Zone1 How Do I Help Lead a Gay Man to Repentance?

So now you move the goalposts.

Telling someone about your religion and leading them to repentance or anywhere else are 2 entirely different things
No goalposts moved. I simply answered the questions you asked. Do with that as you wish.
God loves everyone. Everyone that sent themselves to hell because they loved sin more than God was loved by God. Can't blame God. He gave them a choice and they chose sin.
As I understand this stuff, everyone is a sinner. Why focus on one specific sin?

There are plenty of people who hang out in churches who have some pretty ugly stuff, far worse than the gender of a person they love, for which they should repent.

I don't see folks very worried about THAT.
It isn't about "sin" but repentance. Repentance is the recognition of sin and the person's desire to change. Another person's sin has nothing to do with YOUR salvation.

All are told to, "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling"
This is a friend of mine who appears to be interested in getting to know Christ, but is deeply in love with another man and also fears that Christ won't accept him especially having bad experiences in the past with Christians.

I tried explaining to him that Jesus might not love his sin, but he still loves him but he's still really unsure about it. Please keep him in your prayers as he's actually somebody in the LGBT community who is struggling and actually wanting to have a change of heart but is scared to.

Jesus accepts people at the point of their sin. Jesus accepted prostitutes, tax cheaters, etc. You don't know the road this man is taking, nor what his sanctification will lead to. I will pray for him, and it's good that you are too. But in the end, all we can do is plant the seed and maybe give it a bit of water.
Sometimes I think we forget the effect we have on other people. Sometimes Christians forget what their calling is.

This is a friend of mine who appears to be interested in getting to know Christ, but is deeply in love with another man and also fears that Christ won't accept him especially having bad experiences in the past with Christians.

I tried explaining to him that Jesus might not love his sin, but he still loves him but he's still really unsure about it. Please keep him in your prayers as he's actually somebody in the LGBT community who is struggling and actually wanting to have a change of heart but is scared to.
He should check out my thread Homosexuality... Pius V..

But that site is not exactly a great "bedside manner" thing RE the punishment for homosexual acts. By the way, you can be in love w/ someone of the same sex all you want. That is not a crime. Homosexual acts on the other hand are sins of the worst kind, that send you straight to Hell if not repented of/expiated.. Even in this life, homosexuals find themselves depressed, suicidal... Satan and sin do not wait for the next life for punishment... In fact the former revels in punishing people... As someone once said Satan suggests sin to you, saying it is no big deal. Then when you do it, he tells you that you cannot be forgiven for it...
None, but it doesn't have to be one of the ten commandments to still be against the Word of God.

The actual word of God? Not just some guys making it up as they went along?

You do know that your "God" is not the only God, don't you?
God said it himself.
"I am the Lord, YOUR GOD. You shall have NO OTHER GOD before me."

The actual word of God? Not just some guys making it up as they went along?

You do know that your "God" is not the only God, don't you?
God said it himself.
"I am the Lord, YOUR GOD. You shall have NO OTHER GOD before me."

God said it himself.
"I am the Lord, YOUR GOD. You shall have NO OTHER GOD before me."
He probably didn't say it in the King James English, but in Hebrew. In Hebrew, any kind of foreign worship was idolatry. The English equivalent of the original Hebrew would be, I am the Lord, your God, who took you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall not have the gods of others (idols/worship of idols) in my presence.

It takes someone of modern Western culture, reading the King James English to decide God was talking about beings like himself.
An interesting idea, that I'd like the OP to consider.

FJB what would you think of referring him to a church that does not condemn homosexuality?

I'm not saying that you should do that. Your beliefs are your beliefs and you are more than welcome to them. If his only way to Jesus was through a church that accepts homosexuality as non-sinful, would you use your influence to stand in his way?
The only problem is G-d does NOT accept homosexuality. Scripture makes it abundantly clear it is sin.
Tell him to read the New Testament and understand for himself how forgiving and welcoming Jesus was. In essence he was a reformer Rabbi, from accepting prostitutes and criminals to addressing the issue of forbidden foods. Quote him directly, "he who is without sin be the first to cast a stone"
Jesus was forgiving and welcoming to those that renounced sin and promised to do better, at least in any bible I have read. Jesus never forgave unconditionally.
Jesus was forgiving and welcoming to those that renounced sin and promised to do better, at least in any bible I have read. Jesus never forgave unconditionally.

There's only one unforgiveable sin though.

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