How do Independents support either major party right now?

As most of us (hopefully) know, Independents don't carefully reside in the exact middle of the political spectrum. That's just the shallow characterization used by partisan ideologues in a feeble effort to discredit those who choose to think for themselves. Independents will usually lean one way or the other, but they're just not afraid to hold that side fully accountable for its transgressions.

Okay, that said: With the Democratic Party clearly moving sharply to the Left, and the GOP now almost completely encased within their separate ideological/informational closed circuit, how is an Independent going to vote for the side to which they lean?

As for me, as much as I want to vote against Trump and the modern incarnation of the GOP, voting for Democrats on a national level is becoming less and less likely. So I'm keeping my eyes open for potential third party candidates.

I know we some REAL Independents here. What say you? How do you deal with this?
Same way you are; hoping for a good third party candidate to appear. I don't really know a lot about all the 3062 Democrats running. In 2016 I tried to straighten out all of those Republicans and got nothing but confused for no reason, since they all started falling by the wayside. So this time I will wait until they are down to about five or six (I live in a closed primary state, so there's no sense in me getting informed about all of them).
But I'm still hoping for an alternative better than "What's Aleppo" Johnson.

The current third parties are often to the left of liberal Democrats, or fringe lunatic special interest groups.

Congress is not going to go third party, so they will still be Republicans and Democrats to deal with.

What would a third part candidate propose do that you would support?

not the constitution party,,,
The only possible third party candidate we will ever see would be an ultra-nationalist right winger. Trumpism is not going away any time soon.
That might be true. But the valley between the two parties is so wide right now that I don't know why someone hasn't stepped in.

A very worrisome possibility is that someone who might jump in has determined the country LIKES this madness and wouldn't vote for them.

If that's the case, we may be fucked for a while.
Centrism is pretty much an endorsement of the status quo. There is no way a centrist can unite the two sides because the time for half-measures and slow incremental change is long gone. Drastic change is the new normal and people are needed who can deal with it.
As most of us (hopefully) know, Independents don't carefully reside in the exact middle of the political spectrum. That's just the shallow characterization used by partisan ideologues in a feeble effort to discredit those who choose to think for themselves. Independents will usually lean one way or the other, but they're just not afraid to hold that side fully accountable for its transgressions.

Okay, that said: With the Democratic Party clearly moving sharply to the Left, and the GOP now almost completely encased within their separate ideological/informational closed circuit, how is an Independent going to vote for the side to which they lean?

As for me, as much as I want to vote against Trump and the modern incarnation of the GOP, voting for Democrats on a national level is becoming less and less likely. So I'm keeping my eyes open for potential third party candidates.

I know we some REAL Independents here. What say you? How do you deal with this?

In our binary system…you can vote for red or blue unless you want to either not vote or vote for principal in almost every election to a federal post.

The Democrats reflect my values more than the Republicans….so they will get my vote for federal offices because in our system…having the Oval and not having Congress means nothing and vice-versa.

Is Trump making racist comments (thus making him a racist)? Yes. You can’t argue otherwise.
Did Trump make fun of a person with a physical disability? Yes. You can’t argue otherwise.
Does Trump lie almost daily? Yes. You can’t argue otherwise.

If you don’t mind voting for a racist who makes fun of people born with disabilities who lies daily…vote for Trump. I’m perplexed why anyone considers anything besides that…

Politics aside…if you’re not repulsed by Trump….you have deep seated problems.

Really? Would you mind showing us one racist comment?

Trump had no idea that person had a disability. Biden once told a guy in a wheelchair to stand up and be recognized, someone he had known for years! Big freaking deal!
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It would seem to me that any voter who is not already ideologically bound to one party or the other has to look at the nominees from both parties and decide which one will do the best job for the country as a whole. Failing that, as both probably will, the next best thing is to vote against the person who will do the most damage if elected. IMHO, no one should sit this one out if you can't support either person; most of the time over the past 50 years (by the time Nov 2020 rolls around), I've been voting for the one who wouldn't do quite as bad as the other one.
As most of us (hopefully) know, Independents don't carefully reside in the exact middle of the political spectrum. That's just the shallow characterization used by partisan ideologues in a feeble effort to discredit those who choose to think for themselves. Independents will usually lean one way or the other, but they're just not afraid to hold that side fully accountable for its transgressions.

Okay, that said: With the Democratic Party clearly moving sharply to the Left, and the GOP now almost completely encased within their separate ideological/informational closed circuit, how is an Independent going to vote for the side to which they lean?

As for me, as much as I want to vote against Trump and the modern incarnation of the GOP, voting for Democrats on a national level is becoming less and less likely. So I'm keeping my eyes open for potential third party candidates.

I know we some REAL Independents here. What say you? How do you deal with this?
Same way you are; hoping for a good third party candidate to appear. I don't really know a lot about all the 3062 Democrats running. In 2016 I tried to straighten out all of those Republicans and got nothing but confused for no reason, since they all started falling by the wayside. So this time I will wait until they are down to about five or six (I live in a closed primary state, so there's no sense in me getting informed about all of them).
But I'm still hoping for an alternative better than "What's Aleppo" Johnson.
The question was posed to independents, not hyper-partisan regressives
I am an Independent. You are an idiot that makes shit up.
You are as independent as AOC
Do I spend my time telling you what you think? Usually I'm defending Dems because you folks are being so unfair. I just like fair, not necessarily the Dems. But that is never the focus of the discussion because all you want to talk about is ME. That's called trolling.

It says something that Democrats are ashamed enough to deny being Democrats.
Wingers, if people who aren't obedient partisan sheep traumatize you this much, don't read the freaking thread.

This sobbing is becoming tedious.
You may want to tell that to our Hysterical House Dems and their lemmings.
Well, there's already enough unneeded drama on this thread by itself.
The only possible third party candidate we will ever see would be an ultra-nationalist right winger. Trumpism is not going away any time soon.
That might be true. But the valley between the two parties is so wide right now that I don't know why someone hasn't stepped in.

A very worrisome possibility is that someone who might jump in has determined the country LIKES this madness and wouldn't vote for them.

If that's the case, we may be fucked for a while.
Centrism is pretty much an endorsement of the status quo. There is no way a centrist can unite the two sides because the time for half-measures and slow incremental change is long gone. Drastic change is the new normal and people are needed who can deal with it.
There is a difference between being centrist and being independent.

As I pointed out in the OP, Independents usually lean one way. We just don't bend over for the tribe, because that would be dishonest and weak.
Centrism is pretty much an endorsement of the status quo. There is no way a centrist can unite the two sides because the time for half-measures and slow incremental change is long gone...
There is a difference between being centrist and being independent. As I pointed out in the OP, Independents usually lean one way. We just don't bend over for the tribe, because that would be dishonest and weak.
Slightly more independents lean Dem than Repub but the majority are centrists who vote for people, not parties.
As most of us (hopefully) know, Independents don't carefully reside in the exact middle of the political spectrum. That's just the shallow characterization used by partisan ideologues in a feeble effort to discredit those who choose to think for themselves. Independents will usually lean one way or the other, but they're just not afraid to hold that side fully accountable for its transgressions.

Okay, that said: With the Democratic Party clearly moving sharply to the Left, and the GOP now almost completely encased within their separate ideological/informational closed circuit, how is an Independent going to vote for the side to which they lean?

As for me, as much as I want to vote against Trump and the modern incarnation of the GOP, voting for Democrats on a national level is becoming less and less likely. So I'm keeping my eyes open for potential third party candidates.

I know we some REAL Independents here. What say you? How do you deal with this?
Same way you are; hoping for a good third party candidate to appear. I don't really know a lot about all the 3062 Democrats running. In 2016 I tried to straighten out all of those Republicans and got nothing but confused for no reason, since they all started falling by the wayside. So this time I will wait until they are down to about five or six (I live in a closed primary state, so there's no sense in me getting informed about all of them).
But I'm still hoping for an alternative better than "What's Aleppo" Johnson.

The current third parties are often to the left of liberal Democrats, or fringe lunatic special interest groups.

Congress is not going to go third party, so they will still be Republicans and Democrats to deal with.

What would a third part candidate propose do that you would support?
Well, do you really have an hour? No one, including you, cares.
Let's leave it at this--I listen to both sides of the argument. Otherwise I would not be here. Honestly, I frequently don't agree with either side, or more like a combo of both.
One of our senators is an Independent and we have had two Independent governors in recent years. We have more registered "unaffiliateds" than registered Democrats or Republicans. Six current state legislators are Independents. It is not such a strange thing as you think. There are a total of 9 states with more Independents than are registered for either of the major parties.
The reason I call myself independent is because that's how I vote. may lean more left than right but always look at there record right down to the judges running. its a lot of work but lots of people run to further them self's not work for the betterment of us all, more unqualified people get power because we don't look at how they have handled the job they already have. just vote party its the lazy way.
The only possible third party candidate we will ever see would be an ultra-nationalist right winger. Trumpism is not going away any time soon.
That might be true. But the valley between the two parties is so wide right now that I don't know why someone hasn't stepped in.

A very worrisome possibility is that someone who might jump in has determined the country LIKES this madness and wouldn't vote for them.

If that's the case, we may be fucked for a while.
Centrism is pretty much an endorsement of the status quo. There is no way a centrist can unite the two sides because the time for half-measures and slow incremental change is long gone. Drastic change is the new normal and people are needed who can deal with it.
There is a difference between being centrist and being independent.

As I pointed out in the OP, Independents usually lean one way. We just don't bend over for the tribe, because that would be dishonest and weak.
You asked why someone has not stepped into the "valley" between the parties. That person would necessarily be a centrist or a moderate if you like that term better.
The only possible third party candidate we will ever see would be an ultra-nationalist right winger. Trumpism is not going away any time soon.
That might be true. But the valley between the two parties is so wide right now that I don't know why someone hasn't stepped in.

A very worrisome possibility is that someone who might jump in has determined the country LIKES this madness and wouldn't vote for them.

If that's the case, we may be fucked for a while.
Centrism is pretty much an endorsement of the status quo. There is no way a centrist can unite the two sides because the time for half-measures and slow incremental change is long gone. Drastic change is the new normal and people are needed who can deal with it.
There is a difference between being centrist and being independent.

As I pointed out in the OP, Independents usually lean one way. We just don't bend over for the tribe, because that would be dishonest and weak.
You asked why someone has not stepped into the "valley" between the parties. That person would necessarily be a centrist or a moderate if you like that term better.
There are people like me who lean one way (left, in my case), but who are simply repulsed by what's happening there.

This is semantics, of course, but the differences are clear from my perspective.
Yes it is.

Some of you just don't understand what "independent" means, because you choose to think with your tribe. Independence is foreign to you.
“I don’t stand with Lincoln or Jefferson tribes, I’m a better American!”
Another misnomer of wingers. No one is better. We just wish you people would stop this.
Everyone is tired of you and Gator breaths holier than thou bullshit. Your both hardcore Leftards who’ll vote to make America Venezuela Jr.
Too bad. If my posts traumatize you, put me on ignore.

I'll continue as is, whether you're whining or not.
Says the Leftard who whines about Trumps my farts don’t stink tweets that trigger him.
Dude, it's usually the Leftists who assail Mac. Heck, one or two of the more idiotic even reference him in their siggies .

You might give that some consideration .
“I don’t stand with Lincoln or Jefferson tribes, I’m a better American!”
Another misnomer of wingers. No one is better. We just wish you people would stop this.
Everyone is tired of you and Gator breaths holier than thou bullshit. Your both hardcore Leftards who’ll vote to make America Venezuela Jr.
Too bad. If my posts traumatize you, put me on ignore.

I'll continue as is, whether you're whining or not.
Says the Leftard who whines about Trumps my farts don’t stink tweets that trigger him.
Dude, it's usually the Leftists who assail Mac. Heck, one or two of the more idiotic even reference him in their siggies .

You might give that some consideration .
In their sigs?

The only possible third party candidate we will ever see would be an ultra-nationalist right winger. Trumpism is not going away any time soon.
That might be true. But the valley between the two parties is so wide right now that I don't know why someone hasn't stepped in.

A very worrisome possibility is that someone who might jump in has determined the country LIKES this madness and wouldn't vote for them.

If that's the case, we may be fucked for a while.
Centrism is pretty much an endorsement of the status quo. There is no way a centrist can unite the two sides because the time for half-measures and slow incremental change is long gone. Drastic change is the new normal and people are needed who can deal with it.
There is a difference between being centrist and being independent.

As I pointed out in the OP, Independents usually lean one way. We just don't bend over for the tribe, because that would be dishonest and weak.
You asked why someone has not stepped into the "valley" between the parties. That person would necessarily be a centrist or a moderate if you like that term better.
There are people like me who lean one way (left, in my case), but who are simply repulsed by what's happening there.

This is semantics, of course, but the differences are clear from my perspective.
The ever increasing pace of change is something no one can stand against much less turn back. Accepting that the world of tomorrow will probably be much different than today is something older people have a huge problem with and that political opportunists take advantage of. I am an older person and I am aware of a host of charlatans crowding in around me trying to make me fear a future that I will have no part in. Not buying it.
You have to understand how evil and corrupt the Dem's are. This is not a time for some mushy centrist president Dem's must be defeated not bargained with.
There are people like me who lean one way (left, in my case), but who are simply repulsed by what's happening there. This is semantics, of course, but the differences are clear from my perspective.
Accepting that the world of tomorrow will probably be much different than today is something older people have a huge problem with and that political opportunists take advantage of. I am an older person and I am aware of a host of charlatans crowding in around me trying to make me fear a future that I will have no part in. Not buying it.
"The more things change, the more they stay the same." - French writer Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr

The Democrat Socialist Party People have changed and have given Repubs tons of ammo.

"If we want to beat Donald Trump and achieve big progressive goals, socialism is not the answer" said Dem 2020 candidate John Hickenlooper who was promptly booed by the "free" stuff sheeple.
There are people like me who lean one way (left, in my case), but who are simply repulsed by what's happening there. This is semantics, of course, but the differences are clear from my perspective.
Accepting that the world of tomorrow will probably be much different than today is something older people have a huge problem with and that political opportunists take advantage of. I am an older person and I am aware of a host of charlatans crowding in around me trying to make me fear a future that I will have no part in. Not buying it.
"The more things change, the more they stay the same." - French writer Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr

The Democrat Socialist Party People have changed and have given Repubs tons of ammo.

"If we want to beat Donald Trump and achieve big progressive goals, socialism is not the answer" said Dem 2020 candidate John Hickenlooper who was promptly booed by the "free" stuff sheeple.

I don't think they've changed, I just don't think they feel the need to hide it any more.

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