Zone1 How Do I Help Lead a Gay Man to Repentance?

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
This is a friend of mine who appears to be interested in getting to know Christ, but is deeply in love with another man and also fears that Christ won't accept him especially having bad experiences in the past with Christians.

I tried explaining to him that Jesus might not love his sin, but he still loves him but he's still really unsure about it. Please keep him in your prayers as he's actually somebody in the LGBT community who is struggling and actually wanting to have a change of heart but is scared to.
This is a friend of mine who appears to be interested in getting to know Christ, but is deeply in love with another man and also fears that Christ won't accept him especially having bad experiences in the past with Christians.

I tried explaining to him that Jesus might not love his sin, but he still loves him but he's still really unsure about it. Please keep him in your prayers as he's actually somebody in the LGBT community who is struggling and actually wanting to have a change of heart but is scared to.
Tell him that Jesus doesn’t care who he loves.
This is a friend of mine who appears to be interested in getting to know Christ, but is deeply in love with another man and also fears that Christ won't accept him especially having bad experiences in the past with Christians.

I tried explaining to him that Jesus might not love his sin, but he still loves him but he's still really unsure about it. Please keep him in your prayers as he's actually somebody in the LGBT community who is struggling and actually wanting to have a change of heart but is scared to.
Tell him to read the New Testament and understand for himself how forgiving and welcoming Jesus was. In essence he was a reformer Rabbi, from accepting prostitutes and criminals to addressing the issue of forbidden foods. Quote him directly, "he who is without sin be the first to cast a stone"
Why do feel compelled to control another person. Live and let live is a good philosophy.
People feel compelled to do all kinds of sexual acts that may be harmful to themselves and/or to others.

Just ask Hunter Biden.

For those seeking deliverance, however, there is hope.

Or you can just throw up your hands and give Hunter the keys to the Corvette with the classified documents in back saying, "Live and let live" as he rides off with a few of his victims.
This is a friend of mine who appears to be interested in getting to know Christ, but is deeply in love with another man and also fears that Christ won't accept him especially having bad experiences in the past with Christians.

I tried explaining to him that Jesus might not love his sin, but he still loves him but he's still really unsure about it. Please keep him in your prayers as he's actually somebody in the LGBT community who is struggling and actually wanting to have a change of heart but is scared to.

Introduce him to Christ ... And leave it to Him.
If I understand correctly ... Your friend's Salvation is not through you.

This is a friend of mine who appears to be interested in getting to know Christ, but is deeply in love with another man and also fears that Christ won't accept him especially having bad experiences in the past with Christians.

I tried explaining to him that Jesus might not love his sin, but he still loves him but he's still really unsure about it. Please keep him in your prayers as he's actually somebody in the LGBT community who is struggling and actually wanting to have a change of heart but is scared to.
It's not up to you to tell anyone to repent. Judge not and all that. If this guy is your friend you will love him no matter what and his sins are a matter for him and his god not you
Matthew 10:37 “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me."

It goes on to say that whoever loves their very life more than Christ he is not worthy of him.

For the Christian, looking to the will of God trumps all, therefore, it is up to them to seek his will, or they can always do their own thing.

Really, it is up to them. And yes, it's difficult to take up the cross, but that is what Jesus commanded each of us to do.

We all have that cross to crucify the flesh with as we die to self.
I halfway agree with you, but he's the one who came to me seeking possible deliverance.
You cannot give him deliverance. Direct him to your god for that is where he will find his salvation if that's what he is looking for.
I halfway agree with you, but he's the one who came to me seeking possible deliverance.
The danger with seeking God's will on such matters is not conflating what you want with what God wants.

That is the hard part, that is, having the truth revealed to you even if that truth is crushing to you at first, much like Jesus sweating great drops of blood before being sent to the cross as he lay in agony asking the Father to deliver him, but no deliverance came.

But God gives us the strength to deal with what we cannot fix.
Tell him that Jesus doesn’t care who he loves.
An interesting idea, that I'd like the OP to consider.

FJB what would you think of referring him to a church that does not condemn homosexuality?

I'm not saying that you should do that. Your beliefs are your beliefs and you are more than welcome to them. If his only way to Jesus was through a church that accepts homosexuality as non-sinful, would you use your influence to stand in his way?
Who is to say that Jesus was not Gay ?

Him and his special disciple , John , were the talk of Jerusalem .
The Christian must do an honest search in scripture and through prayer to find truth.

That is the call.

But most I think look through scripture to try and "interpret" it the way they want it to read.

It reminds me of Hitler. He thought most of the Bible was bunk, until he read about Jesus chasing the Jews out of temple with a whip. Yea, he loved that, so that is why he labeled himself a Christian.

But had Christ himself come down and told him directly he must love the Jew, he would have rejected him.

The friend in question must be asked the same thing. If Jesus came down directly and asked the man to give up gay sex would he reject him for it?

Matthew 19:16

A Rich Man Refuses to Follow Jesus

16 A man came to Jesus and asked, “Teacher, what good thing must I do to have eternal life?”

17 Jesus answered, “Why do you ask me about what is good? Only God is good. But if you want to have eternal life, obey the law’s commands.”

18 The man asked, “Which ones?”

Jesus answered, “‘You must not murder anyone, you must not commit adultery, you must not steal, you must not tell lies about others, 19 you must respect your father and mother,’[a] and ‘love your neighbor[b] the same as you love yourself.’[c]”

20 The young man said, “I have obeyed all these commands. What else do I need?”

21 Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, then go and sell all that you own. Give the money to the poor, and you will have riches in heaven. Then come and follow me!”

22 But when the young man heard Jesus tell him to give away his money, he was sad. He didn’t want to do this, because he was very rich. So he left.

So this scripture shows what God is after, he is after what comes before him, whatever that might be. Notice, salvation does not come simply by giving your money to the poor. That was not the message.
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I tried explaining to him that Jesus might not love his sin, but he still loves him but he's still really unsure about it.
What does your friend want to do for Christ? What does your friend want from Jesus? Once one has a relationship with Jesus, things change. For example, someone did something once that I could just not forgive. My entire life had been, Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those, and forgive seventy times seven.

My prayer was that as I could not forgive, I turned it over to Jesus to handle the forgiveness until I had the strength to forgive on my own. Took years--and sometimes Jesus still has to handle a part of it, but we got there.

If this works for forgiveness, I have a strong belief it will also work for sin. Since God is great about bringing good out of evil, I am sure He can be trusted to bring good from sin.
An interesting idea, that I'd like the OP to consider.

FJB what would you think of referring him to a church that does not condemn homosexuality?

I'm not saying that you should do that. Your beliefs are your beliefs and you are more than welcome to them. If his only way to Jesus was through a church that accepts homosexuality as non-sinful, would you use your influence to stand in his way?

That's a really good idea as long as the church doesn't confuse acceptance with condoning.

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