How do people survive on minimum wage?

" person employed even at minimum wage, if he is a good employee and an asset to his employer, is more attractive to another employer than is somebody who has been drawing unemployment for two years. "

I'm not talking about collecting unemployment. I'm talking about hustling and finding a higher paying job. Minimum wage means showing up and doing the bare minimum. Thats it. No more. As soon as a higher paying job comes along out you go, no notice, no letter, nothing. I did it 3 times in my life and each time felt this rush of elation. Of course I knew I was going into a higher paying better job each time. But I never have given a notice of quitting in my life. I dont owe that to anyone.

When there is full employment, you've just moved into another small town and there are no jobs in the paper at all, you take what you can get. It is as simple as that. And once you have at least some income, you're in a much better position to move up in the current company or move elsewhere when something comes open. Of course I go for the best offer I can get, and blessed is the qualified person who actually has a choice between good, better, and best. But I am not so naive as to believe everybody is in the right place at the right time to have such a choice.

I also know that those worth more than minimum wage find ways to earn more than minimum wage within a reasonable length of time. He who does the bare minimum for minimum wage is not going to be the first choice for promotion or a raise though.
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---(They don't they just exist after 3 years they become zombies)----

Article> One of my clients recently reported getting a job at a fast-food restaurant. Since she's been unemployed and desperately looking for work for nearly a year, I was thrilled for her. She was very excited that she'll be making $7.50 an hour -– a whole quarter more than minimum wage.

After she left my office, I got out a calculator. I've never worked for minimum wage, so I didn't know exactly how much -- or how little -- money that is.

Assuming 80 hours per pay period, my client will be bringing home around $462 every two weeks. That's with no health insurance or retirement contributions.

If I brought home $924 a month, would I even be able to survive? I decided to find out.

read more How do people survive on minimum wage?- MSN Money

Not many places pay minimum wage.....

Also it depends on what region you live. You can get an apartment in bumblefuck Wisconsin for $300.00 a month, you cant find shit in a decent neighborhood in Chicago for anything less than $1,500-1,800 a month.. Most companies in Chicago pay $10-13 an hour..

Theoretically and by de facto companies pay at least a ground level living wage for their region....

The problem here is illegal aliens - they will work for cash under the table 5-7 bucks an hour, rent a room or a bed in a relatives garage for 75 bucks a month and sock all the money away - then when they feel they have enough money they split back to Mexico and go on vacation for 5 years then do it again.

That brings adequate (or living wage) pay down...
countries with strong labour movements are generally strong countries.

what you see in countries without labour movements is abject poverty, child labour, little or no safety standards etc etc etc. what you see in countries without strong and healthy labour movements are third world countries.

the free market is the problem. it out sources good american jobs for profit.

the free market allowed the british to starve the irish.

Labour Unions are MONEY LAUNDERING MACHINES for politicians. Make NO mistake. :eusa_hand:

horseshite. they donate to political campaigns just like everyone else. hey, maybe we shoulfd pass a law that says only business enterprises and CEOs can give to pokiyicak campaigns,

the thing is too, if unions weren't around, everyone would be at minimum wage. if a union negotiates a $20/hr ccomtract for their workers, private enterprise is going to have come close to keep their employees.

if you think keepin' people down is the answer, then go walk into some poor neighbourhood with your fat wallet late at night and you will see very quickly the effects of low wages.

eliminate the unions and you have no middle class.

Tell us why Obama payed back the Unions with ownership of GM, and the Bond holders and taxpayers got screwed?

FAIL. :eusa_hand:
The question should be is WHY anyone would tolerate Government picking winnders and losers.

WHY is thier a minimumwage? Because it Gives UNIONS room to jack UP thier prices for thier money laundering with politicians.

Certain Statists ARE correct on these boards...'Free Market' Doesn't exist...because we have Politicians making sure it doesn't.

YOU get paid for what you're worth.

countries with strong labour movements are generally strong countries.

what you see in countries without labour movements is abject poverty, child labour, little or no safety standards etc etc etc. what you see in countries without strong and healthy labour movements are third world countries.

the free market is the problem. it out sources good american jobs for profit.

the free market allowed the british to starve the irish.

Cuba has a strong labor movement.
Noomi is correct that the minimum wage in Australia is that high rate and yes, their fast food workers do make that. But Australia is a very large country in land mass with a population of little more than NY State. It enjoys extremely low unemployment because they have tough immigration laws, enforce them diligently, and therefore enjoy full employment at all times. And not all that many folks want to move there, and those who do are expected to be qualified to support themselves and not be 'wards of the state'.

I read somewhere that the average per capita net worth in Australia is something like $350,000 making it one of the highest in the world. It also has very low taxes compared to most developed nations and concentrates welfare benefits on the legitimately poor. And they have an education system that demands that students educate themselves or they are required to attend vocational schools to learn a trade to support themselves. So, with a very low population, strict immigration policies to ensure full employment for its citizens, a population expected and prepared to work and support itself, a welfare system that makes mooching almost impossible, Australia is in a position to dictate a very high minimum wage.

Could that be possible in the United States with our 300+ million people compared to their 21 million? Yes, if we were as diligent in protecting our borders and allowing only immigrants willing and able to support themselves and eliminating our welfare state except for benefits to the truly helpless. Do we have the courage and intelligence to do that? I sure haven't seen it recently. And the debate would still be whether a free market instead of a controlled economy will be the most productive and provide the most opportunity for upward mobility.

Low taxes means higher wages.
Imagine that!
Again, "folks can not survive on the minimum wage with a family of 4" is a BS argument.
If you are on the minimum wage YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS HAVING CHILDREN.

Hey dickhead ever wonder if they lost their good job and minimum wage job was all they could find? Cause let me tell you something you judgmental asshat I have a family of 4 and was damn happy to find a minimum wage job when I lost my prior job. Are you telling me I cant keep my kids cause I lost jmy job and had to take a lower paying one??????
Again, "folks can not survive on the minimum wage with a family of 4" is a BS argument.
If you are on the minimum wage YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS HAVING CHILDREN.

People can't survive on their own on mw wage anymore.....What? are they suppose to not exist?

BTW, at the rapid rates jobs are leaving this country and guest workers are brought in, a lot of people who had good jobs are now back on mw wage, what are they suppose to do with the kids they had when they could support them?

They are supposed TO TRAIN THEMSELVES for what the market demands.
Plenty of job openings in HVAC, plumbing, auto repair, IT, nursing and many other jobs.
"rapid rates jobs are leaving this country" is a liberal MYTH.
Jobs do not leave countries. Jobs are created through supply, demand and COMPETITITON.
If citizens decide a product is better made and cheaper to buy from an overseas company the job did not leave, THE CONSUMER chose.
Capitalism at it's finest.
If people become non competitive because of their LACK OF SKILLS it usually is because they are too lazy to go out and learn something else.
America used not to be this way.
Hey Dumbass Is getting training for a diffrent job free now??????? You need to step the hell back and regroup cause you dont know what the fuck your talking about.
" person employed even at minimum wage, if he is a good employee and an asset to his employer, is more attractive to another employer than is somebody who has been drawing unemployment for two years. "

I'm not talking about collecting unemployment. I'm talking about hustling and finding a higher paying job. Minimum wage means showing up and doing the bare minimum. Thats it. No more. As soon as a higher paying job comes along out you go, no notice, no letter, nothing. I did it 3 times in my life and each time felt this rush of elation. Of course I knew I was going into a higher paying better job each time. But I never have given a notice of quitting in my life. I dont owe that to anyone.

When there is full employment, you've just moved into another small town and there are no jobs in the paper at all, you take what you can get. It is as simple as that. And once you have at least some income, you're in a much better position to move up in the current company or move elsewhere when something comes open. Of course I go for the best offer I can get, and blessed is the qualified person who actually has a choice between good, better, and best. But I am not so naive as to believe everybody is in the right place at the right time to have such a choice.

I also know that those worth more than minimum wage find ways to earn more than minimum wage within a reasonable length of time. He who does the bare minimum for minimum wage is not going to be the first choice for promotion or a raise though.

First of all minimum wage is worth a third less than it was when you made it...secondly, there are hundreds of thousands than can't even find mw jobs. My son graduated with honors from DeVry last November. He still can't find a job, not even a mw job. Granted he has high functioning autism but surely even he should be able to find a job in this country?

Meanwhile, my friend in her 50's has given up even looking after two years of being unemployed.

Oh, and 3rd of all? There are many jobs out there where the better you do, the more they want to keep you where you are at. I know, I was told to my face once that I couldn't get a better job in the DOD place I worked because no one could do my job as well as I did. When they came from Washington DC to assess jobs they found out my equal at Boeing (I was working for the DOD at Boeing at the time) was on a much higher pay scale. They wanted to raise my grade but my boss called them into the office and told them that if they raised the paygrade on my job to what it should be, I, strangely enough, would not qualify for it. They could have changed it to a trainee position but off course, that was when Reagan was in office and they didn't want to add another position as they were already told to reduce by 2 GS 11s. Instead, they got rid of two GS 5s and a GS 4, giving me and others like me even more work.

Heck, I worked for the AFPRO for 5 years and only got a Quality Step increase when they changed the regs and said that if your performance was outstanding you MUST be put in for an award instead of you should be put in for an award.
I don't see how living on minimum wage is possible if you have rent, food, transportation but I see it as usually a supplement to other income at least in southern california where everything is so expensive. Like for instance the husband has a better paying job and the wife works at walmart part time for extras. The waitress jobs to have tips so hopefully customers tip well.

Or you dont live in California or New York or Michigan or any other liberal ran state

Your medications are not working so well. See the doctor about a reevaluation.


Your support for Communist Wall-Mart shows your lack of understanding of freedom and the right to work and provide for a family.
Again, "folks can not survive on the minimum wage with a family of 4" is a BS argument.
If you are on the minimum wage YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS HAVING CHILDREN.

People can't survive on their own on mw wage anymore.....What? are they suppose to not exist?

BTW, at the rapid rates jobs are leaving this country and guest workers are brought in, a lot of people who had good jobs are now back on mw wage, what are they suppose to do with the kids they had when they could support them?

Stop with the straw man crap.
No, they are not supposed to bring children into the world before they are financially prepared to properly raise the children. That is , to provide for their every need ahead of their own wants and needs.
In other words, if one works at an entry level or low skill job,
they should put off having children.
As for your second point....Yer kidding right?
It is YOUR side which is in support of every proposal to allow illegals to remain here AND allow even more of them into the US...So, it is YOUR fault that the labor rates affected by illegal immigration are falling.
You do not have the right to complain about a condition YOU are helping to create.
And finally, go get some facts on those people who used to have "good jobs" and are now working min wage jobs....Have fun.
Or you dont live in California or New York or Michigan or any other liberal ran state

Your medications are not working so well. See the doctor about a reevaluation.


Your support for Communist Wall-Mart shows your lack of understanding of freedom and the right to work and provide for a family.

Communist Wal Mart?.....Holy shit....
Jack...forget it. You have received your marching orders from Obama and the Marxists. LOst cause.
Again, "folks can not survive on the minimum wage with a family of 4" is a BS argument.
If you are on the minimum wage YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS HAVING CHILDREN.

Hey dickhead ever wonder if they lost their good job and minimum wage job was all they could find? Cause let me tell you something you judgmental asshat I have a family of 4 and was damn happy to find a minimum wage job when I lost my prior job. Are you telling me I cant keep my kids cause I lost jmy job and had to take a lower paying one??????

Uh then it's temporary like unemployment and you get a job similar to your skills and make more money. Min wage is the MINIMUM you can make, hence it's BELOW AVERAGE and is for people to LEARN HOW TO WORK, mostly TEENAGERS or can be used as a second job. IF you are relying on a min wage job, you have more problems than that.
Only a lazy bum would even try to make a minimum wage job a career choice. I have no sympathy for idiots who feel that society should pay more for goods, by rewarding them with higher wages because they have no ambition to do any better for themselves.
Only a lazy bum would even try to make a minimum wage job a career choice. I have no sympathy for idiots who feel that society should pay more for goods, by rewarding them with higher wages because they have no ambition to do any better for themselves.

Republicans want the middle class to fear the poor, so they won't notice the rich walking away with all the money.
“The Republicans believe in the minimum wage — the more the minimum, the better.” - Harry Truman
Only a lazy bum would even try to make a minimum wage job a career choice. I have no sympathy for idiots who feel that society should pay more for goods, by rewarding them with higher wages because they have no ambition to do any better for themselves.

Republicans want the middle class to fear the poor, so they won't notice the rich walking away with all the money.

What do Republicans have to do with my disdain for subsidizing unambitious people who want to make a minimum wage job a career choice?
“The Republicans believe in the minimum wage — the more the minimum, the better.” - Harry Truman

Harry Truman? This Democratic Party is not the party of Truman. Truman fought communist tyranny, Obama was raise by communists, and embraces tyranny, if he has his way we'll all live under it. Big government tyranny, it’s Obama's goal
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Only a lazy bum would even try to make a minimum wage job a career choice. I have no sympathy for idiots who feel that society should pay more for goods, by rewarding them with higher wages because they have no ambition to do any better for themselves.

Republicans want the middle class to fear the poor, so they won't notice the rich walking away with all the money.

So Chris, what's your solution? When does the minimum wage= a good's a hint...NEVER it's the minimum.....when is a minium crdit score good? NEVER, when is a minimum anything good?

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