How do Independents support either major party right now?

"If we want to beat Donald Trump and achieve big progressive goals, socialism is not the answer" said Dem 2020 candidate John Hickenlooper who was promptly booed by the "free" stuff sheeple.
Well seeing as how the champions of what we call "capitalism" have not done a damned thing to save it from itself it's hardly surprising that "free market" solutions to social problems are met with skepticism.
By life's losers and your definition of "free market solutions to social problems" is expensive new gov't programs with big new taxes and bigger central gov't to spend 'em? Do you have a clue just how stupid that is?
What I call "free market solutions" is the way republicans do things. They see a social problem and they say "How can big business make some money off this"? Where there is no profit there is no problem worth dealing with.

YOU see a social problem and you think "how much of other people's money can I throw at this?"
Are you familiar with the leaky roof metaphor? You fix the roof when the leak is small before it ruins a bunch of other stuff. We are now dealing with a host of problems that have festered so long from neglect that they seem impossible. Tell me how even greater neglect fixes a roof?

The problem you have is that no matter HOW much of my money you throw at's never fixed.
Time to grow up and try something else. The fact is that when you throw money at it it just demands more money. Much like drug addiction which I am sure you know much about.
Well seeing as how the champions of what we call "capitalism" have not done a damned thing to save it from itself it's hardly surprising that "free market" solutions to social problems are met with skepticism.
By life's losers and your definition of "free market solutions to social problems" is expensive new gov't programs with big new taxes and bigger central gov't to spend 'em? Do you have a clue just how stupid that is?
What I call "free market solutions" is the way republicans do things. They see a social problem and they say "How can big business make some money off this"? Where there is no profit there is no problem worth dealing with.

YOU see a social problem and you think "how much of other people's money can I throw at this?"
Are you familiar with the leaky roof metaphor? You fix the roof when the leak is small before it ruins a bunch of other stuff. We are now dealing with a host of problems that have festered so long from neglect that they seem impossible. Tell me how even greater neglect fixes a roof?

The problem you have is that no matter HOW much of my money you throw at's never fixed.
Time to grow up and try something else. The fact is that when you throw money at it it just demands more money. Much like drug addiction which I am sure you know much about.
Oh good. Another dumb-dumb who thinks there is no problem so big it can't be totally ignored.
By life's losers and your definition of "free market solutions to social problems" is expensive new gov't programs with big new taxes and bigger central gov't to spend 'em? Do you have a clue just how stupid that is?
What I call "free market solutions" is the way republicans do things. They see a social problem and they say "How can big business make some money off this"? Where there is no profit there is no problem worth dealing with.

YOU see a social problem and you think "how much of other people's money can I throw at this?"
Are you familiar with the leaky roof metaphor? You fix the roof when the leak is small before it ruins a bunch of other stuff. We are now dealing with a host of problems that have festered so long from neglect that they seem impossible. Tell me how even greater neglect fixes a roof?

The problem you have is that no matter HOW much of my money you throw at's never fixed.
Time to grow up and try something else. The fact is that when you throw money at it it just demands more money. Much like drug addiction which I am sure you know much about.
Oh good. Another dumb-dumb who thinks there is no problem so big it can't be totally ignored.

Nope, just another "dumb dumb" who knows your stupid ideas are just that, stupid. The root of the problem began with Johnson in the 60's.
What I call "free market solutions" is the way republicans do things. They see a social problem and they say "How can big business make some money off this"? Where there is no profit there is no problem worth dealing with.

YOU see a social problem and you think "how much of other people's money can I throw at this?"
Are you familiar with the leaky roof metaphor? You fix the roof when the leak is small before it ruins a bunch of other stuff. We are now dealing with a host of problems that have festered so long from neglect that they seem impossible. Tell me how even greater neglect fixes a roof?

The problem you have is that no matter HOW much of my money you throw at's never fixed.
Time to grow up and try something else. The fact is that when you throw money at it it just demands more money. Much like drug addiction which I am sure you know much about.
Oh good. Another dumb-dumb who thinks there is no problem so big it can't be totally ignored.

Nope, just another "dumb dumb" who knows your stupid ideas are just that, stupid. The root of the problem began with Johnson in the 60's.
You probably think republicans are fiscally responsible.
the only thing that needs to be said in this thread is IF you vote for either party,you are part of the problem since both are corrupt and neither represent the people,they represent the bankers.

If they dont serve the bankers and dont follow the rules of the corrupt two party system,they end up like kennedy who was NOT part of the corrupt two party system.He was a democrat in NAME only. the establishment knew Johnson WOULD play ball with them if he got in and he did.once he got in,he reversed all of kennedys policys. Kennedy was stepping on some very powerful toes in washington.something no president since then has attempted.

there is no hope for the future of the country or the world as long as we have this corrupt two party system and unable to get an indpendent in office who will follow the constitution and serve the people instead of the bankers as every president since Johnson all have.

everything else posted in this thread is all irrelevent.
one side for sure is trying desperately to destroy this country with open borders, criminals being free to punch women and old men, trying to shut down free speech with ANTIFA thuggery. So you will vote for the side that wants this? You fuckers are as much of the problem as those promoting it.
YOU see a social problem and you think "how much of other people's money can I throw at this?"
Are you familiar with the leaky roof metaphor? You fix the roof when the leak is small before it ruins a bunch of other stuff. We are now dealing with a host of problems that have festered so long from neglect that they seem impossible. Tell me how even greater neglect fixes a roof?

The problem you have is that no matter HOW much of my money you throw at's never fixed.
Time to grow up and try something else. The fact is that when you throw money at it it just demands more money. Much like drug addiction which I am sure you know much about.
Oh good. Another dumb-dumb who thinks there is no problem so big it can't be totally ignored.

Nope, just another "dumb dumb" who knows your stupid ideas are just that, stupid. The root of the problem began with Johnson in the 60's.
You probably think republicans are fiscally responsible.

You probably think that that there are real differences between both parties.
As most of us (hopefully) know, Independents don't carefully reside in the exact middle of the political spectrum. That's just the shallow characterization used by partisan ideologues in a feeble effort to discredit those who choose to think for themselves. Independents will usually lean one way or the other, but they're just not afraid to hold that side fully accountable for its transgressions.

Okay, that said: With the Democratic Party clearly moving sharply to the Left, and the GOP now almost completely encased within their separate ideological/informational closed circuit, how is an Independent going to vote for the side to which they lean?

As for me, as much as I want to vote against Trump and the modern incarnation of the GOP, voting for Democrats on a national level is becoming less and less likely. So I'm keeping my eyes open for potential third party candidates.

I know we some REAL Independents here. What say you? How do you deal with this?

In our binary system…you can vote for red or blue unless you want to either not vote or vote for principal in almost every election to a federal post.

The Democrats reflect my values more than the Republicans….so they will get my vote for federal offices because in our system…having the Oval and not having Congress means nothing and vice-versa.

Is Trump making racist comments (thus making him a racist)? Yes. You can’t argue otherwise.
Did Trump make fun of a person with a physical disability? Yes. You can’t argue otherwise.
Does Trump lie almost daily? Yes. You can’t argue otherwise.

If you don’t mind voting for a racist who makes fun of people born with disabilities who lies daily…vote for Trump. I’m perplexed why anyone considers anything besides that…

Politics aside…if you’re not repulsed by Trump….you have deep seated problems.
The Democrats reflect my values more than the Republicans…

Like killing born and unborn babies, got it.
Allowing men into little girls rooms, got it.
Taxing everyone into poverty , got it.
Restricting your rights so when you order a coke you must beg for a straw, got it.
Let men compete against women so women have no chance to win, got it.

Did I miss something that the Demonrats reflect your values?
Quite a bit. But one would have to have gotten past kindergarten to understand what you do not.
Are you familiar with the leaky roof metaphor? You fix the roof when the leak is small before it ruins a bunch of other stuff. We are now dealing with a host of problems that have festered so long from neglect that they seem impossible. Tell me how even greater neglect fixes a roof?

The problem you have is that no matter HOW much of my money you throw at's never fixed.
Time to grow up and try something else. The fact is that when you throw money at it it just demands more money. Much like drug addiction which I am sure you know much about.
Oh good. Another dumb-dumb who thinks there is no problem so big it can't be totally ignored.

Nope, just another "dumb dumb" who knows your stupid ideas are just that, stupid. The root of the problem began with Johnson in the 60's.
You probably think republicans are fiscally responsible.

You probably think that that there are real differences between both parties.
Of course there are. That's why you hate Republicans so much.
As most of us (hopefully) know, Independents don't carefully reside in the exact middle of the political spectrum. That's just the shallow characterization used by partisan ideologues in a feeble effort to discredit those who choose to think for themselves. Independents will usually lean one way or the other, but they're just not afraid to hold that side fully accountable for its transgressions.

Okay, that said: With the Democratic Party clearly moving sharply to the Left, and the GOP now almost completely encased within their separate ideological/informational closed circuit, how is an Independent going to vote for the side to which they lean?

As for me, as much as I want to vote against Trump and the modern incarnation of the GOP, voting for Democrats on a national level is becoming less and less likely. So I'm keeping my eyes open for potential third party candidates.

I know we some REAL Independents here. What say you? How do you deal with this?

In our binary system…you can vote for red or blue unless you want to either not vote or vote for principal in almost every election to a federal post.

The Democrats reflect my values more than the Republicans….so they will get my vote for federal offices because in our system…having the Oval and not having Congress means nothing and vice-versa.

Is Trump making racist comments (thus making him a racist)? Yes. You can’t argue otherwise.
Did Trump make fun of a person with a physical disability? Yes. You can’t argue otherwise.
Does Trump lie almost daily? Yes. You can’t argue otherwise.

If you don’t mind voting for a racist who makes fun of people born with disabilities who lies daily…vote for Trump. I’m perplexed why anyone considers anything besides that…

Politics aside…if you’re not repulsed by Trump….you have deep seated problems.
The Democrats reflect my values more than the Republicans…

Like killing born and unborn babies, got it.
Allowing men into little girls rooms, got it.
Taxing everyone into poverty , got it.
Restricting your rights so when you order a coke you must beg for a straw, got it.
Let men compete against women so women have no chance to win, got it.

Did I miss something that the Demonrats reflect your values?
Quite a bit. But one would have to have gotten past kindergarten to understand what you do not.
I understand that you IQ is quite low, could it be this low?


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