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How Do I Get COVID-19 Medications?

Why are you providing free advertisement on a private message board for your advocation of medicine that is not considered effective as the vaccines which are already being distributed?

Everything being pushed by you is for parasitic infections, Corona virus is not a parasitic form of a disease but a virus...
Your hyperbole is laughable. I'm providing information that can be life saving.

And your post is pure propaganda. The kind that is everywhere spread by the global elite and your democrat propaganda wing, and it is FALSE.

Sharyl Attkisson isn't a physician. The data on ivermectin is not robust and the evidence based guidelines do not recommend it's use.
99.999 percent of physicians never studied anything about covid 19 which means that an educated non physician can easily know more
Why do people think they can just make up statistics?
Ask the CDC because they are made of people who make up statistics as they said that there was no need to wear a mask, before they said that you will die if you do not wear a mask, then they said that covid was natural now they say that covid was made in a lab.

I hope you don’t consider yourself one of those educated non-physicians who is smarter than them.
Sure am as I have had doctors tell me that I had liver disease, kidney disease, lupus, cerebral lyme disease and that celiac disease which I do have can not cause internal bleeding. So seriously if I let doctors treat me I would be dead, like you are now
I’m dead? Jesus, thank goodness I have such an educated individual as yourself to diagnose my condition.
You have no soul because you are letting the government make your decisions for you, so spiritually you are dead. But be a good communist and do what you are told
What decision have I let the government make for me?
To wear a mask and get vaccinated which are both part of the mind control that they have over you and not me. But that's ok you be a good communist and follow the party plan for you
The government didn’t make me get a vaccine. I wanted one to protect myself and those around me.

Why do you think I needed the government to tell me to do that?
Nope you wanted one because they brainwashed you with lies. That said you just continue doing everything that you are told like the good communist that you are
What lie or lies brainwashed me into believing that I should get vaccinated?
Falci said that there was no need to wear a mask, then he realized that he could scare and thus control you better by telling you to wear a mask. Then Falsi said that the virus was 100 percent natural, now he says that it was made in a lab because the emails detailing that he funded Wuhan are public. You know all of this but let it pass because it makes you a sucker. However do what you are told, the government really cares about you
The efficacy of masks and the origin of the virus don’t have anything to do with the benefits of vaccination.

So I’ll ask again what lie made me get vaccinated?
You need me to argue with you, but I will not. No need because you need the government to tell you what to do because you are nothing and by following orders you become a part of the new American communist party. So continue doing what the government tells you because they need zombie followers. So OBEY


Why are you providing free advertisement on a private message board for your advocation of medicine that is not considered effective as the vaccines which are already being distributed?

Everything being pushed by you is for parasitic infections, Corona virus is not a parasitic form of a disease but a virus...
Your hyperbole is laughable. I'm providing information that can be life saving.

And your post is pure propaganda. The kind that is everywhere spread by the global elite and your democrat propaganda wing, and it is FALSE.

Sharyl Attkisson isn't a physician. The data on ivermectin is not robust and the evidence based guidelines do not recommend it's use.
99.999 percent of physicians never studied anything about covid 19 which means that an educated non physician can easily know more
Why do people think they can just make up statistics?
Ask the CDC because they are made of people who make up statistics as they said that there was no need to wear a mask, before they said that you will die if you do not wear a mask, then they said that covid was natural now they say that covid was made in a lab.

I hope you don’t consider yourself one of those educated non-physicians who is smarter than them.
Sure am as I have had doctors tell me that I had liver disease, kidney disease, lupus, cerebral lyme disease and that celiac disease which I do have can not cause internal bleeding. So seriously if I let doctors treat me I would be dead, like you are now
I’m dead? Jesus, thank goodness I have such an educated individual as yourself to diagnose my condition.
You have no soul because you are letting the government make your decisions for you, so spiritually you are dead. But be a good communist and do what you are told
What decision have I let the government make for me?
To wear a mask and get vaccinated which are both part of the mind control that they have over you and not me. But that's ok you be a good communist and follow the party plan for you
The government didn’t make me get a vaccine. I wanted one to protect myself and those around me.

Why do you think I needed the government to tell me to do that?
Nope you wanted one because they brainwashed you with lies. That said you just continue doing everything that you are told like the good communist that you are
What lie or lies brainwashed me into believing that I should get vaccinated?
Falci said that there was no need to wear a mask, then he realized that he could scare and thus control you better by telling you to wear a mask. Then Falsi said that the virus was 100 percent natural, now he says that it was made in a lab because the emails detailing that he funded Wuhan are public. You know all of this but let it pass because it makes you a sucker. However do what you are told, the government really cares about you
The efficacy of masks and the origin of the virus don’t have anything to do with the benefits of vaccination.

So I’ll ask again what lie made me get vaccinated?
You need me to argue with you, but I will not. No need because you need the government to tell you what to do because you are nothing and by following orders you become a part of the new American communist party. So continue doing what the government tells you because they need zombie followers. So OBEY

No need. I already know what I need to know. You don’t have logic, reason or facts on your side. You have an emotional desire to be oppositional.

You won’t argue because you know you don’t have the basis for it.
You just keep believing and doing what you are told, because the government really loves and cares about you.
You keep believing whatever it is that inflates your ego because you’re just so special.

Others have to worry about the health of society. You only worry about yourself.
You do what you are told like a stupid dog, my dogs run free and make their own choices. You are on a government leash and will never be free again, that is how communism works
Right. If the government told you not to drink Draino, so I guess I should do that just to show them I’m not a communist subject. Right?

Your reflexive opposition isn’t freedom. It’s just irrational obstinace.
The fact is that you believe the government.

Shit even the people luting Walmart have more brains than you

I don’t think you understand how little of the practice of medicine depends on government instruction.

Do I need to believe the government to recognize the benefits of vaccination? No. The benefits have been demonstrated for decades.

Vaccines have helped hundreds of millions including myself. This current technology, mRNA, isnt a vaccine.
Of course it’s a vaccine. Why wouldn’t it be?
Because there is no vaccine for any coronovirus, they have been trying to make a vaccine for the common cold for over 100 years

Yes the common cold is a coronovirus
“The common cold” is a collections of symptoms caused by many different viruses.

There was little desire for a vaccine for the common cold given it’s not really dangerous.
ne of the viruses that causes the common cold is the coronavirus and all vaccines have failed for over 100 years. Suddenly they created one in two months.

You just do what you are told because the government needs drone idiots
Coronavirus is a large subfamily of viruses. Your claim that they failed to make vaccines “for over 100 years” I’m going to leave aside because I doubt you have any substantiation for it.

We only need a vaccine against one coronavirus and we never used mRNA technology before. That’s the reason we could create this vaccine so quickly.

Your skepticism seems borne of ignorance.
LOL so you believe that there is a vaccine for the coronovirus caused common cold.

You just keep doing what the government tells you
I’ve never heard of anyone working on a vaccine for the common cold because such an effort seems futile. That was your claim. Not mine.

Do you understand how mRNA vaccines work?
Idiots like you have never heard of anything that the government did not tell them to believe. LOL do you really believe tha tthe government never lies to the people.

Grow up fool
I think there are liars everywhere, like people who claim existence of futile attempts at common cold vaccines that would fail for reasons completely unrelated to the current COVID pandemic. Specifically, that COVID-19 is one virus and common cold is caused by hundreds of them.

I think you’re making it up and I also would wager that if I asked you for proof of it, you’d balk. I’m not doing that.

I’m merely asking you why you think the current COVID vaccines aren’t vaccines.

Again there is no vaccine for any coronavirus, they have been working on one for over 100 years and now suddenly they have one in 2 months.

But you believe whatever the government tells you because we all know that the government never lies
it would help your "cause" if you read and understood the source you post.
But you keep believing what the government tells you because you believe that the government never lies
^broken record wimpily tries to beat his own strawman.
LOL the admitted troll speaks
can you get anything right, epsilon full moron? do you know what a rhinovirus is?

Why are you providing free advertisement on a private message board for your advocation of medicine that is not considered effective as the vaccines which are already being distributed?

Everything being pushed by you is for parasitic infections, Corona virus is not a parasitic form of a disease but a virus...
Your hyperbole is laughable. I'm providing information that can be life saving.

And your post is pure propaganda. The kind that is everywhere spread by the global elite and your democrat propaganda wing, and it is FALSE.

Sharyl Attkisson isn't a physician. The data on ivermectin is not robust and the evidence based guidelines do not recommend it's use.
99.999 percent of physicians never studied anything about covid 19 which means that an educated non physician can easily know more
Why do people think they can just make up statistics?
Ask the CDC because they are made of people who make up statistics as they said that there was no need to wear a mask, before they said that you will die if you do not wear a mask, then they said that covid was natural now they say that covid was made in a lab.

I hope you don’t consider yourself one of those educated non-physicians who is smarter than them.
Sure am as I have had doctors tell me that I had liver disease, kidney disease, lupus, cerebral lyme disease and that celiac disease which I do have can not cause internal bleeding. So seriously if I let doctors treat me I would be dead, like you are now
I’m dead? Jesus, thank goodness I have such an educated individual as yourself to diagnose my condition.
You have no soul because you are letting the government make your decisions for you, so spiritually you are dead. But be a good communist and do what you are told
What decision have I let the government make for me?
To wear a mask and get vaccinated which are both part of the mind control that they have over you and not me. But that's ok you be a good communist and follow the party plan for you
The government didn’t make me get a vaccine. I wanted one to protect myself and those around me.

Why do you think I needed the government to tell me to do that?
Nope you wanted one because they brainwashed you with lies. That said you just continue doing everything that you are told like the good communist that you are
What lie or lies brainwashed me into believing that I should get vaccinated?
Falci said that there was no need to wear a mask, then he realized that he could scare and thus control you better by telling you to wear a mask. Then Falsi said that the virus was 100 percent natural, now he says that it was made in a lab because the emails detailing that he funded Wuhan are public. You know all of this but let it pass because it makes you a sucker. However do what you are told, the government really cares about you

They'll believe anything the govt tells them.
You though Trump was a liar also, well I'll be...........

Of course, orange man and his operation warp speed snake juice....................NO THANKS!!
Hydroxychloroquine was his snakeoil...

Naw. He pushed operation warp speed and the masses lined up. That was his magic snake juice. Biden loves it too and pushes this junk.
Are you saying that the vaccine is snake oil?

So the dramatic drop in infections just as vaccinations reach very high levels. That’s just a coincidence?

We don't know that the injection has made infections drop. There are no studies that show that. However, we do know that one can still spread the virus or become infected after receiving the injection.
Gotcha. So why is that basically all the cases of severe COVID these days are in unvaccinated despite them being (especially in my area) a minority that is getting smaller over time?

We don't know that either. We do know that cases have dropped.
Cases have not dropped, what has happened is people are dying of other things now because the government wants covid to reduce
You sure about that? The COVID units in my hospital have been turned back into usual floors and our special COVID vent hospital is shutting down as soon as they find long term hospitals for the handful of patients left.
Yea I am positive and you just agreed with me, because what you just said is that people are now dying of other things just like they always were it is just that not everything is being blamed on covid now
So you’re trying to claim that the people on ventilators with COVID pneumonia didn’t actually have COVID pneumonia?

No. I’m not agreeing with you.
Yup because they stopped using ventilators because all the positive ventilation did was force the disease deeper into lung tissue killing patients.

But you keep believing what the government tells you.
So what do you think we are doing with all those people who supposedly have COVID but can’t maintain oxygenation on non-invasive positive pressure ventilation?

You know, since you think we don’t put them on ventilators anymore.
Exactly what they are doing now. Put them in O2 tents. If you were paying attention you would know this
Ha! The last time I saw an O2 tent was in a third world country.

No, we don’t put them in O2 tents because that is massively inadequate.
You are not very bright.

Oxygen tent use might be down because masks use less O2, but the principle is the same. You do not even know that the government never mentions ventilators anymore because they pushed the disease deeper into lung tissue killing patients.

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies
The principle is to deliver higher O2 concentrations. The inadequacy is that it doesn’t provide ventilation which is a huge problem for COVID pneumonia.

I honestly don’t know what you think “the government” is saying because that’s not how doctors make decisions.

We surely dont listen to people who have no clue what they’re talking about like yourself. Patients with severe COVID still get intubated and mechanically ventilated because there’s no other options.
You are ignoring the fact that ventilators are no longer used the way they were in the beginning. The fact is that doctors used ventilators because the CDC told them to and people died
No, doctors used ventilators because they could not maintain oxygenation in people in any other way.

The CDC didn’t tell us shit about it.

Who old you otherwise?
You are full of shit you little communist fart

The fact is that the CDC ordered ventilator use and production, and to make this worse you appear now to know full well that ventilators are no longer being used as all they did is kill patients by using forced ventilation that forced the disease deeper into lung tissue which equates to murder

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies
The CDC doesn’t tell doctors who to put on a ventilator. That document you showed is how to distribute ventilators to places who need them.

I can just imagine a patient in the ICU with severe COVID and progressive hypoxia and someone in the back pipes up “how about an oxygen tent”. You’d be laughed out of the hospital.

You don’t understand that these people need ventilation and you probably don’t even understand what that word even means in this context.
Stop lying you little communist CDC fart

The CDC ordered massive ventilator production so that more people could be murdered by forced ventilation pushing the disease deeper into lung tissue. You are just another lying fart that does not want to accept responsibility for what the CDC did. This is a matter of historical fact that you are clearly in denial of, because you helped murder people with your communist belief that the government is always right and MUST BE OBEYED.

Fuck you and the CDC too

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies

Ordering ventilators be built doesn’t actually put anyone on a ventilator. People were put on ventilators because they didn’t have any other options.

You don’t really know what you’re talking about. Do you understand that “oxygen tents” can’t provide the ventilation these very sick people needed?
You are full of shit you little communist fart

The fact is that the CDC ordered ventilator use and production, and to make this worse you appear now to know full well that ventilators are no longer being used as all they did is kill patients by using forced ventilation that forced the d

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies
The CDC doesn’t tell doctors who to put on a ventilator. That document you showed is how to distribute ventilators to places who need them.

I can just imagine a patient in the ICU with severe COVID and progressive hypoxia and someone in the back pipes up “how about an oxygen tent”. You’d be laughed out of the hospital.

You don’t understand that these people need ventilation and you probably don’t even understand what that word even means in this context.
Stop lying you little communist CDC fart

The CDC ordered massive ventilator production so that more people could be murdered by forced ventilation pushing the disease deeper into lung tissue. You are just another lying fart that does not want to accept responsibility for what the CDC did. This is a matter of historical fact that you are clearly in denial of, because you helped murder people with your communist belief that the government is always right and MUST BE OBEYED.

Fuck you and the CDC too

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies

Ordering ventilators be built doesn’t actually put anyone on a ventilator. People were put on ventilators because they didn’t have any other options.

You don’t really know what you’re talking about. Do you understand that “oxygen tents” can’t provide the ventilation these very sick people needed?
The fact is that the CDC determined that the USA needed millions more ventilators because every covid patient would need to be put on one. You are a little CDC fart, but are you ashamed that the ignorance that you embrace killed thousands of people just like the CDC allowed infected old people into nursing homes so everyone would die as they did.

You are full of shit you little communist fart

The fact is that the CDC ordered ventilator use and production, and to make this worse you appear now to know full well that ventilators are no longer being used as all they did is kill patients by using forced ventilation that forced the d

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies
The CDC doesn’t tell doctors who to put on a ventilator. That document you showed is how to distribute ventilators to places who need them.

I can just imagine a patient in the ICU with severe COVID and progressive hypoxia and someone in the back pipes up “how about an oxygen tent”. You’d be laughed out of the hospital.

You don’t understand that these people need ventilation and you probably don’t even understand what that word even means in this context.
Stop lying you little communist CDC fart

The CDC ordered massive ventilator production so that more people could be murdered by forced ventilation pushing the disease deeper into lung tissue. You are just another lying fart that does not want to accept responsibility for what the CDC did. This is a matter of historical fact that you are clearly in denial of, because you helped murder people with your communist belief that the government is always right and MUST BE OBEYED.

Fuck you and the CDC too

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies

Ordering ventilators be built doesn’t actually put anyone on a ventilator. People were put on ventilators because they didn’t have any other options.

You don’t really know what you’re talking about. Do you understand that “oxygen tents” can’t provide the ventilation these very sick people needed?
The fact is that the CDC determined that the USA needed millions more ventilators because every covid patient would need to be put on one. You are a little CDC fart, but are you ashamed that the ignorance that you embrace killed thousands of people just like the CDC allowed infected old people into nursing homes so everyone would die as they did.

My ignorance? Your pretending to know about mechanical ventilation in critically ill patients.

Not to mention you can’t even figure out the difference between deaths from the common cold and deaths from cold weather.

We don't know that either. We do know that cases have dropped.
Cases have not dropped, what has happened is people are dying of other things now because the government wants covid to reduce
You sure about that? The COVID units in my hospital have been turned back into usual floors and our special COVID vent hospital is shutting down as soon as they find long term hospitals for the handful of patients left.
Yea I am positive and you just agreed with me, because what you just said is that people are now dying of other things just like they always were it is just that not everything is being blamed on covid now
So you’re trying to claim that the people on ventilators with COVID pneumonia didn’t actually have COVID pneumonia?

No. I’m not agreeing with you.
Yup because they stopped using ventilators because all the positive ventilation did was force the disease deeper into lung tissue killing patients.

But you keep believing what the government tells you.
So what do you think we are doing with all those people who supposedly have COVID but can’t maintain oxygenation on non-invasive positive pressure ventilation?

You know, since you think we don’t put them on ventilators anymore.
Exactly what they are doing now. Put them in O2 tents. If you were paying attention you would know this
Ha! The last time I saw an O2 tent was in a third world country.

No, we don’t put them in O2 tents because that is massively inadequate.
You are not very bright.

Oxygen tent use might be down because masks use less O2, but the principle is the same. You do not even know that the government never mentions ventilators anymore because they pushed the disease deeper into lung tissue killing patients.

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies
The principle is to deliver higher O2 concentrations. The inadequacy is that it doesn’t provide ventilation which is a huge problem for COVID pneumonia.

I honestly don’t know what you think “the government” is saying because that’s not how doctors make decisions.

We surely dont listen to people who have no clue what they’re talking about like yourself. Patients with severe COVID still get intubated and mechanically ventilated because there’s no other options.
You are ignoring the fact that ventilators are no longer used the way they were in the beginning. The fact is that doctors used ventilators because the CDC told them to and people died
No, doctors used ventilators because they could not maintain oxygenation in people in any other way.

The CDC didn’t tell us shit about it.

Who old you otherwise?
You are full of shit you little communist fart

The fact is that the CDC ordered ventilator use and production, and to make this worse you appear now to know full well that ventilators are no longer being used as all they did is kill patients by using forced ventilation that forced the disease deeper into lung tissue which equates to murder

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies
The CDC doesn’t tell doctors who to put on a ventilator. That document you showed is how to distribute ventilators to places who need them.

I can just imagine a patient in the ICU with severe COVID and progressive hypoxia and someone in the back pipes up “how about an oxygen tent”. You’d be laughed out of the hospital.

You don’t understand that these people need ventilation and you probably don’t even understand what that word even means in this context.
Stop lying you little communist CDC fart

The CDC ordered massive ventilator production so that more people could be murdered by forced ventilation pushing the disease deeper into lung tissue. You are just another lying fart that does not want to accept responsibility for what the CDC did. This is a matter of historical fact that you are clearly in denial of, because you helped murder people with your communist belief that the government is always right and MUST BE OBEYED.

Fuck you and the CDC too

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies

Ordering ventilators be built doesn’t actually put anyone on a ventilator. People were put on ventilators because they didn’t have any other options.

You don’t really know what you’re talking about. Do you understand that “oxygen tents” can’t provide the ventilation these very sick people needed?
The fact is that ventilators are no longer being used or allowed to be mentioned in the media because all they did was force the disease deeper into lung tissue causing irreparable damage or death


Why are you providing free advertisement on a private message board for your advocation of medicine that is not considered effective as the vaccines which are already being distributed?

Everything being pushed by you is for parasitic infections, Corona virus is not a parasitic form of a disease but a virus...
Your hyperbole is laughable. I'm providing information that can be life saving.

And your post is pure propaganda. The kind that is everywhere spread by the global elite and your democrat propaganda wing, and it is FALSE.

Sharyl Attkisson isn't a physician. The data on ivermectin is not robust and the evidence based guidelines do not recommend it's use.
99.999 percent of physicians never studied anything about covid 19 which means that an educated non physician can easily know more
Why do people think they can just make up statistics?
Ask the CDC because they are made of people who make up statistics as they said that there was no need to wear a mask, before they said that you will die if you do not wear a mask, then they said that covid was natural now they say that covid was made in a lab.

I hope you don’t consider yourself one of those educated non-physicians who is smarter than them.
Sure am as I have had doctors tell me that I had liver disease, kidney disease, lupus, cerebral lyme disease and that celiac disease which I do have can not cause internal bleeding. So seriously if I let doctors treat me I would be dead, like you are now
I’m dead? Jesus, thank goodness I have such an educated individual as yourself to diagnose my condition.
You have no soul because you are letting the government make your decisions for you, so spiritually you are dead. But be a good communist and do what you are told
What decision have I let the government make for me?
To wear a mask and get vaccinated which are both part of the mind control that they have over you and not me. But that's ok you be a good communist and follow the party plan for you
The government didn’t make me get a vaccine. I wanted one to protect myself and those around me.

Why do you think I needed the government to tell me to do that?
Nope you wanted one because they brainwashed you with lies. That said you just continue doing everything that you are told like the good communist that you are
What lie or lies brainwashed me into believing that I should get vaccinated?
Falci said that there was no need to wear a mask, then he realized that he could scare and thus control you better by telling you to wear a mask. Then Falsi said that the virus was 100 percent natural, now he says that it was made in a lab because the emails detailing that he funded Wuhan are public. You know all of this but let it pass because it makes you a sucker. However do what you are told, the government really cares about you

They'll believe anything the govt tells them.
You though Trump was a liar also, well I'll be...........

Of course, orange man and his operation warp speed snake juice....................NO THANKS!!
Hydroxychloroquine was his snakeoil...

Naw. He pushed operation warp speed and the masses lined up. That was his magic snake juice. Biden loves it too and pushes this junk.
Are you saying that the vaccine is snake oil?

So the dramatic drop in infections just as vaccinations reach very high levels. That’s just a coincidence?

We don't know that the injection has made infections drop. There are no studies that show that. However, we do know that one can still spread the virus or become infected after receiving the injection.
Gotcha. So why is that basically all the cases of severe COVID these days are in unvaccinated despite them being (especially in my area) a minority that is getting smaller over time?

We don't know that either. We do know that cases have dropped.
Cases have not dropped, what has happened is people are dying of other things now because the government wants covid to reduce
You sure about that? The COVID units in my hospital have been turned back into usual floors and our special COVID vent hospital is shutting down as soon as they find long term hospitals for the handful of patients left.
Yea I am positive and you just agreed with me, because what you just said is that people are now dying of other things just like they always were it is just that not everything is being blamed on covid now
So you’re trying to claim that the people on ventilators with COVID pneumonia didn’t actually have COVID pneumonia?

No. I’m not agreeing with you.
Yup because they stopped using ventilators because all the positive ventilation did was force the disease deeper into lung tissue killing patients.

But you keep believing what the government tells you.
So what do you think we are doing with all those people who supposedly have COVID but can’t maintain oxygenation on non-invasive positive pressure ventilation?

You know, since you think we don’t put them on ventilators anymore.
Exactly what they are doing now. Put them in O2 tents. If you were paying attention you would know this
Ha! The last time I saw an O2 tent was in a third world country.

No, we don’t put them in O2 tents because that is massively inadequate.
You are not very bright.

Oxygen tent use might be down because masks use less O2, but the principle is the same. You do not even know that the government never mentions ventilators anymore because they pushed the disease deeper into lung tissue killing patients.

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies
The principle is to deliver higher O2 concentrations. The inadequacy is that it doesn’t provide ventilation which is a huge problem for COVID pneumonia.

I honestly don’t know what you think “the government” is saying because that’s not how doctors make decisions.

We surely dont listen to people who have no clue what they’re talking about like yourself. Patients with severe COVID still get intubated and mechanically ventilated because there’s no other options.
You are ignoring the fact that ventilators are no longer used the way they were in the beginning. The fact is that doctors used ventilators because the CDC told them to and people died
No, doctors used ventilators because they could not maintain oxygenation in people in any other way.

The CDC didn’t tell us shit about it.

Who old you otherwise?
You are full of shit you little communist fart

The fact is that the CDC ordered ventilator use and production, and to make this worse you appear now to know full well that ventilators are no longer being used as all they did is kill patients by using forced ventilation that forced the disease deeper into lung tissue which equates to murder

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies
The CDC doesn’t tell doctors who to put on a ventilator. That document you showed is how to distribute ventilators to places who need them.

I can just imagine a patient in the ICU with severe COVID and progressive hypoxia and someone in the back pipes up “how about an oxygen tent”. You’d be laughed out of the hospital.

You don’t understand that these people need ventilation and you probably don’t even understand what that word even means in this context.
Stop lying you little communist CDC fart

The CDC ordered massive ventilator production so that more people could be murdered by forced ventilation pushing the disease deeper into lung tissue. You are just another lying fart that does not want to accept responsibility for what the CDC did. This is a matter of historical fact that you are clearly in denial of, because you helped murder people with your communist belief that the government is always right and MUST BE OBEYED.

Fuck you and the CDC too

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies

Ordering ventilators be built doesn’t actually put anyone on a ventilator. People were put on ventilators because they didn’t have any other options.

You don’t really know what you’re talking about. Do you understand that “oxygen tents” can’t provide the ventilation these very sick people needed?
The fact is that ventilators are no longer being used or allowed to be mentioned in the media because all they did was force the disease deeper into lung tissue causing irreparable damage or death
How did you come up with this “fact”?
Go to Mexico....or Miami. Quire ivermectina en paste POR FAVOR
Y.. Despues ir a la farmacia para Zinc. El doctora alla recommenda el dosis. Es mejor con Magnesio--chlorido... y otro chunches.
Sorry English isn't my first langual. It's my forth

Why are you providing free advertisement on a private message board for your advocation of medicine that is not considered effective as the vaccines which are already being distributed?

Everything being pushed by you is for parasitic infections, Corona virus is not a parasitic form of a disease but a virus...
Your hyperbole is laughable. I'm providing information that can be life saving.

And your post is pure propaganda. The kind that is everywhere spread by the global elite and your democrat propaganda wing, and it is FALSE.

Sharyl Attkisson isn't a physician. The data on ivermectin is not robust and the evidence based guidelines do not recommend it's use.
99.999 percent of physicians never studied anything about covid 19 which means that an educated non physician can easily know more
Why do people think they can just make up statistics?
Ask the CDC because they are made of people who make up statistics as they said that there was no need to wear a mask, before they said that you will die if you do not wear a mask, then they said that covid was natural now they say that covid was made in a lab.

I hope you don’t consider yourself one of those educated non-physicians who is smarter than them.
Sure am as I have had doctors tell me that I had liver disease, kidney disease, lupus, cerebral lyme disease and that celiac disease which I do have can not cause internal bleeding. So seriously if I let doctors treat me I would be dead, like you are now
I’m dead? Jesus, thank goodness I have such an educated individual as yourself to diagnose my condition.
You have no soul because you are letting the government make your decisions for you, so spiritually you are dead. But be a good communist and do what you are told
What decision have I let the government make for me?
To wear a mask and get vaccinated which are both part of the mind control that they have over you and not me. But that's ok you be a good communist and follow the party plan for you
The government didn’t make me get a vaccine. I wanted one to protect myself and those around me.

Why do you think I needed the government to tell me to do that?
Nope you wanted one because they brainwashed you with lies. That said you just continue doing everything that you are told like the good communist that you are
What lie or lies brainwashed me into believing that I should get vaccinated?
Falci said that there was no need to wear a mask, then he realized that he could scare and thus control you better by telling you to wear a mask. Then Falsi said that the virus was 100 percent natural, now he says that it was made in a lab because the emails detailing that he funded Wuhan are public. You know all of this but let it pass because it makes you a sucker. However do what you are told, the government really cares about you
The efficacy of masks and the origin of the virus don’t have anything to do with the benefits of vaccination.

So I’ll ask again what lie made me get vaccinated?
You need me to argue with you, but I will not. No need because you need the government to tell you what to do because you are nothing and by following orders you become a part of the new American communist party. So continue doing what the government tells you because they need zombie followers. So OBEY


Why are you providing free advertisement on a private message board for your advocation of medicine that is not considered effective as the vaccines which are already being distributed?

Everything being pushed by you is for parasitic infections, Corona virus is not a parasitic form of a disease but a virus...
Your hyperbole is laughable. I'm providing information that can be life saving.

And your post is pure propaganda. The kind that is everywhere spread by the global elite and your democrat propaganda wing, and it is FALSE.

Sharyl Attkisson isn't a physician. The data on ivermectin is not robust and the evidence based guidelines do not recommend it's use.
99.999 percent of physicians never studied anything about covid 19 which means that an educated non physician can easily know more
Why do people think they can just make up statistics?
Ask the CDC because they are made of people who make up statistics as they said that there was no need to wear a mask, before they said that you will die if you do not wear a mask, then they said that covid was natural now they say that covid was made in a lab.

I hope you don’t consider yourself one of those educated non-physicians who is smarter than them.
Sure am as I have had doctors tell me that I had liver disease, kidney disease, lupus, cerebral lyme disease and that celiac disease which I do have can not cause internal bleeding. So seriously if I let doctors treat me I would be dead, like you are now
I’m dead? Jesus, thank goodness I have such an educated individual as yourself to diagnose my condition.
You have no soul because you are letting the government make your decisions for you, so spiritually you are dead. But be a good communist and do what you are told
What decision have I let the government make for me?
To wear a mask and get vaccinated which are both part of the mind control that they have over you and not me. But that's ok you be a good communist and follow the party plan for you
The government didn’t make me get a vaccine. I wanted one to protect myself and those around me.

Why do you think I needed the government to tell me to do that?
Nope you wanted one because they brainwashed you with lies. That said you just continue doing everything that you are told like the good communist that you are
What lie or lies brainwashed me into believing that I should get vaccinated?
Falci said that there was no need to wear a mask, then he realized that he could scare and thus control you better by telling you to wear a mask. Then Falsi said that the virus was 100 percent natural, now he says that it was made in a lab because the emails detailing that he funded Wuhan are public. You know all of this but let it pass because it makes you a sucker. However do what you are told, the government really cares about you
The efficacy of masks and the origin of the virus don’t have anything to do with the benefits of vaccination.

So I’ll ask again what lie made me get vaccinated?
You need me to argue with you, but I will not. No need because you need the government to tell you what to do because you are nothing and by following orders you become a part of the new American communist party. So continue doing what the government tells you because they need zombie followers. So OBEY

No need. I already know what I need to know. You don’t have logic, reason or facts on your side. You have an emotional desire to be oppositional.

You won’t argue because you know you don’t have the basis for it.
You just keep believing and doing what you are told, because the government really loves and cares about you.
You keep believing whatever it is that inflates your ego because you’re just so special.

Others have to worry about the health of society. You only worry about yourself.
You do what you are told like a stupid dog, my dogs run free and make their own choices. You are on a government leash and will never be free again, that is how communism works
Right. If the government told you not to drink Draino, so I guess I should do that just to show them I’m not a communist subject. Right?

Your reflexive opposition isn’t freedom. It’s just irrational obstinace.
The fact is that you believe the government.

Shit even the people luting Walmart have more brains than you

I don’t think you understand how little of the practice of medicine depends on government instruction.

Do I need to believe the government to recognize the benefits of vaccination? No. The benefits have been demonstrated for decades.

Vaccines have helped hundreds of millions including myself. This current technology, mRNA, isnt a vaccine.
Of course it’s a vaccine. Why wouldn’t it be?
Because there is no vaccine for any coronovirus, they have been trying to make a vaccine for the common cold for over 100 years

Yes the common cold is a coronovirus
“The common cold” is a collections of symptoms caused by many different viruses.

There was little desire for a vaccine for the common cold given it’s not really dangerous.
ne of the viruses that causes the common cold is the coronavirus and all vaccines have failed for over 100 years. Suddenly they created one in two months.

You just do what you are told because the government needs drone idiots
Coronavirus is a large subfamily of viruses. Your claim that they failed to make vaccines “for over 100 years” I’m going to leave aside because I doubt you have any substantiation for it.

We only need a vaccine against one coronavirus and we never used mRNA technology before. That’s the reason we could create this vaccine so quickly.

Your skepticism seems borne of ignorance.
LOL so you believe that there is a vaccine for the coronovirus caused common cold.

You just keep doing what the government tells you
I’ve never heard of anyone working on a vaccine for the common cold because such an effort seems futile. That was your claim. Not mine.

Do you understand how mRNA vaccines work?
Idiots like you have never heard of anything that the government did not tell them to believe. LOL do you really believe tha tthe government never lies to the people.

Grow up fool
I think there are liars everywhere, like people who claim existence of futile attempts at common cold vaccines that would fail for reasons completely unrelated to the current COVID pandemic. Specifically, that COVID-19 is one virus and common cold is caused by hundreds of them.

I think you’re making it up and I also would wager that if I asked you for proof of it, you’d balk. I’m not doing that.

I’m merely asking you why you think the current COVID vaccines aren’t vaccines.

Again there is no vaccine for any coronavirus, they have been working on one for over 100 years and now suddenly they have one in 2 months.

But you believe whatever the government tells you because we all know that the government never lies
Your article demonstrates the exact point I’ve been making. There’s no vaccine for the common cold because it’s caused by hundreds of different viruses.

There’s one COVID-19.

Do you understand how mRNA vaccines work? If you do, you’d understand why it didn’t take long to develop the vaccine.
Is there a vaccine for the coronavirus caused common cold? NO, why not, because there is no vaccine for any coronavirus.

But you keep believing what the government tells you because you believe that the government never lies
Because no one would make a vaccine against a coronavirus that causes the common cold when your vaccine would only eliminate a tiny sliver or a single disease that has no real danger to anyone.

Are you so in love with your narrative to see that would be a stupid project before now?
Wrong if you knew anything about medicine you would know that the common cold has killed millions of people

But you keep believing what the government tells you because you believe that the government never lies
lol. cold-related deaths, he cites. awesome. you better be a troll, because the alternative is even worse for you.

Why are you providing free advertisement on a private message board for your advocation of medicine that is not considered effective as the vaccines which are already being distributed?

Everything being pushed by you is for parasitic infections, Corona virus is not a parasitic form of a disease but a virus...
Your hyperbole is laughable. I'm providing information that can be life saving.

And your post is pure propaganda. The kind that is everywhere spread by the global elite and your democrat propaganda wing, and it is FALSE.

Sharyl Attkisson isn't a physician. The data on ivermectin is not robust and the evidence based guidelines do not recommend it's use.
99.999 percent of physicians never studied anything about covid 19 which means that an educated non physician can easily know more
Why do people think they can just make up statistics?
Ask the CDC because they are made of people who make up statistics as they said that there was no need to wear a mask, before they said that you will die if you do not wear a mask, then they said that covid was natural now they say that covid was made in a lab.

I hope you don’t consider yourself one of those educated non-physicians who is smarter than them.
Sure am as I have had doctors tell me that I had liver disease, kidney disease, lupus, cerebral lyme disease and that celiac disease which I do have can not cause internal bleeding. So seriously if I let doctors treat me I would be dead, like you are now
I’m dead? Jesus, thank goodness I have such an educated individual as yourself to diagnose my condition.
You have no soul because you are letting the government make your decisions for you, so spiritually you are dead. But be a good communist and do what you are told
What decision have I let the government make for me?
To wear a mask and get vaccinated which are both part of the mind control that they have over you and not me. But that's ok you be a good communist and follow the party plan for you
The government didn’t make me get a vaccine. I wanted one to protect myself and those around me.

Why do you think I needed the government to tell me to do that?
Nope you wanted one because they brainwashed you with lies. That said you just continue doing everything that you are told like the good communist that you are
What lie or lies brainwashed me into believing that I should get vaccinated?
Falci said that there was no need to wear a mask, then he realized that he could scare and thus control you better by telling you to wear a mask. Then Falsi said that the virus was 100 percent natural, now he says that it was made in a lab because the emails detailing that he funded Wuhan are public. You know all of this but let it pass because it makes you a sucker. However do what you are told, the government really cares about you

They'll believe anything the govt tells them.
You though Trump was a liar also, well I'll be...........

Of course, orange man and his operation warp speed snake juice....................NO THANKS!!
Hydroxychloroquine was his snakeoil...

Naw. He pushed operation warp speed and the masses lined up. That was his magic snake juice. Biden loves it too and pushes this junk.
Are you saying that the vaccine is snake oil?

So the dramatic drop in infections just as vaccinations reach very high levels. That’s just a coincidence?

We don't know that the injection has made infections drop. There are no studies that show that. However, we do know that one can still spread the virus or become infected after receiving the injection.
Gotcha. So why is that basically all the cases of severe COVID these days are in unvaccinated despite them being (especially in my area) a minority that is getting smaller over time?

We don't know that either. We do know that cases have dropped.
Cases have not dropped, what has happened is people are dying of other things now because the government wants covid to reduce
You sure about that? The COVID units in my hospital have been turned back into usual floors and our special COVID vent hospital is shutting down as soon as they find long term hospitals for the handful of patients left.
Yea I am positive and you just agreed with me, because what you just said is that people are now dying of other things just like they always were it is just that not everything is being blamed on covid now
So you’re trying to claim that the people on ventilators with COVID pneumonia didn’t actually have COVID pneumonia?

No. I’m not agreeing with you.
Yup because they stopped using ventilators because all the positive ventilation did was force the disease deeper into lung tissue killing patients.

But you keep believing what the government tells you.
So what do you think we are doing with all those people who supposedly have COVID but can’t maintain oxygenation on non-invasive positive pressure ventilation?

You know, since you think we don’t put them on ventilators anymore.
Exactly what they are doing now. Put them in O2 tents. If you were paying attention you would know this
Ha! The last time I saw an O2 tent was in a third world country.

No, we don’t put them in O2 tents because that is massively inadequate.
You are not very bright.

Oxygen tent use might be down because masks use less O2, but the principle is the same. You do not even know that the government never mentions ventilators anymore because they pushed the disease deeper into lung tissue killing patients.

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies
The principle is to deliver higher O2 concentrations. The inadequacy is that it doesn’t provide ventilation which is a huge problem for COVID pneumonia.

I honestly don’t know what you think “the government” is saying because that’s not how doctors make decisions.

We surely dont listen to people who have no clue what they’re talking about like yourself. Patients with severe COVID still get intubated and mechanically ventilated because there’s no other options.
You are ignoring the fact that ventilators are no longer used the way they were in the beginning. The fact is that doctors used ventilators because the CDC told them to and people died
No, doctors used ventilators because they could not maintain oxygenation in people in any other way.

The CDC didn’t tell us shit about it.

Who old you otherwise?
You are full of shit you little communist fart

The fact is that the CDC ordered ventilator use and production, and to make this worse you appear now to know full well that ventilators are no longer being used as all they did is kill patients by using forced ventilation that forced the disease deeper into lung tissue which equates to murder

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies
The CDC doesn’t tell doctors who to put on a ventilator. That document you showed is how to distribute ventilators to places who need them.

I can just imagine a patient in the ICU with severe COVID and progressive hypoxia and someone in the back pipes up “how about an oxygen tent”. You’d be laughed out of the hospital.

You don’t understand that these people need ventilation and you probably don’t even understand what that word even means in this context.
Stop lying you little communist CDC fart

The CDC ordered massive ventilator production so that more people could be murdered by forced ventilation pushing the disease deeper into lung tissue. You are just another lying fart that does not want to accept responsibility for what the CDC did. This is a matter of historical fact that you are clearly in denial of, because you helped murder people with your communist belief that the government is always right and MUST BE OBEYED.

Fuck you and the CDC too

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies

Ordering ventilators be built doesn’t actually put anyone on a ventilator. People were put on ventilators because they didn’t have any other options.

You don’t really know what you’re talking about. Do you understand that “oxygen tents” can’t provide the ventilation these very sick people needed?
The fact is that ventilators are no longer being used or allowed to be mentioned in the media because all they did was force the disease deeper into lung tissue causing irreparable damage or death
How did you come up with this “fact”?
By the same process that forced me to buy Apple, Google and Netflix, though I dumped Netflix for more Googl, class A shares.

You voted for higher taxes because you are a moron and you need the government to feed you. I think on my own



Why are you providing free advertisement on a private message board for your advocation of medicine that is not considered effective as the vaccines which are already being distributed?

Everything being pushed by you is for parasitic infections, Corona virus is not a parasitic form of a disease but a virus...
Your hyperbole is laughable. I'm providing information that can be life saving.

And your post is pure propaganda. The kind that is everywhere spread by the global elite and your democrat propaganda wing, and it is FALSE.

Sharyl Attkisson isn't a physician. The data on ivermectin is not robust and the evidence based guidelines do not recommend it's use.
99.999 percent of physicians never studied anything about covid 19 which means that an educated non physician can easily know more
Why do people think they can just make up statistics?
Ask the CDC because they are made of people who make up statistics as they said that there was no need to wear a mask, before they said that you will die if you do not wear a mask, then they said that covid was natural now they say that covid was made in a lab.

I hope you don’t consider yourself one of those educated non-physicians who is smarter than them.
Sure am as I have had doctors tell me that I had liver disease, kidney disease, lupus, cerebral lyme disease and that celiac disease which I do have can not cause internal bleeding. So seriously if I let doctors treat me I would be dead, like you are now
I’m dead? Jesus, thank goodness I have such an educated individual as yourself to diagnose my condition.
You have no soul because you are letting the government make your decisions for you, so spiritually you are dead. But be a good communist and do what you are told
What decision have I let the government make for me?
To wear a mask and get vaccinated which are both part of the mind control that they have over you and not me. But that's ok you be a good communist and follow the party plan for you
The government didn’t make me get a vaccine. I wanted one to protect myself and those around me.

Why do you think I needed the government to tell me to do that?
Nope you wanted one because they brainwashed you with lies. That said you just continue doing everything that you are told like the good communist that you are
What lie or lies brainwashed me into believing that I should get vaccinated?
Falci said that there was no need to wear a mask, then he realized that he could scare and thus control you better by telling you to wear a mask. Then Falsi said that the virus was 100 percent natural, now he says that it was made in a lab because the emails detailing that he funded Wuhan are public. You know all of this but let it pass because it makes you a sucker. However do what you are told, the government really cares about you
The efficacy of masks and the origin of the virus don’t have anything to do with the benefits of vaccination.

So I’ll ask again what lie made me get vaccinated?
You need me to argue with you, but I will not. No need because you need the government to tell you what to do because you are nothing and by following orders you become a part of the new American communist party. So continue doing what the government tells you because they need zombie followers. So OBEY


Why are you providing free advertisement on a private message board for your advocation of medicine that is not considered effective as the vaccines which are already being distributed?

Everything being pushed by you is for parasitic infections, Corona virus is not a parasitic form of a disease but a virus...
Your hyperbole is laughable. I'm providing information that can be life saving.

And your post is pure propaganda. The kind that is everywhere spread by the global elite and your democrat propaganda wing, and it is FALSE.

Sharyl Attkisson isn't a physician. The data on ivermectin is not robust and the evidence based guidelines do not recommend it's use.
99.999 percent of physicians never studied anything about covid 19 which means that an educated non physician can easily know more
Why do people think they can just make up statistics?
Ask the CDC because they are made of people who make up statistics as they said that there was no need to wear a mask, before they said that you will die if you do not wear a mask, then they said that covid was natural now they say that covid was made in a lab.

I hope you don’t consider yourself one of those educated non-physicians who is smarter than them.
Sure am as I have had doctors tell me that I had liver disease, kidney disease, lupus, cerebral lyme disease and that celiac disease which I do have can not cause internal bleeding. So seriously if I let doctors treat me I would be dead, like you are now
I’m dead? Jesus, thank goodness I have such an educated individual as yourself to diagnose my condition.
You have no soul because you are letting the government make your decisions for you, so spiritually you are dead. But be a good communist and do what you are told
What decision have I let the government make for me?
To wear a mask and get vaccinated which are both part of the mind control that they have over you and not me. But that's ok you be a good communist and follow the party plan for you
The government didn’t make me get a vaccine. I wanted one to protect myself and those around me.

Why do you think I needed the government to tell me to do that?
Nope you wanted one because they brainwashed you with lies. That said you just continue doing everything that you are told like the good communist that you are
What lie or lies brainwashed me into believing that I should get vaccinated?
Falci said that there was no need to wear a mask, then he realized that he could scare and thus control you better by telling you to wear a mask. Then Falsi said that the virus was 100 percent natural, now he says that it was made in a lab because the emails detailing that he funded Wuhan are public. You know all of this but let it pass because it makes you a sucker. However do what you are told, the government really cares about you
The efficacy of masks and the origin of the virus don’t have anything to do with the benefits of vaccination.

So I’ll ask again what lie made me get vaccinated?
You need me to argue with you, but I will not. No need because you need the government to tell you what to do because you are nothing and by following orders you become a part of the new American communist party. So continue doing what the government tells you because they need zombie followers. So OBEY

No need. I already know what I need to know. You don’t have logic, reason or facts on your side. You have an emotional desire to be oppositional.

You won’t argue because you know you don’t have the basis for it.
You just keep believing and doing what you are told, because the government really loves and cares about you.
You keep believing whatever it is that inflates your ego because you’re just so special.

Others have to worry about the health of society. You only worry about yourself.
You do what you are told like a stupid dog, my dogs run free and make their own choices. You are on a government leash and will never be free again, that is how communism works
Right. If the government told you not to drink Draino, so I guess I should do that just to show them I’m not a communist subject. Right?

Your reflexive opposition isn’t freedom. It’s just irrational obstinace.
The fact is that you believe the government.

Shit even the people luting Walmart have more brains than you

I don’t think you understand how little of the practice of medicine depends on government instruction.

Do I need to believe the government to recognize the benefits of vaccination? No. The benefits have been demonstrated for decades.

Vaccines have helped hundreds of millions including myself. This current technology, mRNA, isnt a vaccine.
Of course it’s a vaccine. Why wouldn’t it be?
Because there is no vaccine for any coronovirus, they have been trying to make a vaccine for the common cold for over 100 years

Yes the common cold is a coronovirus
“The common cold” is a collections of symptoms caused by many different viruses.

There was little desire for a vaccine for the common cold given it’s not really dangerous.
ne of the viruses that causes the common cold is the coronavirus and all vaccines have failed for over 100 years. Suddenly they created one in two months.

You just do what you are told because the government needs drone idiots
Coronavirus is a large subfamily of viruses. Your claim that they failed to make vaccines “for over 100 years” I’m going to leave aside because I doubt you have any substantiation for it.

We only need a vaccine against one coronavirus and we never used mRNA technology before. That’s the reason we could create this vaccine so quickly.

Your skepticism seems borne of ignorance.
LOL so you believe that there is a vaccine for the coronovirus caused common cold.

You just keep doing what the government tells you
I’ve never heard of anyone working on a vaccine for the common cold because such an effort seems futile. That was your claim. Not mine.

Do you understand how mRNA vaccines work?
Idiots like you have never heard of anything that the government did not tell them to believe. LOL do you really believe tha tthe government never lies to the people.

Grow up fool
I think there are liars everywhere, like people who claim existence of futile attempts at common cold vaccines that would fail for reasons completely unrelated to the current COVID pandemic. Specifically, that COVID-19 is one virus and common cold is caused by hundreds of them.

I think you’re making it up and I also would wager that if I asked you for proof of it, you’d balk. I’m not doing that.

I’m merely asking you why you think the current COVID vaccines aren’t vaccines.

Again there is no vaccine for any coronavirus, they have been working on one for over 100 years and now suddenly they have one in 2 months.

But you believe whatever the government tells you because we all know that the government never lies
Your article demonstrates the exact point I’ve been making. There’s no vaccine for the common cold because it’s caused by hundreds of different viruses.

There’s one COVID-19.

Do you understand how mRNA vaccines work? If you do, you’d understand why it didn’t take long to develop the vaccine.
Is there a vaccine for the coronavirus caused common cold? NO, why not, because there is no vaccine for any coronavirus.

But you keep believing what the government tells you because you believe that the government never lies
Because no one would make a vaccine against a coronavirus that causes the common cold when your vaccine would only eliminate a tiny sliver or a single disease that has no real danger to anyone.

Are you so in love with your narrative to see that would be a stupid project before now?
Wrong if you knew anything about medicine you would know that the common cold has killed millions of people

But you keep believing what the government tells you because you believe that the government never lies
lol. cold-related deaths, he cites. awesome. you better be a troll, because the alternative is even worse for you.
Says the troll

Why are you providing free advertisement on a private message board for your advocation of medicine that is not considered effective as the vaccines which are already being distributed?

Everything being pushed by you is for parasitic infections, Corona virus is not a parasitic form of a disease but a virus...
Your hyperbole is laughable. I'm providing information that can be life saving.

And your post is pure propaganda. The kind that is everywhere spread by the global elite and your democrat propaganda wing, and it is FALSE.

Sharyl Attkisson isn't a physician. The data on ivermectin is not robust and the evidence based guidelines do not recommend it's use.
99.999 percent of physicians never studied anything about covid 19 which means that an educated non physician can easily know more
Why do people think they can just make up statistics?
Ask the CDC because they are made of people who make up statistics as they said that there was no need to wear a mask, before they said that you will die if you do not wear a mask, then they said that covid was natural now they say that covid was made in a lab.

I hope you don’t consider yourself one of those educated non-physicians who is smarter than them.
Sure am as I have had doctors tell me that I had liver disease, kidney disease, lupus, cerebral lyme disease and that celiac disease which I do have can not cause internal bleeding. So seriously if I let doctors treat me I would be dead, like you are now
I’m dead? Jesus, thank goodness I have such an educated individual as yourself to diagnose my condition.
You have no soul because you are letting the government make your decisions for you, so spiritually you are dead. But be a good communist and do what you are told
What decision have I let the government make for me?
To wear a mask and get vaccinated which are both part of the mind control that they have over you and not me. But that's ok you be a good communist and follow the party plan for you
The government didn’t make me get a vaccine. I wanted one to protect myself and those around me.

Why do you think I needed the government to tell me to do that?
Nope you wanted one because they brainwashed you with lies. That said you just continue doing everything that you are told like the good communist that you are
What lie or lies brainwashed me into believing that I should get vaccinated?
Falci said that there was no need to wear a mask, then he realized that he could scare and thus control you better by telling you to wear a mask. Then Falsi said that the virus was 100 percent natural, now he says that it was made in a lab because the emails detailing that he funded Wuhan are public. You know all of this but let it pass because it makes you a sucker. However do what you are told, the government really cares about you

They'll believe anything the govt tells them.
You though Trump was a liar also, well I'll be...........

Of course, orange man and his operation warp speed snake juice....................NO THANKS!!
Hydroxychloroquine was his snakeoil...

Naw. He pushed operation warp speed and the masses lined up. That was his magic snake juice. Biden loves it too and pushes this junk.
Are you saying that the vaccine is snake oil?

So the dramatic drop in infections just as vaccinations reach very high levels. That’s just a coincidence?

We don't know that the injection has made infections drop. There are no studies that show that. However, we do know that one can still spread the virus or become infected after receiving the injection.
Gotcha. So why is that basically all the cases of severe COVID these days are in unvaccinated despite them being (especially in my area) a minority that is getting smaller over time?

We don't know that either. We do know that cases have dropped.
Cases have not dropped, what has happened is people are dying of other things now because the government wants covid to reduce
You sure about that? The COVID units in my hospital have been turned back into usual floors and our special COVID vent hospital is shutting down as soon as they find long term hospitals for the handful of patients left.
Yea I am positive and you just agreed with me, because what you just said is that people are now dying of other things just like they always were it is just that not everything is being blamed on covid now
So you’re trying to claim that the people on ventilators with COVID pneumonia didn’t actually have COVID pneumonia?

No. I’m not agreeing with you.
Yup because they stopped using ventilators because all the positive ventilation did was force the disease deeper into lung tissue killing patients.

But you keep believing what the government tells you.
So what do you think we are doing with all those people who supposedly have COVID but can’t maintain oxygenation on non-invasive positive pressure ventilation?

You know, since you think we don’t put them on ventilators anymore.
Exactly what they are doing now. Put them in O2 tents. If you were paying attention you would know this
Ha! The last time I saw an O2 tent was in a third world country.

No, we don’t put them in O2 tents because that is massively inadequate.
You are not very bright.

Oxygen tent use might be down because masks use less O2, but the principle is the same. You do not even know that the government never mentions ventilators anymore because they pushed the disease deeper into lung tissue killing patients.

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies
The principle is to deliver higher O2 concentrations. The inadequacy is that it doesn’t provide ventilation which is a huge problem for COVID pneumonia.

I honestly don’t know what you think “the government” is saying because that’s not how doctors make decisions.

We surely dont listen to people who have no clue what they’re talking about like yourself. Patients with severe COVID still get intubated and mechanically ventilated because there’s no other options.
You are ignoring the fact that ventilators are no longer used the way they were in the beginning. The fact is that doctors used ventilators because the CDC told them to and people died
No, doctors used ventilators because they could not maintain oxygenation in people in any other way.

The CDC didn’t tell us shit about it.

Who old you otherwise?
You are full of shit you little communist fart

The fact is that the CDC ordered ventilator use and production, and to make this worse you appear now to know full well that ventilators are no longer being used as all they did is kill patients by using forced ventilation that forced the disease deeper into lung tissue which equates to murder

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies
The CDC doesn’t tell doctors who to put on a ventilator. That document you showed is how to distribute ventilators to places who need them.

I can just imagine a patient in the ICU with severe COVID and progressive hypoxia and someone in the back pipes up “how about an oxygen tent”. You’d be laughed out of the hospital.

You don’t understand that these people need ventilation and you probably don’t even understand what that word even means in this context.
Stop lying you little communist CDC fart

The CDC ordered massive ventilator production so that more people could be murdered by forced ventilation pushing the disease deeper into lung tissue. You are just another lying fart that does not want to accept responsibility for what the CDC did. This is a matter of historical fact that you are clearly in denial of, because you helped murder people with your communist belief that the government is always right and MUST BE OBEYED.

Fuck you and the CDC too

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies

Ordering ventilators be built doesn’t actually put anyone on a ventilator. People were put on ventilators because they didn’t have any other options.

You don’t really know what you’re talking about. Do you understand that “oxygen tents” can’t provide the ventilation these very sick people needed?
The fact is that ventilators are no longer being used or allowed to be mentioned in the media because all they did was force the disease deeper into lung tissue causing irreparable damage or death
How did you come up with this “fact”?
Is this a project blue book investigation now?

Fuck you, I know and you want to know, that's just how it is, so get used to it


Why are you providing free advertisement on a private message board for your advocation of medicine that is not considered effective as the vaccines which are already being distributed?

Everything being pushed by you is for parasitic infections, Corona virus is not a parasitic form of a disease but a virus...
Your hyperbole is laughable. I'm providing information that can be life saving.

And your post is pure propaganda. The kind that is everywhere spread by the global elite and your democrat propaganda wing, and it is FALSE.

Sharyl Attkisson isn't a physician. The data on ivermectin is not robust and the evidence based guidelines do not recommend it's use.
99.999 percent of physicians never studied anything about covid 19 which means that an educated non physician can easily know more
Why do people think they can just make up statistics?
Ask the CDC because they are made of people who make up statistics as they said that there was no need to wear a mask, before they said that you will die if you do not wear a mask, then they said that covid was natural now they say that covid was made in a lab.

I hope you don’t consider yourself one of those educated non-physicians who is smarter than them.
Sure am as I have had doctors tell me that I had liver disease, kidney disease, lupus, cerebral lyme disease and that celiac disease which I do have can not cause internal bleeding. So seriously if I let doctors treat me I would be dead, like you are now
I’m dead? Jesus, thank goodness I have such an educated individual as yourself to diagnose my condition.
You have no soul because you are letting the government make your decisions for you, so spiritually you are dead. But be a good communist and do what you are told
What decision have I let the government make for me?
To wear a mask and get vaccinated which are both part of the mind control that they have over you and not me. But that's ok you be a good communist and follow the party plan for you
The government didn’t make me get a vaccine. I wanted one to protect myself and those around me.

Why do you think I needed the government to tell me to do that?
Nope you wanted one because they brainwashed you with lies. That said you just continue doing everything that you are told like the good communist that you are
What lie or lies brainwashed me into believing that I should get vaccinated?
Falci said that there was no need to wear a mask, then he realized that he could scare and thus control you better by telling you to wear a mask. Then Falsi said that the virus was 100 percent natural, now he says that it was made in a lab because the emails detailing that he funded Wuhan are public. You know all of this but let it pass because it makes you a sucker. However do what you are told, the government really cares about you

They'll believe anything the govt tells them.
You though Trump was a liar also, well I'll be...........

Of course, orange man and his operation warp speed snake juice....................NO THANKS!!
Hydroxychloroquine was his snakeoil...

Naw. He pushed operation warp speed and the masses lined up. That was his magic snake juice. Biden loves it too and pushes this junk.
Are you saying that the vaccine is snake oil?

So the dramatic drop in infections just as vaccinations reach very high levels. That’s just a coincidence?

We don't know that the injection has made infections drop. There are no studies that show that. However, we do know that one can still spread the virus or become infected after receiving the injection.
Gotcha. So why is that basically all the cases of severe COVID these days are in unvaccinated despite them being (especially in my area) a minority that is getting smaller over time?

We don't know that either. We do know that cases have dropped.
Cases have not dropped, what has happened is people are dying of other things now because the government wants covid to reduce
You sure about that? The COVID units in my hospital have been turned back into usual floors and our special COVID vent hospital is shutting down as soon as they find long term hospitals for the handful of patients left.
Yea I am positive and you just agreed with me, because what you just said is that people are now dying of other things just like they always were it is just that not everything is being blamed on covid now
So you’re trying to claim that the people on ventilators with COVID pneumonia didn’t actually have COVID pneumonia?

No. I’m not agreeing with you.
Yup because they stopped using ventilators because all the positive ventilation did was force the disease deeper into lung tissue killing patients.

But you keep believing what the government tells you.
So what do you think we are doing with all those people who supposedly have COVID but can’t maintain oxygenation on non-invasive positive pressure ventilation?

You know, since you think we don’t put them on ventilators anymore.
Exactly what they are doing now. Put them in O2 tents. If you were paying attention you would know this
Ha! The last time I saw an O2 tent was in a third world country.

No, we don’t put them in O2 tents because that is massively inadequate.
You are not very bright.

Oxygen tent use might be down because masks use less O2, but the principle is the same. You do not even know that the government never mentions ventilators anymore because they pushed the disease deeper into lung tissue killing patients.

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies
The principle is to deliver higher O2 concentrations. The inadequacy is that it doesn’t provide ventilation which is a huge problem for COVID pneumonia.

I honestly don’t know what you think “the government” is saying because that’s not how doctors make decisions.

We surely dont listen to people who have no clue what they’re talking about like yourself. Patients with severe COVID still get intubated and mechanically ventilated because there’s no other options.
You are ignoring the fact that ventilators are no longer used the way they were in the beginning. The fact is that doctors used ventilators because the CDC told them to and people died
No, doctors used ventilators because they could not maintain oxygenation in people in any other way.

The CDC didn’t tell us shit about it.

Who old you otherwise?
You are full of shit you little communist fart

The fact is that the CDC ordered ventilator use and production, and to make this worse you appear now to know full well that ventilators are no longer being used as all they did is kill patients by using forced ventilation that forced the disease deeper into lung tissue which equates to murder

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies
The CDC doesn’t tell doctors who to put on a ventilator. That document you showed is how to distribute ventilators to places who need them.

I can just imagine a patient in the ICU with severe COVID and progressive hypoxia and someone in the back pipes up “how about an oxygen tent”. You’d be laughed out of the hospital.

You don’t understand that these people need ventilation and you probably don’t even understand what that word even means in this context.
Stop lying you little communist CDC fart

The CDC ordered massive ventilator production so that more people could be murdered by forced ventilation pushing the disease deeper into lung tissue. You are just another lying fart that does not want to accept responsibility for what the CDC did. This is a matter of historical fact that you are clearly in denial of, because you helped murder people with your communist belief that the government is always right and MUST BE OBEYED.

Fuck you and the CDC too

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies

Ordering ventilators be built doesn’t actually put anyone on a ventilator. People were put on ventilators because they didn’t have any other options.

You don’t really know what you’re talking about. Do you understand that “oxygen tents” can’t provide the ventilation these very sick people needed?
The fact is that ventilators are no longer being used or allowed to be mentioned in the media because all they did was force the disease deeper into lung tissue causing irreparable damage or death
How did you come up with this “fact”?
By the same process that forced me to buy Apple, Google and Netflix, though I dumped Netflix for more Googl, class A shares.

You voted for higher taxes because you are a moron and you need the government to feed you. I think on my own


WTF does that even mean?
Look, you don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re just making shit up.

Why are you providing free advertisement on a private message board for your advocation of medicine that is not considered effective as the vaccines which are already being distributed?

Everything being pushed by you is for parasitic infections, Corona virus is not a parasitic form of a disease but a virus...
Your hyperbole is laughable. I'm providing information that can be life saving.

And your post is pure propaganda. The kind that is everywhere spread by the global elite and your democrat propaganda wing, and it is FALSE.

Sharyl Attkisson isn't a physician. The data on ivermectin is not robust and the evidence based guidelines do not recommend it's use.
99.999 percent of physicians never studied anything about covid 19 which means that an educated non physician can easily know more
Why do people think they can just make up statistics?
Ask the CDC because they are made of people who make up statistics as they said that there was no need to wear a mask, before they said that you will die if you do not wear a mask, then they said that covid was natural now they say that covid was made in a lab.

I hope you don’t consider yourself one of those educated non-physicians who is smarter than them.
Sure am as I have had doctors tell me that I had liver disease, kidney disease, lupus, cerebral lyme disease and that celiac disease which I do have can not cause internal bleeding. So seriously if I let doctors treat me I would be dead, like you are now
I’m dead? Jesus, thank goodness I have such an educated individual as yourself to diagnose my condition.
You have no soul because you are letting the government make your decisions for you, so spiritually you are dead. But be a good communist and do what you are told
What decision have I let the government make for me?
To wear a mask and get vaccinated which are both part of the mind control that they have over you and not me. But that's ok you be a good communist and follow the party plan for you
The government didn’t make me get a vaccine. I wanted one to protect myself and those around me.

Why do you think I needed the government to tell me to do that?
Nope you wanted one because they brainwashed you with lies. That said you just continue doing everything that you are told like the good communist that you are
What lie or lies brainwashed me into believing that I should get vaccinated?
Falci said that there was no need to wear a mask, then he realized that he could scare and thus control you better by telling you to wear a mask. Then Falsi said that the virus was 100 percent natural, now he says that it was made in a lab because the emails detailing that he funded Wuhan are public. You know all of this but let it pass because it makes you a sucker. However do what you are told, the government really cares about you

They'll believe anything the govt tells them.
You though Trump was a liar also, well I'll be...........

Of course, orange man and his operation warp speed snake juice....................NO THANKS!!
Hydroxychloroquine was his snakeoil...

Naw. He pushed operation warp speed and the masses lined up. That was his magic snake juice. Biden loves it too and pushes this junk.
Are you saying that the vaccine is snake oil?

So the dramatic drop in infections just as vaccinations reach very high levels. That’s just a coincidence?

We don't know that the injection has made infections drop. There are no studies that show that. However, we do know that one can still spread the virus or become infected after receiving the injection.
Gotcha. So why is that basically all the cases of severe COVID these days are in unvaccinated despite them being (especially in my area) a minority that is getting smaller over time?

We don't know that either. We do know that cases have dropped.
Cases have not dropped, what has happened is people are dying of other things now because the government wants covid to reduce
You sure about that? The COVID units in my hospital have been turned back into usual floors and our special COVID vent hospital is shutting down as soon as they find long term hospitals for the handful of patients left.
Yea I am positive and you just agreed with me, because what you just said is that people are now dying of other things just like they always were it is just that not everything is being blamed on covid now
So you’re trying to claim that the people on ventilators with COVID pneumonia didn’t actually have COVID pneumonia?

No. I’m not agreeing with you.
Yup because they stopped using ventilators because all the positive ventilation did was force the disease deeper into lung tissue killing patients.

But you keep believing what the government tells you.
So what do you think we are doing with all those people who supposedly have COVID but can’t maintain oxygenation on non-invasive positive pressure ventilation?

You know, since you think we don’t put them on ventilators anymore.
Exactly what they are doing now. Put them in O2 tents. If you were paying attention you would know this
Ha! The last time I saw an O2 tent was in a third world country.

No, we don’t put them in O2 tents because that is massively inadequate.
You are not very bright.

Oxygen tent use might be down because masks use less O2, but the principle is the same. You do not even know that the government never mentions ventilators anymore because they pushed the disease deeper into lung tissue killing patients.

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies
The principle is to deliver higher O2 concentrations. The inadequacy is that it doesn’t provide ventilation which is a huge problem for COVID pneumonia.

I honestly don’t know what you think “the government” is saying because that’s not how doctors make decisions.

We surely dont listen to people who have no clue what they’re talking about like yourself. Patients with severe COVID still get intubated and mechanically ventilated because there’s no other options.
You are ignoring the fact that ventilators are no longer used the way they were in the beginning. The fact is that doctors used ventilators because the CDC told them to and people died
No, doctors used ventilators because they could not maintain oxygenation in people in any other way.

The CDC didn’t tell us shit about it.

Who old you otherwise?
You are full of shit you little communist fart

The fact is that the CDC ordered ventilator use and production, and to make this worse you appear now to know full well that ventilators are no longer being used as all they did is kill patients by using forced ventilation that forced the disease deeper into lung tissue which equates to murder

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies
The CDC doesn’t tell doctors who to put on a ventilator. That document you showed is how to distribute ventilators to places who need them.

I can just imagine a patient in the ICU with severe COVID and progressive hypoxia and someone in the back pipes up “how about an oxygen tent”. You’d be laughed out of the hospital.

You don’t understand that these people need ventilation and you probably don’t even understand what that word even means in this context.
Stop lying you little communist CDC fart

The CDC ordered massive ventilator production so that more people could be murdered by forced ventilation pushing the disease deeper into lung tissue. You are just another lying fart that does not want to accept responsibility for what the CDC did. This is a matter of historical fact that you are clearly in denial of, because you helped murder people with your communist belief that the government is always right and MUST BE OBEYED.

Fuck you and the CDC too

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies

Ordering ventilators be built doesn’t actually put anyone on a ventilator. People were put on ventilators because they didn’t have any other options.

You don’t really know what you’re talking about. Do you understand that “oxygen tents” can’t provide the ventilation these very sick people needed?
The fact is that ventilators are no longer being used or allowed to be mentioned in the media because all they did was force the disease deeper into lung tissue causing irreparable damage or death
How did you come up with this “fact”?
Is this a project blue book investigation now?

Fuck you, I know and you want to know, that's just how it is, so get used to it
You don’t know shit. You think you do, but you don’t.

Why are you providing free advertisement on a private message board for your advocation of medicine that is not considered effective as the vaccines which are already being distributed?

Everything being pushed by you is for parasitic infections, Corona virus is not a parasitic form of a disease but a virus...
Your hyperbole is laughable. I'm providing information that can be life saving.

And your post is pure propaganda. The kind that is everywhere spread by the global elite and your democrat propaganda wing, and it is FALSE.

Sharyl Attkisson isn't a physician. The data on ivermectin is not robust and the evidence based guidelines do not recommend it's use.
99.999 percent of physicians never studied anything about covid 19 which means that an educated non physician can easily know more
Why do people think they can just make up statistics?
Ask the CDC because they are made of people who make up statistics as they said that there was no need to wear a mask, before they said that you will die if you do not wear a mask, then they said that covid was natural now they say that covid was made in a lab.

I hope you don’t consider yourself one of those educated non-physicians who is smarter than them.
Sure am as I have had doctors tell me that I had liver disease, kidney disease, lupus, cerebral lyme disease and that celiac disease which I do have can not cause internal bleeding. So seriously if I let doctors treat me I would be dead, like you are now
I’m dead? Jesus, thank goodness I have such an educated individual as yourself to diagnose my condition.
You have no soul because you are letting the government make your decisions for you, so spiritually you are dead. But be a good communist and do what you are told
What decision have I let the government make for me?
To wear a mask and get vaccinated which are both part of the mind control that they have over you and not me. But that's ok you be a good communist and follow the party plan for you
The government didn’t make me get a vaccine. I wanted one to protect myself and those around me.

Why do you think I needed the government to tell me to do that?
Nope you wanted one because they brainwashed you with lies. That said you just continue doing everything that you are told like the good communist that you are
What lie or lies brainwashed me into believing that I should get vaccinated?
Falci said that there was no need to wear a mask, then he realized that he could scare and thus control you better by telling you to wear a mask. Then Falsi said that the virus was 100 percent natural, now he says that it was made in a lab because the emails detailing that he funded Wuhan are public. You know all of this but let it pass because it makes you a sucker. However do what you are told, the government really cares about you

They'll believe anything the govt tells them.
You though Trump was a liar also, well I'll be...........

Of course, orange man and his operation warp speed snake juice....................NO THANKS!!
Hydroxychloroquine was his snakeoil...

Naw. He pushed operation warp speed and the masses lined up. That was his magic snake juice. Biden loves it too and pushes this junk.
Are you saying that the vaccine is snake oil?

So the dramatic drop in infections just as vaccinations reach very high levels. That’s just a coincidence?

We don't know that the injection has made infections drop. There are no studies that show that. However, we do know that one can still spread the virus or become infected after receiving the injection.
Gotcha. So why is that basically all the cases of severe COVID these days are in unvaccinated despite them being (especially in my area) a minority that is getting smaller over time?

We don't know that either. We do know that cases have dropped.
Cases have not dropped, what has happened is people are dying of other things now because the government wants covid to reduce
You sure about that? The COVID units in my hospital have been turned back into usual floors and our special COVID vent hospital is shutting down as soon as they find long term hospitals for the handful of patients left.
Yea I am positive and you just agreed with me, because what you just said is that people are now dying of other things just like they always were it is just that not everything is being blamed on covid now
So you’re trying to claim that the people on ventilators with COVID pneumonia didn’t actually have COVID pneumonia?

No. I’m not agreeing with you.
Yup because they stopped using ventilators because all the positive ventilation did was force the disease deeper into lung tissue killing patients.

But you keep believing what the government tells you.
So what do you think we are doing with all those people who supposedly have COVID but can’t maintain oxygenation on non-invasive positive pressure ventilation?

You know, since you think we don’t put them on ventilators anymore.
Exactly what they are doing now. Put them in O2 tents. If you were paying attention you would know this
Ha! The last time I saw an O2 tent was in a third world country.

No, we don’t put them in O2 tents because that is massively inadequate.
You are not very bright.

Oxygen tent use might be down because masks use less O2, but the principle is the same. You do not even know that the government never mentions ventilators anymore because they pushed the disease deeper into lung tissue killing patients.

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies
The principle is to deliver higher O2 concentrations. The inadequacy is that it doesn’t provide ventilation which is a huge problem for COVID pneumonia.

I honestly don’t know what you think “the government” is saying because that’s not how doctors make decisions.

We surely dont listen to people who have no clue what they’re talking about like yourself. Patients with severe COVID still get intubated and mechanically ventilated because there’s no other options.
You are ignoring the fact that ventilators are no longer used the way they were in the beginning. The fact is that doctors used ventilators because the CDC told them to and people died
No, doctors used ventilators because they could not maintain oxygenation in people in any other way.

The CDC didn’t tell us shit about it.

Who old you otherwise?
You are full of shit you little communist fart

The fact is that the CDC ordered ventilator use and production, and to make this worse you appear now to know full well that ventilators are no longer being used as all they did is kill patients by using forced ventilation that forced the disease deeper into lung tissue which equates to murder

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies
The CDC doesn’t tell doctors who to put on a ventilator. That document you showed is how to distribute ventilators to places who need them.

I can just imagine a patient in the ICU with severe COVID and progressive hypoxia and someone in the back pipes up “how about an oxygen tent”. You’d be laughed out of the hospital.

You don’t understand that these people need ventilation and you probably don’t even understand what that word even means in this context.
Stop lying you little communist CDC fart

The CDC ordered massive ventilator production so that more people could be murdered by forced ventilation pushing the disease deeper into lung tissue. You are just another lying fart that does not want to accept responsibility for what the CDC did. This is a matter of historical fact that you are clearly in denial of, because you helped murder people with your communist belief that the government is always right and MUST BE OBEYED.

Fuck you and the CDC too

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies

Ordering ventilators be built doesn’t actually put anyone on a ventilator. People were put on ventilators because they didn’t have any other options.

You don’t really know what you’re talking about. Do you understand that “oxygen tents” can’t provide the ventilation these very sick people needed?
The fact is that ventilators are no longer being used or allowed to be mentioned in the media because all they did was force the disease deeper into lung tissue causing irreparable damage or death
How did you come up with this “fact”?
Is this a project blue book investigation now?

Fuck you, I know and you want to know, that's just how it is, so get used to it
You don’t know shit. You think you do, but you don’t.
I know that you need the government to tell you what to do and that I do as I please with the strength of the truth and God the Father. Your entire life is just one lie after another so a pile of buffalo manure has more worth than you


Why are you providing free advertisement on a private message board for your advocation of medicine that is not considered effective as the vaccines which are already being distributed?

Everything being pushed by you is for parasitic infections, Corona virus is not a parasitic form of a disease but a virus...
Your hyperbole is laughable. I'm providing information that can be life saving.

And your post is pure propaganda. The kind that is everywhere spread by the global elite and your democrat propaganda wing, and it is FALSE.

Sharyl Attkisson isn't a physician. The data on ivermectin is not robust and the evidence based guidelines do not recommend it's use.
99.999 percent of physicians never studied anything about covid 19 which means that an educated non physician can easily know more
Why do people think they can just make up statistics?
Ask the CDC because they are made of people who make up statistics as they said that there was no need to wear a mask, before they said that you will die if you do not wear a mask, then they said that covid was natural now they say that covid was made in a lab.

I hope you don’t consider yourself one of those educated non-physicians who is smarter than them.
Sure am as I have had doctors tell me that I had liver disease, kidney disease, lupus, cerebral lyme disease and that celiac disease which I do have can not cause internal bleeding. So seriously if I let doctors treat me I would be dead, like you are now
I’m dead? Jesus, thank goodness I have such an educated individual as yourself to diagnose my condition.
You have no soul because you are letting the government make your decisions for you, so spiritually you are dead. But be a good communist and do what you are told
What decision have I let the government make for me?
To wear a mask and get vaccinated which are both part of the mind control that they have over you and not me. But that's ok you be a good communist and follow the party plan for you
The government didn’t make me get a vaccine. I wanted one to protect myself and those around me.

Why do you think I needed the government to tell me to do that?
Nope you wanted one because they brainwashed you with lies. That said you just continue doing everything that you are told like the good communist that you are
What lie or lies brainwashed me into believing that I should get vaccinated?
Falci said that there was no need to wear a mask, then he realized that he could scare and thus control you better by telling you to wear a mask. Then Falsi said that the virus was 100 percent natural, now he says that it was made in a lab because the emails detailing that he funded Wuhan are public. You know all of this but let it pass because it makes you a sucker. However do what you are told, the government really cares about you

They'll believe anything the govt tells them.
You though Trump was a liar also, well I'll be...........

Of course, orange man and his operation warp speed snake juice....................NO THANKS!!
Hydroxychloroquine was his snakeoil...

Naw. He pushed operation warp speed and the masses lined up. That was his magic snake juice. Biden loves it too and pushes this junk.
Are you saying that the vaccine is snake oil?

So the dramatic drop in infections just as vaccinations reach very high levels. That’s just a coincidence?

We don't know that the injection has made infections drop. There are no studies that show that. However, we do know that one can still spread the virus or become infected after receiving the injection.
Gotcha. So why is that basically all the cases of severe COVID these days are in unvaccinated despite them being (especially in my area) a minority that is getting smaller over time?

We don't know that either. We do know that cases have dropped.
Cases have not dropped, what has happened is people are dying of other things now because the government wants covid to reduce
You sure about that? The COVID units in my hospital have been turned back into usual floors and our special COVID vent hospital is shutting down as soon as they find long term hospitals for the handful of patients left.
Yea I am positive and you just agreed with me, because what you just said is that people are now dying of other things just like they always were it is just that not everything is being blamed on covid now
So you’re trying to claim that the people on ventilators with COVID pneumonia didn’t actually have COVID pneumonia?

No. I’m not agreeing with you.
Yup because they stopped using ventilators because all the positive ventilation did was force the disease deeper into lung tissue killing patients.

But you keep believing what the government tells you.
So what do you think we are doing with all those people who supposedly have COVID but can’t maintain oxygenation on non-invasive positive pressure ventilation?

You know, since you think we don’t put them on ventilators anymore.
Exactly what they are doing now. Put them in O2 tents. If you were paying attention you would know this
Ha! The last time I saw an O2 tent was in a third world country.

No, we don’t put them in O2 tents because that is massively inadequate.
You are not very bright.

Oxygen tent use might be down because masks use less O2, but the principle is the same. You do not even know that the government never mentions ventilators anymore because they pushed the disease deeper into lung tissue killing patients.

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies
The principle is to deliver higher O2 concentrations. The inadequacy is that it doesn’t provide ventilation which is a huge problem for COVID pneumonia.

I honestly don’t know what you think “the government” is saying because that’s not how doctors make decisions.

We surely dont listen to people who have no clue what they’re talking about like yourself. Patients with severe COVID still get intubated and mechanically ventilated because there’s no other options.
You are ignoring the fact that ventilators are no longer used the way they were in the beginning. The fact is that doctors used ventilators because the CDC told them to and people died
No, doctors used ventilators because they could not maintain oxygenation in people in any other way.

The CDC didn’t tell us shit about it.

Who old you otherwise?
You are full of shit you little communist fart

The fact is that the CDC ordered ventilator use and production, and to make this worse you appear now to know full well that ventilators are no longer being used as all they did is kill patients by using forced ventilation that forced the disease deeper into lung tissue which equates to murder

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies
The CDC doesn’t tell doctors who to put on a ventilator. That document you showed is how to distribute ventilators to places who need them.

I can just imagine a patient in the ICU with severe COVID and progressive hypoxia and someone in the back pipes up “how about an oxygen tent”. You’d be laughed out of the hospital.

You don’t understand that these people need ventilation and you probably don’t even understand what that word even means in this context.
Stop lying you little communist CDC fart

The CDC ordered massive ventilator production so that more people could be murdered by forced ventilation pushing the disease deeper into lung tissue. You are just another lying fart that does not want to accept responsibility for what the CDC did. This is a matter of historical fact that you are clearly in denial of, because you helped murder people with your communist belief that the government is always right and MUST BE OBEYED.

Fuck you and the CDC too

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies

Ordering ventilators be built doesn’t actually put anyone on a ventilator. People were put on ventilators because they didn’t have any other options.

You don’t really know what you’re talking about. Do you understand that “oxygen tents” can’t provide the ventilation these very sick people needed?
The fact is that ventilators are no longer being used or allowed to be mentioned in the media because all they did was force the disease deeper into lung tissue causing irreparable damage or death
How did you come up with this “fact”?
Is this a project blue book investigation now?

Fuck you, I know and you want to know, that's just how it is, so get used to it
You don’t know shit. You think you do, but you don’t.
I know the value of a share of GOOGL and AAPL


Why are you providing free advertisement on a private message board for your advocation of medicine that is not considered effective as the vaccines which are already being distributed?

Everything being pushed by you is for parasitic infections, Corona virus is not a parasitic form of a disease but a virus...
Your hyperbole is laughable. I'm providing information that can be life saving.

And your post is pure propaganda. The kind that is everywhere spread by the global elite and your democrat propaganda wing, and it is FALSE.

Sharyl Attkisson isn't a physician. The data on ivermectin is not robust and the evidence based guidelines do not recommend it's use.
99.999 percent of physicians never studied anything about covid 19 which means that an educated non physician can easily know more
Why do people think they can just make up statistics?
Ask the CDC because they are made of people who make up statistics as they said that there was no need to wear a mask, before they said that you will die if you do not wear a mask, then they said that covid was natural now they say that covid was made in a lab.

I hope you don’t consider yourself one of those educated non-physicians who is smarter than them.
Sure am as I have had doctors tell me that I had liver disease, kidney disease, lupus, cerebral lyme disease and that celiac disease which I do have can not cause internal bleeding. So seriously if I let doctors treat me I would be dead, like you are now
I’m dead? Jesus, thank goodness I have such an educated individual as yourself to diagnose my condition.
You have no soul because you are letting the government make your decisions for you, so spiritually you are dead. But be a good communist and do what you are told
What decision have I let the government make for me?
To wear a mask and get vaccinated which are both part of the mind control that they have over you and not me. But that's ok you be a good communist and follow the party plan for you
The government didn’t make me get a vaccine. I wanted one to protect myself and those around me.

Why do you think I needed the government to tell me to do that?
Nope you wanted one because they brainwashed you with lies. That said you just continue doing everything that you are told like the good communist that you are
What lie or lies brainwashed me into believing that I should get vaccinated?
Falci said that there was no need to wear a mask, then he realized that he could scare and thus control you better by telling you to wear a mask. Then Falsi said that the virus was 100 percent natural, now he says that it was made in a lab because the emails detailing that he funded Wuhan are public. You know all of this but let it pass because it makes you a sucker. However do what you are told, the government really cares about you

They'll believe anything the govt tells them.
You though Trump was a liar also, well I'll be...........

Of course, orange man and his operation warp speed snake juice....................NO THANKS!!
Hydroxychloroquine was his snakeoil...

Naw. He pushed operation warp speed and the masses lined up. That was his magic snake juice. Biden loves it too and pushes this junk.
Are you saying that the vaccine is snake oil?

So the dramatic drop in infections just as vaccinations reach very high levels. That’s just a coincidence?

We don't know that the injection has made infections drop. There are no studies that show that. However, we do know that one can still spread the virus or become infected after receiving the injection.
Gotcha. So why is that basically all the cases of severe COVID these days are in unvaccinated despite them being (especially in my area) a minority that is getting smaller over time?

We don't know that either. We do know that cases have dropped.
Cases have not dropped, what has happened is people are dying of other things now because the government wants covid to reduce
You sure about that? The COVID units in my hospital have been turned back into usual floors and our special COVID vent hospital is shutting down as soon as they find long term hospitals for the handful of patients left.
Yea I am positive and you just agreed with me, because what you just said is that people are now dying of other things just like they always were it is just that not everything is being blamed on covid now
So you’re trying to claim that the people on ventilators with COVID pneumonia didn’t actually have COVID pneumonia?

No. I’m not agreeing with you.
Yup because they stopped using ventilators because all the positive ventilation did was force the disease deeper into lung tissue killing patients.

But you keep believing what the government tells you.
So what do you think we are doing with all those people who supposedly have COVID but can’t maintain oxygenation on non-invasive positive pressure ventilation?

You know, since you think we don’t put them on ventilators anymore.
Exactly what they are doing now. Put them in O2 tents. If you were paying attention you would know this
Ha! The last time I saw an O2 tent was in a third world country.

No, we don’t put them in O2 tents because that is massively inadequate.
You are not very bright.

Oxygen tent use might be down because masks use less O2, but the principle is the same. You do not even know that the government never mentions ventilators anymore because they pushed the disease deeper into lung tissue killing patients.

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies
The principle is to deliver higher O2 concentrations. The inadequacy is that it doesn’t provide ventilation which is a huge problem for COVID pneumonia.

I honestly don’t know what you think “the government” is saying because that’s not how doctors make decisions.

We surely dont listen to people who have no clue what they’re talking about like yourself. Patients with severe COVID still get intubated and mechanically ventilated because there’s no other options.
You are ignoring the fact that ventilators are no longer used the way they were in the beginning. The fact is that doctors used ventilators because the CDC told them to and people died
No, doctors used ventilators because they could not maintain oxygenation in people in any other way.

The CDC didn’t tell us shit about it.

Who old you otherwise?
You are full of shit you little communist fart

The fact is that the CDC ordered ventilator use and production, and to make this worse you appear now to know full well that ventilators are no longer being used as all they did is kill patients by using forced ventilation that forced the disease deeper into lung tissue which equates to murder

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies
The CDC doesn’t tell doctors who to put on a ventilator. That document you showed is how to distribute ventilators to places who need them.

I can just imagine a patient in the ICU with severe COVID and progressive hypoxia and someone in the back pipes up “how about an oxygen tent”. You’d be laughed out of the hospital.

You don’t understand that these people need ventilation and you probably don’t even understand what that word even means in this context.
Stop lying you little communist CDC fart

The CDC ordered massive ventilator production so that more people could be murdered by forced ventilation pushing the disease deeper into lung tissue. You are just another lying fart that does not want to accept responsibility for what the CDC did. This is a matter of historical fact that you are clearly in denial of, because you helped murder people with your communist belief that the government is always right and MUST BE OBEYED.

Fuck you and the CDC too

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies

Ordering ventilators be built doesn’t actually put anyone on a ventilator. People were put on ventilators because they didn’t have any other options.

You don’t really know what you’re talking about. Do you understand that “oxygen tents” can’t provide the ventilation these very sick people needed?
The fact is that ventilators are no longer being used or allowed to be mentioned in the media because all they did was force the disease deeper into lung tissue causing irreparable damage or death
How did you come up with this “fact”?
Is this a project blue book investigation now?

Fuck you, I know and you want to know, that's just how it is, so get used to it
You don’t know shit. You think you do, but you don’t.
I know the value of a share of GOOGL and AAPL

Good for you.

What you don’t know is how to practice medicine. You didn’t spend thousands of hours in hospitals taking care of COVID patients.
I know that you need the government to tell you what to do and that I do as I please with the strength of the truth and God the Father. Your entire life is just one lie after another so a pile of cow manure has more worth than you
It must be nice when the only person you care about is yourself.

Why are you providing free advertisement on a private message board for your advocation of medicine that is not considered effective as the vaccines which are already being distributed?

Everything being pushed by you is for parasitic infections, Corona virus is not a parasitic form of a disease but a virus...
Your hyperbole is laughable. I'm providing information that can be life saving.

And your post is pure propaganda. The kind that is everywhere spread by the global elite and your democrat propaganda wing, and it is FALSE.

Sharyl Attkisson isn't a physician. The data on ivermectin is not robust and the evidence based guidelines do not recommend it's use.
99.999 percent of physicians never studied anything about covid 19 which means that an educated non physician can easily know more
Why do people think they can just make up statistics?
Ask the CDC because they are made of people who make up statistics as they said that there was no need to wear a mask, before they said that you will die if you do not wear a mask, then they said that covid was natural now they say that covid was made in a lab.

I hope you don’t consider yourself one of those educated non-physicians who is smarter than them.
Sure am as I have had doctors tell me that I had liver disease, kidney disease, lupus, cerebral lyme disease and that celiac disease which I do have can not cause internal bleeding. So seriously if I let doctors treat me I would be dead, like you are now
I’m dead? Jesus, thank goodness I have such an educated individual as yourself to diagnose my condition.
You have no soul because you are letting the government make your decisions for you, so spiritually you are dead. But be a good communist and do what you are told
What decision have I let the government make for me?
To wear a mask and get vaccinated which are both part of the mind control that they have over you and not me. But that's ok you be a good communist and follow the party plan for you
The government didn’t make me get a vaccine. I wanted one to protect myself and those around me.

Why do you think I needed the government to tell me to do that?
Nope you wanted one because they brainwashed you with lies. That said you just continue doing everything that you are told like the good communist that you are
What lie or lies brainwashed me into believing that I should get vaccinated?
Falci said that there was no need to wear a mask, then he realized that he could scare and thus control you better by telling you to wear a mask. Then Falsi said that the virus was 100 percent natural, now he says that it was made in a lab because the emails detailing that he funded Wuhan are public. You know all of this but let it pass because it makes you a sucker. However do what you are told, the government really cares about you

They'll believe anything the govt tells them.
You though Trump was a liar also, well I'll be...........

Of course, orange man and his operation warp speed snake juice....................NO THANKS!!
Hydroxychloroquine was his snakeoil...

Naw. He pushed operation warp speed and the masses lined up. That was his magic snake juice. Biden loves it too and pushes this junk.
Are you saying that the vaccine is snake oil?

So the dramatic drop in infections just as vaccinations reach very high levels. That’s just a coincidence?

We don't know that the injection has made infections drop. There are no studies that show that. However, we do know that one can still spread the virus or become infected after receiving the injection.
Gotcha. So why is that basically all the cases of severe COVID these days are in unvaccinated despite them being (especially in my area) a minority that is getting smaller over time?

We don't know that either. We do know that cases have dropped.
Cases have not dropped, what has happened is people are dying of other things now because the government wants covid to reduce
You sure about that? The COVID units in my hospital have been turned back into usual floors and our special COVID vent hospital is shutting down as soon as they find long term hospitals for the handful of patients left.
Yea I am positive and you just agreed with me, because what you just said is that people are now dying of other things just like they always were it is just that not everything is being blamed on covid now
So you’re trying to claim that the people on ventilators with COVID pneumonia didn’t actually have COVID pneumonia?

No. I’m not agreeing with you.
Yup because they stopped using ventilators because all the positive ventilation did was force the disease deeper into lung tissue killing patients.

But you keep believing what the government tells you.
So what do you think we are doing with all those people who supposedly have COVID but can’t maintain oxygenation on non-invasive positive pressure ventilation?

You know, since you think we don’t put them on ventilators anymore.
Exactly what they are doing now. Put them in O2 tents. If you were paying attention you would know this
Ha! The last time I saw an O2 tent was in a third world country.

No, we don’t put them in O2 tents because that is massively inadequate.
You are not very bright.

Oxygen tent use might be down because masks use less O2, but the principle is the same. You do not even know that the government never mentions ventilators anymore because they pushed the disease deeper into lung tissue killing patients.

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies
The principle is to deliver higher O2 concentrations. The inadequacy is that it doesn’t provide ventilation which is a huge problem for COVID pneumonia.

I honestly don’t know what you think “the government” is saying because that’s not how doctors make decisions.

We surely dont listen to people who have no clue what they’re talking about like yourself. Patients with severe COVID still get intubated and mechanically ventilated because there’s no other options.
You are ignoring the fact that ventilators are no longer used the way they were in the beginning. The fact is that doctors used ventilators because the CDC told them to and people died
No, doctors used ventilators because they could not maintain oxygenation in people in any other way.

The CDC didn’t tell us shit about it.

Who old you otherwise?
You are full of shit you little communist fart

The fact is that the CDC ordered ventilator use and production, and to make this worse you appear now to know full well that ventilators are no longer being used as all they did is kill patients by using forced ventilation that forced the disease deeper into lung tissue which equates to murder

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies
The CDC doesn’t tell doctors who to put on a ventilator. That document you showed is how to distribute ventilators to places who need them.

I can just imagine a patient in the ICU with severe COVID and progressive hypoxia and someone in the back pipes up “how about an oxygen tent”. You’d be laughed out of the hospital.

You don’t understand that these people need ventilation and you probably don’t even understand what that word even means in this context.
Stop lying you little communist CDC fart

The CDC ordered massive ventilator production so that more people could be murdered by forced ventilation pushing the disease deeper into lung tissue. You are just another lying fart that does not want to accept responsibility for what the CDC did. This is a matter of historical fact that you are clearly in denial of, because you helped murder people with your communist belief that the government is always right and MUST BE OBEYED.

Fuck you and the CDC too

But you keep believing what the government tells you, because the government never lies

Ordering ventilators be built doesn’t actually put anyone on a ventilator. People were put on ventilators because they didn’t have any other options.

You don’t really know what you’re talking about. Do you understand that “oxygen tents” can’t provide the ventilation these very sick people needed?
The fact is that ventilators are no longer being used or allowed to be mentioned in the media because all they did was force the disease deeper into lung tissue causing irreparable damage or death
How did you come up with this “fact”?
Is this a project blue book investigation now?

Fuck you, I know and you want to know, that's just how it is, so get used to it
You don’t know shit. You think you do, but you don’t.
I know the value of a share of GOOGL and AAPL

Good for you.

What you don’t know is how to practice medicine. You didn’t spend thousands of hours in hospitals taking care of COVID patients.
I know that 50 percent of the nurses emptying covid patients colostomy bags said fuck you to all of your CDC vaccines


Now smile

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