How do Independents support either major party right now?

As most of us (hopefully) know, Independents don't carefully reside in the exact middle of the political spectrum. That's just the shallow characterization used by partisan ideologues in a feeble effort to discredit those who choose to think for themselves. Independents will usually lean one way or the other, but they're just not afraid to hold that side fully accountable for its transgressions.

Okay, that said: With the Democratic Party clearly moving sharply to the Left, and the GOP now almost completely encased within their separate ideological/informational closed circuit, how is an Independent going to vote for the side to which they lean?

As for me, as much as I want to vote against Trump and the modern incarnation of the GOP, voting for Democrats on a national level is becoming less and less likely. So I'm keeping my eyes open for potential third party candidates.

I know we some REAL Independents here. What say you? How do you deal with this?
Same way you are; hoping for a good third party candidate to appear. I don't really know a lot about all the 3062 Democrats running. In 2016 I tried to straighten out all of those Republicans and got nothing but confused for no reason, since they all started falling by the wayside. So this time I will wait until they are down to about five or six (I live in a closed primary state, so there's no sense in me getting informed about all of them).
But I'm still hoping for an alternative better than "What's Aleppo" Johnson.
Please do vote 3rd Party.

I triple dog dare you!
As most of us (hopefully) know, Independents don't carefully reside in the exact middle of the political spectrum. That's just the shallow characterization used by partisan ideologues in a feeble effort to discredit those who choose to think for themselves. Independents will usually lean one way or the other, but they're just not afraid to hold that side fully accountable for its transgressions.

Okay, that said: With the Democratic Party clearly moving sharply to the Left, and the GOP now almost completely encased within their separate ideological/informational closed circuit, how is an Independent going to vote for the side to which they lean?

As for me, as much as I want to vote against Trump and the modern incarnation of the GOP, voting for Democrats on a national level is becoming less and less likely. So I'm keeping my eyes open for potential third party candidates.

I know we some REAL Independents here. What say you? How do you deal with this?
We don’t support parties, we support policy and results.
When we differ, you accuse of us kissing ass, so your inquiry is nothing but ad hominem baIt.
As a libertarian, I think that Trumplethinskin has the better policies. The Dems want to open the borders to gain more voters, that's severely dishonest.
No, Dems don't want to do that. THAT is dishonest.
lol, good one. But that IS the truth. I SWEAR!!!! :biggrin:

And they sure ain't doing it out of the goodness of their hearts. THAT would be dishonest.
As most of us (hopefully) know, Independents don't carefully reside in the exact middle of the political spectrum. That's just the shallow characterization used by partisan ideologues in a feeble effort to discredit those who choose to think for themselves. Independents will usually lean one way or the other, but they're just not afraid to hold that side fully accountable for its transgressions.

Okay, that said: With the Democratic Party clearly moving sharply to the Left, and the GOP now almost completely encased within their separate ideological/informational closed circuit, how is an Independent going to vote for the side to which they lean?

As for me, as much as I want to vote against Trump and the modern incarnation of the GOP, voting for Democrats on a national level is becoming less and less likely. So I'm keeping my eyes open for potential third party candidates.

I know we some REAL Independents here. What say you? How do you deal with this?
Same way you are; hoping for a good third party candidate to appear. I don't really know a lot about all the 3062 Democrats running. In 2016 I tried to straighten out all of those Republicans and got nothing but confused for no reason, since they all started falling by the wayside. So this time I will wait until they are down to about five or six (I live in a closed primary state, so there's no sense in me getting informed about all of them).
But I'm still hoping for an alternative better than "What's Aleppo" Johnson.
The question was posed to independents, not hyper-partisan regressives
I am an Independent. You are an idiot that makes shit up.
You are as independent as AOC
As most of us (hopefully) know, Independents don't carefully reside in the exact middle of the political spectrum. That's just the shallow characterization used by partisan ideologues in a feeble effort to discredit those who choose to think for themselves. Independents will usually lean one way or the other, but they're just not afraid to hold that side fully accountable for its transgressions.

Okay, that said: With the Democratic Party clearly moving sharply to the Left, and the GOP now almost completely encased within their separate ideological/informational closed circuit, how is an Independent going to vote for the side to which they lean?

As for me, as much as I want to vote against Trump and the modern incarnation of the GOP, voting for Democrats on a national level is becoming less and less likely. So I'm keeping my eyes open for potential third party candidates.

I know we some REAL Independents here. What say you? How do you deal with this?

In our binary system…you can vote for red or blue unless you want to either not vote or vote for principal in almost every election to a federal post.

The Democrats reflect my values more than the Republicans….so they will get my vote for federal offices because in our system…having the Oval and not having Congress means nothing and vice-versa.

Is Trump making racist comments (thus making him a racist)? Yes. You can’t argue otherwise.
Did Trump make fun of a person with a physical disability? Yes. You can’t argue otherwise.
Does Trump lie almost daily? Yes. You can’t argue otherwise.

If you don’t mind voting for a racist who makes fun of people born with disabilities who lies daily…vote for Trump. I’m perplexed why anyone considers anything besides that…

Politics aside…if you’re not repulsed by Trump….you have deep seated problems.

So...………….your presupposed positions cover all of the bases and makes you "right" and anyone who thinks otherwise is inferior.
Got it.
I'm waiting for a candidate willing to state we all have just ONE identity - Americans.

The current Democratic party keeps getting farther and farther from that notion . the Republican party is closer but needs a person who is articulate .
The Rs are the same old scum as always; we only have Trump.
As most of us (hopefully) know, Independents don't carefully reside in the exact middle of the political spectrum. That's just the shallow characterization used by partisan ideologues in a feeble effort to discredit those who choose to think for themselves. Independents will usually lean one way or the other, but they're just not afraid to hold that side fully accountable for its transgressions.

Okay, that said: With the Democratic Party clearly moving sharply to the Left, and the GOP now almost completely encased within their separate ideological/informational closed circuit, how is an Independent going to vote for the side to which they lean?

As for me, as much as I want to vote against Trump and the modern incarnation of the GOP, voting for Democrats on a national level is becoming less and less likely. So I'm keeping my eyes open for potential third party candidates.

I know we some REAL Independents here. What say you? How do you deal with this?
Being ‘neutral’ in the middle of a civil war is the lowest of the low.
As most of us (hopefully) know, Independents don't carefully reside in the exact middle of the political spectrum. That's just the shallow characterization used by partisan ideologues in a feeble effort to discredit those who choose to think for themselves. Independents will usually lean one way or the other, but they're just not afraid to hold that side fully accountable for its transgressions.

Okay, that said: With the Democratic Party clearly moving sharply to the Left, and the GOP now almost completely encased within their separate ideological/informational closed circuit, how is an Independent going to vote for the side to which they lean?

As for me, as much as I want to vote against Trump and the modern incarnation of the GOP, voting for Democrats on a national level is becoming less and less likely. So I'm keeping my eyes open for potential third party candidates.

I know we some REAL Independents here. What say you? How do you deal with this?
Easy choice. Look at Pelosi, Waters, and AOC.
As always they, and you will vote Democrat. Oh youll make some noise about "third party" (Btw there are over 14 parties who ran candidates in 2016..not just three) but then youll fall to the Party Line that voting for who you want will only give Republicans a victory so you will scurry back.
I know, that's what your closed circuit tells you.
As most of us (hopefully) know, Independents don't carefully reside in the exact middle of the political spectrum. That's just the shallow characterization used by partisan ideologues in a feeble effort to discredit those who choose to think for themselves. Independents will usually lean one way or the other, but they're just not afraid to hold that side fully accountable for its transgressions.

Okay, that said: With the Democratic Party clearly moving sharply to the Left, and the GOP now almost completely encased within their separate ideological/informational closed circuit, how is an Independent going to vote for the side to which they lean?

As for me, as much as I want to vote against Trump and the modern incarnation of the GOP, voting for Democrats on a national level is becoming less and less likely. So I'm keeping my eyes open for potential third party candidates.

I know we some REAL Independents here. What say you? How do you deal with this?
Same way you are; hoping for a good third party candidate to appear. I don't really know a lot about all the 3062 Democrats running. In 2016 I tried to straighten out all of those Republicans and got nothing but confused for no reason, since they all started falling by the wayside. So this time I will wait until they are down to about five or six (I live in a closed primary state, so there's no sense in me getting informed about all of them).
But I'm still hoping for an alternative better than "What's Aleppo" Johnson.
The question was posed to independents, not hyper-partisan regressives
I am an Independent. You are an idiot that makes shit up.
You are as independent as AOC
Do I spend my time telling you what you think? Usually I'm defending Dems because you folks are being so unfair. I just like fair, not necessarily the Dems. But that is never the focus of the discussion because all you want to talk about is ME. That's called trolling.
As most of us (hopefully) know, Independents don't carefully reside in the exact middle of the political spectrum. That's just the shallow characterization used by partisan ideologues in a feeble effort to discredit those who choose to think for themselves. Independents will usually lean one way or the other, but they're just not afraid to hold that side fully accountable for its transgressions.

Okay, that said: With the Democratic Party clearly moving sharply to the Left, and the GOP now almost completely encased within their separate ideological/informational closed circuit, how is an Independent going to vote for the side to which they lean?

As for me, as much as I want to vote against Trump and the modern incarnation of the GOP, voting for Democrats on a national level is becoming less and less likely. So I'm keeping my eyes open for potential third party candidates.

I know we some REAL Independents here. What say you? How do you deal with this?
Well if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.
If you like having to pay less in gasoline costs..
If you like not have regulations suppressing businesses so they can hire more.
If you like being able to order a drink, and dont have to ask for a straw.
If you like not paying a bag tax.
If you like not having to pay extra property taxes for peoples kids why shouldn't be here.

Kind of a no brainer, unless you are moderate too ashamed to call yourself a liberal, and are just spineless, then be confused..

View attachment 271594
I know, that's what your closed circuit tells you.
As a libertarian, I think that Trumplethinskin has the better policies. The Dems want to open the borders to gain more voters, that's severely dishonest.
I can see voting purely on issues. It's a matter of getting past the horror show, I guess.
Who doesn’t vote on issues?

Want America? Vote Trump
Want Venezuela? Vote Democrat.
As most of us (hopefully) know, Independents don't carefully reside in the exact middle of the political spectrum. That's just the shallow characterization used by partisan ideologues in a feeble effort to discredit those who choose to think for themselves. Independents will usually lean one way or the other, but they're just not afraid to hold that side fully accountable for its transgressions.

Okay, that said: With the Democratic Party clearly moving sharply to the Left, and the GOP now almost completely encased within their separate ideological/informational closed circuit, how is an Independent going to vote for the side to which they lean?

As for me, as much as I want to vote against Trump and the modern incarnation of the GOP, voting for Democrats on a national level is becoming less and less likely. So I'm keeping my eyes open for potential third party candidates.

I know we some REAL Independents here. What say you? How do you deal with this?
I say drop out....They're all statists who have no intention of keeping campaign promises...Playing the game of "evil of two lessors" assures that you continue to get evil, and it tells the "less evil"party to keep doing what they're doing, which clearly isn't working.

Meanwhile, the Libertarian Party -the only realistically competitive alternative- continues its slow slouch to statist idiocy, by nominating dopey GOP retreads like Gary Johnson, Bob Barr, and Bill Weld.

Or as Spock said on a Star Trek TNG episode: "Since it is logical to conclude that you will kill us in any event, I choose not to cooperate."
Well, I gotta vote. Even if it's for the Psychopath Party.
As most of us (hopefully) know, Independents don't carefully reside in the exact middle of the political spectrum. That's just the shallow characterization used by partisan ideologues in a feeble effort to discredit those who choose to think for themselves. Independents will usually lean one way or the other, but they're just not afraid to hold that side fully accountable for its transgressions.

Okay, that said: With the Democratic Party clearly moving sharply to the Left, and the GOP now almost completely encased within their separate ideological/informational closed circuit, how is an Independent going to vote for the side to which they lean?

As for me, as much as I want to vote against Trump and the modern incarnation of the GOP, voting for Democrats on a national level is becoming less and less likely. So I'm keeping my eyes open for potential third party candidates.

I know we some REAL Independents here. What say you? How do you deal with this?
in a way I think independents are worse that dems and repubes,,,most times all theyre waiting on is their cut and seldom value the constitution anymore that the dems or repubes,,,
Could not be anymore disappointed with both major party's, Richard Nixon looks great next to this bunch.
there are some people in the Republican party that are doing things that are very damaging to Democracy.

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