How do I love Myself? Let me Count the Ways.. LOL


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2022
How do I love Myself? Let me Count the Ways.. LOL

No, I'm not a narcissist. But you know, we have to love ourselves just a tad, don't we?

I think of the presidents we've had in the 2000s who have acted like they hate their country, which to me means, they must hate themselves (though not enough to deprive themselves of the vast wealth said country has to offer politicians... )

So yeh, we had obummer who did the Apology Tours of Europe and other countries... Oh, please forgive us... We were so evil to [fill in the blanks]!

And that reminds me of how the last few popes have done the same damn thing: Oh, please forgive us (the Catholic Church)... We were so evil to [fill in the blanks]!

Yes, citizens of both have done evil. But INDIVIDUALS need to be held accountable on an individual basis. The entire USA did not commit crimes against other countries any more than the entire Catholic Church did evil against other countries.

so anyway, how do we get these America-hating presidents? Well, not by voting for them, that is for sure. Hardly anyone votes for incompetence. that's why the US haters have to steal elections.

there is nothing wrong with loving yourself (your country). There is in fact something very wrong with NOT loving yourself, at least a little, at least to the extent you don't let MORONS take over your country... allow a massive invasion, which... The scotus Brunson case brings up the point that lawless politicians ignored their Constitutional oath to protect the country from enemies foreign and domestic... So is there a scotus case that addresses the Invasion? Brunson mentions that by allowing the vote fraud and not investigating it (which would be in compliance with that Oath they took [but violated]) is an act of war. Well, isn't an invasion also that?!

Jesus said Love others AS yourself... not more than, or INSTEAD of yourself
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How do I love Myself? Let me Count the Ways.. LOL

No, I'm not a narcissist. But you know, we have to love ourselves just a tad, don't we?

I think of the presidents we've had in the 2000s who have acted like they hate their country, which to me means, they must hate themselves (though not enough to deprive themselves of the vast wealth said country has to offer politicians... )

So yeh, we had obummer who did the Apology Tours of Europe and other countries... Oh, please forgive us... We were so evil to [fill in the blanks]!

And that reminds me of how the last few popes have done the same damn thing: Oh, please forgive us (the Catholic Church)... We were so evil to [fill in the blanks]!

Yes, citizens of both have done evil. But INDIVIDUALS need to be held accountable on an individual basis. The entire USA did not commit crimes against other countries any more than the entire Catholic Church did evil against other countries.

so anyway, how do we get these America-hating presidents? Well, not by voting for them, that is for sure. Hardly anyone votes for incompetence. that's why the US haters have to steal elections.

there is nothing wrong with loving yourself (your country). There is in fact something very wrong with NOT loving yourself, at least a little, at least to the extent you don't let MORONS take over your country... allow a massive invasion, which... The scotus Brunson case brings up the point that lawless politicians ignored their Constitutional oath to protect the country from enemies foreign and domestic... So is there a scotus case that addresses the Invasion? Brunson mentions that by allowing the vote fraud and not investigating it (which would be in compliance with that Oath they took [but violated]) is an act of war. Well, isn't an invasion also that?!

Jesus said Love others AS yourself... not more than, or INSTEAD of yourself

I'm glad you love yourself. Loving yourself is not narcissistic.

I love myself.

This means I respect myself.

The reason the leftist vermin are so terrible is that they do not love or respect themselves. If you can't respect yourself you can't respect others and if you don't respect others you don't deserve to walk free on the planet.

Don't ask for forgiveness.

The way to never have to ask for forgiveness is to simply respect others and treat them as you demand to be treated.

The leftists demand from everyone else what they are not willing to give others.




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I'm glad you love yourself. Loving yourself is not narcissistic.

I love myself.

This means I respect myself.

The reason the leftist vermin are so terrible is that they do not love or respect themselves. If you can't respect yourself you can't respect others and if you don't respect others you don't deserve to walk free on the planet.

Don't ask for forgiveness.

The way to never have to ask for forgiveness is to simply respect others and treat them as you demand to be treated.

The leftists demand from everyone else what they are not willing to give others.




OK, I understood about 90% of this.

It's the 10% that bugs me.... (highlighted)

?? I think people who don't love themselves have a right to exist. I am pro life. However, they do not have a right to screw up our country, or even their own little town...
OK, I understood about 90% of this.

It's the 10% that bugs me.... (highlighted)

?? I think people who don't love themselves have a right to exist. I am pro life. However, they do not have a right to screw up our country, or even their own little town...

Of course people who don't love themselves have the right to exist as long as they do not harm others. The deal is that they cannot understand how to respect others if they cannot respect themselves.

If you never treat others with disrespect, you don't have to ask forgiveness. Pretty simple.

NATIONAL DIVORECE. I do not want to live with people who do not respect me and who want to take from me what they will not go out and provide for themselves. I am not responsible for anyone's needs but my own. If they live in another country on the other side of a impenetrable border, we're fine.

If you do not understand these ideas, it is not my job to try to reach into your brain and turn the understanding knob.


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Of course people who don't love themselves have the right to exist as long as they do not harm others. The deal is that they cannot understand how to respect others if they cannot respect themselves.

If you never treat others with disrespect, you don't have to ask forgiveness. Pretty simple.

NATIONAL DIVORECE. I do not want to live with people who do not respect me and who want to take from me what they will not go out and provide for themselves. I am not responsible for anyone's needs but my own. If they live in another country on the other side of a impenetrable border, we're fine.

If you do not understand these ideas, it is not my job to try to reach into your brain and turn the understanding knob.


Um... excuse me but it is you who were not clear (using incomplete sentences and etc.)


In God's eyes, everyone does have a responsibility to help those who cannot help themselves. Everyone who cannot help himself is NOT someone who refuses to do so.. There are many reasons why people end up in bad situations. For example, 72% of homeless women are homeless due to domestic abuse. Surely you would not tell them to take care of themselves, after (many of them) have been dependent $$-wise on their husbands and therefore CANNOT provide for themselves after leaving the husband's home?

Jesus in fact said to give all our possessions (those not needed for our own survival) to the poor and "come follow Me."

That does not mean that the US has a responsibility for other countries' problems. In fact one of the only times Kamelface made any sense to me was when she said something about helping other countries to take care of their own so they don't come to the US...
Because children are not taught to appreciate and love America anymore. PERIOD.
A phenomena that has happened all over this country in city/town parks - EVERYWHERE -
Statues and memorials began getting vandalized systematically beginning in the 1990s.
I live immediately next to a city park that had three large statues and war memorials of WW I and WW II. Particularly the WW I statue of a soldier on top of a monument listing the cities dead.
That statue was erected in the early 1920s. It stood, untouched for 70 years. No vandalism.
By the year 2000, the city gave up and removed the soldier. Kids kept knocking it's head off, spray painting it etc. The list of names, mostly unreadable as kids scraped the names off.
There was a beautiful WW II memorial, with large eagle statues on each side with ornate stone scroll work around a placard that talked about the sacrifices the town made etc.
Both eagles are gone... same thing, kids kept vandalizing it. But it stood, untouched, for decades and decades.
Why did teenagers start vandalizing memorials etc. all of a sudden, and all at the same time around the whole country? Easy - they are not taught to be proud of America anymore.
To the OP's point - they don't love themselves (their country)
Um... excuse me but it is you who were not clear (using incomplete sentences and etc.)


In God's eyes, everyone does have a responsibility to help those who cannot help themselves. Everyone who cannot help himself is NOT someone who refuses to do so.. There are many reasons why people end up in bad situations. For example, 72% of homeless women are homeless due to domestic abuse. Surely you would not tell them to take care of themselves, after (many of them) have been dependent $$-wise on their husbands and therefore CANNOT provide for themselves after leaving the husband's home?

Jesus in fact said to give all our possessions (those not needed for our own survival) to the poor and "come follow Me."

That does not mean that the US has a responsibility for other countries' problems. In fact one of the only times Kamelface made any sense to me was when she said something about helping other countries to take care of their own so they don't come to the US...


You win.

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Because children are not taught to appreciate and love America anymore. PERIOD.
A phenomena that has happened all over this country in city/town parks - EVERYWHERE -
Statues and memorials began getting vandalized systematically beginning in the 1990s.
I live immediately next to a city park that had three large statues and war memorials of WW I and WW II. Particularly the WW I statue of a soldier on top of a monument listing the cities dead.
That statue was erected in the early 1920s. It stood, untouched for 70 years. No vandalism.
By the year 2000, the city gave up and removed the soldier. Kids kept knocking it's head off, spray painting it etc. The list of names, mostly unreadable as kids scraped the names off.
There was a beautiful WW II memorial, with large eagle statues on each side with ornate stone scroll work around a placard that talked about the sacrifices the town made etc.
Both eagles are gone... same thing, kids kept vandalizing it. But it stood, untouched, for decades and decades.
Why did teenagers start vandalizing memorials etc. all of a sudden, and all at the same time around the whole country? Easy - they are not taught to be proud of America anymore.
To the OP's point - they don't love themselves (their country)
sad story. They should have put cameras up to see .. but wait.. from the words of your post they knew who was doing it!

That's the worst thing of all: letting kids get away with CRIME.. which of course the liberal knuckleheads don't want to call it that. These kids are going to end up in prison some day and no one does anything about?

Letting kids get away with crime is about as far from loving them as you can get. You'd think that would go w/o saying..
As well as this new generation... the GenZs - they are 100% unique in one respect... they WANT to be victims. They want to claim victimhood by some identity politic. Victim due to being a girl, a race, a sexual identity that they don't even know what it is yet... all seeking to virtue signal about their victimhood.
All generations before them - fought NOT to be a victim. Refusing to be victims.
This generation fights to BE a victim.
As well as this new generation... the GenZs - they are 100% unique in one respect... they WANT to be victims. They want to claim victimhood by some identity politic. Victim due to being a girl, a race, a sexual identity that they don't even know what it is yet... all seeking to virtue signal about their victimhood.
All generations before them - fought NOT to be a victim. Refusing to be victims.
This generation fights to BE a victim.
well, some people really are victims. I think of this one person I met years ago at a restaurant. She was homeless and I bought her a cup of coffee so she could get out of the cold. I would have bought more for her but I have never been wealthy myself... but anyhow, I started asking about why she was homeless and she began telling me some of her life story. I pray for her now as I write this.. because it made me feel so sad.. She told about how when she was young, she saw her father murder her mother. How do you get over that? You don't. I am not saying that incident alone led to her homelessness and she didn't say that either. It was just part of her story. And yet a lot of Republicans would say this person needs to get a regular job and be like everyone else (I am a R but I do not think like that, even though I know that having a regular job can help not only financially but in other ways.. help you get ... not so much "over" but through things).

I mean, you have to admit (Republicans) that it is so easy to scream at someone Get a job! When you do not know the circumstances that person is in. For one, it is nearly impossible to get a job when you don't have a place to shower and become presentable for a job interview....
The scotus Brunson case

Oh, you're one of those cuckoos.

The Brunson "case" is just some babbling from butthurt Trump cult sore-losers. It got tossed by the lower court. The appeal to the SC will also get tossed.

Trump lost, by a big margin, because the voters thought he was a pitiful whimpering manchild. Get over it. Man up, and stop acting like toddlers throwing a tantrum. Voters in the USA hate your crying act, so the more you cry, the more you'll lose.

maybe you should send that video to the White House

they would pay attention since it was a Black group :) Well, you'd think anyhow.... Leftists are actually very racist (seeing as how they obsess about race)
Trump cult losers, if you're not happy here, you can leave. You'd be happier. We'd be happier. Everyone would win. So why don't you go?

Nobody here wants you. Everyone thinks you're whiny fascist pussies. Decent people make sure their doors are locked when you're near. Pets and small children instinctively shy away from you.

You'd clearly be happier in Russia, China, Iran or North Korea. Don't let the screen door hit ya.
well, some people really are victims. I think of this one person I met years ago at a restaurant. She was homeless and I bought her a cup of coffee so she could get out of the cold. I would have bought more for her but I have never been wealthy myself... but anyhow, I started asking about why she was homeless and she began telling me some of her life story. I pray for her now as I write this.. because it made me feel so sad.. She told about how when she was young, she saw her father murder her mother. How do you get over that? You don't. I am not saying that incident alone led to her homelessness and she didn't say that either. It was just part of her story. And yet a lot of Republicans would say this person needs to get a regular job and be like everyone else (I am a R but I do not think like that, even though I know that having a regular job can help not only financially but in other ways.. help you get ... not so much "over" but through things).

I mean, you have to admit (Republicans) that it is so easy to scream at someone Get a job! When you do not know the circumstances that person is in. For one, it is nearly impossible to get a job when you don't have a place to shower and become presentable for a job interview....
Anecdotal, and you have know way of knowing if she is telling the truth or totally made it up to gain sympathy to get more money.
True story - I have wrote about this before. In the late 70s my father and several other men started a Community care Center. The goal was to provide food/clothing to the needy. It grew to become a pretty large facility by the mid 80s. On the inside it looked like a grocery store with a clothing store next to it. Except... everything was free. My father got the key to the city for his part and volunteerism.
Fast forward another 4 or 5 years. It became very evident to my dad and plenty of other volunteers that the majority of the people getting the food/clothing already had food stamps/welfare etc. - and all they were doing is getting free stuff so they could spend their own money on drugs/alcohol/cigarettes. All the CCC (Community care center) was really doing was helping these people be jobless and maintain a life of laziness and addictions.
My father resigned the organization he founded in disgust. He gave so much of his own time and money believing he was helping people, when in fact all he was doing was enabling them.
Anecdotal, and you have know way of knowing if she is telling the truth or totally made it up to gain sympathy to get more money.
True story - I have wrote about this before. In the late 70s my father and several other men started a Community care Center. The goal was to provide food/clothing to the needy. It grew to become a pretty large facility by the mid 80s. On the inside it looked like a grocery store with a clothing store next to it. Except... everything was free. My father got the key to the city for his part and volunteerism.
Fast forward another 4 or 5 years. It became very evident to my dad and plenty of other volunteers that the majority of the people getting the food/clothing already had food stamps/welfare etc. - and all they were doing is getting free stuff so they could spend their own money on drugs/alcohol/cigarettes. All the CCC (Community care center) was really doing was helping these people be jobless and maintain a life of laziness and addictions.
My father resigned the organization he founded in disgust. He gave so much of his own time and money believing he was helping people, when in fact all he was doing was enabling them.
interesting how you group all needy people in one lump

as though EVERY single one.. just every single ONE was the same and had the same agenda, did the exact same things every day and etc.

You expect us to believe that?

I think you just want an excuse not to do anything for needy persons. You would have to interview EVERY single person in that group you mentioned and then interview every single relative and friend and co-worker the person had, for something like 10 years in order to be able to make such a blanket statement. I seroiusly doubt you or anyone you know has done anything remotely like it. And even if 90% fit the description you give here of a lazy, "worthless" human... What about the 10% who are decent people? Maybe they just had a hard time for awhile, then went on to be productive members of society. Your father should be proud that he helped at least some people. . the 10% (probably more) who did not fit into your Worthless category
As well as this new generation... the GenZs - they are 100% unique in one respect... they WANT to be victims. They want to claim victimhood by some identity politic. Victim due to being a girl, a race, a sexual identity that they don't even know what it is yet... all seeking to virtue signal about their victimhood.
All generations before them - fought NOT to be a victim. Refusing to be victims.
This generation fights to BE a victim.

People have been competing for victim status for decades.. even Trump claims the system has been rigged against him since the early 1980s.
interesting how you group all needy people in one lump

as though EVERY single one.. just every single ONE was the same and had the same agenda, did the exact same things every day and etc.

You expect us to believe that?

I think you just want an excuse not to do anything for needy persons. You would have to interview EVERY single person in that group you mentioned and then interview every single relative and friend and co-worker the person had, for something like 10 years in order to be able to make such a blanket statement. I seroiusly doubt you or anyone you know has done anything remotely like it. And even if 90% fit the description you give here of a lazy, "worthless" human... What about the 10% who are decent people? Maybe they just had a hard time for awhile, then went on to be productive members of society. Your father should be proud that he helped at least some people. . the 10% (probably more) who did not fit into your Worthless category
I am willing to bet $5000 I give more to charity than you.
There goes your "don't do anything for needy people" belief.

But that doesn't change reality. Reality is, pure and simple, fact is fact - all studies ever done shows very clearly that, in the United States, people who are in poverty - are there through their own choices. Primarily bad choices because they don't give a f*ck. Unwilling to work hard. Unwilling to study/do homework/show up to work on time etc. etc. etc. And that leads them to dead end jobs, often meaningless jobs. And that leads to despair and that leads to addiction. And that leads to unemployment. And that leads to deepening addictions. And that leads to homelessness.
That scenario ABSOLUTELY accounts for better than 90% of homeless people.
I am willing to bet $5000 I give more to charity than you.
There goes your "don't do anything for needy people" belief.

But that doesn't change reality. Reality is, pure and simple, fact is fact - all studies ever done shows very clearly that, in the United States, people who are in poverty - are there through their own choices. Primarily bad choices because they don't give a f*ck. Unwilling to work hard. Unwilling to study/do homework/show up to work on time etc. etc. etc. And that leads them to dead end jobs, often meaningless jobs. And that leads to despair and that leads to addiction. And that leads to unemployment. And that leads to deepening addictions. And that leads to homelessness.
That scenario ABSOLUTELY accounts for better than 90% of homeless people.
prove it is true of 90% of homeless people. You can't prove it but you say it anyway.

I hate that kind of thing. you need to back up what you say with information. I have known a few homeless people. Again, 72% of women homeless are in that situation due to domestic violence. But that's their fault, no doubt, according to you and others. They should just stay and let their husbands beat on them, shouldn't they? I myself would never stay in an abusive relationship. I've left plenty of them and have been alone for a long time now... don't miss the craziness one damn bit.. the "my way or the highway" bs...

the best way to prove whether you are even remotely correct, as it were, would be.. Hey, this might be a great idea anyway.. Govt workers could find out about jobs from private employers, then go offer those jobs to the homeless, also giving them a place to clean up for said job. They should be given priority in hiring. Instead, most employers are scared to deal with them.

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