Zone1 How Do I Help Lead a Gay Man to Repentance?

Well said and right in sync with modernity.
You've shown that there's good to be had in ignoring the instructions of your bibles.

In fact, you've been able to reconcile the bibles contradictions, as is obviously needed in order to deal with conflicting ideologies presented in the 21st. century.

Welcome back! Our other 'true' Christian friend had succumbed to anger and insults.

As opposed to the "true" Canadian who is here with ulterior motives perhaps?
Leave him be. He has no interest in changing to accommodate faith in Christianity. He wants to believe that Christianity should change to accommodate him. He could find a gay Friendly church and pretend that Christianity is accommodating his perversion. That's the best he can do.
Leave him be. He has no interest in changing to accommodate faith in Christianity. He wants to believe that Christianity should change to accommodate him. He could find a gay Friendly church and pretend that Christianity is accommodating his perversion. That's the best he can do.
You don't know that.
Has the Catholic church shrugged off it's responsibility to advise the use of condoms, as a compromise for the sake of it's dogma? How many millions of men, women, and children must die of AIDS?
The Catholic Church points to the ideal. It is not like there aren't plenty of other organizations that are willing to point to second best.
This is a friend of mine who appears to be interested in getting to know Christ, but is deeply in love with another man and also fears that Christ won't accept him especially having bad experiences in the past with Christians.

I tried explaining to him that Jesus might not love his sin, but he still loves him but he's still really unsure about it. Please keep him in your prayers as he's actually somebody in the LGBT community who is struggling and actually wanting to have a change of heart but is scared to.
More than any other motive you have in returning to the religion section regularly, is the questions on the validity of your religious beliefs. But it also serves a worthwhile purpose for others too, who can never reconcile religious beliefs with reality.

When the church turned to the acceptance of Darwinian evolution it chose the correct fork in the road, even though it would cause many years of pain for it's faithful.

But no other choice could be possible in the 21st. century.
Leave him be. He has no interest in changing to accommodate faith in Christianity. He wants to believe that Christianity should change to accommodate him. He could find a gay Friendly church and pretend that Christianity is accommodating his perversion. That's the best he can do.

Wow, normally we see eye to eye, but I've never seen you jumping to conclusions about somebody you don't even know before.
You're expecting me to list everything I believe in? That's a long list. Silly of you to expect such a list.

But, considering the source...

Do you want to narrow it down a bit, as you continue to derail this thread?
What is the most important thing to you?

Or is there one?
More than any other motive you have in returning to the religion section regularly, is the questions on the validity of your religious beliefs. But it also serves a worthwhile purpose for others too, who can never reconcile religious beliefs with reality.

When the church turned to the acceptance of Darwinian evolution it chose the correct fork in the road, even though it would cause many years of pain for it's faithful.

But no other choice could be possible in the 21st. century.

Ah yes Darwinism. You want to know why Germans were so eager to embrace nazi ideology look no further than Darwin.

I suppose since you weren't one of the Canadians sent to the beach you believe the revisiting of such ideology, in religion at that; would be perfectly peachy.
Most important? My family.

I'm glad you were able to narrow this down.
Who gave you your family?

That is the point of the Christian faith.

The other point is for your family, which will eventually be taken away from you, may be restored again.
As opposed to the "true" Canadian who is here with ulterior motives perhaps?
Be quiet. You've already accepted and tried to take responsibility for your mental health issues a few days ago.

(you can't spam this thread with off-topic insults without being informed on what you're trying to do)
Couldn't tell you.

Too bad so many "religious" people give their "religion" a bad name with their behaviors.
You mean like the religious leaders who sent Jesus to the cross and murdered his prophets in the OT?
Na, just a fluke in history.
Why do feel compelled to control another person. Live and let live is a good philosophy.
Aleister approves

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