How do people survive on minimum wage?

There's plenty of wealth to go around if it is divided in a fairly reasonably way.

There's enough wealth for the wealthy to continue to be very wealthy, and still enough for the workers to have a decent quality of life.

There is enough wealth, folks.

There just isn't the political will to spread it around.
I agree completely.

I believe there is a big hole in the Constitution, left there by the Framers' inability to anticipate the kind of phenomenal wealth this Nation's resources would be able to generate via the Industrial Revolution they were unable to conceive of. If they could have foreseen the affluence that would arise within the democracy they'd created I am sure they would have added amendments to prevent the kind of greedy exploitation and excess we are seeing today.
There's plenty of wealth to go around if it is divided in a fairly reasonably way.

There's enough wealth for the wealthy to continue to be very wealthy, and still enough for the workers to have a decent quality of life.

There is enough wealth, folks.

There just isn't the political will to spread it around.
I agree completely.

I believe there is a big hole in the Constitution, left there by the Framers' inability to anticipate the kind of phenomenal wealth this Nation's resources would be able to generate via the Industrial Revolution they were unable to conceive of. If they could have foreseen the affluence that would arise within the democracy they'd created I am sure they would have added amendments to prevent the kind of greedy exploitation and excess we are seeing today.

That isn't a "hole," nitwit. The Founding Fathers supported the institution of private property to their last corpuscle. Contrary to your delusions, if they were alive today, they would be appalled to learn of the depredations the federal government has made into the wealth of private citizens. The Constitution was designed to protect private property, not give scum like you a license to steal.
countries with strong labour movements are generally strong countries.

what you see in countries without labour movements is abject poverty, child labour, little or no safety standards etc etc etc. what you see in countries without strong and healthy labour movements are third world countries.

the free market is the problem. it out sources good american jobs for profit.

the free market allowed the british to starve the irish.

Labour Unions are MONEY LAUNDERING MACHINES for politicians. Make NO mistake. :eusa_hand:

horseshite. they donate to political campaigns just like everyone else. hey, maybe we shoulfd pass a law that says only business enterprises and CEOs can give to pokiyicak campaigns,

the thing is too, if unions weren't around, everyone would be at minimum wage. if a union negotiates a $20/hr ccomtract for their workers, private enterprise is going to have come close to keep their employees.

if you think keepin' people down is the answer, then go walk into some poor neighbourhood with your fat wallet late at night and you will see very quickly the effects of low wages.

eliminate the unions and you have no middle class.
Union membership in US is about 8%. Translated to "unions have no clout here".
That's the way we want it.
Unions would be viable if the leadership has adjusted their business model.
Union leaders have gone from worker advocate to business focused.
I believe there is a big hole in the Constitution, left there by the Framers' inability to anticipate the kind of phenomenal wealth this Nation's resources would be able to generate via the Industrial Revolution they were unable to conceive of. If they could have foreseen the affluence that would arise within the democracy they'd created I am sure they would have added amendments to prevent the kind of greedy exploitation and excess we are seeing today.

I agree. The constitution was step in the right direction, but it needs to be updated. The founders initiated bold steps to limit centralization of power with notable success. Splitting the collusion between religion and government has afforded us an unprecedented level of freedom and egalitarian government.

But just as we fought to keep the power of the church and state apart, we now need to separate bankers and corporation from the public trough.
Again, "folks can not survive on the minimum wage with a family of 4" is a BS argument.
If you are on the minimum wage YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS HAVING CHILDREN.

People can't survive on their own on mw wage anymore.....What? are they suppose to not exist?

BTW, at the rapid rates jobs are leaving this country and guest workers are brought in, a lot of people who had good jobs are now back on mw wage, what are they suppose to do with the kids they had when they could support them?

Stop with the straw man crap.
No, they are not supposed to bring children into the world before they are financially prepared to properly raise the children. That is , to provide for their every need ahead of their own wants and needs.
In other words, if one works at an entry level or low skill job,
they should put off having children.
As for your second point....Yer kidding right?
It is YOUR side which is in support of every proposal to allow illegals to remain here AND allow even more of them into the US...So, it is YOUR fault that the labor rates affected by illegal immigration are falling.
You do not have the right to complain about a condition YOU are helping to create.
And finally, go get some facts on those people who used to have "good jobs" and are now working min wage jobs....Have fun.

Not my know I can think for myself and both sides are crap. The dems and the reps have sold this country out and been supported all the way by people like you.
I believe there is a big hole in the Constitution, left there by the Framers' inability to anticipate the kind of phenomenal wealth this Nation's resources would be able to generate via the Industrial Revolution they were unable to conceive of. If they could have foreseen the affluence that would arise within the democracy they'd created I am sure they would have added amendments to prevent the kind of greedy exploitation and excess we are seeing today.

I agree. The constitution was step in the right direction, but it needs to be updated. The founders initiated bold steps to limit centralization of power with notable success. Splitting the collusion between religion and government has afforded us an unprecedented level of freedom and egalitarian government.

But just as we fought to keep the power of the church and state apart, we now need to separate bankers and corporation from the public trough.

What MikeK is referring to is the "hole" that doesn't allow the government to loot the wealth over anyone who makes more than he does.
This is what you get when you have a society where the price is everything.
Like I have said 1000 times...we live in a country where the nations largest company is a retail giant whose company motto is "lowest possible price".

and what the fuck is wrong with's the same meaning being the low cost producer.
does that siink in your head...low cost producer is more competitive than to support public sector work paid for by the private sector success.
They don't, they can't, I've been saying that for years, more than 75% of those working for minimum wage are adults and minimum wage currently has the lowest spending power in history. In the richest country in the world, the poorest worker should make a living wage.

What is a 'living wage'? Given that if a business increases what it pays its workers, it generally has to increase the price to its customers... therefore the cost of living goes up, which means the 'living wage' is no longer a 'living wage' which means it needs to be increased... which leads to increased prices to customers, which leads to an increase in the cost of living, which leads to an increase in the 'living wage', which leads to.... I think you get where I'm going with this. There is no simple answer... and people really should recognize that and stop expecting simple answers.

Your hypothesis doesn't work because it is unproven.

In your own mind those things lead to those other things, but when has it ever happened in the real world?

40 years ago, my mother worked as a bank teller, my dad was driving a Wonder Bread truck.

After 5 years of that, they paid cash up front for their first home, a three-bedroom bungalow.

These same two people with those two jobs now could never, ever make that happen today.

However, the bank is making a couple hundred times more a year than it did then.

Regular folks used to be able to cash and carry their big purchases if they saved well on the living wages they made.

They can't today.

Minimum wage simply hasn't kept up with inflation while living wages over the last 30 years are stagnant.

But Mitt Romney will change all that. See, he's rich, so by default he'll make us all rich, as long as we give everything to him.
Again, "folks can not survive on the minimum wage with a family of 4" is a BS argument.
If you are on the minimum wage YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS HAVING CHILDREN.

People can't survive on their own on mw wage anymore.....What? are they suppose to not exist?

BTW, at the rapid rates jobs are leaving this country and guest workers are brought in, a lot of people who had good jobs are now back on mw wage, what are they suppose to do with the kids they had when they could support them?

Stop with the straw man crap.
No, they are not supposed to bring children into the world before they are financially prepared to properly raise the children. That is , to provide for their every need ahead of their own wants and needs.
In other words, if one works at an entry level or low skill job,
they should put off having children.
As for your second point....Yer kidding right?
It is YOUR side which is in support of every proposal to allow illegals to remain here AND allow even more of them into the US...So, it is YOUR fault that the labor rates affected by illegal immigration are falling.
You do not have the right to complain about a condition YOU are helping to create.
And finally, go get some facts on those people who used to have "good jobs" and are now working min wage jobs....Have fun.

So thereisnospoon when did the fascists vote god out and put you in charge?
Hey, this lack of jobs paying a living wage is working out well.

Just read in my local newspaper that a study just completed shows that almost 30% of the kids in a 5 county area are living at or below the poverty line. Those numbers are up almost 5% since 2010.

The Rethug idea of "trickle down" economics is working out real well.

Actually, the rethugs should have callled it the "tinkle on" theory. As in; piss on the rest of you, I got mine.
Hey, this lack of jobs paying a living wage is working out well.

Just read in my local newspaper that a study just completed shows that almost 30% of the kids in a 5 county area are living at or below the poverty line. Those numbers are up almost 5% since 2010.

The Rethug idea of "trickle down" economics is working out real well.

Actually, the rethugs should have callled it the "tinkle on" theory. As in; piss on the rest of you, I got mine.

Yeah I think teens living in their parent’s basement defiantly need $20 an hour it's only fair right idiot?
Hey, this lack of jobs paying a living wage is working out well.

Just read in my local newspaper that a study just completed shows that almost 30% of the kids in a 5 county area are living at or below the poverty line. Those numbers are up almost 5% since 2010.

The Rethug idea of "trickle down" economics is working out real well.

Actually, the rethugs should have callled it the "tinkle on" theory. As in; piss on the rest of you, I got mine.

Yeah I think teens living in their parent’s basement defiantly need $20 an hour it's only fair right idiot?

More than 70% of those on mw are ADULTS, not teens.
Again, "folks can not survive on the minimum wage with a family of 4" is a BS argument.
If you are on the minimum wage YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS HAVING CHILDREN.

Hey dickhead ever wonder if they lost their good job and minimum wage job was all they could find? Cause let me tell you something you judgmental asshat I have a family of 4 and was damn happy to find a minimum wage job when I lost my prior job. Are you telling me I cant keep my kids cause I lost jmy job and had to take a lower paying one??????

Uh then it's temporary like unemployment and you get a job similar to your skills and make more money. Min wage is the MINIMUM you can make, hence it's BELOW AVERAGE and is for people to LEARN HOW TO WORK, mostly TEENAGERS or can be used as a second job. IF you are relying on a min wage job, you have more problems than that.
No doubt I will ether move up in my company or get a better job as son as I can but the obvious asshatery of his post just pissed me off....Very few actually know what it means to one step from the street and think most of us are just lazy or stupid and while there are PLENTY like that most of us hard working low paid folk are not like that. Not everyone is going to be white collar.
I believe there is a big hole in the Constitution, left there by the Framers' inability to anticipate the kind of phenomenal wealth this Nation's resources would be able to generate via the Industrial Revolution they were unable to conceive of. If they could have foreseen the affluence that would arise within the democracy they'd created I am sure they would have added amendments to prevent the kind of greedy exploitation and excess we are seeing today.

I agree. The constitution was step in the right direction, but it needs to be updated. The founders initiated bold steps to limit centralization of power with notable success. Splitting the collusion between religion and government has afforded us an unprecedented level of freedom and egalitarian government.

But just as we fought to keep the power of the church and state apart, we now need to separate bankers and corporation from the public trough.

The U.S. government needs to do five things which might or might not require one or more Constitutional amendments:

1. End the Fed.

2. Make it illegal for the federal government to use the people's money for any form of benefit or benevolence that does not benefit everybody regardless of socioeconomic status or political leanings.

3. Rigidly enforce existing RICO and anti trust laws.

4. Cease and desist from any micromanaging of the economy except as a one time temporary emergency measure. For instance, if U.S. commerce needs sugar in a worldwide sugar shortage and cannot obtain it, the government could step in to negotiate so many tons of sugar to be sold to the U.S. This should not become a permanent condition, however, and should not be replace with federal sugar subsidies.

5. Remove all unnecessary rules, restrictions, and regulations that mostly benefit big corporations and put small business at a disadvantage.

Do that and nobody who is worth more than minimum wage will ever be forced to work for minimum wage.
I believe there is a big hole in the Constitution, left there by the Framers' inability to anticipate the kind of phenomenal wealth this Nation's resources would be able to generate

Well, Obama's solving that problem for us, isn't he?
You people forget, or never even knew, the market sets the wages. How long did this country prosper bevore the minimum wage?
Mandatory minimum wage drags down wages at the lower end. Get rid of the minimum wage and those wages for those jobs FOR FULL TIME EMPLOYEES will go up.
You people forget, or never even knew, the market sets the wages. How long did this country prosper bevore the minimum wage?
Mandatory minimum wage drags down wages at the lower end. Get rid of the minimum wage and those wages for those jobs FOR FULL TIME EMPLOYEES will go up.

Yeah, right...ever hear of the guilded age? MW wasn't around then, then the collapse, then we're having another collapse...looks like mw doesn't have as big effect as you think.

BTW, most mw jobs are part time. In fact at our local Sears store there are NO full time positions, even the manager works only 36 hours per week. And every so many months they completely revamp the store because they are losing revenue. It doesn't occur to them to bring back the pay and profit sharing Sears employees had which brought about Sears booming business. It's not a coincidence that as they lowered pay and reduced hours, they lost customers.
You people forget, or never even knew, the market sets the wages. How long did this country prosper bevore the minimum wage?
Mandatory minimum wage drags down wages at the lower end. Get rid of the minimum wage and those wages for those jobs FOR FULL TIME EMPLOYEES will go up.

Yeah, right...ever hear of the guilded age? MW wasn't around then, then the collapse, then we're having another collapse...looks like mw doesn't have as big effect as you think.

BTW, most mw jobs are part time. In fact at our local Sears store there are NO full time positions, even the manager works only 36 hours per week. And every so many months they completely revamp the store because they are losing revenue. It doesn't occur to them to bring back the pay and profit sharing Sears employees had which brought about Sears booming business. It's not a coincidence that as they lowered pay and reduced hours, they lost customers.

Let me get this straight? Sears is struggling, and you think that if they pay employee's (who have the Right to work elsewhere btw) more cash, and benefits that somehow those added costs will make Sears more profitable? Really? You really believe this? And the fact that those added costs that WILL be passed onto consumers will somehow make Sears gain more business? I have two words for you... Gain reality.
You people forget, or never even knew, the market sets the wages. How long did this country prosper bevore the minimum wage?
Mandatory minimum wage drags down wages at the lower end. Get rid of the minimum wage and those wages for those jobs FOR FULL TIME EMPLOYEES will go up.

Yeah, right...ever hear of the guilded age? MW wasn't around then, then the collapse, then we're having another collapse...looks like mw doesn't have as big effect as you think.

BTW, most mw jobs are part time. In fact at our local Sears store there are NO full time positions, even the manager works only 36 hours per week. And every so many months they completely revamp the store because they are losing revenue. It doesn't occur to them to bring back the pay and profit sharing Sears employees had which brought about Sears booming business. It's not a coincidence that as they lowered pay and reduced hours, they lost customers.

Let me get this straight? Sears is struggling, and you think that if they pay employee's (who have the Right to work elsewhere btw) more cash, and benefits that somehow those added costs will make Sears more profitable? Really? You really believe this? And the fact that those added costs that WILL be passed onto consumers will somehow make Sears gain more business? I have two words for you... Gain reality.

Yeah, you get better employees, you get more customers and more loyal customers...

Remodeling the store may bring them in for the short time, but it's good customer service that keeps them in the end.

Why do you think when Ford raised him employees wage and had the first mw in history that his profits increased??
People can't survive on their own on mw wage anymore.....What? are they suppose to not exist?

BTW, at the rapid rates jobs are leaving this country and guest workers are brought in, a lot of people who had good jobs are now back on mw wage, what are they suppose to do with the kids they had when they could support them?

Stop with the straw man crap.
No, they are not supposed to bring children into the world before they are financially prepared to properly raise the children. That is , to provide for their every need ahead of their own wants and needs.
In other words, if one works at an entry level or low skill job,
they should put off having children.
As for your second point....Yer kidding right?
It is YOUR side which is in support of every proposal to allow illegals to remain here AND allow even more of them into the US...So, it is YOUR fault that the labor rates affected by illegal immigration are falling.
You do not have the right to complain about a condition YOU are helping to create.
And finally, go get some facts on those people who used to have "good jobs" and are now working min wage jobs....Have fun.

Not my know I can think for myself and both sides are crap. The dems and the reps have sold this country out and been supported all the way by people like you.

Yep....YOUR SIDE....The liberals, progressives, socialists and Marxists.
All of you who hold the view that government should be the central power that controls all wealth, business and commerce. And of course when wealth is controlled, the people have no freedom.

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