area of the world built the USA from the very beginning and that is historical fact . And the USA is the Best and only superpower and most powerful nation in the world that the world relies on to save them [see the airlift in Germany after we and Allies destroyed Germany in ww2 plus our rebuilding of Japan] Also mistakes have been made in the USA as Protestants are not perfect . I also pointed out falling down Societies built by Catholics that i am familiar with in S. America . And who can argue that 'south america' isn't a falling down group of third world countries or nations built by Catholics and built right on Americas door step . ----------- in closing , it is true that Columbus , a Catholic i suppose got the ball rolling in the New World with his Discovery of the New World in 1492 SOB !!
White Male Protestants founded this country. Building it took a lot hands of many ethnicities, races, and both sexes.
Nope. White male protestants built this country. The rest just cashed in.
Without the help of Native Americans, the pilgrims wouldn't have survived the first winter. And Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, Madison, and many other founders may have been born protestant but their religious belief were based on Deism.

To ignore the contributions to the building of America by women like Susan B. Anthony, Clara Barton, Sacagawea, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Jane Adams, etc is just plain stupid.

And where would the South have been without slaves? The South couldn't have been competitive in production of cotton without slave labor. In fact, the South produced almost 75 percent of all U.S. exports in 1860 and the major product was Cotton picked by slaves. Slaves were worth more than all the manufacturing companies and railroads in the nation.

Almost all the transcontinental railroad in the West was build by Chinese labors. In the East Irish immigrants provided most of the labor.

Today 40% of the Standard and Poor 500 Companies were founded by immigrants. Over half of the founders of the New York Stock exchange were second generation Americans, mostly from Eastern Europe.

America is a Nuclear Power today due primarily to work of Albert Einstein, a German Jew, Neils Bohr, a Danish atheist, Enrico Fermi, an Italian Catholic, and Robert Oppehnier, a Hindu and son of a Jewish German.

However, without the Italian Catholic, Christopher Columbus's discovery of America, the USA may well never have been created. Thinking the USA is all the product of protestants men is ridiculous.
I understand that, and it's true. But imo you are presuming some lack of diversity among white male protestants, when in fact they were a diverse lot themselves. For example, Roger Williams was perhaps the first "American" abolitionist. He'd have been tarred and feathered in the southern colonies if he proposed emancipating slaves. The Puritans fled England because - essentially - they wanted a state religion in that they opposed Elizabethan tolerance of papists. Penn and the Quakers had a similar background in intolerance, even though the Puritans in America persecuted early Quakers, only coming around to "accommodation" later.
-------------------------------------------------------- won't argue as it looks like simply having Protestant White Males provides enough Diversity as Protestant White Males that formed this Greatest Nation ever known have differing opinions or Diversity of Thought and they work from that Diversity Ben .

So, if you're White Protestants of America were so great without diversity? Why did they import so many Blacks, Hispanics, and others?
--------------------------------------------- mornin SOB , ALL i ever said was that White Male PROTESTANTS from a very small area of the world built the USA from the very beginning and that is historical fact . And the USA is the Best and only superpower and most powerful nation in the world that the world relies on to save them [see the airlift in Germany after we and Allies destroyed Germany in ww2 plus our rebuilding of Japan] Also mistakes have been made in the USA as Protestants are not perfect . I also pointed out falling down Societies built by Catholics that i am familiar with in S. America . And who can argue that 'south america' isn't a falling down group of third world countries or nations built by Catholics and built right on Americas door step . ----------- in closing , it is true that Columbus , a Catholic i suppose got the ball rolling in the New World with his Discovery of the New World in 1492 SOB !!
White Male Protestants founded this country. Building it took a lot hands of many ethnicities, races, and both sexes.
-------------------------------------------- there wouldn't be a USA without the White Male Protestants all from a very small area of the British Isles and their particular brand and style of thinking . Without the White Male Protestants the world would just have a Poland , Canada or Nations like those [shlthole countries] South of the USA Border Flopper .

Canada's about as rich as the U.S.A South (Both British Protestant dominant) but White Catholic dominant states like Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Jersey are richer than Canada, or the U.S.A South.
without White Protestant Males there would not have been America, Chinese and other laborers provided labor and as i told SOB , their reward was that they got to eat on a regular basis . -------------- The brainwork and Foundations , Founding paper and Principle of this great country were laid by the Founders who were , as i say , Protestant White Males from a tiny little area of the English Isles Flopper .
without White Protestant Males there would not have been America, Chinese and other laborers provided labor and as i told SOB , their reward was that they got to eat on a regular basis . -------------- The brainwork and Foundations , Founding paper and Principle of this great country were laid by the Founders who were , as i say , Protestant White Males from a tiny little area of the English Isles Flopper .

You're assuming that I think that the U.S.A is the greatest, so sorry I don't agree what so ever.

The U.S.A is actually pretty nasty both in history, and in the present.

The U.S.A has been nasty to many groups, and done a lot of genocide, and wars.

Furthermore I don't agree with the U.S.A on it's diversity, it's truly a culture killer.

Also note that the U.S.A is one of the most violent White nations in terms of it's murder rate, even though it's wealthy.

I also don't agree with Individualism, nor freedom too much, I actually believe in a planned out society by the government, I don't agree with Individualism what so ever, I think societal thinking or collectivism is vastly superior.
-------------------------------------------------------- won't argue as it looks like simply having Protestant White Males provides enough Diversity as Protestant White Males that formed this Greatest Nation ever known have differing opinions or Diversity of Thought and they work from that Diversity Ben .

So, if you're White Protestants of America were so great without diversity? Why did they import so many Blacks, Hispanics, and others?
--------------------------------------------- mornin SOB , ALL i ever said was that White Male PROTESTANTS from a very small area of the world built the USA from the very beginning and that is historical fact . And the USA is the Best and only superpower and most powerful nation in the world that the world relies on to save them [see the airlift in Germany after we and Allies destroyed Germany in ww2 plus our rebuilding of Japan] Also mistakes have been made in the USA as Protestants are not perfect . I also pointed out falling down Societies built by Catholics that i am familiar with in S. America . And who can argue that 'south america' isn't a falling down group of third world countries or nations built by Catholics and built right on Americas door step . ----------- in closing , it is true that Columbus , a Catholic i suppose got the ball rolling in the New World with his Discovery of the New World in 1492 SOB !!
White Male Protestants founded this country. Building it took a lot hands of many ethnicities, races, and both sexes.
Nope. White male protestants built this country. The rest just cashed in.
Without the help of Native Americans, the pilgrims wouldn't have survived the first winter. And Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, Madison, and many other founders may have been born protestant but their religious belief were based on Deism.

To ignore the contributions to the building of America by women like Susan B. Anthony, Clara Barton, Sacagawea, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Jane Adams, etc is just plain stupid.

And where would the South have been without slaves? The South couldn't have been competitive in production of cotton without slave labor. In fact, the South produced almost 75 percent of all U.S. exports in 1860 and the major product was Cotton picked by slaves. Slaves were worth more than all the manufacturing companies and railroads in the nation.

Almost all the transcontinental railroad in the West was build by Chinese labors. In the East Irish immigrants provided most of the labor.

Today 40% of the Standard and Poor 500 Companies were founded by immigrants. Over half of the founders of the New York Stock exchange were second generation Americans, mostly from Eastern Europe.

America is a Nuclear Power today due primarily to work of Albert Einstein, a German Jew, Neils Bohr, a Danish atheist, Enrico Fermi, an Italian Catholic, and Robert Oppehnier, a Hindu and son of a Jewish German.

However, without the Italian Catholic, Christopher Columbus's discovery of America, the USA may well never have been created. Thinking the USA is all the product of protestants men is ridiculous.
-------------------------------------------------------------- not talking about before or after the Founding of America. My statement in this thread has always been that the USA / America and its Foundations , thinking , Western Laws were all laid by White Male Protestants . --------------------- who cares about labor that was imported to do the bidding of their employers Flopper .
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